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ECR Tnen Gata recs aS UEC RUE Rm CRW la le Every month for the past 27 years, the Hindu ASMT community has served more than 3 million Annadaans (free organic meals as per tradition) in religious gatherings to everyone without discrimination, are served daily free of cost and up to | on festival days. KAILASA’s protective and preventive COVID Care Centers (CCCs) Po Roe Eee oie eee During the Pandemic... hae al « The SPH converted His monastery campuses into a multilayer quarantine facility « Free for all people, regardless of any differences in age, gender, caste, creed, ethnicity, color, or socioeconomic status. Food, shelter, internet « All basic facilities including free medical care for ‘an indefinite time. . to boost the immune system includes: © Pacchai Pattini Vratham (Hindu fasting ritual) © Meditation, © Chanting of sacred syllables of Mahavakya, © Hygienic living, © Social distancing MC ano RO LOE mn curr eka CO Anas CeCe cost + The Nithyananda Hindu University (NHU): The SPH established NHU, world’s largest Hindu University. ‘© The Nithyananda Gurukul: On Oct 2, 2006, The SPH Inaugurated the Nithyananda Gurukul - the revivall of the ancient Adi Shaivite Guru- disciple education ~ an authentic knowledge transmission system based on enlightenment. INCREDIBLE RESULTS: = Whole brain learning, stress-free, zero teen violence or ‘aggression. ‘+ 50% children are at 1 to 3 years ahead of their physical ‘age, giving their Class X Board Exams before 15 years. ‘+ 35% children have IQ scores above 130 ~ ‘gifted’ category as per SLOSSON IQ score. * Quantum memory activation is rapidly moving towards recalling verbatim after a single hearing, ete. The Nithyananda Hindu Jnanalaya (tibrary) ‘The SPH established the Nithyananda Hindu snanalaya to collect and preserve the while ensuring that knowledge is made accessible and shared free of cost to all + Collecting and preserving 1m source books of Hinduism KAILASA’s Hinduismpedia + The SPH collected, of digital books and rare manuscripts, from all 19 Sarvajnapeethams, ancient ape:|kalaasanthyanandajnanalayaorg) ea ae The SPH has: + Hinduismpedia isthe simple humble hard work to organise + Authored (ins and present all the Hindu scriptures available on the planet languages, translated in 50 earth, digitally in multiple languages, authentic translation languages), asitis without any manipulation, interpretation with a total + Published and compilation accounting to , + oiven collection of and with ‘on various topies in Hinduism, Te at Cee aL BS Re Rt ma ere) + In 2014, program, it crossed of peace. * The SPH has conducted on September 2Ist International Peace Day, to raise the collective consciousness and awareness of peace. Confluences for World Peace offered by A RUC e auld + Kumbh Mela: In 2007, The SPH hosted Kumbh Mela USA in Los Angeles. © Hosting in 2015 and 2016, and serving © Nithyananda Sangha is entrusted as the only organization to host Kumbh Mela outside india by the Akhila Bharatiya Akhada Parishad, Which has hosted Kumbh Mela for thousands of years, * First Confluence for Peace: In September 2006 the SPH organized the January 2, 2008 first confluence for world peace to honor the memory of those who lost Foundation fr Clvilzational their lives saving others on September 11, 2001, at Irvine, California, USA. Mae + Second Confluence for Peace: In 2007, The SPH organized the second confluence for peace in Los Angeles, in collaboration with Vedanta Society, BAPS, ISKCON, Siddha Yoga, and other organizations. 1st USA Hind Sangam Kula ea draws 5000 people [ME a om 2016 By sv si gted essed sets to delegates 4 ‘of Muslim leader during Ujjain Kumbh Mela Ce ee CCL he SRT) Peace Walks: In 2009, the SPH organized a month-long Peace walk , to bring together in harmony from all walks of life, to promote feeling-connection and Oneness among people. During the walk, health camps were conducted in villages along its path. ‘2008: Peace Walk by peacekeepers ofthe Sovereign Order of Kaisa (South nc) 16 Wentuian Geegucueenec else Cau Cua UC kus em tes + KaILASA’s Yogini Sarvajnapeetha: Establishing fo empower their {quality of lite and emphasis on ite solutions through Vedas and Agamas, empowering the indigenous rural women fighting against wrongful gender stereotyping, gende'-based violence and lack of inclusive and quality learning environments KAILASA's Nithyananda Lakshmi: A to indigenous community to empower rural ‘wornen in various dimensions in life reforming the market and institutional failures that lock women to highly vulnerable forms of employment and empower them with self-employment with equal ‘opportunities through Hindu economic principles. KAILASA’s Women Foundation and Women Empowerment self help Centers: launched ‘round the world since 2008. These centres work towards gaining economic independence providing collective finance, enterprise and/or livelihood components including savings and loans, group credit, collective income-generation and micro-insurance, ie skills training, business training, meditation learning programs for women prisoners, financial education and suppert for organising themselves into labour and trade groups. KAILASA's Ankita program: Providing about ‘working of basic community service and infrastructure establishments. KAILASA's Ashraya program: Providing to ural and indigenous women to provide equal opportunities and ‘access to independent sel-sutfcient financial environments to them. Empowering the indigenous women by teaching them to perform. Hindu rituals, temple administration and temple sciences. Nncucnt nce ies SKUN for Yoga + Nithyananda krlyas: The SPH (combinations of postures, movements, and breath, specifically targeted to 108 major diseases or disorders such as diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure, rheumatism, etc. + ithyananda Yoga Teacher Training: The SPH periodically trains ‘Yoga practitioners to be Yogacharyas - Yoga teachers - + Revival of ancient traditional forms of Yoga: The SPH has revived the ancient pote Yoga (shivastamba Yoga) and Rope Yoga (cundatini Raju Yoga) in which yogle asanas (postures) and weight balancing techniques are performed to ereate the Yogic physiology aligning it to cosmic geometry, that manitests Superconscious powers. Guinness World Records: The SPH was awarded {or the largest rope Yoga (Kundalini Raju ‘YogasM) and largest pole Yoga (shivastamba YogasM) classes, bringing worldwide attention to these extraordinary forms of Yoga + Publications: The SPH - with original sanskrit verses, scriptural references, and English translation - in freely downloadable form as well as a printed publication “nithyananda Yoga" for Yoga teachers and practitioners worldwide. Despite being heavily persecuted continuously for over a decade, the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is unwavered in His intention, commitment and action in building the only Hindu nation, the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, to protect, revive and preserve Hinduism - the most ancient, most peaceful, still-living and long lasting demonstrable system that shows the possibility of peaceful co-existence amongst people. To honor the hard and selfless work, the achievements, the religious freedom ‘and human rights advocacy, and the global hurhanitarian services of The SPH shagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam to bulld/a peaceful and sustainable world, political leaders of 33 cities in three eountries - the United States of ‘America, the United Republic of Tanzania and Belize = have declared January 3rd, 2022, the 4th birthcay of the Supreme Pontiff of Hincluism ehagavan ‘ithyananda Paramashivam, as KAILASA's SPH Nthyananda Day.

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