The Benefits of MPFF. CVD (Editorial)

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Adv Ther (2020) 37:S1–S5


The Benefits of Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction

(MPFF) Throughout the Progression of Chronic
Venous Disease
Andrew N. Nicolaides

Received: November 26, 2019 / Published online: January 22, 2020

Ó The Author(s) 2020

ABSTRACT recommended adjunct therapies to be com-

bined with standard compression therapy
At the 2019 European Venous Forum in Zurich include VAD (MPFF) and non-VAD drugs (pen-
Switzerland, a symposium entitled ‘‘State of the toxifylline and sulodexide) which have been
art: benefits of MPFF throughout CVD progres- shown to speed VLU healing in comparison
sion’’ was held to discuss the developing treat- with compression therapy alone.
ment strategies for patients at all stages of
chronic venous disease (CVD). At the early
stages of CVD, management should be focused Keywords: Chronic venous disease; Chronic
on preventing disease progression through life- venous reflux; Endovenous ablation;
style changes and conservative treatment; Sclerotherapy; Venoactive drugs; Venous leg
treatment can also include venoactive drugs ulcers
(VAD) such as micronized purified flavonoid
fraction (MPFF; DaflonÒ), which is the most Key Summary Points
well-known and most widely prescribed VAD in
Europe. As the disease progresses, patients who At the 2019 European Venous Forum in
require interventional procedures (e.g., Zurich Switzerland, a symposium entitled
endovenous procedure or sclerotherapy) can ‘‘State of the art: benefits of MPFF
also benefit from MPFF treatment in the recov- throughout CVD progression’’ was held to
ery period after the procedure, as MPFF has been discuss the developing treatment
shown to reduce periprocedural pain and strategies for patients at all stages of
bleeding (hematoma), and to improve CVD chronic venous disease (CVD).
symptoms during this period. Management of
CVD in patients with venous leg ulcers (VLU) is At the early stages of CVD, management
the most challenging; in these patients, should be focused on preventing disease
progression through lifestyle changes and
Enhanced Digital Features To view enhanced digital conservative treatment; treatment can
features for this article go to also include venoactive drugs (VAD) such
m9.figshare.11417802. as micronized purified flavonoid fraction
(MPFF; DaflonÒ), which is the most well-
A. N. Nicolaides (&) known and most widely prescribed VAD
Department of Surgery, University of Nicosia
Medical School, Nicosia, Cyprus in Europe.
S2 Adv Ther (2020) 37:S1–S5

