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Prospecting and Scraping lead data

Based on the target audience and the type of data needed for your campaign, I will scan and populate an excel or
your CRM with high-quality leads.

Sources: Instagram, Google Maps, Linkedin, Crunchbase, website directories, Yelp and many others.
Data points: Linkedin profile URL, verified email, role. Full name, address

Creating cold mass outreach campaigns and/or support in appointment setting

I have experience creating automated outreach campaigns for both Linkedin and email without being flagged as
SPAM and thus maintaining the health of your domains and profiles. I also use mass DM bots for Instagram and

In the case of high-cost players, I can contact them manually via Telegram, Discord, Instagram, Twitter, searching and
understanding their typical handles and creating ad hoc messages for each to ensure a meeting with decision makers

Account management, attending calls, closing deals and defining partnerships

I can participate in phone calls on your behalf, manage customer expectations and negotiate offers of your products
and services. I have experience in managing and closing sales.

I have a track record of setting up CRM, pricing models, general operations and reporting dashboards.

Elias Mahdavi Telegram - mastrogeppeth

Sales Executive and Lead Generator
Operations and scraping expert Book a call-

4+ years as an IT Strategy Consultant Email -

1+ year in B2B sales

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