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GPW-2000 Gravitymaster
1. Watch connections + Automatic connections Bluetooth - MB6 - GPS
2. Power saving + Low battery indicator
3. Dial layout Hour/Minute/Second/Day/Date/Latitude/Longitude/Worldtime+24hr/24hr
4. Button layout
5. Dial icons
1 Airplane
2 Latitude
3 Battery level
4 DST Summer time setting
5 Signal receive information
6 Alarm settings
7 RC MB6 Atomic sync
8 Last signal receive
9 Bluetooth connection
10 Time sync GPS
11 Time + position sync GPS
6. Crown positions
Worldtime + Home Time positions
7. Home Time button operations Bluetooth Flight Log/GPS Time/GPS Time+Position
8. UTC Quick Worldtime swap to UTC time
9. Airplane Mode Turns o Bluetooth/MB6/GPS
10. Hand + Dial calibration
11. Bluetooth reset / Delete pairing
12. Adjusting Home CityCode
13. Adding Custom Home CityCode Adjustable in 15 minute increasements
14. Resetting Custom CityCode from UTC
15. WorldTime 29 CityCodes
16. WorldTime Swap WT→HT HT→WT
17. Mode Stopwatch/Timer/Alarm
19. TIMER TMR 24hr
20. ALARM ALM Daily
21. Bluetooth Connection to App
Connecting for the rst time
22. View Guide - In app tour of how the watch functions
23. WorldTime App 300+ Cities
24. Utility App
Alarm + Timer
25. Flight Log App
Time + Location Log
26. Settings in App
APP - Usage of the ight log - Unit setting - Operation check of auto time adjustment function
WATCH - Set the operation sound - Set the time for connecting to this app - Time adjustment
Adjusting the home positions - Summer time setting for home time
27. Delete Pairing in App
28. Adjusting Time + Date manually
Watch connections + Automatic connections
1 Bluetooth - Automatic Sync times 12:30am - 6:30am - 12:30pm - 6:30pm (every 6hrs)
MB6 - Automatic Sync times - 12am to 5am (second hand points to ‘RC’ when Syncing)
Watch connections
GPS - Manual + Automatic
Sync- At anytime connections
near a window or outside
Bluetooth - Automatic Sync times 12:30am
GPS - Automatic Sync - If no Bluetooth or MB6- 6:30am
12:30pm - 6:30pmthen
unsuccessful (every
following day with
the watch continuously in bright lighting for 2mins between the hours of 6am toSyncing)
- Automatic Sync times - 12am to 5am (second hand points to ‘RC’ when 10pm then the GPS
GPS - ManualtoSync-
will attempt sync At anytime near a window or outside
GPS - Automatic Sync - If no Bluetooth or MB6 sync was unsuccessful then the following day
with the watch continuously in bight lighting for 2mins between the hours of 6am to 10pm then
the GPS will attempt to sync

3 Dial Layout Hour Hand + 24hr Sub-Dial - Hour hand Year

Minute Hand - Year

Second Hand - Connection/Alarm/CityCode

Latitude Hand - Batt/DST/P+N/

Longitude Dial - Modes/Coordinates/UTC

Worldtime - STW/TMR/ALM + PM/AM Dial

Date - Home Time + Worldtime

Worldtime Sub-Dials
24hr Sub-Dial connected with the
Worldtime Sub-Dial
A = 00:00 to 11:59
P = 12:00 to 23:59

Technical info
6-motor drive including 2 dual-coil
4 Button Layout A UTC - Sets Worldtime back to UTC time/P+N

B BACKLIGHT - Worldtime Swap/Start/Stop/DST

C MODE - Bluetooth App Connect/Custom WT

D CONNECT - Bluetooth Sync/GPS Sync/Reset/

Flight Log/Time Adjustment


Latitude icons Dial icons

Latitude icons
Airplane Mode


Location info

Alarm Sync status

Dial icons Bluetooth

MB6 GPS Time

GPS Time+Pos
Leaving the crown pulled
out without performing
6 Crown Positions any operation for 30mins
will automatically disable
adjustments, any
adjustments made prior
will be saved - push
crown back in and pull
out to refresh

1st Position - Worldtime + Airplane Mode ON/OFF (Turns o Bluetooth/MB6/GPS)