proteins. Such changes place patients at high

As the disease progresses, patients who risk of developing venous leg ulcers (VLU),
require interventional procedures (e.g., which heal slowly and are prone to recurrence.
endovenous procedure or sclerotherapy) VLU impose heavy burdens on healthcare sys-
can also benefit from MPFF treatment in tems and on patient quality of life (QoL).
the recovery period after the procedure, as At the 20th annual meeting of the European
MPFF has been shown to reduce Venous Forum (EVF; June 27–29, 2019, Zurich,
periprocedural pain and bleeding Switzerland), a symposium entitled ‘‘State of the
(hematoma), and to improve CVD art: benefits of MPFF throughout CVD progres-
symptoms during this period. sion’’ sponsored by Servier (France) was held to
Management of CVD in patients with discuss developing treatment strategies for
venous leg ulcers (VLU) is the most patients at all stages of CVD. The symposium
challenging; in these patients, covered treatments for early stage symptomatic
recommended adjunct therapies to be CVD (CEAP classes C0s–C2), more advanced
combined with standard compression stages of CVD with varicose veins and chronic
therapy include VAD (MPFF) and non- edema (C2–C4), and the most severe stages
VAD drugs (pentoxifylline and involving VLU (C5–C6). The symposium panel
sulodexide) which have been shown to included three experts in CVD research and
speed VLU healing in comparison with treatment: Professor Armando Mansilha from
compression therapy alone. the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade in
Porto, Portugal; Dr. Fedor Lurie from the JOBST
Vascular Institute in Toledo, Ohio; and Profes-
sor Andrew Nicolaides from the University of
Nicosia Medical School in Nicosia, Cyprus.
INTRODUCTION CVD is common throughout the world, but
its prevalence is highest in Western countries
Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a common and [4]. In European countries, CVD care may con-
progressive disorder of the legs. Though etiolo- sume up to 2% of national healthcare budgets
gies may differ, the principal factors that lead to [5]. Unfortunately, as we have little or no means
its development are chronic venous reflux and of preventing the disease, CVD will continue to
venous hypertension [1]. These conditions pre- increase in prevalence along with the growing
cipitate a cascade of pathological and inflam- population of older adults and the increasing
matory responses that increase over time, prevalence of obesity. Indeed, increasing age
including endothelial activation, leukocyte and obesity are two of the primary risk factors
adhesion, deterioration of the vein walls, for CVD. Others include sedentary occupations
increases in capillary permeability, and leuko- and lifestyles, genetic factors, pregnancy, and
cyte and reticulocyte infiltration with release of previous damage to the legs (e.g., deep vein
proinflammatory mediators and growth factors thrombosis). Once CVD develops, it has a high
[2, 3]. Persistent vein dilatation, inappropriate probability of progressing. In the classic exam-
cell proliferation in the vein walls, and changes ple of the Edinburgh Vein Study, progression
in collagen synthesis lead to the development occurred in more than 57% of the patients with
of unsightly varicose veins, while the resulting varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency
edema and chronic inflammation cause symp- (CVI; class C3 or greater) over 13 years of follow-
toms of pain, itching, cramps, and feelings of up [3].
leg heaviness. Patients with such manifestations It is not yet possible to predict which indi-
of CVD seek medical treatment for symptom viduals will develop CVD, making effective
relief and removal of varicose veins. As the dis- prevention strategies difficult to achieve. On
ease progresses further, patients may develop the other hand, effective treatment strategies
changes and hardening of the skin due to cap- now exist for patients at all stages of CVD.
illary leakage and accumulation of extracellular Overall treatment objectives are to relieve
Adv Ther (2020) 37:S1–S5 S3

symptoms, reduce visible signs, prevent pro- conducted a systematic review of the clinical
gression to greater severity, and improve QoL. evidence for the effects of VAD treatment after
Ideally, interventions should reduce or elimi- surgical or endovenous intervention [12].
nate the need for further treatment. Unfortunately, few studies qualified for the
For patients with early stage CVD, lifestyle analysis but among those retained, the majority
changes should be recommended, if necessary, of studies found significant benefits in pain
to reduce the impact of risk factors such as relief, reduced bleeding (hematoma), and CVD
obesity and inactivity. Patients can also be symptom improvement.
treated with venoactive drugs (VAD) and with Recent studies have proposed that perioper-
outpatient procedures such as sclerotherapy or ative inflammation, which correlated with post-
endovenous ablation (EVA) techniques to procedural pain in HLS and RFA, may be a key
address telangiectasia (spider veins) and varicose factor in patient discomfort as well as in varicose
veins in situ. Compression therapy and surgery vein recurrence [13, 14]. The possibility that
may also be used. For VAD treatment, micro- efforts to reduce perioperative inflammation
nized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF; may also reduce recurrence in the longer term is
DaflonÒ) is the most well-known and most an attractive hypothesis. VAD, such as MPFF,
widely prescribed VAD in Europe, though it is not only reduce inflammation but provide other
not yet available in the USA. MPFF has pleio- CVD-specific benefits to patients undergoing
tropic pharmacological effects, which act at HLS or EVA [11, 12, 15, 16]. The long-term
various levels of pathological dysfunction in benefits of post-procedural VAD treatment await
patients with CVD. MPFF has anti-inflammatory investigation in a well-designed, placebo-con-
activities, reduces endothelial cell activation trolled randomized clinical trial.
and leukocyte adhesion, and increases capillary VLU develop as a consequence of chronic leg
resistance and integrity [4]. As a result, MPFF edema, inflammation, skin capillary break-
treatment produces clinical benefits in patients down, and lymphatic damage. Management of
with all classes of CVD. It reduces CVD signs and these patients is the most challenging and,
symptoms such as pain, heaviness, edema, and indeed, the most costly among patients with
skin changes. It also improves venous tone, QoL, CVD. These lesions heal slowly, even with
and promotes ulcer healing [3, 6, 7]. appropriate treatment, and have high rates of
MPFF treatment in symptomatic women recurrence. For many patients that develop
without varicose veins (C0s) reduced the fre- severe CVD, VLU impose a heavy healthcare
quency of evening (after work) reflux and asso- burden on them and their caregivers, and
ciated symptoms by 85% after 2 months [8]. In reduce QoL. The socioeconomic impact of VLU
women with symptoms and early signs (te- is substantial and can account for up to 1–2% of
langiectasia, C1s), 3 months of MPFF treatment national healthcare budgets [17–19].
improved or eliminated leg heaviness, fatigue, The objectives of medical management of
pain, and night cramps in the majority of VLU are to speed healing and prevent recur-
patients [9]. rence. Management should begin with a careful
As the disease progresses, patients who assessment to identify the incompetent veins
require interventions can also benefit from responsible for the condition. Dressings and
MPFF treatment in the post-procedural recovery compression are standard initial treatment,
period. Two studies reported that in patients whereas surgery may also be needed to remove
treated with MPFF before an endovenous pro- incompetent veins [7]. Intermittent pneumatic
cedure or sclerotherapy and for several days compression may also be beneficial when used
afterward, venous clinical severity scores and with standard compression [20].
CVD-associated symptoms improved to signifi- VAD therapy along with compression can
cantly greater degrees than in patients who had speed VLU healing compared with compression
the procedures without MPFF treatment alone [7, 21]. In a meta-analysis of clinical trials
[10, 11]. To investigate this aspect of VAD comparing standard compression therapy with
treatment in greater detail, Mansilha et al. or without adjunct systemic treatment with
S4 Adv Ther (2020) 37:S1–S5

