Slow Guy Speed School

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Micro-dosing in the

weight room
•Can you do a lot more with a lot less?
Ken Clark started it

• Whip from the hip

• Speed of repositioning
Overspeed with weighted limbs
Thanks Henk…
Great Britain 4x100
• World champion 37.47 men
• Women silver 42.12
Why now? Research dates
back to the 70’s.
• Move from bad weight
vests etc, Kolka thigh
trainer to something that
doesn’t feel like there is
anything on- no sense of
Why did I drink the kool-aid?
Traditional reasons why we lift weights
for athletic development
• Improve force capability to push harder on the ground (but we also
push on the bar)
• To build internal force capability, have athletes overcome large external force
• The problem is that research is mixed with regards to improvement of weight
room numbers carrying over to the track
Goal of strength training
Triphasic style

• Change muscle tissue

• Create a hormonal response
• Emphasis on isometric and eccentric
Weight room vs. sprint
• Bilateral Exercise Orientation Unilateral
• Vertical Force Orientation Horizontal in Accel
• Acyclic ROM specificity cyclic
• Slow Contraction type fast
• Uniplanar Plane of motion multi-planar
• Intermuscular muscle coordination Intramuscular +
• Limited movement variability high
• None rotational inertia high
• None angular velocity high
decelerating body mass projection accelerating
• Decelerating bar speed at end accelerating (the flick)
Bosch stuff
Environmental Monitoring
Proprioception and question of speed
Can a big bench presser always
throw a shot?
• Calls into question the outside aspect of specificity
• Can use approx. 75% of those muscle fibers
• Higher % will be through the movement or else would suffer injury
• Strength is dependent on Co-ordination

• This is the OUTSIDE ring- this is the Bondarchuk question

Intramuscular firing
• Improving motor unit recruitment
• Firing frequency
• Reflex activity

• Traditional weight room-

•It is a part of the equation…but

how much?
Poliquin- training muscles not movement
Mel Siff- strength needs to be developed in
context of speed Less than 10% change in
speed of limb
Sprinting excites the stumble reflex, cross-
crawl pattern and foot-sole
•Which of those are challenged in the
weight room?
Planned Tangent- my next journey
Influence of maximal muscle strength and intrinsic
muscle contractile properties on contractile rate of
force development. Anderson, Aagaard, e.J of
Applied Phys. 2/06
• Longer times more than 250 ms correlated to Musclular Voluntary
contraction- Weight lifting, etc (Intermuscular}
• Shorter times (50-250) ms are dependent on twitch/slack functions

Which one correlates to the 0 step?

1080 start stuff
internal and external forces
• Internal forces- generated by muscles pulling via their tendons on
bones and to bone on bone forces exerted across joint surfaces

• Cause body segment movement

• External forces- acting from without, such as the force of gravity or

the force from any body contact with the ground, environment, sport
• Affect total body movement
Rotational Inertia
• Loading the limb, the farther away from the mass, the energy is
• With 200 g on the calf required 12% more muscular effort to
accelerate and decelerate the limbs with minimal change in limb

• Stronger at punching the ground

• Summation of Joint forces- using joints in the order, big to small will
make objects move faster
• Occurs when a body moves along
a circular path, through the same
angle, in the same direction at the
same time
• All joint motions are angular
• Sprinting requires considerable
angular motion- arms and legs
rotating about their particular axis
Trunk loading
• Better for max velocity
• Less than 20% of BM- ranges of improvement 1.2-6.1 % in 30-50m
• Target reactive strength development due to greater magnitude of
output from vertical load imposed
Stuff I do
• Single leg run
• Jumping splits
• Russian jumps
Limb loading
• Various research shows small changes in times when training with
weight on- depending on the weight
• Provides a non verbal cue to enforce foot from above principle-
negative feedback for the lower leg to swing through- foot from
above- especially in accels
How have I used them ?
• Calf sleeves better and cheaper
Form changers
• Pelvic tilt
• Arm loading
• One sided torso
Energy cost
• Effect of weight experimental alterations in excess weight on aerobic
capacity in distance running
• Cureton, KJ, MedSciSports, 1978
• 5% BM- 2.5% increase
• 10% BM-4.2%
• 15%BM 8.5%
Blood Flow Restriction with BStrong
Cal Dietz is responsible
Goal of strength training Triphasic
• Change muscle tissue
• Create a hormonal response
• You know it is good when it has a cool name, just like putting
something like Bulgarian or Russian in front of it
What boxes does this one check
• Poor form under heavy weights
• Fast twitch muscle fibers
• Deal with metabolites- similar to 23 sec runs
• Human growth hormone release
• Minimal muscle damage- useful for in-season
• Improved O2 management
Hemodynamic and hormonal
responses to a short term low-intensity
resistance exercise with the reduction
in blood flow
H. Takano, et, al. Euro Journal of Applied Physiology (2005)
Greatly increased Growth Horomone
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
Vascular endothelial growth factor
Low Intensity exercise can increase muscle mass
and strength proportionally to enhanced
metabolic stress under ischemic conditions
Shingo Takada, Koichi Okita, J Applied Physiol, 2012

• Fixed protocol of low-intensity resistance training, with occlusion, can

provide significant muscular hypertrophy and strength increases,
even in the short term and when the exercise is not performed in an
all-out manner. Elevated metabolic stress appears to be a crucial
factor in obtaining successful results from resistance training
Occlusion Training Increases Muscular
Strength in D1 Football Players
Tetsuo Yamanaka, RS Farley, Journal Strength and
Conditioning, 2012

• 7% in Bench , 8% squat increases using 20% of max for 3x30 reps with
45 sec rest in 4 weeks
Blood Flow Restriction and Adolescent
NSCA journal, 2017
• 6 weeks 2 days for squats
• GROUP 1- Greater 65% 3 sets 6.6% improvement
• GROUP 2- Less than 30% 3 sets of 15- no improvement
• GROUP 3- BFR less than 30% 3x15- 14% improvement
Oxygen Availability and motor unit activity in
Moritani, T, Euro J Appl Occup Physiol, 1992
• Significant spike in mean muscle unit amplitude and frequency were
evident in arterial occlusion
Cross-Transfer Effects of Resistance training
with Blood Flow Restriction
Haruhiko Madarame, Mitsuo Neya, Medicine and
Science in Sports, 2008

• Shift from Type I to Type II

Oscillatory isometrics
• Trying to merge inter and intra muscular contractions
• Ability to contract and relax a muscle a main factor in determining the
athletic ability of an athlete
• Russian research
• Great bridge between weight room and track
Sherrington’s Law of Reciprocal
• In order for an agonist to contract, the antagonist must relax
Glute hamstring Hyper OSI
Supine Glute/Ham Banded OSI
Glute hamstring Hyper OSI
Standing Quad kicks
Prone psoas
Standing quad hamstring
Supine single glute hamstring
Standing Hamstring
Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1992;64(6):552-6.
Oxygen availability and motor unit activity in humans.
Moritani T1, Sherman WM, Shibata M, Matsumoto T, Shinohara M.
• Significant increases in mean MU spike amplitude and frequency
were, however, evident during the contractions with arterial
occlusion. Similar patterns of significant changes in the surface EMG
spectra parameters and venous lactate concentration were also
observed, while the integrated force-time curves remained constant.
These data would suggest that the metabolic state of the active
muscles may have played an important role in the regulation of MU
recruitment and rate coding patterns during exercise.

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