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The relationship between the

Entrepreneurial environment and Explore the relationship between the start-up
Entrepreneurial intentions in two nations Model inspired by combining theories TPB environment and entrepreneurial intentions
(VN & PHI) had no significant difference of Ajzen (1991) and theory of of university students in two countries
entrepreneurial events (Shapero & Sokol, Explore the relationship between the Start-up
Entrepreneurial education 1982) and the model of the entrepreneurial ides, Implementation resources and
and motivations contributed to influencing potential (Krueger et al., 2000) New Model about relationship between Actualize startup ideas of University students
the Entrepreneurial intentions positively. Startup ideas, Implementation resources
and Actualize startup ideas
The national norms, the entrepreneurial education Convenience sampling technique to collect
for students, or subjective norms and the the information of 819 students in
entrepreneurial desirability, had positive effects on Vietnam and the Philippines Convenience sampling technique to Give some proposed solution to build &
Perceived feasibility collect the information of 300 students maintain a startup ecosystem in University
used to join startup competition
Study use qualitative method by
The Perceived feasibility was the intermediate
discussing with experts and Give policy recommendations to
factor, which had a positive effect on the
quantitative method by SPSS analysis promote the entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial intentions.
intentions among the students Enterprise development
from students
November 2019 (Vietnam & Philippines)
Diep Thanh Tung Universities in Vietnam
(Published online)
(Tra Vinh, Tien Giang, Tay Do)
Nguyen Thanh Hung 2021
International University,
(Expected publication)
Thanh Son
Nguyen Cam Phuong 2018
(Data collection)
Universities in Philippines 2020
Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan Universities in
(Central Philippines, Southern (Data collection)
Nguyen Thanh Hung Leyte State)
Shyue-Chuan Chong
Nguyen Thanh Hung

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