MPFF, VLU healing probabilities were 32% Medical writing. Medical writing services
higher with MPFF and healing time was short- were provided by Dr. Kurt Liittschwager
ened by 4 weeks [21]. Two other non-VAD (4Clinics, France) and were funded by Servier.
drugs, pentoxifylline and sulodexide, have also
shown efficacy in improving VLU healing. In Authorship. Dr. Andrew N. Nicolaides meets
the current European CVD management the International Committee of Medical Journal
guidelines (2018), MPFF, pentoxifylline, and Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this
sulodexide are recommended adjunct therapies article, takes responsibility for the integrity of
to be combined with standard compression the work as a whole, and has approved this
therapy [10]. version for publication.

Prior presentation. This article and all of the

CONCLUSIONS articles in this supplement are based on the
international satellite symposium at the Euro-
CVD at each stage of severity presents specific pean Venous Forum (June 2019, Zurich,
healthcare challenges to patients and physi- Switzerland).
cians. At the early stages, management should be
focused on preventing disease progression Disclosures. Dr. Andrew N. Nicolaides
through lifestyle changes and conservative declares having received speaker honoraria from
treatment. As CVD progresses, surgical and out- Medtronic, Servier, Pierre Fabre, and Alfasigma.
patient procedures to remove or ablate varicose
veins and eliminate venous reflux are the stan- Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
dard of care. In the most severe forms, standard article is based on previously conducted studies
VLU treatment includes compression bandag- and does not contain any studies with human
ing, but surgery may also be necessary. Indeed, participants or animals performed by the
various management options exist for patients at author.
each stage and treatment strategies will depend
on the characteristics of individual patients. Open Access. This article is licensed under a
However, it is also clear from controlled Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-
clinical trials and multiple meta-analyses that cial 4.0 International License, which permits
VAD such as MPFF provide therapeutic benefits any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,
at each stage of CVD, by reducing CVD-specific distribution and reproduction in any medium
symptoms and inflammation, periprocedural or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
pain, and by speeding healing of VLU. We hope to the original author(s) and the source, provide
that physicians concerned about providing a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
optimal care for their patients with CVD will indicate if changes were made. The images or
find the accompanying summaries from this other third party material in this article are
EVF symposium to be informative starting included in the article’s Creative Commons
points to improve their understanding of the licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit
challenges of managing patients with CVD line to the material. If material is not included
effectively and the treatment strategies available in the article’s Creative Commons licence and
to them. your intended use is not permitted by statutory
regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you
will need to obtain permission directly from the
copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,
Funding. This supplement has been spon-
sored by Servier. Article processing charges and
the open access fee were funded by Servier.
Adv Ther (2020) 37:S1–S5 S5

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