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Limba engleză Matematică-Informatică an I, semestrul I online Prof.

Minodora Barbul

Unit 07

1. Read and translate the following text about Leonhard Euler

“If Gauss is the Prince, Euler is the King of Mathematics. Living from 1707 to 1783, he is regarded
as the greatest mathematician to have ever walked this planet. It is said that all mathematical
formulas are named after the next person after Euler to discover them. In his day he was ground
breaking and on par with Einstein in genius. His primary (if that’s possible) contribution to the
field is with the introduction of mathematical notation including the concept of a function (and
how it is written as f(x)), shorthand trigonometric functions, the ‘e’ for the base of the natural
logarithm (The Euler Constant), the Greek letter Sigma for summation and the letter ‘/i’ for
imaginary units, as well as the symbol pi for the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter.
All of which play a huge bearing on modern mathematics, from the everyday to the incredibly
complex. As well as this, he also solved the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem in graph theory,
found the Euler Characteristic for connecting the number of vertices, edges and faces of an
object, and (dis)proved many well-known theories, too many to list. Furthermore, he continued
to develop calculus, topology, number theory, analysis and graph theory as well as much, much
more – and ultimately he paved the way for modern mathematics and all its revelations. It is
probably no coincidence that industry and technological developments rapidly increased around
this time.”

2. Read, translate and learn the following mathematical concepts:


This Math term applies to a fraction.

It is the top number of a fraction.

The bottom number is called the denominator.

The numerator tells us the number of parts we want and the denominator tells us the total
number of parts.

Odd Number

An odd number is a number with the digit 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 in the 'ones' place. Examples of odd
numbers are 5, 11, 45, 267, 4209, 9000.

Limba engleză Matematică-Informatică an I, semestrul I online Prof. Minodora Barbul
Order of Operations

Order of Operations means the rules that govern how the operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division work together. We need to know which operations to carry out first.

Ordering Numbers

To write numbers in order means to write them in a particular sequence, either in ascending
order (from small to big) or descending order from big to small).

Ordinal Numbers

These are numbers that refer to position. They can be written as numerals (ex. 1st, 2nd, 3rd...)
or words (ex. first, second, third...)

Place, Place Value

Place refers to the position of the digit in a number. Place Value is the value of the digit.

Numbers are made up of digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 9). The value of each digit depends on its place
or position.

For instance, the digit 2 in the 'tens' place has a value of twenty and a value of two if it is in the
'ones' place.


This Math term refers to the result of multiplication.

For example, the product of 5 and 8 is 40. (5 x 8 = 40)


Subtraction is the reverse of addition. It is a reduction of a number. The number being

subtracted is called the minuend. The subtrahend is the number used to reduce the minuend.

The answer is also called the difference.

Example: 44 - 27 = 14

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