Effects of Sub-Chronic Exposure To SO2 On Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Rats

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Arch Toxicol (1996) 70:164-173 9 Springer-Verlag 1996

M . R . L o v a t i 9 C. M a n z o n i 9 M . D a l d o s s i
S. Spolti 9 C.R. Sirtori

Effects of sub-chronic exposure to SO2 on lipid

and carbohydrate metabolism in rats

Received: 7 February 1995/Accepted: 13 July 1995

A b s t r a c t Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a ubiquitous air pollu- exposure can markedly modify major lipid and glycemic
tant, present in low concentrations in the urban air, and indices, also indicating a differential response in
in higher concentrations in the working environment. normo/hyperlipidemic versus diabetic animals.
While toxicological reports on SO2 have extensively
dealt with the pulmonary system, essentially no data Key words Sulfur dioxide" Apolipoproteins"
are available on the effects of chronic exposure to this Hyperlipidemia 9Atherosclerosis 9Diabetes
pollutant on intermediary metabolism, although some
biochemical changes in lipid metabolism have been
detected. The present investigation was aimed at evalu- Introduction
ating the effects of sub-chronic exposure to SO2 on
concentrations of serum lipids/lipoproteins and on glu- A wide variety of compounds are being increasingly
cose metabolism, in animal models of hypercholes- spread in the environment as a consequence of techno-
terolemia and diabetes. A specially designed control- logical advances. While the problem of ingestion of
inert atmosphere chamber was used, where male toxic materials in food and water has received wide
Sprague-Dawley rats fed on either standard or choles- attention, the insidious nature of man's exposure via
terol enriched (HC) diets, as well as streptozotocin the respiratory tract is less clearly understood, parti-
diabetics, were exposed to SO2 at 5 and 10 ppm, 24 h cularly as related to the possible impact on metabolic
per day for 14 days. In rats, both on a standard diet and diseases linked to atherosclerosis (Wolinsky et al. 1985).
on a HC regimen, SO2 exposure determined a signifi- Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a ubiquitous air pollutant,
cant close-dependent increase in plasma triglycerides, present in low concentrations in the urban air, and in
up to + 363% in the 10 ppm HC exposed animals. This higher concentrations in the working environment.
same gas concentration significantly reduced H D L SO2 pollution is produced by combustion and process-
cholesterol levels. In contrast, exposure of diabetic ani- ing of sulfur-containing fossil fuels (Amdur 1969); expo-
mals to 10ppm SO2 resulted in a fall ( - 4 1 % ) of sure to SO2 is prevalent in many occupational settings,
plasma and liver triglycerides and in a concomitant e.g. paper pulp factories, smelters, steel works, and
increase ( + 6 2 % ) of plasma H D L cholesterol. This chemical industries. Exposure to SO2 in indoor and
discrepancy could apparently be related to diverging outdoor ambient air and in the workplace can lead
effects of SO2 exposure on plasma insulin levels in both to direct bronchoconstriction and also to an in-
the different animal groups. Kinetic analyses of trig- creased likelihood of bronchoconstrictor responses to
lyceride synthesis carried out in rats on a standard allergens (Sheppard 1988), thus acting as a major envir-
diet revealed, in exposed animals, a significant reduc- onmental toxin for asthmatics (Riedel et al. 1988). Re-
tion in the secretory rate, in spite of the concomitant cent data suggest that in subjects with mild atopic
hypertriglyceridemia. These findings suggest that SO2 asthma, exposure to a combination of SO2 and NO2, in
concentrations that could be encountered in heavy
traffic, or NO2, at concentrations encountered in the
home environment, enhances the airway response to
inhaled allergen (Devalia et al. 1994; Tunnicliffe et al.
M.R. Lovati (1~)- C. Manzoni- M. Daldossi
S. Spolti. C.R. Sirtori 1994). In addition to gaseous SO2 pollution, other
Institute of Pharmacological Sciences, Via Balzaretti 9, sulphur compounds such as sulfite anions are ubiqui-
20133 Milano, Italy tously present in foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.

