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\ ALLA NERDY HSTITUTE at ae OF TECHNOLOGY a SCIENCE <_Experiment No: SPPM ober Date: oO Pago No. Sof hvoge Profeck Managament Renatsvonce !- Corventinal SoPhvaye Moanapeman: — Comrealienal fis 0, the past, Osqongations Used Gnvenkonal SPhacge Management: This management ulsliged custom tools, Process and Wrotually Gaston Cormponents built-in “ppetenihve leaguages / Cason tol? asiouale a bel wth on Heo ina project #49 that tool tchenevep the fle & sosled —DLis a psockically outdated techntane on technology ~ Gooventtonal .--Sokwoge economies provicles a benchenoge of Reserve PS convenWonal -SoPhooge mmenagenenl pefnciples ~ Me ‘best thirg aboul Sho ts Me Flexibility t Dt con be Prgprocmed to do alrost any hing ~ Re worst thing about Se ies also Plercbi aby : Me “almost cay chogactenstia hax fade ck aPRult bo plon, monitors, ond conbrol sleo evelopment. Thisee tmp analyses OP Abe slate oP the Sho engitieering tacluslad Ie 'SoPhisoge development t shi hghly unpsedldel ctable sony about to of Sho pryeck ofe celiveged Success Rally within cost ond Heme estimated: a. Monogement — ahiceipline & move ckiscrtmmratoe fy Succea.& Ruluge Thon age technology advonces. 3. Te level of Slo Stsop ond Béoork & Adscalive ofan imenahuge process. ~ AN thoes onnlyter seached the Some Conclusion * Re Succes way! By sho & Cow tohen the £5 phase te Bntshed then only thee at frase cott! soak i \ t TRE pacdestall Model? Clineas- Sequential life cycle Model) ~ Mast Sho “fegeneesey ext poesents the cantetfal dot the “Corenbowl® Sho process dw TEIBORY ay Int PRACTICAL DIN THEORY SE pauides an theishlhl and concise meeedy Sumeady of ceaventonal sho monogement: @ Thee main prmaty points oge- Dd Tee ase > exenkal Steps Common by the development oP Compuleg Programs that ose onalysis and coding. re these 2 Sept ove enough foe Puhte clevetoprent of shia psogsoms Wodexfal Model paxb-t : =} Analy sts and Coding both fwolve creakve voosk thak clisectly Evelves conbibukes [ode fo the usefulne of the ord product: alysis 2) Drorder to monoge and conbrol ott of the tobeheclual’ Preedon atocaled with Slo development, Several other “overhead” Sleps axe thbroduced: that theludtng Syston teguivements dePathion SoPhooge veqrsenent clelatlton zprysom cesiga ond being yi — These Slept one attouate the oneligcte and Coding Steps ~ These Heps sesulke peyect file ond clevelops a large- Stale Progrscrra « XN ¢ : MALLA REDDY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY &, SCIENCE Experiment No: Es , Exp Dale: ® Page No [ Reysacersant| fae Syélern eqursernent cleRidtfon © ee > BY Shho Beqpdrernent definition. 3 ae a oe phase te ak the end ofthe developmet ele oP conler eedel-fatl_ model, es, pe veatugd a I model, 7p eau be visby and toviles = Gh Ais model wequisom ant axe Reajed we Coalt change cthes and once onalysts Skegk we Con’t go back ogein & af — Re tesking phate Comes ot end shage t Coding Stage oe hove olveady clesgoed " — Ablex testing, we may Pound Some ermbates, bul tts “uPhestt to Rnd tahere the miilake & happened move Hoe to SoWe ith + So many pagects fat means upho end emplenbnted — Ob ieonsume ote de layed. — soe need to do modiMed oc % substantial destga ch aan seckhy ‘too to sleve thir thee ote Re Necetady improveserts Re waterfall model. edhey. veapssements must be onge fs woaganted. Tr Rite Necessary fnporernenle foe vootedfes! model $2 lL Sheen design “i a Oo cing desigo phase bla ¢ e a ‘on onblysi . \ sha Cs aments ger ; # blysis ose [ome] thie te rp the oe leciqng onmuses that a 7 Sho ust ook Ril because shoroge, Hentag and lake, Plax. (Paymdleny tT OV - As analyse proceeds th the succeeding prose, dhe prgsen \ design ust Pinpate 09 the onalysh stooge . Heng onel Ee] operational Coneteotnks en such eo woy thet he Senta she fraurhicienk OF operetione| esrgon Congeyrences ~ BD Abe applying ves 8° & ‘wrong , it com be Fem ized ak easly Hage ond detga con be @ coding ond Lesk