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Extraordinary Lives:

Malala Yousafzai
Early Years to go in secret. They had to take precautions,
such as no longer wearing their uniforms and
Malala Yousafzai was born in Mingora, Pakistan
concealing their books under their clothes.
on 12 July 1997. Her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai,
was determined to give her every opportunity Malala recalled: ‘’I remember how my Mom
a boy would have. He was a teacher and ran a would put a ladder at the back of our house so
girls’ school in the village. Malala’s mother, Toor that if anything happened we could escape… I
Pekai, was a homemaker raising three children. felt fear when I went to school.’
Her family is Sunni Muslim. You may wonder why Malala risked her life to go
Malala loved going to school. She was happy, to school. She explains that: ‘For my brothers it
and looking forward to a bright future, but was easy to think about the future… They can be
everything changed when the Taliban took anything they want. But for me it was hard and
control of her town in Swat Valley in 2008 for that reason I wanted to become educated
during a resurgence of anti-Western feeling and empower myself with knowledge.’
following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Taliban Attack
invasion of Afghanistan. Many things were In 2012, a journalist from BBC Urdu asked
banned, such as owning a television and Malala’s father if he knew any young people
playing music. At the end of 2008, the local willing to talk to him about life under the
Taliban leader, Mullah Fazlullah, declared Taliban. He suggested his daughter, who wrote
that all female education must cease within a a BBC blog, Diary of a Pakistani Schoolgirl, which
month, or there would be dire consequences. outlined her hope that she could keep being
Despite the risks, Malala’s brave father educated. Malala took the opportunity to speak
didn’t close the girls’ school he had founded, up for her rights, despite it being a risky time
although most parents stopped sending their for anyone who spoke out against the Taliban.
children there following the Taliban warning. Sadly, speaking out publicly made her a target
Malala and some of her classmates continued even though she was just a child.

Malala Yousafzai by Southbank Centre is licensed under CC BY 2.0 – (Cropped)

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On the afternoon of 9 October 2012, Malala In 2013, on her 16th birthday, Malala addressed
boarded the small school bus as usual for her an audience of hundreds of children from
journey home. The road seemed to be deserted around the world, youth leaders and United
as it went along its usual route. Moments later, Nations members, including the Secretary-
two young men brought the bus to a stop just General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon.
a hundred yards from the school gates. One Unbelievably, she told them she did not hate
asked: ‘Who is Malala?’ the Taliban for shooting her because she had
She was shot in the left side of her head by the learnt compassion from Muhammad and
Taliban terrorists, simply for going to school. forgiveness from her parents. She also spoke
Two other girls were also shot but Malala’s about being inspired to instigate change by key
wounds were severe and she was airlifted from human rights activists like Martin Luther King
one military hospital in Pakistan to another. and Nelson Mandela.
Later, she was flown to the UK for treatment,
waking up ten days later in a Birmingham ‘They thought that the bullets
hospital where medical staff told her about the would silence us. But they failed.’
attack. Malala lost her hearing in her left ear Malala spoke about the exploitation of India’s
and now uses cochlear implants. children through child labour, the extremism
Malala was unable to return to Pakistan after in Afghanistan, and the schools destroyed
her recovery because the Taliban threatened to in Nigeria by the militant Islamist group
target her again if she survived. So she moved Boko Haram, which is attempting to create
to Britain, setting up the Malala Fund with her a ‘pure’ Islamic state ruled by Sharia law.
father so that she could campaign for girls’ rights Malala highlighted how they burned schools
to education around the world from there. Malala and attacked students and teachers, with a
Fund invests in developing country educators devastating impact on education. The conflict
and activists, and holding leaders accountable for United Nations, New York has left nearly one million children with little or
their promises to girls. Malala is determined to Following her recovery, Malala began to no access to school.
keep going until every girl is able to go to school. campaign internationally for change, travelling
all over the world to educate political leaders ‘Let us pick up our books and pens.
She has said: ‘I could live a quiet life or I could
on the importance of education for girls. They are our most powerful weapons.’
make the most of this new life I had been given.’