2nd Position - Home Time + Time/Date Adjust + Calibration + Bluetooth Reset

HOMETIME button operation No crown operation LAT = Latitude LONG + Longitude

7 Backlight

Button B Backlight - Backlight doesn’t work when hands are adjusting, between
modes, operating Stopwatch, Timer and adjusting Alarm - no auto backlight available
Sync Status Last Receive

1/4 Button D ‘Sync Status’ Second hand points to ‘Y’ or ’N' then points to CityCode -
LAT hand points to P or N +LAT/LONG is displayed if ‘Y’ (if no sync available then
second hand rst points to ‘N’ with the LAT hand pointing to P or N then back to time

P = Time Sync with location (Position)

N = Time Sync with NO location

Bluetooth Flight Log Time Adjustment Sync Phone can be in standby to take Flight Log + Time Adjustments
2/4 Button D 0.5sec ‘Bluetooth Time/Flight Log Sync’ second hand points to ‘Y’ or ’N’
then points to ‘C’ - LAT hand points to P or N - connects to Bluetooth with device (Any
adjustments made in the watch or App will be updated - if phone has been updated
with a new timezone while travelling it will update the watch automatically) Location
stamp will be added to the Flight Log - CityCode/LAT/LONG/ P or N is displayed
GPS Time sync

3/4 Button D 2.5sec ‘Time Sync’ second hand points to ‘Y’ or ’N’ then points to ‘C’
then nally points to ’T’ - will perform a GPS Time sync only not location (if successful
Second hand points to ‘Y’ with LAT hand pointing to P or N )
GPS Time + Position sync

4/4 Button D 2.5sec ‘Time+Position’ same as 3/4 but once second hand points to ’T’
press button D again and second hand points to ‘T+P’ (Time and location sync with
LAT on NORTH and LONG searching side to side) If successful Second hand points to
‘Y’ with the LAT hand pointing rst to P or N - CityCode/LAT/LONG is displayed

1/2 Button C Modes - Stopwatch/Timer/Alarm - quick return back to ‘Home Time’

pressing button C for 1sec sounding a double chirp returns to ‘Home Time’ Skip to 17
Bluetooth APP Connection

2/2 Button C 2.5sec ‘Connects to APP’ second hand points to 12 o’clock then points
to ‘C’
(App needs to be opened - Second Hand continuously points to ‘C’ while connected -
Pressing any button will disconnect or close via App or if App is timed out
8 UTC - Press button A 1sec - Swaps Worldtime to UTC time
showing on the Longitude dial

Airplane Mode - Press button D then pull crown out to position 1 (second hand points
9 to ‘Y’ or ‘N’) using crown turn to select ‘Y’ or ‘N’ once selected push crown fully back in
(Latitude hand points to the Airplane icon if selected to ‘N’)

Hand/Dial 5 step Calibration

1.Hour/Minute/second (Automatically calibrated - no manual adjustments required)
2. Worldtime Hands
3. Longitude sub-dial
4. Latitude Hand
5. Date

1. Hour/Minutes/Seconds Pull crown to position 2 then a long press on button D 5sec

till it beeps then second hand points to12 o’clock then release
(Main Hands will align to 12 o’clock Automatically - this can’t be adjusted manually)

2. Worldtime Hands Press button C - (Main hands sweep to the 2 o’clock position)
Turn crown to align hands to 12 o’clock position

3. Longitude dial Press button C - turn crown to align ‘0’ at 6 o’clock position

4. Latitude hand Press button C - turn crown to Adjust to 12 o’clock

5. Date Press button C - Date forwards with the Latitude hand turning - once stopped
turn the crown to align ‘1’ (‘1’ is used as centre of calibration)

Pressing button C will cycle through 2,3,4,5 again with a slight movement to either the
hands or dial when selected ↩︎
Pushing crown in at anytime returns back to Home Time and saves any adjustments made at the time
Bluetooth Reset
11 Pull crown to position 2 - long press button D 10 secs - second hand will point to
CityCode then 12 o’clock position with a beep then the second hand points to ‘C’
with a double beep then release - second hand returns pointing to your CityCode
and Bluetooth is reset

