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lacebal-De Ramos-Bong May 20,021 ATTY. ROBERTO BERMEJO ! Jojemar Bldg., Maysilo Circle, Mandaluyong, Re: COMMENT/REPLY LETTER Dear Atty. Bermejo, letter address to our client Ms. Janelle K. Ante dated May 6, reterrad to us for appropriate comment and /or reply. Anent thereto, in reply to your Demand Letter, the undersigned wou! ess the fact that indeed our client issued that check in favor of your client Mag ntos, for her loan which she needed most at that time on her tour a: business. That the tourism industry in the Philippines along with suffered so much economic lost as the industry collapse d global pandemic, she issued what is stated in her check in favor o} guarantee tor her prompt payment as we know she does not den: lient is so good also to her by allowing her to secure such loan. What caus: Jemma in not paying the same because of her present predicament no funds to settle the same, but rest assured she has no intention to unjustly enriched herself at ¢! expense of vour client, in fact her last payment of the interest in the amount of One Hundred Thousand (Php100,000.00) Pesos was made last December 7, 2020 and a b: history of her issuing the Three Million (Php3,000,000.00) Peso Check which bounded through DAIF is are as follows: 1. That on September 12, 2019 she secured the amount of Two Million (Php2,000,000.00) Pesos loan and on that day what has been deposited in her bank was the amount of One Million Six Hundred Thousand (Php1,600,000.00) as the Four Hundred Thousand (Php400,000.00) Pesos was withheld by Ms. Dency Zaplan, her broker as her commission or royalty in the transaction and Ms, Santos know's it; Scanned with CamScanner 2. That on October 1, 2019 she secured a loan of One Million (Php1,000,000.00) Pesos trom vour client and what was deposited in her account was the amount of Fight Hundred Thousand (Php800,000.00) Pesos as the Two Hundred Thousand (Php200,000.00) was again given to Ms. Deney Zaplan for hee commission and/or royally ved the total hp2,400,000,00) Pesos but in all Simply put, of the Three Million Pesos she nLot Two Million Four Hundred Thousand (P vsty she taithtully complied with the 5% interest of the whole amount and with all fata here because the guarantee check bears > interest monthly however if it would not be too much in asking, for and in behalf of our client ured, she only rec amor hor dlue respect there is: no may Your client consider to waive the payment of interest from today and give our client an ample time within which to settle her loan obligation or forbearance fram yous client and [bey your utmost understanding, and compassion as the unders igned will help her in any means to set down with you and your client to have in order fer thems to win the respect of each other in their business endeavor and the relationship be installed the better Thank you very much and please accept my deep personal steem of you. A 1M. D. LACEBAL With my conformity: 1 ‘ite JANELLE K. ANTE Scanned with CamScanner

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