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Nobel Peace Prize Speech to Canadian Parliament Lady Margaret Hall. She enjoyed the lectures,
At Oslo City Hall, Norway, in recognition of her In a 2017 speech, Malala described how life club meetings and balls. Although a global
dedicated work through Malala Fund, Malala used to be for her and her family in Pakistan. pandemic meant she had to spend the final
Yousafzai received the Nobel Peace Prize for She told of bombs that would wake her up months as a student at her parents’ house, she
her education advocacy in December 2014, at night. Each morning, she would hear that is so grateful to have been able to complete
becoming the youngest ever recipient at just more innocent people had been killed and her education. She emerged after graduation
17-years-old. She shared the honour with India’s would witness men with guns in the street even more determined to fight for girls.
prominent social activist, Kailash Satyarthi. on a daily basis. Malala was very sad that this G7 Education and Development
had happened to her country and thought Ministers Meeting, France
she would have to be an adult in order to In 2017, Malala addressed ministers on the
lead people to change. She told the Canadian topic of girls’ education, giving them key
Parliament: ‘I’ve learned that even a child’s statistics and appealing for change. She opened
voice can be heard around the world.’ the speech by describing her A level studies of
Always with girls’ education in mind, Malala told the French Revolution and how her education
her audience: ‘Young women of Canada, step of this had sparked her interest in historical
forward and raise your voices. The next time I buildings such as the one she was stood in.
visit, I hope I see more of you filling these seats Malala reminded leaders that girls everywhere
Malala thanked her father for ‘not clipping my in Parliament.’ She also encouraged the men still had faith that world leaders would help
wings and for letting me fly’. She also thanked of Canada to be proud feminists and to help them. Malala’s focus was the Sahel region of
her mother for teaching her to always speak women achieve equal opportunities. sub-Saharan Africa, where 75% of girls start
the truth. Her teachers also received a mention, Higher Education school yet only 8% finish secondary education.
for inspiring her to believe in herself. In 2018, Malala began studying Philosophy, The rest of them, she told the assembly, would
Politics and Economics at the University of face early child marriage or an early and
‘This award is not just for me. uncertain working life.
Oxford. Considering she was once shot just for
It is for those forgotten children
going to school, this was a momentous day.
who want education. It is for those ‘Educating girls is the single best investment
It was here that she met her future husband,
frightened children who want peace. leaders can make in our world’s future…
Asser Malik, who had a shared love of cricket.
It is for those voiceless children I’m asking leaders to commit new money to
The pair married in November 2021. Malala
who want change.’ education for girls.’
has said she will always cherish her time at

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Continuing Campaigns
In August 2012, when the Taliban seized power,
they promised to continue to allow access
to education for girls and women. However,
shortly after they took control of Afghanistan,
the Taliban announced a ban on women
attending private and public universities in
Afghanistan. This was in opposition to the
fundamental human rights of Afghan women
and girls and the Malala Fund strongly and
publicly condemned the ban.
The United Nations hosted the Transforming Going Forward
When severe flooding hit Pakistan in September
Education Summit (TES) on 19 September Malala now lives in London with her husband,
2022, Malala and her father paid a visit to the
2022 in New York City. Disappointingly, the Asser Malik, with whom she continues to
affected regions, despite the potential risk
U.N. only added a gender spotlight session campaign actively for equal opportunities for girls.
to their safety. Malala Fund called for urgent
at the last minute and many activists could In 2021, she signed a multi-year deal with
action to ensure impacted students received
not secure travel visas in time. With many Apple TV+ to collaborate with the streaming
the support and resources they needed
heads of state and ministers absent, girls company on dramas, comedies, documentaries
to return to school. Malala’s father added:
had few opportunities to challenge leaders and animated series via her production banner,
‘Without urgent action to undo the devastation
directly. Malala told the General Assembly: Extracurricular, bringing girls’ stories to the
caused by these floods, the education of 12
‘If you are serious about creating a safe, television screen.
million more children is at risk.’
sustainable future for all children, then be
That same month, Lucia Fry, Malala Fund’s The website of the Malala Fund reads: ‘I tell my
serious about education.’
Director of Research and Policy, announced story not because it is unique, but because it
that, according to current rates of progress is the story of many girls.’ Malala asks for our
‘How long will you make girls
estimated by the World Economic Forum, the help in her fight for education and equality
wait for what you promised?’
world is still 100 years away from offering 12 because there is more work to be done.
years of quality education for all girls and boys. ‘Together, we can create a world where all girls
can learn and lead.’

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What do the following words from the article mean?

Can you work out their meaning from their context within the article?
Use a dictionary if you need to.
Use a dictionary or the internet to write a definition for each word below









Extraordinary Lives: Malala Yousafzai Vocabulary

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Extraordinary Lives: Malala Yousafzai
Comprehension Questions
1. When and where was Malala born?

2. What did her father run in Pakistan?

3. What did Malala and her father do when the Taliban banned education for girls in 2008?

4. What did Malala write that made her a Taliban target?

5. What happened on the afternoon of 9 October 2012?

6. Why couldn’t Malala return to Pakistan once she had recovered?

7. What did she form with her father so that she could campaign for girls’ rights to education?
What are its aims?

8. What or who has inspired Malala to forgive her attackers and to try to instigate change?

9. In your own words, explain what led to Malala receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

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Extraordinary Lives: Malala Yousafzai Comprehension Questions

10. In what ways was Malala’s attendance at Oxford University significant?

11. In what ways did the United Nations Summit in 2022 let Malala and other campaigners
for girls’ equality down?

12. How is Malala continuing to keep the issue of girls’ education in the public eye?

Which is your favourite Malala Yousafzai quote and why?

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Research Task
Use the internet and select an extraordinary person who you believe is
making a difference in the world by giving back to their community.
• write a short extract on their early life;
• describe what they do which makes them unique;
• mention any awards they may have received;
• how has society benefitted from what they do;
• any other interesting fact
Finally, state your final opinion based upon the above.

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