Options once Bluetooth has been reset

CityCode - Turning the crown adjusts CityCode using second hand ↓

DST - Pressing button B shows DST (AT/STD/DST) - holding down button B will
adjust the DST - repeat to select another DST setting

Custom CityCode - After Bluetooth is reset and second hand points to CityCode
press button C 1sec to select custom CityCode setting with the second hand now
pointing to the ● (RC) - turning the crown when on custom CityCode setting will
advance the main hands in 15 minute intervals - DST can be adjusted by holding
down button B (AT/STD/DST)

NOTE While the Custom CityCode is selected the second hand can not be moved
only the Hour/Minute hands can be adjusted in 15 minute increasements
To select another CityCode push the crown fully in and then pull out again to
position 2 now the second hand can be moved to a CityCode using the crown

Adjusting Home CityCode

12 Pull crown to position 2 - turn crown using second hand to point to one of the
29 CityCodes
NOTE Second hand will skip custom CityCode ●
DST - Short press on button B will show the DST setting using the latitude
hand - press and hold down button B 2sec to select DST setting
Repeat to select another DST setting (AT/STD/DST)

Adding custom Home CityCode (15 minute increasements)

13 Pull crown to position 2 and press button C 1sec - second hand will point between
CityCodes HNL and WLG using a dot ● (RC)
Turning the crown will advance the main hands by 15 minute increasements
NOTE DST can not be selected in the Custom CityCode setting
when UTC is selected - you can not select the custom CityCode pressing button C
this will need to be reset

Resetting the Custom CityCode from UTC

14 Pull crown to position 2 and select any CityCode except UTC using the crown then
press button C 1sec the second hand points to custom CityCode ●
WorldTime 29 time zones + 1 Custom CityCode (300+ in App)
15 Pull crown to position 1 - second hand points to CityCode - turn crown to select
CityCode (Worldtime dial adjusts using the PM/AM sub-dial along with the
Latitude/Longitude dials once CityCode is selected - If the timeline is crossed the
Date will advance)

DST - Short press on button B will show the DST using the latitude hand
Press and hold button B 2sec to select DST setting - repeat to choose
another DST setting as required (AT/STD/DST)

Location information -
Press button A to see if there is location
information available P = Available N = Not available

Worldtime Hand Swap - Using selected Worldtime in the watch to swap as your
16 new Home Time
In Home Time long press on button B 3sec - a beep will sound and the main hands
swap - the second hand points to the new Home Time Worldtime CityCode
Pressing button D will show the second hand point to ‘N’
This will update to ‘Y’ if the CityCode has a MB6 sync connection or when
connected to your phone which must match the location
NOTE Making a Time sync ’T’ without being in that time zone will fail

MODE - Stopwatch/Timer/Alarm
MODE Stopwatch - Timer - Alarm
17 Long press on button C while in any MODE will double beep and return back to
(Long Time on button C while in any MODE will double chirp and return back to
Home Time)

Stopwatch 24hr - In Home Time press button C and the Longitude dial will move
18 and show STW (Worldtime dial will zero out to the 12 o’clock position with the
PM/AM dial also zeroed out) unless the Stopwatch time is paused
Press button B to START and STOP (no beep)
When Stopwatch is stopped pressing button D to reset
NOTE Stopwatch can be started before the hands settle - Stopwatch can also run
in the background while in Home Time or any other mode

Timer 24hr - In Home Time press button C two times and the Longitude dial will
19 move and show TMR (The Worldtime dial and PM/AM dial will show the last
adjusted time or will zero out)
Press button B to START and STOP (no beep)
When Timer is stopped pressing button D to reset
Adjusting Timer - Pull crown to position 1 and turn crown to adjust the Worldtime
dial taking note that the PM/AM dial acts as 24hrs - if the crown is turned 3 times
quickly the time adjustment will turn automatically forward/reverse - turning the
crown again 3 times quickly will advance the time at a second faster speed
(Advancing forwards is faster than in reverse) turning the crown or pressing any
button will stop the automatic advance
Once the time has been set push the crown fully in and the Timer can be started at
anytime after - When Timer sounds press any button to turn o
The next time the watch is connected or synced to your phone the TIMER
adjustment will be updated to the App
NOTE Timer can be started before the hands settle - Timer can also run in the
background while in Home Time or any other mode