Even though most toxicological reports on SOz have The effects of air pollutants on lipid/lipoprotein
dealt with the pulmonary system, extra-pulmonary metabolism may be more relevant and/or prominent in
effects have also been described. Increased values of subjects with preexisting alterations, for example
methemoglobin and sulphemoglobin have been re- hyperlipidemic or diabetic patients. Therefore, also
corded in people living in a polluted town compared to in view of the limited information on the relationship
those of a control group (Medeiros et al. 1983). Higher between SO2 pollution and plasma lipoproteins,
hematocrit and sulfhemoglobin values were also detec- experiments were carried out in animal models of
ted in rats, following acute exposure to 0.87 ppm SOz, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, as well as in
when compared to the control groups (Baskurt 1988). normal animals. The aim of the study was to evaluate
The presence of sulfhemoglobin, following SO2 expo- whether sub-chronic SO2 exposure might affect
sure, may be considered as an indicator of oxidative serum lipid/lipoprotein profiles and glucose metabol-
damage in erythrocytes, a process that accompanies the ism. All experiments were carried out in a specially
formation of hydrogen peroxide and oxygen radicals. designed controlled-atmosphere chamber where
Because of their high chemical reactivity, these oxygen animals were allocated, 24 h a day, for all experimental
species may induce lipid peroxidation, for instance in periods.
erythrocyte membranes (Snyder et al. 1985). These
effects on blood cells, following SOz exposure, may
also be reflected in variations of the oxidative status of Materials and methods
lipids in other tissues and organs. Changes in lipid
peroxidation of various tissues have been described by Materials
Haider et al. (1985) in guinea pigs, after chronic
SO2 exposure. Recently, an increased production of Materials were purchased from the following sources: total and
O~ and H202 have been recorded in human neu- HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose kits from Boehringer Mann-
heim (Germany); free fatty acids (FFA) kit from Wako Chemicals,
trophils following in vitro SO2 exposure (Beck-Speier Neuss (Germany); ampholytes from Pharmacia-LKB, Bromma
et al. 1994). (Sweden); insulin radioimmunoassay kit from Sorin, Saluggia (Italy);
Lipid components of plasma lipoproteins, especially streptozotocin, Triton WR 1339 from Sigma-Aldrich (Milano, Italy);
in the low density lipoproteins (LDL), are susceptible, Superspher Si 60, solid phase cartridge Supelclean L-C18 from
in particular conditions, to oxidation (Esterbauer Supelco, Bellafonte (Pa., USA); synthetic standards of LTB4 and
LTC4 from Cascade Biochem (Reading, UK). SO 2 in air was from
1990). Oxidatively altered LDL are considered more SIAD, Bergamo (Italy). Organic solvents, analytical grade, were
atherogenic than native particles, possibly due to the purchased from Merck (Bracco, Italy); all other chemicals and re-
cytotoxic properties of the oxidized products (Bruck- agents used were of the highest quality available.
dorfer 1990). The effects of oxidizing air pollution,
promoted by nitrogen oxides and ozone on plasma and
tissue lipid levels and lipid peroxidation, have been Animals and treatments
extensively reported (Donovan et al. 1977; Sagai et al.
1981). The question therefore can be posed whether Male, Sprague-Dawley CD rats, 250-275 g, (Charles River, Calco,
Italy) were acclimated in our animal facility and were fed, during the
exposure of animals to SOz, which because of its chem- first week, a pelleted chemical nonpurified diet (standard diet, Pic-
ical nature have been held responsible for "reducing cioni, Gessate, Italy). Animals were then divided into groups on
type pollution" (Committee on Sulfur Oxides 1978; the basis of plasma cholesterol concentrations, so that the distribu-
Schimmel 1978), can affect lipid/lipoprotein metabol- tion among groups was similar. One group of animals was then
ism in vivo. Since lipoprotein levels and their physical transferred to a commercial hypercholesterolemic (HC) purified
diet containing 1.0% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid (Nath et al.
status are influenced by xenobiotic chemicals (Maliwal 1959) for 2 weeks, whereas the other group continued the standard
and Guthrie 1982), the contribution of urban air pollu- diet. Animals had free access to water and to the diets (standard
tion might therefore be listed among the cardiac risk or HC).
factors (Kannel et al. 1971). Epidemiological studies Streptozotocin diabetes was induced in 50 male, Sprague-Dawley
CD rats (250-275 g) by intravenous injection of 42 mg/kg strep-
point, indeed, to an increased risk of atherogenesis and
tozotocin. This dose was selected from our previous experiments, in
cancer linked to chronic exposure to air pollutants which we established that this dose gave reproducible insulin defi-
(Hackney 1976; Rosenman 1979; Xu et al. 1994). Vari- ciency, without significant ketosis. Streptozotocin (STZ) was dis-
ous reports have suggested an atherogenic potential, solved in citrate buffer, pH 4.5 (Reaven and Greenfield 1981) and
e.g. of CO exposure, secondary to its capacity to form then immediately injected into a tail vein after overnight fast under
light ethex anesthesia. Control rats were simultaneously injected
complexes with hemoproteins (Ayres et al. 1979), lead- with citrate buffer alone. The rats received sugar as a 5% solution in
ing to hypoxia and enhanced cholesterol deposition on drinking water for the following 24 h, in order to prevent STZ
the intimal surface of arteries (Topping 1977). These hypoglycemia (Bar-On et al. 1976). Plasma glucose levels
data, however, have been recently partially rejected, were monitored in overnight fasted rats 8 days after STZ injec-
based on the re-examination of animal and epi- tion, and animals with plasma glucose levels <250 mg/dl were
demiological findings, concluding that the evidence The Institutional Guidelines for the care and use of laboratory
linking CO exposure to atherogenesis is only partially animals were followed, and experiments were supervised by the
tenable (Smith and Steichen 1993). Laboratory Animal Welfare Service at our Institute.

