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The application of supercritical drying in the synthesis of silica-based


Article in Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B · December 2015

DOI: 10.1134/S1990793114070112


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1 author:

Alexander I. Puzynin
Research Institute of Applied Acoustics


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ISSN 19907931, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 44–52. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014
Original Russian Text © A.I. Puzynin, 2014, published in Sverkhkriticheskie Flyuidy: Teoriya i Praktika, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 25–36.

The Application of Supercritical Drying in the Synthesis

of SilicaBased Materials
A. I. Puzynin
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Received August 20, 2012

Abstract—The supercritical drying technology applied in the synthesis of materials based on pure silica, such
as aerogel, mesoporous silica glass, optical quartz glass, and noble opal is described. The parameters of super
critical drying for the case of silica material synthesis in ethanol and methanol are optimized.

Keywords: supercritical drying, autoclave, aerogel, mesoporous silica glass, optical quartz glass, synthetic opal
DOI: 10.1134/S1990793114070112

INTRODUCTION opal material (depending on the size of the spherical

particles forming the given material and the type of
The materials based on pure silica continue to find their densest packing). During the drying of these
new fields of application both in science and industry. materials, the capillary pressure of liquid P appears in
The aerogels based on silica are used in highenergy their pores under standard conditions, which is
physics as the radiators of Cherenkov charged particle described by Laplacian equation:
detectors. Mesoporous silica glass can be used for the
production of membranes, in chromatography, and for 2σ
P =  cos θ, (1)
the production of object glasses in UV microscopy. r
The optical quartz glass is widely used in various
instruments (cells, lenses in UV spectrometry, defense where r is the capillary (pore) radius, σ is the interface
coatings of intense light sources, astronomical optics, tension, and θ is the contact angle.
and others). Synthetic noble opal represents a valuable In Table 1, the capillary pressures that were esti
raw material for jewelry. mated by Eq. (1), which appear in silica pores with the
During the production of silicabased porous average effective diameter of ~45 nm [1] at their drying
materials, various methods for molding the final arti under standard conditions, are given as an example for
cles can be used. Aerogels and mesoporous silica glass water, methanol, and ethanol.
are obtained with the use of solgel synthesis. In this Because the porosities of the described silicabased
case, the aggregation of silica sol particles is per materials are large (80–95% for alcogels and ~30% for
formed, which are preliminarily molded to the forms precipitated opal material), during their drying under
of the required size; as a result, the spatial structures standard conditions, the internal stresses caused by
which comprise the bonded SiO2 particles are formed high capillary pressure in pores are inevitably realized
in them. The pores of these structures are filled by liq as a crack network. The lower the pores and higher the
uid, water (in hydrogels) or alcohol (in alcogels); at the
synthesis of alcogels, lower alcohols are used most
often, namely, methanol and ethanol. Contact angles of quartz glass θ, surface tension at the air
boundary σ, and capillary pressure P appearing in silica gel
During the synthesis of optical quartz glass from pores with the mean effective diameter ~45 nm for water,
silica sol particles, centrifugation is used to mold arti methanol, and ethanol
cles; in the production of noble opal, spontaneous
sedimentation of sols under the action of gravity force Liquid θ, deg* σ, mN/m [2] P, MPa
is used.
Water 47 71.7 ~4.3
The general necessary subsequent step for all these
processes of synthesis is the removal of the liquid from Methanol 24 22 ~1.8
the pores of molded materials, that is, their drying. 22.1
Ethanol 28 ~1.7
The principal difficulty of this step is that intrinsic
pore sizes of dried materials are relatively small, 10– * The data were obtained on the EasyDrop instrument that mea
100 nm in silica gels and 150–250 nm in precipitated sures contact angle (Kruss manufacturer).


