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Week 3 Week 4

Know The:
Acquirers Oprocurement of the system or product

Assessors Oversee the system’s standards and legal regulation 1- what is the system?
2-mission description ?
Communicators Explain to other stakeholders
3-environment ?
Developers deploy the system 4-two factors of environment that impact development ? Setting , circumstance
5-different between architecture and architecture description?
Maintainers Manage the evolution 6- component ?
Design, deploy, and manage the hardware and
Production Engineers
software environments
Suppliers Build and/or supply the hardware, software.

Support Staff Provide support to users for the product or system

System Administrators Run the system once it has been deployed

Testers Test the system

Users Define the system’s functionality and use it

Know The:
1-concern of each stockholders?
2-view of one or more architecture
3-viewpoint of the view:
4-view consist one or more model
5-different between product owner, project sponsor
Week 5

Archi Mate: UML:

1. External Roles and actors Client , insurance
2. External Business services Customer information
3. Business processes and Rejection , pay
internal actors
1-class diagram : relationships between object
4. External application Premium payment app 2-Component Diagram: logical architecture
services (Derived names ,Insurance app 3-Deployment Diagram:physical diagram(SW)
of services that will ,customer data modify app
interact with external
4-usecase diagram: external environment
systems) Actors
5. Application components Policy management Use case (v+n)
and services (Derived
Sub boundaries :box
names of high level
application components Associations Generalizations (child : parents)
necessary to automate Extend : optional <<Extend>>
Include : must <<Include>>
business processes)
6. Infrastructure – Hardware Claim file service , customer 5-Activity diagram : flow for usecase or system
to be integrated service , mainfram, , Unix sever
Fork join Discission Merge

6-Sequence Diagram: interaction objects in a use case or a system

Week 6,7


Inventory Sets Process Flows Distribution Networks Responsibility Assignments Timing Cycles Motivation Intentions

PLANNER High-level data High-level functions

locations High-level Stakeholders of High- events related to each Strategies/stander of
Contextual function level function function High-level function

responsibilities in each Strategies/stander each

OWNER Business data
Business Locations of each
Of people
Events of each
Conceptual processes/function process/function process/function

DESIGNER Logical data models

Logical representation Logical representation Logical representation
Logical event policies, standards
Logical of functions of location Of responsibilities

BUILDER management system
Specifications of Specification of Specification of people
Specification of event
Physical applications network privileges stander

PROGRAMMER Data definitions Programs coded

Network devices
Access privileges coded
Timing definitions are
technology standards
As Built configured coded

USER Data values stored

Functioning computer Sending and receiving Personnel and key Timing definitions policies, standards
Functional instructions messages stakeholders operating Behind this
Week 9,10
Week 11 HOUR YEAR=HOUR*52 Week 12&13
GET =retrieving resources =view
MIN= H*60 U+L/2 URL url from question/resources/table name
As a List:
JSON example: [{ “ID” : “H00422274”, “name”: ”shahd”},
{ “ID” : “H00378274”, “name”: ”fatima”}]
POST =posting=ADD:
Hours =MIN/60 DAY=H/8 DAY=W*5 POST
{ “ID” : “H00422274”, “name”: ”shahd”}
midpoint JSON example:
Total Annual Minutes = Annual Volume X Minutes Per award Method Delete
(in hour and minute ) Hours =MIN/60
url from question/resources/table name/ ID
URL Example:
FTE: Total Annual hours/Baseline JSON example: { “ID” : “H00344489”}

PUT =updating
Benefits : FTE*Annual Salary *1.3 Method PUT

url from question/resources/table name/ ID

URL Example:
{ “ID” : “H00344489” , “name”:fatima}
JSON example:

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