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NUME: Alexandru Iulian Chiru

Grupa: 101


1) Sarah Star is a singer. She sings (sing) and dances (dance) on TV. She drives
(drive) a red Mercedes. At the moment she is with Nick Pear. They are eating (eat) in a
restaurant. Sarah is drinking (drink) a cocktail and Nick talking(talk) to the waiter.

2) Ann is a doctor. She works (work) in a hospital but today she is staying(stay) at
home. Now she is cooking(cook) dinner. Her friends are visiting(visit) her today. It is(be)
her birthday.

II. Fill in the blanks using WAS (NOT) / WERE (NOT):

1. I’m here today but I wasn’t here yesterday.

2. Jennifer is tall now but she wasn’t tall two years ago.
3. It is rainy today but it wasn’t yesterday.
4. Mr. Smith is angry now but he wasn’t an hour ago.
5. The shops are open today but they weren't on Sunday.
6. My car is clean today but it wasn’t yesterday.
• My father isn’t at home now but he was an hour ago.
• The students are in class today but they weren't last week.
• It isn’t sunny now but it was an hour ago.
• We aren’t hungry now but we were twenty minutes ago.

• Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the SIMPLE

Sally ate (eat) dinner last night when someone was knocking (knock) on the door.
• I began to study at seven last night. Fred came (come) at seven-
thirty. I was studying (study) when Fred came(come).
• While I was studying (study) last night, Fred droped by
(drop by) to visit me.
• My roommate’s parents called(call) him last night while we
were watching(watch) TV.
• My mother called me around five. My husband came home a little after five. When he
came(come) home, I was talking (talk) to my mother on the phone.
• Yesterday Tom and Janice went (go) to the zoo around one. They
saw(see) many kinds of animals. They stayed at the zoo for two hours. While they
walked(walk) home, it began (begin) to rain, so they stopped (stop) at a small café and
had (have) a cup of coffee.
• Yesterday afternoon I went (go) to visit the Parker family. When I got (get) there around
two o’clock, Mrs. Parker was (be) in the yard. She planted (plant) flowers in her garden.
Mr. Parker was (be) in the garage. He worked (work) on
their car. He changed (change) the oil.

• Put the verbs in the correct tense. Use the SIMPLE PAST or the

• Has Tim finished (finish) his work yet?

• Has he finished (finish) it yesterday?
• They have just went (just / go) out.
• They have went (go) out a minute ago.
• Has Ann studied (study) yesterday afternoon?
• Did she call(call) him a week ago?
• They have not seen(not / see) the film yet.
• Have you ever been(ever / be) in a TV studio?
• Have you not finished [not / finish) school last year?
• I have lost(lose) my dictionary. I can’t find it anywhere.

• Read the following extracts and translate them into Romanian:

“Most bones of a human adult consist of a bony and cartilaginous framework, as a result of
which a bony part and a cartilaginous part are distinguished in the skeletal system. The bony part
makes up most of the bone. The articular cartilages, the epiphyseal cartilages and the costal
cartilages form the cartilaginous part of the skeletal system.
The long bones (humerus, clavicle, femur, phalanges, etc.) have a middle part, the diaphysis, and
two end parts, the epiphyses. The epiphysis located closer to the axial skeleton is called the
proximal epiphysis, while the epiphysis of the same bone but situated further from the axial
skeleton is called the distal epiphysis. The wider parts of long bones between the diaphysis and
the epiphysis are known as metaphysis. Their boundaries are visible only in the bones of children
and adolescents when a cartilaginous layer, the epiphyseal cartilage still remains between the
diaphysis and epiphyses.
„Majoritatea oaselor unui adult uman constau dintr-un cadru osos și cartilaginos, în urma căruia o parte
osoasă și o parte cartilaginoasă se disting în sistemul osos. Partea osoasa formeaza cea mai mare parte a
osului. Cartilajele articulare, cartilajele epifizare și cartilajele costale formează partea cartilaginoasă a
sistemului osos.
Oasele lungi (humerus, claviculă, femur, falange etc.) au o parte mijlocie, diafiza, și două părți
terminale, epifize. Epifiza situată mai aproape de scheletul axial se numește epifiza proximală, în timp
ce epifiza aceluiași os, dar situată mai departe de scheletul axial se numește epifiza distală. Părțile mai
largi ale oaselor lungi dintre diafiză și epifiză sunt cunoscute sub numele de metafiză. Limitele lor sunt
vizibile doar în oasele copiilor și adolescenților atunci când un strat cartilaginos, cartilajul epifizar
rămâne încă între diafize și epifize.
• Translate into English:
1. Imi place sa citesc carti in limba engleza.
2. Filmul de astazi a fost foarte interesant.
3. Aceasta este harta pe care am cumparat-o alaltaieri din Tokyo.
4. Pentru că nu am mașină, merg pe jos.
5. Duminică am facut și cumpărături, am fost și la prieteni acasă, am ajutat-o și pe mama și
6. Examenul de ieri a fost interesant, dar dificil.
7. Maine la ora 7 merg la facultate.
8. Staţi aşezaţi, cu tălpile unite către interior şi cu genunchii îndreptaţi lateral către exterior.
9. Plasaţi-vă mâinile în jurul gleznelor şi odihniţi-vă coatele pe coapse.
10. Apăsaţi uşor cu coatele asupra coapselor. Apoi odihniţi-vă. Apăsaţi apoi din nou.

1. I like to read books in English.

2. Today's movie was very interesting.
3. This is the map I bought the other day in Tokyo.
4. Because I don't have a car, I walk.
5. On Sunday I also went shopping, I also went to friends' houses, I also helped my
mother and others.
6. Yesterday's exam was interesting but difficult.
7. Tomorrow at 7 o'clock I go to college.
8. Sit with your feet together inwards and your knees pointing outwards.
9. Place your hands around your ankles and rest your elbows on your thighs.
10. Press gently with your elbows on your thighs. Then rest. Then press again.

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