porosity of the material the denser the cracks appear M2

ing in it; this process will develop up to the complete 7 8
destruction of the sample. The cracks also appear 6
along entire porous materials when drying is per M1 9 11
formed for a long time, limiting the surface area of
vaporization of the liquid. B1 B2
With the aim to eliminate the appearance of cracks
during the drying of alcogels based on silica, S. Kistler 5 10
developed and used for the first time the method of
supercritical drying in the 1930s [3]. The alcogel sam 1
ples were placed in an autoclave, where supercritical 4
temperature and pressure were achieved for the alco 3
hol gels in the pores by heating, and, then, the liquid 2
vapors were removed from the autoclave. As a result, Ar
alcohol in alcogel vapors was replaced by air and alco
gels converted to aerogels. During supercritical dry 12
ing, no internal stresses caused by the capillary pres
sure of the liquid in the pores appeared in the alcogels
and, consequently, the cracks did not appear in the
samples. This method of drying of alcogels with vari
ous modifications is recently used in the production of Fig. 1. Scheme of the setup of supercritical drying: (1)
aerogels. autoclave with cap, (2) input for thermocouple (one
The author of article optimized the mode of super chromel–alumel thermocouple in a 1L autoclave and
critical drying, which is used for the synthesis of aero three thermocouples in 37L autoclave at various heights),
(3) heating elements (five elements of 250 W in a 1L auto
gels based on silica and mesoporous silica glass, and clave and three groups by 10 kW in a 37L autoclave), M1
also used this method for the first time in the devel is highpressure manometer, M2 is highpressure sample
oped laboratory method of the production of optical manometer, (4) balloon with inert gas (argon), (5) gear
quartz glass and the synthesis of noble opal. In this box, B1 and B2 are fine adjustment valves, (6) MT100R
pressure sensor, (7) block of signal transduction BPS90P,
paper, the physicotechnical aspects of the use of this (8) spring emergency valve, (9) membrane emergency
method and principles of its optimization, which were device, (10) condensation container with water cooling,
not given in previous publications, are described in (11) flow gage of gas flow, and (12) Miniterm400 temper
detail. ature controller.

SETUP FOR SUPERCRITICAL DRYING microporous materials are performed only with the
Supercritical drying was conducted in two high use of ethanol, which is preferable due to the high tox
pressure autoclaves. The optimization of technology icity of methanol. Autoclave is sealed and its prelimi
and the production of the samples of small nary blowing is performed with the aim to replace air
microporous materials were conducted in a 1L auto in the autoclave by inert argon. The argon flow passes
clave with an inner diameter of 105 mm. The large through the autoclave, a sealed condensation con
samples were dried in a 37L autoclave with the inner tainer, and then emerges in the atmosphere. On blow
diameter of 300 mm. Autoclaves represent thickwall ing, the flow rate is controlled by a fine adjustment
(the wall thickness is 75 mm) stainless vessels, which valve B1 at the open valve B2 and it is measured with
are packed by aluminum spacers. The maximum the use of flow gage 11. The flow rate is usually set at
working pressure in autoclaves is 12 MPa (calculated around 1 and 10 L/min for the autoclaves with the
maximum pressure is 24 MPa) and working tempera capacity of 1 and 37 L, respectively; the time of purg
ture is 280°C. Autoclaves are set in an individual place ing is 10 min.
with induced ventilation. During supercritical drying, After that, valve B2 is closed and the argon is deliv
operators stay in the neighboring room, where the ered to the autoclave until the pressure inside the auto
control panel is held, which allows controlling the clave reaches 0.5 MPa. This measure prevents the eth
technological process. anol from possible effervescence upon heating when
In Fig. 1, the flow scheme of the experimental the autoclave is packed insufficiently and there is an
setup for supercritical drying is given. The forms, insubstantial leak through its spacer. Then, valve B1 is
where there are raw microporous materials, are placed also closed and the autoclave is gradually heated. The
in an autoclave which is preliminarily twothirds filled heating parameters (heating rate and points, where it
by ethanol or methanol. Previously, on the production changes) are set by a Miniterm400 electron tempera
of aerogels based on silica, methanol was used; how ture controller. The temperature in the autoclave is
ever, recently, the technology has been developed, controlled with the use of a thermocouple. The mea
where both synthesis and supercritical drying of all surement of pressure in the autoclave is duplicated; it