Alarm - In Home Time press button D three times and the Longitude dial will move
20 and show ALM (Worldtime dial and PM/AM dial moves to the last alarm time
The second hand will point to either ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’
Pressing button D will toggle the second hand to select either ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’
Adjusting Alarm - Pull crown to position 1 and turn crown to adjust the Worldtime
dial taking note that the PM/AM dial acts as 24hrs - if the crown is turned 3 times
quickly the time adjustment will turn automatically forward/reverse - turning the
crown again 3 times quickly will advance the time at a second faster speed
(Advancing forwards is faster than in reverse) turning the crown or pressing any
button will stop the automatic advance
When setting the alarm by pulling out the crown the second hand will automatically
select ‘ON’ press button D to select second hand to ‘OFF’ if you do not require the
alarm to sound - When Alarm sounds press any button to turn o
The next time the watch is connected to your phone the ALARM adjustment will be
updated to the App
Tip - Using the CityCode next to where the ‘ON’ ‘OFF’ is located ‘ON’ is upon
CityCode RIO and ‘OFF’ is upon CityCode FEN
Bluetooth Connection - First time connected
21 Download G-Shock Connected App for Android or iOS
Make sure you have selected the correct CityCode in the
watch for your
Bluetooth timezone and
Connection that the
- First battery
time is not on
‘L’ otherwise the connection may fail
Download G-Shock Connected App for Android or iOS
Make sure you have selected the correct CityCode in the
watch for your timezone and that the battery is not on
1 2 will fail
‘L’ otherwise the connection 3 4
Open G-Shock Press button C Tap on the display G-Shock icon
Connected 2.5sec - second window ‘Register spins and once
app and select hand spins to the the watch to the connected
Gravitymaster 12 o’clock position app’ ‘Registration was
GPW-2000 then points to ‘C’ (Second hand successful” is
with a double rotates fully back displayed
beep then release to ‘C’)

5 6 7 8
The screen will Information Main page is Swipe right or tap
now display the In some areas and shown like this on ‘GUIDE’ and
watch with the countries GPS then tap on
battery level at the may be subject to Battery level is ‘View Guide’
top left corner regulations - Tap always shown
‘X’ to go back while connected
22 Guide 1/4
9 10 11 12
Guide 1/4 Guide 2/4 Guide 3/4 Guide 4/4
layout with layout with instructions to use with instructions
instructions to use instructions to use to use
Tap on left arrow Tap on left arrow Tap on left arrow Tap on left arrow
to exit at anytime to exit at anytime to exit at anytime to exit at anytime

23 Worldtime 300+ Cities

13 14 15 16
Tap or scroll to Map is shown Tapping on any Your previous
WORLDTIME From here you can City will show Worldtime city will
Tap on the search or pinch to informations be shown with a
Worldtime window nd a new including DST spinning loading
ie. New York Worldtime Press “Set this city icon
to the watch” ie. New York
17 18 19 20
The map moves to Then returns back You can tap on the The screen will
your new chosen to the main double arrows to display an
Worldtime City Worldtime display swap Worldtime to animation of the
with “World time now showing your Home Time time swapping to
was set” new Worldtime the new Home
City Time
ie. Cape Town ie. Cape Town

24 24 Utility
21 22 23 24
Tapping on “Send Repeat from step Tap or swipe to Tap or slide tab to
setting to watch” 19 to swap back UTILITY showing set a new alarm
the new Home to your Home City ALARM + TIMER time
Time City will be time
transferred to the Tap on ALARM
watch - Second (o )
hand rotates
25 26 27 28
Use the scroll Press “Send The screen returns Tap on TIMER
wheels to adjust setting to watch” showing the
the hours and Once transferred ALARM time Adjustment
minutes “Setting window for the
Note the alarm is completed” is When alarm time is hours and minutes
switched as soon as shown the ALARM
shown - Tap OK will be displayed
adjustments are made status is ON

