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Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M .

Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

Forces on the body

Force control all motion in the world. The muscular forces that cause the
.blood to circulate and the lungs to take in air

Gravitational force occurs through Newton law of universal gravitation

thus law stat that there is a force of attraction between any two objects.
Medical effects of gravitational force is the formation of varicose veins in
the legs as the venous blood travels against the force of gravity on its
.way to the heart

Statics : when objects are stationary ( static ) they are in a state of

equilibrium , the sum of the forces in any direction is equal to zero and
. the sum of the torques about any axis is equal zero

A simple example of a lever system in the body is the case of the biceps
muscle and the radius bone acting to support a weight w in the hand (fig
. 1-a)

Fig (1-b) shows the forces and dimensions of typically arm . we can find
the forces applied by the biceps if we sum the torques about the pivot
joint, there are only two torques that due to the weight w, which is equal
to 30w acting clockwise, and that produces by the muscle M, which is
.counter clockwise and of magnitude 4M

Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M . Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

With arm in the equilibrium we find that [ 4M-30W=0] and [M=7.5W] ;

musical forces 7.5 times the weight is needed . for 100 N weight , the
.force needed is 750 N

Let us now consider the effect on the muscle force needed as the arm
: changes its angle

The arm at an angle α to the horizontal

α has no effected on the muscle . if α changes it will not affect the muscle
., M is constant

.But the length of the bicep muscle will change with the angle

If the muscle is contracted or relaxed it will not effect. it is virtually zero,

but there is a point in the middle of the muscle will have maximum force.
: As in fig

Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M . Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

At arresting length L the muscle is close to its maximum length for

. producing force

At about half this length it cannot shorten more and the force it can -
.produce drops to zero

whereas at a stretch of about 2L tearing of the muscle takes place , the -

. arm can be held horizontally by the deltoid muscle

.The deltoid muscle and bone structure involved

:The force on the arm ARM

.T is the tension in the deltoid muscle-

.R is the reaction point on shoulder joint -

w1 weight of the arm (center of gravity) -

.w2 weight in the hand -

By taking sum of the torques about the shoulder joint , the tension T can
:calculated from
2W 1+ 4 W 2
=if α = 16o , w1= 68 N , w2 = 45 N T
sin α

2∗68+ 4∗45
T= =1145 N … the force needed ¿ hold up the armis large .
sin 16

Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M . Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

An often at used part of the body is the lumber (lower back) region. In the
fig below , the calculated force at the fifth lumber vertebra (L5) , with the
body tipped forward 60o to the vertical and with a weight of 225 N in the
hands can approach 3800 N . from this correct position with this weight .
.it is thought to be a primary cause of law pain

w1 : weight of the body

w2 : weight of arm & hand + 225N

A: rigid fulcrum at about 5 th lumber vertebraAB : boom (body trunk)

TD : cable representing effective muscle

AD: 2/3 AB

AE : 1/2 AB

T : tension in the muscle



T w1


Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M . Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

W1 =320 N

W2= 382 N

T=3380 N

Fx = 3225 N

Fy = 1748 N

√ Fx2 + Fy 2=R
R= 3803 N

The forces of muscles in the body are transmitted by tendons for example
. the muscles that move the fingers to objects are located in the fore arm

The patella serves as pulley for changing the direction of the force as in
.fig (2.8) page (24)

:Frictional forces

Frictional and the energy loss due to friction appear everywhere in our
everyday life . friction limits the efficiency of most machines. We can
resolve this force into horizontal and vertical components, the vertical
.reaction force is supplied by the surface and is labeled (N) , normal force

Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M . Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

The horizontal components must be supplied by frictional force the

: maximum force of friction (f) is usually described by

f= µN (frictional forces)

Where N is the normal force , µ : coefficient of friction between the two

surface , the value of µ depends upon the two materials in contact , and
.independent of surface area

: Dynamics

Newton's 2nd law

F = ma = Δv/Δt

FΔt = mΔv

Impulse : change in momentum

: Example 1

kg person walking at 1 m/sec bumps into a wall and stops in a distance 60

? of 2.5 cm about 0.05 sec. what is the force developed on impact

F = ma

F = mv/t = 60*1/0.05 = 1200 (kgm/sec)/sec = kgm/sec2 = 1200 N

In systole 60 gm of blood at velocity 1 m/sec upward about 0.1 sec

Changing in momentum 0.06 kg * 1 (m/sec) = Δmv

Δt = 0.1 sec

F= Δmv/Δt = 0.06/0.1 = 0.6 (N)

: Acceleration can produce

. apparent increase on decrease in body weight -1

.change in internal hydrostatic pressure -2

. distortion in elastic tissues of the body -3

Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M . Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

the tendency of solids with differ at densities suspended in liquid to -4


If we subject the body to oscillatory motion , resonance behavior can

occur, pain or discomfort occurs in particular organ if it vibrated at its
.resonant frequency

See fig (2.13) (page 33)

:Stokes law

Fd = 6 π ηr ν

.For spherical particle suspended in a liquid

Fd = retarding force

.r = radius of spherical object

η = viscosity of liquid

ν = terminal velocity

: the force acting on the spherical body are

gravity force [ Fg = 4/3 πr3ρg]-1

buoyant force [ FB = [ Fg = 4/3 πr3ρo g] -2

the retarding force = 6πηrν -3

F g ↓ - FB ↑ = Fd
ν= g (ρ−ρ o)

ρ : density of object

ρo : density of solution

:The increase in sedimentation can be indication for certain disease like

Medical physics Prof. Dr. Balkees M . Al dabbagh
.1st class applied science dep. / material. Branch

Rheumatic fever , rheumatic heart disease and gout effective radius, thus
an increased sedimentation velocity occurs . this is called (E.S.R.)
(Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ) other diseases such as hemolytic
.jaundice and sickle cell anemia

The rate of sedimentation of these cells is slower than normal . ultra

.centrifuges run at 40.000 to 100.000 rpm and have g eff. 300.000 gm

g eff. = 4π2 f r2

= .g eff

v= w.r w=2π f

v= 2πf.r

=g 4π2 f2 r =


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