PTS Big Kls 4

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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IV (Empat)
Semester : I (Satu)

Nama : Nilai :

Choose the best answer !

Read the text below and answer the question number 1 until 5 !

Hello my name is Azzahra, my favotite subjects in the class are Math and Arts. I
go to the school by car with my mother and I have beautiful friend, her name is
Fauziah, she is from Pinrang. P.E and religion are her favorite subject in the class,
she go to the school by bike because her house near from the school, and she
always smile in the morning.
1. Siapa nama teman Azzahrah yang disebutkan dalam cerita ?

2. Dari daerah manakah teman Azzahrah berasal ?

3. Pelajaran apakah yang menjadi kesukaan Fauziah ?

4. Pelajaran apa yang tidak disukai Azzahrah ?

5. Kendaraan apakah yang digunakan teman Azzahrah kesekolah ?

Write your subject in the class !

monday Tuesday wednesday

thursday friday
Read and match !
1. science

2. arts

3. math

4. Civic education

5. physical education

Buatlah 5 pertanyaan berdasarkan cerita dibawah ini menggunakan pertanyaan 5 W + 1 H

Hello my name is Ziyad, I am study from Sunday until Friday. Every morning
I go to school at 7.00 o’clock by reading blue bicycle with my handsome friend
Kamil. Before I go to school, I am breakfast with my family, my favorite food is
yellow rice with noodless and my favorite drink in the morning is milk and some
water. in the classroom I have some favorite subjects such us science, math,
english and religion, and my handsome friend kamil, his favorite subjects such us
math and art.





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