from the hydrolysis of tetramethoxysilane in metha

20 Si ( OCH 3 ) 4 + H 2 O → Si ( OH ) 4 + CH 3 OH.
σ, mN/m

15 Orthosilicic acid Si(OH)4 easily polymerizes and

condensates into silica:
10 nSi ( OH ) 4 → ( SiO 2 ) n + 2nH 2 O.
5 The polymerization proceeds from 7 to 10 days and
is conducted in the forms from stainless steel. As a
0 result, the silicabased alcogel is formed, which repre
sents a threedimensional spatial structure that is
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 composed of the chains of spherical silica particles
T, K with the diameter ~4 nm linked to each other by silox
ane bonds. The pores of this alcogel with sizes ranging
from 10 to 150 nm are filled by methanol.
Fig. 2. Dependence of interface tension of ethanol vs. tem The subsequent step of the synthesis of aerogel is
supercritical drying. The forms with silica alcogels are
placed in the autoclave. After that, the autoclave is
is measured by a sample manometer and an MT100R sealed and heated. After the achievement of the super
pressure sensor combined with a BPS90P signal critical parameters in the autoclave (temperature and
transducer block. pressure) for methanol, the pressure is dropped, upon
which the methanol vapors are removed from the alco
With the transition through the critical point (for gel pores. Initially, after supercritical drying, intrinsic
ethanol, 516 K, 6.4 MPa), the surface tension at the flaws were often detected in the prepared aerogel sam
interface of the ethanol and its saturated vapor (Fig. 2) ples. The appearance of these flaws is caused by the
and, accordingly, the capillary pressure of the ethanol overly rapid heating of the autoclave, during which the
in the alcogel pores become zero. All the liquid in the expanding methanol affected the unstable three
autoclave, including that in the pores becomes a dimensional structure of the alcogel pushing apart its
supercritical fluid without boiling. In practice, the samples from inside, as a result of which there were
heating of the autoclave without a pressure loss is con large cross and longitudinal cracks after drying even in
ducted up to ~550 K. It is necessary to overcome the relatively small aerogel samples dried in a 1L auto
critical point with some reserve to prevent condensa clave (Fig. 3). In order to avoid the appearance of
tion of ethanol vapors in the autoclave at a possible these flaws and transfer to the synthesis of large aerogel
slight cooling upon subsequent pressure loss, which samples in the 37L autoclave, the author improved
would result in the appearance of flaws in the porous the process parameters of supercritical drying.
samples. After that, valve B2 is opened and the vapors In accordance with Stokes’s equation, the friction
from the autoclave are gradually removed; the temper force Ffr acts on the spherical particle with the radius r
ature in the autoclave is maintained constant. The moving in liquid with the dynamic viscosity of μ at
vapor enters the condensation container with water rate u:
cooling. Because there are barely any losses of ethanol
during supercritical drying, this reagent can be used F fr = 6πμru.
many times. After the pressure loss in the autoclave to When the liquid that expands at heating in the
atmospheric pressure, the final purging of the internal autoclave leaves the alcogel pores, its flow rate uliq rel
volume of the autoclave by argon is performed with the ative to the spherical silica particles forming the gel
aim to remove residual ethanol vapors in order to pre structure is proportional to the change of the density of
vent their condensation on the cooling of the auto liquid ρliq with the change of its temperature:
clave. After that, the heating of the autoclave is shut dρ lig ( T )
off. u lig ( T ) ∼ .
In order to minimize the action of the friction force
OPTIMIZATION OF PARAMETERS from the expanding liquid both on individual spherical
OF SUPERCRITICAL DRYING silica particles and the entire spatial framework of the
AT THE SYNTHESIS alcogel, it is suggested to maintain the heating rate of
OF SILICABASED AEROGELS the autoclave at each time moment reversely
proportional to this friction force; i.e.,
Recently [4], during the synthesis of silicabased dT auto 1 1
aerogels, reagents such as methanol and tetramethox  ∼ 
W =   ∼ 
dt μ ( T )u lig ( T ) dρ lig ( T )
ysilane Si(OCH3)4 were used. The preparation of μ ( T ) 
aerogel starts from the synthesis of silicabased alcogel dT



Fig. 3. Intrinsic flaw in aerogel sample based on silica (diameter of sample 60 mm, height 25 mm) formed after rapid heating of
autoclave at supercritical drying.

0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
μ, Pa · s · 103

ρ, g/cm3
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
250 300 350 400 450 500 550
T, K

Fig. 4. Dependence of dynamic viscosity and density of methanol vs. temperature: (1) dynamic viscosity and (2) density.