Exposure system lavages were performed in three rats (for both control and exposed
The gas generation and controlling system was composed of the
following modules: Monitor Labs 8850 analyser for sulfur dioxide,
Rancon Instruments, Milano, Italy); MPS 2000, a portable data
Triglyceride production studies
system, with a central acquisition and processing module (UCS) and
a static RAM Memory Module (Micros Systems, Treviso, Italy); PC
M10 (Olivetti, Milano, Italy). Monitor Labs 8850 calibration was Triglyceride secretion rate was measured in rats on a standard diet,
obtained by a permeation tube (Wafer Device-ML Technology, not belonging to the above experimental groups, after 15 days of
VICI Metronics, Santa Clara, Calif., USA) at rate of 840 ng/ exposure either to filtered air or to filtered air + 10 ppm SO 2. Chow
min + 5% at 50~ The emission wavelength for SO z detection was removed 16 h before the measurement, but free access to drink-
was 254 nm. ing water allowed until the end of the experiment. Triglyceride (TG)
Sub-chronic experiments were carried out in a specially designed production rate was determined as described by Schurr et al. (1971).
controlled atmosphere chamber (4m 3) with controlled lighting Triton WR-1339 was injected via a foot vein into 18 rats (nine
(12 h/day), constant temperature (18-20~ and relative humidity exposed and nine controls) under light ether anesthesia at a dosage
(55-60%), where animals were allocated in wire grid stainless- of 300 mg/kg, blocking plasma TG removal completely and produ-
steel/plastic cages suspended in racks at a density of no greater than cing a linear increase of T G (Yoshino et al. 1992). Serial blood
three rats/cage, except for the diabetic animals, which were distrib- samples from the caudal vein were obtained prior to Triton injec-
uted individually. The flow rate through the chamber was tion, at 40-, 80-, and 120-min intervals thereafter, and immediately
3,200 l/min. Atmospheres of SO z at nominal concentrations of 5 and placed at 4~ T G concentrations were determined by an enzyme
10ppm were generated by metering sulfur dioxide in air (97% method (Bucolo and David 1973). TG secretion rate was calculated
purity) into a stream of filtered, conditioned air. SO 2 sensors, present by the formula (Simonelli and Eaton 1978):
in the exposure chamber, permitted continuous monitoring of gas
and controlled the administration of UCS, when concentrations TGSR(mg/min) = TG slope (mg/dl/min) • PV(dl),
went above or below the selected values. The central acquisition and
processing module obtained data from the exposure chamber ac- where TGSR = triglyceride secretion rate; TG slope = rate of
cording to the instructions of the operator and then processed, change of plasma triglyceride concentration by regression analysis
displayed and stored them. Chamber concentrations (ppm) of SO: using a least squares determination of the linear resolution of the
during a 15-day exposure period were 5.11 + 0.25 and 9.92 + 0.49 data (Y = mx + b); PV = plasma volume I-expressed by the for.
(mean + SD of daily measurements) for the groups at 5 ppm SO 2 mula: 0.03 • weight (g) + 6.21].
and at 10 ppm SO 2, respectively.

Plasma lipid and apolipoprotein determinations

Experimental protocol
All blood samples were centrifuged at 4~ and sera stored at
-20~ until assayed. Cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose and free
A total of 81 rats were used in the experimental protocol and divided
fatty acid (FFA) concentrations in plasma were determined enzym-
into three groups. Within each group, three subgroups were formed,
atically using commercially available kits.
of nine animals each, exposed to conditioned filtered air or condi-
Pools of plasmas from three rats in the same experimental group
tioned filtered air plus SO 2 at different concentrations, as stated
were used for total lipoprotein (d <__1.21 g/ml) separation, per-
formed in a TL-100 Tabletop ultracentrifuge (Beckman, Pa., USA)
at 10~ Total lipoproteins were delipidated with ethanol-die-
1. Rats fed on a standard diet exposed to filtered air; rats on thylether (Scanu and Edelstein 1971) and the protein content was
standard diet exposed to filtered air plus 5 ppm SO2; rats on measured (Lowry et al. 1951). One-dimensional minislab sodium
standard diet exposed to filtered air plus 10 ppm SO2; dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was
2. Rats fed on HC diet exposed to filtered air; HC plus 5 ppm SO2; carried out on 10% acrylamide gels (Weber and Osborn 1969). After
HC plus 10ppm SO2; staining of the gels in Coomassie Brilliant Blue-methanol-acetic acid
3. STZ diabetic rats (D) exposed to filtered air; D exposed to filtered solution, apoprotein bands were identified on the basis of their
air plus 5 ppm SO2; D exposed to filtered air plus 10 ppm SO 2. molecular weights, by comparison with the mobility of a mixture of
standard proteins. One-dimensional minislab isoelectric focusing
Appropriate controls for rats given standard or HC diets, or (IEF), pH 4-6, was performed in homogeneous polyacrylamide gels
belonging to the D group exposed to filtered air, were allocated in containing ampholines (Bar-On et al. 1976). Apoproteins were quan-
a control chamber, close to the exposure chamber, with identical titated by densitometry of the stained gels using a computerized
flow of conditioned filtered air, temperature, humidity and day/light Cellomatic 2A densitometer (CGA, Firenze, Italy).
cycles. All experiments, carried out in control and SO 2 exposed
animals, lasted 15 days and the animals were exposed either to
conditioned filtered air + SO z or to conditioned filtered air alone
24 h per day (including weekends). Animals both in the exposure or Plasma immunoreactive insulin levels
control chambers were cleaned only every second day in order to
minimize changes in gas concentrations, occurring during opening Plasma insulin levels were determined in rats on standard and HC
of the chamber (these usually return to normal within 30 min from diets, as well as in STZ-diabetic animals, exposed and non-exposed
the end of the cleaning). Food and water consumptions were re- to SO 2, by radioimmunoassay (Wilson and Miles 1977).
corded daily during all experimental periods. Body weight measure-
ments were recorded weekly. Control animals were handled sim-
ilarly to rats exposed to SO 2.
At the end of the exposures (filtered air and filtered air + SO2) Liver lipid analyses
animals, fasted overnight, were anesthetized with diethyl ether
and blood samples, drawn from the abdominal aorta, were col- Separation of free and esterified cholesterol in livers of exposed
lected in the presence of E D T A (1 mg/ml). Bronchoalveolar and control rats was carried out by thin-layer chromatography

(hexane: diethylether : acetic acid, 70: 30: 1, vot/vol/vol), following In sub-chronic experiments, exposed animals did not
tissue lipid extraction (Folch et al. 1957). The cholesterol content of show signs of toxicity to both SOz concentrations.
the spots was determined according to Zlatkis et al. (1953).

