Debraj Nageshiya

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MISSING INFO- 08/02/23
RESCUED ON- 11/02/23

1. Debraj nageshiya s/o Budhiya nageshiya , village athakhariya (94 bn) , p.s.- chopra , uttar
dinajpur , w. bengal was missing from past 6 years got rescued today by ahtu sonamati’s
2. Our ahtu team got debraj’s missing information on 08/03/23 around 0500 hrs via phone call.
Earlier on 07/03/23 our team members went to athakhariya village for raising awareness
Regarding increasing human trafficking along border areas and distributed our pamphlets to
villagers . After gaining confidence debraj’s father called us early in the morning the other day.
Informed about his missing son who was 15 years old when he left home with three other
3. Those three men named Rakesh dhavan, Vikram and Nitai roy, all adult ,belongs to Nepal. At
that time they were living in their village on rent. they called themselves hiring manager and
before debraj they already employed other boys of nearby villages in different states of India.
budhiya confessed that their financial condition was poor and he himself asked his son to go
along with these men in search of work but debraj never returned nor they heard anything
from him, although rakesh dhavan returned to athakhariya after 2 years of incident but he
denied any information of debraj.
4. All villagers got angry at this and held rakesh captive . They asked chopra polce sation officials
for help but they only refused and rebuked villagers. Later rakesh was released from villager’s
captivity and after that rakesh vanished forever. With this budhiya and his family lost all hopes
of finding their son but a ray of hope appeared when his father got a phone call 15 days ago
from debraj after so long.
5. Debraj told his father that he still remembered his father’s mobile number and somehow got
hold of an old mobile , stealing it from his owner. He further told him that he was sold many
times over these years, in different states ( Chennai, Punjab and Haryana) . initially Rakesh
took him to Chennai and after 10 days abandoned him in a cement factory assuring him of
coming back but he never returned. He was never paid in wages and was beaten several
times when he tried to run away. Right now he is near Panipat , Haryana and there are 12
others like him in the poultry farm they are working on. They are only given chappattis with
onions twice a day. He wants to come back but neither he has money nor he has courage to run
away from there. Also he adviced his father to not call him back as someone might see him. He
will be the only one to contact them according to his convenience.
6. After hearing this we immediately went to Chopra police station to lodge fir but police asked
us to get help from somewhere else as they do not want to get involve in an old case even after
we presented the evidence. when we forced them , they only filed a missing report. We asked
debraj’s father to give debraj our mobile number so that next time he can contact us. Debraj
called us on 09/02/23 . We tried locating the exact position of that poultry farm as debraj
didn’t knew its name. he told us that people there only call it farm , nobody ever mentions its
name. We asked him to give us any landmark possible ,then he told us that he is in village
7. We could not take risk of contacting anybody randomly without ensuring whether they are
involved with the owners of the farm or not. We got contact number of state ahtu team of
Haryana. we informed them of the incident and requested them to enquire about such place.
On 10/02/23 Raju nepali of Haryana ahtu went to that location , village safidon which is at 2
hours distance from Panipat. he sent us a location of a poultry farm called ghanghas poultry
farm and also shared its owner’s photo midda ghangha. At first haryana ahtu team was being
very skeptical about our endeavour but we convinced them somehow ,promising to bear all the
expenses involved in his return journey. We provided them a written letter from ahtu sonamati
ensuring that we are not scammers .
8. After convincing them for an entire day of 10/02/23 , raju nepali and jagjeet singha of ahtu
haryana finally got ready to visit that place again and this time entering the premises. On
11/02/23 they both reached ghangha’s poultry farm at around 1545 hrs. They hid their true
identities and talked to the owner as customers. After 20 minutes of discussion they both
realised that the owner is a con man and involved in forced labour. Then they asked debraj and
others about their condition . After realising the truth they thrashed midda and told him that
criminal charges will be filed against him. They took debraj along with him as others denied
coming along to which debraj told them that they are extremely fearful and have never been
out from past many years. It will take time to convince them and relocating them to some safe
9. We have provided ahtu Haryana team members 3000 for tickets and other expenses of debraj
, also we informed debraj’s family. His uncle and brother left today via train to meet him in
Delhi. from there they will arrive to their village by day after tommorow.
As soon as debraj will come we will try to extract every detail possible regarding his 06 years
trafficking journey .

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