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Universidad Católica de El Salvador Centro Regional de Ilobasco Licenciatura en Ciencia

Class and section : Intermediate English II “A” Teacher: Paz del Carmen Abarca
Book: Open Mind 3 Unit: 10 Lesson: Beautiful World
Date: May 25th/2023 Practitioner: Fátima de los Angeles Durán Peña.
Objective: By the end of the class, students will be able to write a short conversation in pairs talking about the geographic
features they would like to visit by using the vocabulary learned during the class and some paraphrased sentences from the
readings, with 90% of accuracy.
Time and
Time Schema Activation, Purpose: To introduce the vocabulary indirectly with a funny game.
10 minutes
Materials  The teacher is going to paste eight images related to geographical features (a gulf, a bay, a bake, an ocean,
- Images a sea, a volcano, a mountain range, and a national park) on the board.
- Paper  Then, the teacher will divide the classroom into two teams.
- Markers
- Tape  The teacher will ask the two teams to stand up and search in the classroom for the papers with vocabulary
corresponding to each image; the papers can be anywhere in the classroom.
 Team number one will look for green papers and team two will look for red papers. And after founding
the papers will have to paste them with the corresponding Images.
 When all the papers have been found, the teacher will name what is the winning team; this will be the one
that found all the papers first.

Time Vocabulary presentation, Purpose: To make sure that students learn the vocabulary and to use it in a real-life
15 minutes context.
 The teacher will explain to students that the vocabulary used in the previous activity is related to
- Compute
geographical features. (a gulf, a bay, a bake, an ocean, a sea, a volcano, a mountain range, and a national
- Screen park)
- Internet  The teacher will ask students (Did you know the vocabulary before making the activity? Do you know
- Printings other geographical features? Which other geographical features do you know?)
- Books  Then, the teacher will ask students to repeat after her the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary (a gulf, a
- Pencil bay, a bake, an ocean, a sea, a volcano, a mountain range, and a national park)
 The teacher is going to explain the vocabulary by providing a short definition of each one, and also, will
 students interact with vocabulary by asking some questions, for example (Do you know a volcano? Which
one? Did you like it? Why did you like it?)
 After that, the teacher will ask students to make groups of four students.
 The teacher will provide each team with Costa Rica´s map and a worksheet with some questions that
students will be able if they understood the vocabulary (What´s Costa Rica´s largest lake? What´s Costa
Rica´s largest national park? In which mountain range is Costa Rica´s capital located?
 Passed five minutes, the teacher will ask students to share the answer, if answers are incorrect students
will have to correct them.

Time Gist, Purpose: To introduce students to the topic of the readings, and to make students relate the vocabulary to
10 minutes their lives.
 Students will be provided with a chart with geographical features.
 Students will have to get in pairs and write the name of one place they know for each geographical
- Printings
- Pencils feature. For example, lake-Suchitlán.
Universidad Católica de El Salvador Centro Regional de Ilobasco Licenciatura en Ciencia

- Books

Time Reading 1, Purpose: To make sure that students have understood the short conversation by making true and false
10 minutes questions about
the reading
- Palettes
- Books
 The teacher will ask students to read the first short conversation on page 111.
 Then, the teacher will ask students to get into groups of three.
 Then, the teacher will provide each trio with a true and false palette.
 The teacher will ask some questions about the short conversation (Did Frank like the volcano? Is the last
name of Frank Belli? Is Frank a resident of Costa Rica? Is Max Italian? Labro is a big town? Labro is in
 The teacher will ask a question and then, she will count until three; students will have to rise the true
palette if the answer is true or the false palette if the answer is one. Also, the false statements will be
corrected to understand perfectly the reading.

Time Reading 2, Purpose: To make sure that students understood the short conversation by identifying if they are able to
15 minutes answer some questions.
 The teacher will ask students to get in groups of five to read the second short conversation on page 111.
- Flags
- Books  Then, the teacher will provide each team with a worksheet with some questions that students will have to
- Pencil  answer in five minutes. (Which place will visit Max on the weekend? What thinks Max about La Fortuna
waterfall? When Max visited La Fortuna waterfall? How long is La Fortuna from the volcanoes? Which
volcano wants Max to visit?
 Then, the teacher will provide each team with a flag; each one with a different color.
 Later, the teacher will ask a question one member of each team will have to raise their flag. And the team
of the person who first raised the flag will have a chance to answer the question; if the answer is correct
they will win some points, if not, the second team doing it will have the chance to answer.
 The activity will finish when the teacher has asked all the questions and the students have answered.
 The winning team will be the one with more points.
Time Reading 3, Purpose: To prepare students for the production by asking them to paraphrase a short conversation.
15 minutes PARAPHRASE
 The teacher will ask students to read the third short conversation on page 111.
 Then, each student will have to paraphrase the short conversation.
- Book
- Pencil  Then, students will be asked to stand up and make a circle in the middle of the classroom.
- Ball  They will be provided with a ball that they will have to pass between them while the teacher plays music.
- Speaker When the music stops the person with the ball will have to read his/her paragraph
- Cellphon  The activity will finish when at least four students have participated.
25 minutes Transference activity, Purpose: students will be able to write a 5-line paragraph talking about a country they would
like to visit by including some paraphrased sentences and some words from the vocabulary studied in the class.
- Notebook
Universidad Católica de El Salvador Centro Regional de Ilobasco Licenciatura en Ciencia

s  The teacher will ask students to paraphrase some sentences taken from the three short conversations. (I
- Pencil can´t say I have, you don’t want to miss it, it is worth seeing, do you think it´s doable in two days? what a
- Internet coincidence)
- Compute
 Then, students will have to get in pairs to write a short conversation in which they will have to include
some of those paraphrased phrases and some words from the vocabulary.
 Then, fourth pairs will be chosen with a random wheel to read their short conversations.

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