Effect of SOz exposure in rats fed a standard diet

Bronehoalveolar lavage
As shown in Table 1, the body weight gain, recorded at
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed essentially as de-
scribed by Dethloff et al. (1987). After killing, tracheas were can-
the end of the experimental period, was reduced in rats
nulated with flexible plastic tubes attached to a 10-ml syringe barrel. fed a standard diet and exposed to SO2, compared to
Ice-cold 0.9% NaC1 was added to the syringe barrel, and lungs filled respective controls. In these animals an increasing feed
to capacity. The lavage was repeated twice with fresh saline. Lavage consumption, reaching statistical significance, follow-
effluents were centrifuged at 580 9 for 10 min at 4~ in a refrigerated ing 10 ppm SO2 exposure, was detected. Concentra-
centrifuge to sediment the ceils. Supernatants were stored frozen at
-20~ until biochemical analyses were performed. Free cells ob- tions of plasma lipids, measured following 15 days of
tained by centrifugation of the BAL effluent were resuspended in an SO2 (5 and 10 ppm) exposure, are presented in Table 2.
appropriate volume of phosphate-buffered saline. Total cell count In rats on a standard diet, increasing SO2 concentra-
was determined after dilution with a Unopette microcollection sys- tions produced statistically significant 46% and 73%
tem (Becton-Dickinson) using an "improved" Neiibauer counting
increases of plasma triglycerides, respectively, in 5 and
chamber and phase contrast microscopy. A total of 1 x 1 0 6 cells/ml
were challenged with 2 mM Ca z + ionophore A 23187 and processed 10 ppm SO2 exposed rats. Neither total nor H D L cho-
in order to determine, after stimulation, leukotriene production. lesterol levels were influenced by SO2 exposure.
Frozen supernatants ( - 8 0 ~ were added with 10ng PGB 2 as The effect of SO2 exposure on apolipoprotein com-
internal standard for high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). position (d < 1.21 g/ml) was investigated in the differ-
Proteins were precipitated in cold ethanol followed by centrifu-
gation in a refrigerated centrifuge. Supernatants were extracted
ent experimental groups (Table 3). Rats on a standard
using a solid phase cartridge. Ninety percent aqueous methanol diet showed a dose-dependent decrease of apo C pro-
eluates were taken to dryness using a Speedvac evaporating cen- teins, following SO2 exposure. No changes in the rela-
trifuge (Savant Instruments, Farmingdale, N.Y.), reconstituted tive abundance of the apo C isoforms in exposed (5 and
in the HPLC solvent A (methanol/acetonitrile/water/acetic acid, 10ppm SO2) animals were detected by one-dimen-
10: 10: 80:0.02, pH 5.5 with ammonium hydroxide) and analyzed
using a gradient pump-system (Beckman model 126) connected to sional IEF gel electrophoresis, as shown by the apo
a diode array detector (Beckman model 126). UV absorbanee was CII/CIII ratio (Table 3). Plasma immunoreactive insu-
monitored at 235 nm and 280 nm, and full UV spectra (210-340 nm) lin levels, determined in rats on a standard diet, showed
were acquired at a rate of 0.5 Hz. A multilinear gradient from solvent a statistically significant dose-dependent reduction of
A to solvent B (50% methanol, 50% acetonitrile) was used. A Super- 46 and 64%, respectively, after 5 and 10 ppm SOz
spher Si60 15 x 0.2 cm, 4 mm particle size column (Bracco, Milano,
Italy) was used at a flow rate of 0.25 ml/min, in order to increase exposure (Fig. 1). No differences in liver weights were
sensitivity. This method allows easy separation of LTB 4 from both detected in rats on standard diet after SO2 exposure
5S, 12S-dihydroxy eicosatetraenoic acid (5S, 12S-diHETE) and D6 compared to values recorded in controls (Table 4).
trans LTB 4 epimers, with a lower detection limit for positive identi- Liver lipid analyses revealed a marked dose-related
fication through UV spectral analysis of chromatographic peaks, of increase of the TG content in rats on a standard diet,
3 picomol LTB 4. Synthetic standards were used for standard curves
and determining daily retention times of arachidonic acid metab- reaching statistical significance after 10 ppm SO/expo-
olites. sure (Table 4). A 2-fold increase in esterified cholesterol
content was detected in livers of 10 ppm SOz exposed
rats on a standard diet, eliciting a marked drop in the
Statistical analyses free/esterified cholesterol ratio.
Bronchoalveolar lavage was carried out in all experi-
Statistical analysis of the differences was determined with Duncan's mental groups and the humoral and cell contents were
multiple range test (Bliss 1967). Values in the text are means + S E M . examined in exposed and control rats. Total cell counts
did not vary in exposed (5 and 10ppm SO2) and
control animals on a standard diet (Table 5). LTB4 and
Results L T C 4 quantitative analyses, performed by HPLC, were
not influenced by SO2 exposure (5 and 10 ppm) as
The exposure chamber (24 h/day) has provided excel- shown in Table 5.
lent reliability during all experimental periods. The
well-being of the exposed animals was directly recorded
through a port-hole placed in the door of the exposure Effect of SO2 exposure in rats fed HC diet
chamber. A pilot study was carried out in rats fed on
a standard diet exposed to 10 ppm SO2 for 48 h, in As shown in Table 1, the body weight gain, recorded at
order to assess the possibility to carry out experiments the end of the experimental period, was reduced in HC
for longer periods of time without overt signs of toxic- rats exposed to SO2, compared to respective controls.
ity. At the end of the exposure the animals showed In these animals an increasing feed consumption,
good health; no alterations in behaviour were observed. reaching statistical significance, following 10 ppm SO2

