Che421 Questions

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1a) One end of aluminum rod is heated to 400°C while the end other end is maintained at 0°C in an ice-H 2O
bath. The rod is 20mm diameter and 1m long. Calculate the heat flux through the rod. [for Aluminum k=70J/s
m (°C/m)]

b) A furnace wall consists of 2ft of brick. The brick has a thermal conductivity of 0.6 Btu/hr.ft 2(°F/ft). A
specific heat of 0.2 Btu/lb°F and a density of 110 lb/ft 3. The temperature at the inside surface of the wall is
1100°F and at the outside 200°F.

i) Calculate the thermal diffusivity of the block.

ii)Calculate the heat loss per hour through wall 10ft high and 10ft long.

iii)Determine the temperature of the brick 4 inch from the inside surface.

2a) What are transport phenomena and why do you study them?

b)Determine the rate of conduction through a copper rod 2mm in diameter and 150mm long. The temperature is
300°C at one end and 20°C at the other. The average thermal conductivity is 1.36×10 6 J/sm2(°C/m). Assume
heat is added or removed only on the ends.

c) Two vertical parallel metal plates are spaced 10mm apart. The left-hand plate is moving at a velocity of 5 m/s
and the right- hand place is stationary. The space between the plates is filled with a heavy oil with a Newtonian
viscosity of 0.1 Ns/m2.

i) Calculate the force per unit area required to maintain the movement of the left hand plate.

ii)Calculate the force per unit area exerted by the oil on the right-hand plate.

iii)Determine the momentum flux at the surface of each plate.

3a) The diffusivity of Helium in Pyrex at 20°C and 100 kN/m 2 pressure is 1.16×10-15 m2/s. Calculate the rate of
loss of helium from a Pyrex flask filled with pure Helium at a pressure of 100 kN/m 2 and 20°C into the helium
free air surrounding the flask (at a pressure). The flask wall is 2 mm thick and has a surface area of 0.1 m 2.

b) Two horizontal plates of 2 m2 area are spaced 1mm apart. The space is filled with a lubricating oil (µ=0.03
Ns/m2). The lower plate is fixed and a force of 100 Newtons is applied to the top plate.

i) At what velocity does the top plate move?

ii) What is the momentum flux at the lower plate?

4a) Two horizontal plates are spaced 3 in. apart. The space between the plates is filled with mercury at 90°F.
The upper plate is moving at 3 ft/sec, and the lower plate is moving at 3ft/sec and the lower plate is moving the
same direction at 1 ft/sec.

i) Why does the liquid velocity vary linearly between the plates?

ii) Calculate the shear stress at a plane 1in. from the slower moving plate.

iii) Calculate the momentum flux at the surface of the faster moving plate.

b) Two parallel flat plates are spaced 2 in. apart. One plate is moving at a velocity of 10 ft/min and the other is
moving in the opposite direction at 35 ft/min. The viscosity of the fluid between the plate is constant at 363 lb/ft

i) Calculate the stress on each plate.

ii) Calculate the fluid velocity at -in. intervals from plate to plate.

5) Oxygen gas is flowing through a 10m long circular pipe with a radius of 16cm. The concentration of oxygen
at the ends of the pipe are 30kg/m3 and 10kg/m3. The diffusion constant for Oxygen at 20°C is 1.8×10 m2/s

a. Calculate the diffusion flowrate

b. How many kg of oxygen would flow through this pipe in 15min.

c. Calculate the concentration gradient

d. what is the concentration of oxygen 2 m away from the end of the pipe at high concentration?

e. How long will take 100 kg of oxygen to travel through this pipe?

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