Commences - ssedone before Rael deatgr LX Douument the design * lok mast Sho payend Need _of cloaunentakior: ) Coch desiqner cauit Communic rata, the jegert qutlorners > During eosly Pp vat later, BP S8q enadieatins documentoKon i used nlenence team o sepesele matt being developed for *he Plime , Really delivered be the © & Actually od Megsion. ase OF arreatest isk inlet gh clouumentabion és seyitrede. on ale worth forte Patio Aoeumentalton designers, mens fs Ahe design > Me by Sepatole test team, 3. Bo tk twPcer 2 & computer & oxrronge attest , So That Ane verHo’ austere, RX eperalinal deplopment G- Plan, control and month teskige Tru & the ph of cork and Schedule» ‘The prewiou 3 dmprorenents Sete aimed ak a and Se\vtng prblm behte. bat phowe «I this desk phase, employ a teen of deat Spectalist ad emdoy vicuel énspeakfon bo soot Dd beat every lagfe path 4) employ Ral checkout oF baaget ee any S. _Dyplure the customer:- Srvolve the custome tr a forme way So thal he Fos comtntHed hence? ab eagles points bebe final det inal debivery ALLA REDDY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY @ SCIENCE S| Experiment No Date Page No. (Reve Se 8 petals Fallovomg reqrisementt deRnthicn vohexe the fosight, Sudgmnent encl commitment othe Custone. — Rese Prelude a, “prelfeninesy SPhoate seuteo"” Following dep, a Seqiete of “cabal the pocliminasy poqm desego * ePhonge design Berttot during Prt desizo or a nol SID aceeplante wenierole tales Pall. Model: IN. PRACTICE ral budget ond = Pagects aot deltvered on-Hene, nok vaithro Ani SoSely pmek uses seqpteements: if had S majet poublems: = prgects Frequently mal el ie peslvacted faleqralion and late design Q lode vise sesoluboo 3+ Reqpstzemente- Adeven Pevelvonal devorposition Advessoncal dake holder wolakfonships S fous 0 cloowments and. -werteww meelings. — “ye protracted fabegmlien ord Vale dastgo Breabage: st Roqptsonnb —> Dest sete > Dleyretion > N a Developmen Rep » ostyied sletion wo whe Pirgect Schedule Symptons of conventional vonteyfaly Pacers = late enya beeotage — Hol eff on tlegrolion lest: =} Pesta end code Ce VERY \ote, Jo : to tonplermentalfon » enberPace (mu , Heavy budget ead G tH ts almost abou delivered ustth toalerfasl eH the lack of tome due Schedule presse * d-Lote -visk resolution; A sexour faue Carly xfer esoliilion: cn cost, Schedule, Feline & — Risk is defined a2 probability of mnteting qpoltty geal | Peautrernents | _ ‘Dengan C2899 | Ootepselten 1 Teskny Bh ‘ : , © ) foussel PSE cocholled ask wert | fark | menagenwt a? 7 tered ‘ a” f = ie, eee Risk tlaborehin ! ten { oul rae feted { / { Oo 3 Reyicennk Driven furckonal Decomposition: ee ee i PAbl-E HD aan en be HAR _ fa £; _) BED be bs eee? ee ; sl sito secs Begpirensls componenk nants, MALLA REDDY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE Experiment No. Date: Page No. — Te approach depends on gpecelying reytremels completely and unembiquotuly belt other development octuiies begin. — Re sequivemats were Vyptealty Specie! i ae Riadioedl cranes: Re sekhoore (kel? wos decompated thle functions: Sequssements were then allocled by the wesulking compooens i Advessastal Stateholdeg Felalinships:- [. conventonel press leads to sesult th odversoszel Aakehsldeg selaonehip th lasge Because of Yhe difFealke sequsemank Spectftcalfon and exchange of HhfPmalten rreush Pape, dousnels , thet caphyed cneginesing tro & ad hoe Break fous 00 Dotusenks cod Revier Meclinge — Re comentional psvcett Roused on hy Mostous decuments Ahab atlenpld to describe’ the sho product, eotth tnsuPvent Reus OF poodtiog Jorgtble doremenk of the product themtel«t — -Pefock design reNferes sesuiing that opposent esuth be defen Bory Real eault- Conventional, Solwoge Menegement perRienence: * Bocher's “usttal sho melster Top 10" tat" £4 good, objective chogacterigation ok the state of Slo dewlopment 1. Foding aed Pitog Abe a sho poblr aPler delivery costs loo Yores, more thao Radzag ond Fring the poblm fh ently ckego