Table 1 Effect of S O / e x p o s u r e
on rat b o d y weight a n d feed Body weight b F o o d intake b
consumption a
Exposure Exposure
Group Pre Post A Pre Post A
(ppm S O / )

Standard diet
0 257 4- 3 366 + 9 109 4- 7 24.7 _4- 0.8 25.9 4- 0.9 1.23 4- 0.15
5 262 _+ 3 378 4- 8 116 ___9 26.3 + 0.3 28.6 4- 0.1 2.31 +__0.81
I0 287 4- 2 346 _ 4 59 ___3 c 26.1 ___0.9 28.5 4- 0.7 2.39 __+0.32 c
H C diet
0 237 4- 2 336 _ 5 89 + 6 22.6 4- 0.7 23.9 4- 0.5 1.29 + 0.75
5 243 -t- 2 323 +__7 80 4- 7 23.1 4- 0.3 24.6 4- 0.7 1.46 _+ 0.33
10 291 4- 3 353 __ 4 62 4- 6 Ca 22.9 4- 0.7 25.2 + 0.9 2.32 + 0.46 cd
0 274 4- 3 294 +_ 6 20 -4-_3 33.5 _+ 0.4 32.2 _+ 0.4 1.30 + 0.51
5 265 _+ 6 241 4- 5 c - 24 _+ 2 c 32.8 4- 0.7 33.5 + 0.6 0.72 + 0.37
10 270 4- 4 219 __ 9 cd - 51 __ 8 ca 34.3 ___0.5 37.5 -t- 1.I 3.20 _+ 0.68 ~

a See M e t h o d s for exposure regimen, dietary treatment and diabetes induction

b All data, expressed as g/rat for b o d y weight and as g/day per rat for feed consumption, are
,X + S E M of 9 animals per group
r Significantly different from controls (0 p p m SOz), p < 0.001
d Significantly different from 5 p p m SOz exposed rats, p <_ 0.01

exposure, was also detected. Concentrations of plasma Table 2 Effect of SO2 exposure on plasma lipids in rats fed standard
lipids, measured following 15 days of SO2 (5 and or H C diets a
10 ppm) exposure, are shown in Table 2. The choles-
Group b Chol HDL-Chol TG
terol-cholic acid diet (HC diet), as expected, while in- (ppm SO2)
ducing a marked increase of total plasma cholesterol,
determined a substantial reduction in the percent cho- Standard diet
lesterol content in the H D L fraction (Table 2). Expo- 0 66+4 41___2 58+2
5 65 4- 3 43 _ 4 67 4- I c
sure to 10 ppm SO2 produced, in HC rats, a marked 10 62 4- 5 40 + 2 100 4- 2 r
reduction, approximately 60%, of H D L cholesterol
HC diet
levels. Exposure to lower gas concentrations did not 0 247 + 41 90 + 7 65 + 8
produce any alteration in total or HDL cholesterol 5 280 + 34 80 + 9 82 4- 7 c
levels. Plasma TG in HC rats at the end of the exposure 10 272 +__24 36 _ 3 c 302 + 29 ca
period showed instead 26% and 363% rises, respective-
a See Table 1
ly, in the 5 ppm and 10 ppm SO2 exposed animals. b All data (expressed as mg/dl) are X +_ S E M of 9 rats per group
The effect of SOE exposure on apolipoprotein com- c Significantly different from controls (0 p p m SOz), p < 0.001
position (d < 1.21 g/ml) was investigated in HC rats a Significantly different from 5 p p m SO2 exposed rats, p < 0.05
following SO2 exposure (Table 3). Changes in apo
E protein, expressed as the percentage content, were
detected in HC rats (+38 and + 5 0 % , respectively,
after 5 and 10 ppm SO2 exposure). A lower content of mals, reaching statistical significance after 10 ppm SO2
C apoproteins was instead detected in 10ppm SO2 exposure (Table 4). Total cell counts and leukotriene
exposed HC animals. Analysis of the different apo analyses carried out on effluents of BAL did not vary in
C isoforms, carried out by IEF gel electrophoresis, did exposed (5 and 10 ppm SO2) versus control animals
not show changes in apo CII/CIII ratios in exposed (5 (Table 5).
and 10 ppm SO2) animals compared to their respective
controls (Table 3). Plasma immunoreactive insulin
levels, determined in rats on the HC diet, showed a Effect of the exposure to SOz of standard and HC diets
statistically significant dose-dependent reductions
( - 2 1 and - 3 3 % , respectively, after 5 and 10ppm In order to assess whether the exposure of the diets
SO2 exposure) Fig. 1. (standard and HC) to SO2 could alter them, thus being
Statistically significant increases in liver weight were responsible for the changes in the examined plasma
detected in 10 ppm SO2 exposed HC rats, as shown parameters, an experiment was performed where con-
in Table 4. Liver lipid analyses revealed a marked trol rats, not belonging to the main experiment, were
dose-related increase in the TG content in these ani- given standard and HC diets pre-exposed for 3 days to

