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Advanced Web Development:


Real-time communication between clients and servers, enabling features like live chat or real-time

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):

Building web applications that offer a native app-like experience, including offline capabilities and push


A query language for APIs that allows clients to request only the data they need.

Software Testing:

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD):

Collaborative approach emphasizing communication among developers, testers, and non-technical


Tools like Cucumber and Behave for writing and executing BDD tests.

Load Testing:

Simulating a large number of users to assess the performance and scalability of a system.

Tools like Apache JMeter or Gatling for load testing.

Data Engineering:

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load):

Moving and transforming data between different storage systems for analysis.

Apache NiFi, Apache Airflow, and Talend are common ETL tools.

Big Data Technologies:

Processing and analyzing large datasets using technologies like Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and
Apache Flink.


Penetration Testing:

Identifying vulnerabilities in systems through ethical hacking to enhance security.

Familiarity with tools like Metasploit and OWASP.


Understanding encryption, hashing, and secure communication protocols.

Implementing secure communication using SSL/TLS.

Mobile App Development (Continued):

Cross-Platform Development:

Using frameworks like Flutter (Dart) or React Native (JavaScript) to develop apps for multiple platforms
from a single codebase.

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality):

Developing applications that leverage AR and VR technologies for immersive experiences.


Natural Language Processing (NLP):

Processing and analyzing human language, often used in chatbots, language translation, and sentiment

Quantum Computing:

Exploring the principles of quantum computing, a cutting-edge field that leverages quantum mechanics
for computation.

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