proses Q. You con Compacts Sho dertelop nent Scheduler or of nosh el Boxy MRITS a sare x You <8 3 for extery $25 Spend oI development , gpa tl Sperd $2 00 es matotgraance. Ye 6s develaprienk. ‘and enataberaiice “casks lame proastly, 5 a Lncteh OP the nusrbes of cougee Ures of code. S Vagiaboas among people account for the Pa Sho produclaltly eRe covet enllo of SPhinge by, hesduoote coke x ct qrovetag O jass tH wrt > only about Is7. of Sofhoage — clevelopmen! bo progreceenty ‘tes and Le cogh 4 mer me then a Source bthe & Sha Sy oh eble Csioc) at badntidul Seo Progrort biggest * diPlerences wees, fn aes, 8541S b effalt & clevoled @ a, Walkthroughs: “Catch Go/ Rk the ears Coen tro) 10s SoL- of dhe s contarbullos comes Prom 20% of the Conbi bubit. (BoPhooge Economics ~ Mast sho cost models con be absteocled tht 3 Binalen Q of 5 boste par : Size, procees, personnel, sedngoens tot qpalily. 1 Sez The Sge of’) ‘MALLA REDDY INSTITUTE. OF TECANOLOGY & SCIENCE Experiment Nox SPP } ie Date: i “|. Page No. “Etvoluliog oP Slo “Economm*ce? ) “soPhasage ~Beorarfess 1» Group ck pestle cho Mow onli file baste Pasomelers: Ske, provers; personnel, envisonment ord sequised | quality. ; ; ae [eRe Spe of the end produch rushtch ‘te lypteally qitonlsed iy PL the norot Source Cochuctions seated by develop the sequtoed Punctonalites . . 3. Te pances used be poodluce ent proctuct,, the obiliby oP the Paces by gneid non Nolue —adcbiog aackuttter Crewort, celaugt') 3 Re capabilites of sto engiaceving Pessonoel and potkculod there experience cotth the -compuler strente Esgues ard. the applicalions clornafn Tauer of the psyect \ Ye Me eaNtsorment , volte & mode up & boole ond techatques antatladle bo vbject oented Methods and vlaval modetin 5 Reatone : at [+ An ehet= elentect meet tof ~the problem aml He Solesttod enenerages a common Vecabolas between “the ere users OY a aystem ant Ms slevelopers ,~hue Creating, @ shored onelerertansting op the problem belng, Solved « The vse of cominueve \ctteqratlen creates ©pportonities Ayo vecogqnige iste ay ane meee Incremental earvectons vwtthost testebiliging “the emre slevelepm vt An ob\ect - oflembed archthecture Proves a clear Seperation of | concerns seme cteporoter elements of a System P f “There ore 8 chotoctertettce. obs Svacessyul or projet ve A wethless : ON “fhe ctexdlopeent ef system thet Provides a | oell Urteratood callecHon ep essectal Mintmal ohaacteristtes “he existence of-o cotlote! Ubat ve etereal SR teibtte, encenqges commentaxHen , ant rhs Neb ated: te yal. The <}iechre vse ob ebject— orlentedt Moclett The exietens= qh a strong, adtectoral vision, The application or a lsetl — manage Heverlee and Inovermertatl levelopment t= yale. > Revsabaltt : i oraprlag ters dhat -frenelates Tevsable cemnipch ercts: Itho commertial prolucts has the fottousines chorwstalsiles : — They have commen ezonemle moilvation for cortinvee! support “vee ~ They date otonerehip o| \mproving prodeet qpatity, eh Deeg Wt features 2 Fansite ning We New emailing line « = Tey have ia ae loool customer bese “to be prpisbie | > commeralal cormponerrt oy . ; valk commercial ewslon, Components components DSeomponents “ovailable > eompenents ~to b= bullel fem other, verctors oolthin the!'same origanigedion —S Wes ove open acuice ! Softacar- preterm : e improving Sajtumre presse \e Metaprocess a Miticrspwen = ae Mictopricees |? ' wy Une oF buainess Related. to Reloted +0 Projesct Meratton . sentiet: f- Pree pata» Reson emer ; Risk, ranag ement oe —Riets resolon — Prey ec} bolga} —Mileston— jf rqeny Lea et Forging, Teen SHectivences: — A USell managedl poles: Can Seanendt Lusth a icreinull ®@ Engingettg’ team: — A mnierehkqat poeeh'tuill almost Raver! Soceadt, even skin an agpae steam Sr epfier st ' — A, Usell— axchttected optem con Be bt by © Reminal car OF Sowiere Boltelas - : > — A peony axchiicctact sayrem slit ‘teorte Sten ult on expert Asom ei, Noasi tebe t

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