Table 3 Effect of 502 exposure

on total plasma apolipoprotein Group b AIV E AI AII Cs CII/CIIV
composition a (ppm SO2) % composi-

0 10.2 4- 1.4 24.5 _ 2.1 45.2 4- 2.3 6.2 4- 0.8 14.8 + 0.6 0.32 +__0.07
5 11.7 __+0.7 24.1 _ 2.3 48.1 + 1.7 5.8 4- 0.7 9.3 4- 1.5 a 0.30 4- 0.08
10 12.2 + 1.3 25.6 _ 1.8 46.7 __+ 1.9 6.4 + 1.6 8.4 4- 1.2 a 0.34 + 0.09
0 10.7 4- 0.6 20.7 4- 2.3 51.1 + 2.6 1.94 __+0.1 15.0 4- 0.8 0.29 ___0.06
5 7.2 ___0.8 28.6 +__0.7 a 50.6 + 2.6 1.8 4- 0.9 12.6 4- 1.1 0.31 4- 0.10
10 7.8 4- 0.9 31.1 _ 0.8 d= 50.4 + 3.1 1.7 4- 0.7 9.5 _ 0.7 a 0.30 4- 0.09
0 14.3 4- 0.6 7.3 _ 0.8 59.2 ___ 1.1 1.1 _ 0.7 18.8 _ 1.3 0.25 4- 0.03
5 12.8 -4- 1.2 7.3 + 0.9 60.3 4- 2.8 0.9 -4- 0.3 19,3 __+2.1 0.24 4- 0.07
10 14.1 _ 1.9 6.9 + 1.2 60.8 ___2.5 0.8 + 0.2 18.1 ___ 1.7 0.26 + 0.09

a Percentage distribution of total (d < 1.21 g/ml) a p o l i p o p r o t e i n p a t t e r n following S D S - P A G E

b All data are X + S E M of 3 pools of 3 animals each
CII/CIII isoform ratio determined following one-dimensional I E F
d Significantly different from controls (0 p p m SO2), p < 0.001
Significantly different from rats exposed to 5 p p m SO2, p _< 0.01

40 Although body weight losses are a typical feature

HC diet of animals with STZ-induced diabetes (Yoshino et al.
1989), SOz exposed diabetic rats are characterized
_A 30 by a dose-dependent body weight reduction. In these
animals a positive trend in feed consumption versus
diabetic controls was observed, which reached statist-
N 2o Std. diet ical significance in 10 ppm SO: exposed rats (Table 1).

~ Diabete4 Concentrations of plasma lipids, measured following
15 days of 5 and 10 ppm SOa exposure, are reported
in Table 7. STZ-diabetic rats exposed to 10 ppm
SOz, were characterized by reduced plasma TG
concentrations compared to non-exposed diabetics and
5 10 to diabetics exposed to 5 p p m SOz (Table 7). A
ppm SO 2
30% reduction of plasma FFA versus appropriate con-
trois was also detected in 10 ppm SOa exposed diabetic
Fig. 1 Plasma insulin levels o f rats fed s t a n d a r d and high choles- rats. No difference in the reported plasma parameters,
terol(HC) diets and of streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic animals, non- was observed in 5 ppm SOa exposed diabetics versus
exposed and exposed to 5 and 1 0 p p m SO~. Asterisks indicate
diabetic controls. The effect of SO2 exposure on apol-
significant differences from the non-exposed control values
(p < 0.001). Verticallines represent S E M of the m e a n s ipoprotein composition (d < 1.21 g/ml) was investi-
gated in the different experimental groups. Increased
amounts of total apo AIV, AI and C proteins and
10 ppm SOz. The test diets (standard and HC), given to a decreased content of apo E, typical of altered carbo-
control animals, were replaced twice during each week, hydrate metabolism in rats (Bar-On et al. 1976), were
in order to ensure a continued supply of SOa exposed detected in STZ-diabetics (Table 3). This abnormal
feed. Total and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels apolipoprotein pattern in diabetic rats was not modi-
were evaluated at the end of this pilot experiment, fied by SO2 exposure. No changes in the relative
which lasted 2 weeks. No variations in the evaluated abundance of the apo C isoforms, as shown by the
parameters (Table 6) of non exposed diets (Table 2) apoCII/CIII ratio, in exposed (5 and 10 ppm SO2)
were detected, thus suggesting that the exposure of the animals were detected by one-dimension IEF gel
diets to SO2 was not responsible for the described electrophoresis (Table 3). Plasma immunoreactive
plasma and tissue effects of exposed rats. insulin (IRI) levels were finally determined in STZ-
diabetics after SO2 exposure. In these animals, SO2
exposure, while markedly decreasing plasma TG con-
Effect of SO2 exposure in STZ-diabetic rats centrations, did not significantly affect plasma IRI
levels Fig. 1.
As shown in Table i, dose-dependent decreases in body Diabetic rats showed a marked liver weight reduc-
weights were observed in diabetic rats exposed to SO2. tion, respectively - 2 1 and 27%, following 5 and

