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Shivpuri Link Road, Gwalior


Date Subject Syllabus
Chemistry :- Ch-1 Matter in our surroundings Ch -2 Is matter around us is pure
Ch-3 Atoms and Molecules
28th Sept. 2020 Science physics- Ch- motion , Ch– force and laws of motion , Ch- Gravitation
Biology– Ch- Cell Ch- Tissues
Beehive: 1. The fun they had, 2. The Little girl, 3. The sound of music 4. A
truly beautiful mind,5. My Childhood, 6. If I were you poem: 1. The Road
not taken, 2. wind, 3. Rain on the roof, 4.A legend of the northland,
30th Sept. 2020 English MOMENTS: 1. The lost child, 2. The adventure of toto, 4.The kingdom of
fools, 5.The Happy Prince Grammar: sentence reorder, gap filling, Unseen
Passage Writing Skills: Descriptive Paragraph, Diary Entry, Story writing
Ch-1 Number Systems, Ch-2 Polynomials, Ch-3 Coordinate Geometry, Ch-4
3rd Oct. 2020 Maths Linear Equations In Two Variables, Ch-6 Lines and Angles,
Ch-7 Triangles, Ch-8 Quadrilaterals

पाठ 2.स्वर्णकाकः ,पाठ 4. कल्पतरः ,पाठ 5. सूक्तिमौक्तिकम् ,पाठ 6.भ्रान्तो बालः।

व्याकरर्म् - सक्तधः-स्वरसक्तधः -दीर्ण , गुर् ,अयादद ,।व्यंजन सक्तधः- अनुस्वार ,जशत्व
(वगीयप्रथमक्षरार्ां तृतीयवर्े पररवतणनं)। दवसगणसक्तधः -उत्वं। शब्दरूपादर् । धातुरूपादर्।
कारक - उपपद - दवभियः। प्रत्ययाः - िवा ,तुमुन् ,ल्यप् ,िवतु ,। संख्या 1-100 (1 -4
Sanskrit प्रथमा दवभिौ)। उपसगाणः - आ , दव ,प्रदत , उप , अनु , दनर् , प्र , अदध , अप , दन , अव ,।
अपदठत - अवबोधनं।
5th Oct. 2020
रचनात्मकं कायणम् - औपचाररकं अथवा अनौपचाररकं पत्रलेखनं। दचत्रवर्णनम् अथवा
अनुच्छेदलेखनं। संस्कृतभाषायाम् अनुवादः।
स्पशण-दु ख का अदधकार , एवरे स्ट मेरी दशखर यात्रा, तुम कब जाओगे अदतदथ, रै दास,
रहीम के दोहे ,
संचयन- दगल्लू ,स्मृदत
व्याकरर्- शब्द और पद ,अनुस्वार ,अनुनादसक ,उपसगण प्र,त्यय ,शब्द दवचार-
श्रुदतसमदभन्नाथणक शब्द ,पयाणयवाची शब्द, दवलोम शब्द, अथण के आधार पर वाक्य भेद,
अनुच्छेद लेखन, अनौपचाररक पत्र, संवाद लेखन
Part A-Employability Skills:
Unit 1-Communication Skills-I
Unit 2-Self-Management Skills-I
Unit 3-Information and Communication Technology Skills-I
7th Oct. 2020 Computer
Part B-IT Skills: Unit 1-Introduction to IT and ITeS industry
Unit 2-Data Entry & Keyboarding Skills
Unit 3-Digital Documentation
Geography– Ch.1 India:Size and location and Ch. 2 Physical features of India
Civics – Ch.2 What is democracy? Why democracy. Ch. 4 Electoral Politics
9th Oct. 2020 S.Sc. History– Ch.1 French Revolution.
Economics – Ch.1 Village Palampur and Ch.2– People as resource

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