25 25 Flight Log
29 30 31 32
When the dials are Once transfer is Note the TIMER is FLIGHT LOG
adjusted the red completed to the set to the watch Press button D
tab “Send setting watch “Setting and does not 0.5sec performs a
to watch” will be completed” is automatically start Time/Location
displayed - Press shown - Press OK the TIMER this has memo in the App
arrow to exit without to be started from Phone can be in
saving or press “Send the watch standby Press OK
to watch”
33 34 35 36
LAST POINT is This screen Delete Flight Log Window will be
displayed showing displays all your Tap on DELETE displayed “Do you
your coordinates Flight Log details top right corner want to delete the
with date and time You can also Tap on the right data?”
create a Group corner box to
Tap on ALL POINT and add Flight select to delete
to see details Logs Press DELETE

26 Settings
37 38 39 40
Tap on the Tap on Here you can When
settings icon in CASIO GPW-2000 adjust more disconnected the
the top right features - This is battery icon will no
corner to open also where you longer be
more features can Disconnect displayed
when connected from the watch
to the watch
27 Delete Pairing

41 42 43
Tap on the Tap on Tap on the
settings icon in CASIO GPW-2000 “Delete pairing
the top right when registration”
not connected to
the watch
Adjusting Home Time + Date manually

1/6 Adjusting Time+Date Manually - 5 stage Minutes/Hour/Year/Month/Date

Fine Hour/Minute Adjustments - Pull crown to position 2 - Turn crown to select
your Home CityCode with the second hand (unless your CityCode is 15 or 30mins
di erence then skip to 6/6) Press button B to adjust DST (Auto/O /On)
Once CityCode/DST has been set press button C 10sec till second hand moves to
‘RC’ then points to the 12 o’clock position with double beep then release button C
1a Turn crown to adjust time at one minute increasements turning the minute and
hour hand - Turn crown to advance clockwise or counterclockwise - turn crown 3
clicks quickly for automatic advance - turn again 3 turns quickly to advance faster
Turn crown or press any button to stop automatic advancement
Continue to the next stage Hour Hand 2/6 once set

2/6 Hour Hand Adjustment Only - Press button C and the Hour hand will move
slightly - Turn crown to adjust Hour - Turn crown to advance clockwise or
counterclockwise - turn crown 3 clicks quickly for automatic advance - turn again
3 turns quickly to advance faster - Turn crown or press any button to stop
automatic advancement - continue to the next stage Year 3/6 once set

3/6 Year (starts from 2000-2099) - Press button C and the hands now move to the
Date setting - Turn crown to advance the minute hand - turn again 3 clicks quickly
for automatic advance - turn crown or press any button to stop automatic
advance - Using the 12 to 9 hour markers as years
(example 12 = 2000yr 1 = 2001yr and so on till 9 = 2009yr)
Once the minute hand moves over 9 then the hour hand will advance - Hour hand
counts every 10yrs
(example 12 = 2000yr 1 = 2010yr and so on till 9 = 2090yr)
Useing the 12 to 9 hour markers as 10yrs
(2:05pm = 2021)

Continue to the next stage Month 4/6 once set

4/6 Month - Press button C and the second hand rotates - Turning the crown will
advance the second hand either clockwise or counterclockwise at one hour
increasements - Each hour marker equals to one month beginning with
12 = December 1 = January 9 = September for example

Continue to the next stage Date 5/6 once set

5/6 Date - Press button C and the latitude hand will move slightly - Turn crown
once either clockwise or counterclockwise to advance date
Once the last stage is completed pushing the crown fully in will start the time from
00 seconds

If the crown is not pushed back in - pressing button C will cycle through the 5
6/6 Adjusting Time+Date Manually using Custom CityCode - 5 stage Minutes/
Pull crown to position 2 - press button C 1sec and the second hand points to
custom CityCode ● Turn crown to adjust the time in 15 minute increasements
Press button B to adjust DST (Auto/O /On)
Once time/DST is set press button C 10sec till the second hand moves to ‘RC’
then points to the 12 o’clock position with a double beep then release button C
Now continue to stage 1a

WatchUP69 Top Tip

This is useful when the main hands obscure the Worldtime sub-dial

Adjust the custom Worldtime CityCode - setting the hour and minute hand to be at
a 45 degree o set to your current time for example
Then long press on button B in Home Time will shift hands away from the
Worldtime dial - Long press on button B to return back to Home Time setting

CASIO G-Shock GPW-2000 Gravitymaster 2021 V3.9


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