Table 4 Effect of SO: exposure on rat liver weights and liver lipids a

Group u Liver weight TG FC EC FC/EC

(ppm SOz) g mg/g mg/g mg/g

Standard diet
0 12.22 • 0.86 4.58 4- 0.78 2.06 + 0.16 0.42 • 0.06 5.56 _ 0.90
5 13.52 -I- 1.32 6.87 ___ 1.32 1.76 4- 0.19 0.45 _ 0.08 4.95 4- 0.86
10 11.28 • 0.82 12.44 4- 0.55 r 2.41 • 0.37 0.83 _ 0.03 ~ 2.94 _ 0.24~
HC diet
0 15.43 + 0.86 33.83 • 3.46 2.66 _ 0.12 22.94 _ 1.5 0.12 4- 0.01
5 16.01 • 0.85 37.08 4- 3.75 3.81 4- 0.23 29.75 -t- 1.9 0.11 4- 0.01
10 18.47 • 0.55 ca 65.12 • 3.66 ~ 2.33 4- 0.i6 23.71 • 1.3 0.10 4- 0.01
0 12.14 • 0.50 30.72 _ 0.50 1.76 • 0,ll 0.31 _ 0.09 5.67 __+0.12
5 9.53 4- 0.39 ~ 8.83 • 0.39 ~ 1.78 4- 0.05 0.15 +_ 0.07 ~ 11.86 + 1.t4 ~
10 8.83 4- 0.50 ~ 4.21 +_ 0.50 *a 1.84 4- 0.19 0.20 _+ 0.0Y 9.20 4- 1.17~

"See Tablel
b All data are X + SEM of 9 animals per group. Free cholesterol (FC), ester• cholesterol (EC)
Significantly different from controls (0 ppm SOz), p < 0.001
d Significantly different from rats exposed to 5 ppm SO2, p _< 0.01

Table 5 Effect of SO2 exposure on leukotriene LTB4 and LTC4 Table 7 Effect of SO2 exposure on plasma lipid and glucose meta-
production in cells recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage" bolism markers in streptozotocin-diabetic rats a

Group Cell number b LTB4 LTC4 ppm SO2

(ppm SO2) • l06 rig/106 cells 0 5 10

Standard diet Chol b 86 _ 10 78 _ 8 75 + 6

0 1.1 + 0.5 78.2 • 6.8 26.3 • 5.1 HDL-Chol 47 _+ 2 51 _+ 5 53 + 1
5 1.6 _ 0.2 73.1 • 2.4 25.9 4- 7.3 TG 187 _ 6 195 4- 11 86 -I- 7 ~
10 1.4 _ 0.6 77.8 • 5.6 28,8 _ 9.2 Glucose 345 • 14 398 _+ 19 325 _+ 10
HC diet FFA 1.774 _+ 0.43 1.857 4- 0.7 1.268 _ 0.3~
0 1.2 • 0.4 70.2 • 3.2 25.6 ___4.1
5 1.4 _ 0.6 75.2 + 6.4 27.2 _ 6.3 "See Table 1
10 1.5 + 0.3 70.8 • 4.2 26.4 4- 4.1 bAll data are i~ _ SEM of 9 rats per group and are expressed as
mg/dl for cholesterol (Chol), HDL-Chol, triglycerides (TG) and
Diabetes glucose, and as gEq/ml for free fatty acids (FFA)
0 1.5 • 0.3 72.6 • 3.4 27.8 ___6.3 r Significantly different from controls and 5 ppm SOz exposed rats,
5 1.4 + 0.4 68.9 ___7.l 24.9 ___8.1 p _< 0.005
10 1.6 • 0.8 77.9 • 9.2 26.1 + 4.6

See Methods for bronchoalveolar lavage and leukotriene deter-

mination 10 ppm SO2 (Table 4); a marked dose-dependent de-
ball data, expressed as x 106 for cell number and as ng/106 cells crease in liver triglyceride content was detected in ex-
for leukotriene determination, are ,X • SEM of 3 animals per
posed STZ-diabetic animals. Statistically significant,
but not dose-dependent, reductions of the liver ester•
fled cholesterol content were finally detected in 5
and 10 ppm SO2 exposed diabetics. Bronchoalveolar
lavage was examined in STZ-diabetic exposed and con-
Table 6 Effect of the exposure to SO2 of standard and HC diets on trol rats. Total cell counts did not vary in exposed (5
plasma lipids in control rats a
and 10 ppm SO2) and control animals (Table 5). LTB4
Group b Chol HDL-Chol TG and LTC4 quantitative analyses, performed by HPLC,
(ppm SO:) were not influenced by SO2 exposure (5 and 10 ppm).
LBT4 and LTC4 concentrations (rig/10 6 cells) did not,
SOz exposed
in fact, differ from those recorded in control animals
standard diet
59+6 38+4 57__+4 (Table 5).
SO: exposed
HC diet
236 • 27 87 __ 9 63 + 7 Triglyceride production studies
a Control rats fed standard or HC diets pre-exposed for 3 days to
10 ppm SO2. The question was next addressed, as to whether the
bAll data (expressed as mg/dl) are X _+ SEM of 9 rats per group increased plasma and liver TG content were related to

