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I have full time job from Monday to Friday so I have weekends to join cooking club’s activities.I am
crazy about pizza because it is delicious.
I am a big fan of cooking.When I join cooking class,I felt very happy.because I can improve my cooking
skill.Moreover,I have many new friends who the same hobby.
I very busy. I have full time job from Monday to Friday so I will go to cooking class on weekens. I think I
can attend cooking class three times per week.
The price of the class is quite expensive than the orther one,but it suits to students and workers like
me.The service is good and teachers are friendly so I am satisfied.
Hi Loan,
Where have you been this week? Have you got the news that our cooking club decided to cancel all the
classes next week because our teacher is going to have a holiday. When I read that email, I am very
disappointed.Let me known what you think about.
Write back soon.
Dear sir,
My name is Ly and I am a member of the cooking club. I am writing you to express dissatisfation with
the email saying the following week’s cooking class would be cancelled because our teacher is giong to
have holiday.When I read it,I felt disappointed.
Apar from that, the notice said that the member will not get back the paid tuition. Many of us are studens
so we are displeased and upset about this change.
I suggest that you should arrage another teacher to guide the next week’s class. Therefore,club member
can continue to learn. If it is impossible, the club must pay back 50% of the tuition
I hope that my seggestions are taken into consideration.
Please respond to me as soon as possible.
Best regard

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