of apoC isoforms, i.e. comlSrehensive of the lipase

Controls~,m activator apo CII (Kinnunen et al. 1977) and of
6~176 the antagonist apo CIII (Wang et al. 1985), after
IEF gel electrophoresis, did not differ in exposed and
control animals. This rules out the hypothesis that
variations in the apo CII content (Carlson and Ballan-
tyne 1976), may be involved in the rise of plasma
1 TG levels.
~k J . ~ ' * -- TGSR (met~rain)
. . . . . . .

150-/, , , . j ~ Cont.." 0.81 + 0.021 Since lipoprotein lipase is actively regulated by hor-
monal factors (Garfinkel et al. 1976), among them insu-
g , lin, our attention was directed to the effects of SO2
exposure on plasma insulin levels. These were mark-
0 40 80 120
edly decreased in exposed rats, independent of dietary
Fig. 2 Plasma trigIyceride time curves after injection of Triton WR
1339 in rats fed a standard diet, non-exposed and exposed to 10 ppm treatment, in a more pronounced way following
SO2. Values in the bottom of the figure represent the triglyceride 10 ppm SO2. The reduced plasma insulin levels could
secretion rates expressed as mg/min. Asterisks indicate significant determine a decrease in lipoprotein lipase activity re-
differences from the non-exposed control values (p < 0.00l) sulting, in exposed animals, in a progressive rise of
plasma TG concentrations. Moreover, since insulin
putatively raises the uptake of apo B/E containing
a specific alteration of lipoprotein metabolism. The in lipoproteins by the LDL receptor pathway (Chute et al.
vivo synthesis of TG-rich lipoproteins was evaluated by 1985), decreased insulinemia in SO2 exposed animals
the Triton WR-1339 test, in rats on a standard diet on both dietary regimens might be responsible for the
after 2 weeks on 10 ppm SO2 exposure. Triton adminis- increased levels of TG-rieh lipoproteins. The increase of
tration to rats produced a linear rise of plasma TG liver TG content in exposed rats could result from an
concentrations, up to a maximum of 720 _+ 15 mg/dl in impaired secretion (demonstrated by the Triton test)
controls versus 560_ 12 mg/dl in SO2 exposed ani- possibly consequent to a decreased total plasma apo-
mals, 120 rain post-injection. In control rats the TG protein production in exposed animals, fed either stan-
production averaged 0.814mg/min (slope r = 0.95, dard or HC diets.
p < 0.001) (Fig. 2). In contrast, 10 ppm SO2 exposed The data obtained in the present experiment are
rats, while showing higher basal plasma TG concentra- difficult to explain because no obvious correlation
tions compared to controls, were characterized by seems to be present between SO2 inhalation and cha-
a 24% reduction in the TG secretory rate (Fig. 2). nges in lipid metabolism. Moreover, since in these
experiments both the diets and the animals are exposed
to SO2, the question of whether gas exposure itself or
alterations in lipid/protein components of the diets,
could be responsible of the observed changes was next
addressed. A pilot experiment was therefore performed
The results of the present study point out to a systemic in control animals, which were not a part of the main
effect, of SO2 exposure, on lipid metabolism in rats fed study, with diets (standard or HC) for three days ex-
diets with different lipid content as well as in STZ- posed to 5 and 10 ppm SO2. No variations in the
diabetics. These effects are observed at SO2 concentra- biochemical parameters were detected in rats fed these
tions not inducing perceptible alterations of lung func- diets for 2 weeks, thus suggesting that the described
tion, as assessed by analysis of cellular and humoral results are fully ascribable to gas exposure of the ani-
content in the effluent of BAL. SO2 exposure appears mals.
to affect mainly TG metabolism, with a statistically The following hypothesis might be proposed for in-
significant, dose-dependent rise of plasma and liver TG terpretation of these data. Inhaled sulfur dioxide can be
contents both in rats on standard and HC diets. easily hydrated to yield sulfurous acid on the surface of
Since increased TG levels may reflect alterations in the respiratory tract, which subsequent dissociates to
the synthesis and/or catabolism of TG-rich lipoprotein form sulfite/bisulfite (SO~-/HSO3) and hydrogen
particles, TG production rate was studied in rats fed ions (H +) (Gunnison 1981). These other species of
a standard diet at the end of 15 days of 10 ppm SO2 SOz metabolism could reach the circulation during
exposure. Results of the Triton WR-1339 test are con- the breathing, thus influencing the metabolic state
sistent with a reduced liver TG secretion in exposed of perfused tissues. Even though numerous feeding
rats versus standard diet controls, suggesting that SO2 studies with sulfite in different mammalian species
exposure might act by interfering with peripheral TG (Gunnison 1981) have failed to demonstrate clear-
catabolism (Nilsson-Ehle et al. 1980). Plasma apolipo- cut sulfite toxicity, due to the efficiencyof sulfite detoxi-
protein analyses revealed in exposed rats, a consider- fication (oxidation to sulfate, catalyzed by sulfite
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