Thus, the heating rate of the autoclave at the cur gration coefficients) were experimentally determined
rent time moment should be reversely proportional to for various sizes of dried alcogel samples. In Fig. 5, the
the product of the dynamic viscosity of the liquid and simplified (linear) view of the drying condition is
the temperature derivative of the density function of given for the synthesis of large samples (170 mm ×
the liquid at the same moment. The dependence plots 170 mm × 50 mm) of alcogel based on silica in the
of the dynamic viscosity and density of methanol vs. autoclave with a volume of 37 L. The points of the
temperature are given in Fig. 4.
change of the heating rate were added to the Mini
After the required calculations (differentiation of term400 temperature controller.
density of methanol on temperature and integration of
the function of the temperature change in the auto In order to dry small samples (diameter 60 mm,
clave over time), the graph of the heating rate of auto height 25–30 mm) of alcogels in the autoclave with a
clave was plotted. The time scales of the process (inte volume of 1 L, this graph was contracted on the



300 14
250 12

H 10
200 D

P, MPa

T, °C
150 1
2 4
AB 2

0 10 20 30 40
Time, h

Fig. 5. Change of the parameters with time at optimized mode of supercritical drying of silica alcogels (removal of methanol) in
a 37L autoclave: (1) change of temperature in autoclave and (2) change of pressure in autoclave.

abscissa axis by a factor of over three; the period of this dP

process of supercritical drying in this case is ~12 h.  ∼ – 1.
dt P
At the initial step (AB section), the autoclave is The time scales of the pressure loss were also exper
heated relatively slowly, because the dynamic viscosity imentally determined. The optimized mode of the
and density of methanol are high at low temperatures; pressure loss is given in Fig. 5. The use of optimized
then, the heating rate gradually increases, in the BC modes of the temperature rise and pressure loss
and CD sections. In the DE section, the heating rate enabled us to avoid the appearance of intrinsic flaws in
decreases again, because with the transition through the alcogel samples upon their supercritical drying.
the critical point, it is necessary that the liquid trans
fers to vapor simultaneously in the entire volume of the
autoclave, including the gel pores. The heating rate in THE USE OF SUPERCRITICAL DRYING
this section will provide the necessary homogeneity of DURING THE SYNTHESIS OF NOBLE OPAL
the temperature distribution in the autoclave. In the AND OPTICAL QUARTZ GLASS
DE section, the pressure loss is initiated. It is per The synthesis of noble opal and the method of syn
formed in such a way that the pressure in the autoclave thesis of optical quartz glass from silica sols can be
does not grow above 110 atm with the increase in tem divided by four stages.
perature, the maximum working value for the given 1. Synthesis of alcohol sols of monodisperse silica
autoclave set, which is set from the safety requirements particles.
during its use. In the EF section, the pressure loss from 2. Formation of raw opal material via spontaneous
the autoclave is realized at constant temperature; in sol sedimentation under the action of gravity force
the FG section, the purging of the autoclave with during the synthesis of opal and centrifugation during
argon is carried out with the aim to remove the residual the synthesis of quartz glass.
methanol vapors; and the GH section corresponds to 3. Removal of liquid from the pores of raw opal
the drop of the temperature after the end of heating. material, that is, its drying.
The mode of the pressure loss of the methanol 4. Filling the pores of dried opal material by plastics
vapor from the autoclave also required optimization. or secondgeneration silica at the synthesis of opal or
Even in the critical state, the fluid densities are suffi caking this porous material in s muffle furnace during
ciently high (for methanol, ρcr = 0.272 g/cm3). If the the synthesis of quartz glass.
pressure loss is carried out too fast, the dense fluid If we perform the drying step of the opal material
leaving the aerogel pores would also destroy its struc under standard conditions even for a long time, multi
ture. During optimization, the rate of the pressure loss ple internal stresses appear in the material, which turn
at the current time moment was set reversely propor into cracks (Fig. 6).
tional to the absolute value of the pressure at that The use of supercritical drying upon the synthesis
moment; i.e., the pressure loss P from the autoclave of opal or optical quartz glass initially looked problem
was achieved in accordance with the following equa atical. The pore sizes in the densely packed structure
tion: of opal material are by far greater than the pore sizes in



Fig. 6. Cracking of opal material after its long (above 2 months) drying under normal conditions.

aerogels. This should ease the exit of the expanding The practice showed that, during supercritical dry
liquid from the pores on heating the autoclave. How ing, substantial strengthening of the opal material
ever, spherical monodisperse silica particles, which samples proceeds in autoclave, because siloxane bonds
compose the opal material, are synthesized in aan lkali form between neighboring silica particles at high tem
medium (pH 8–9) in contrast to aerogels, during the peratures:
synthesis of which the aggregation of silica sols to alco ≡Si–OH + OH–Si≡ → ≡Si–OH⋅⋅⋅OH–Si≡
gels is conducted in acidic media. The particles are → ≡Si–O–Si≡ + H2O.
synthesized via hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane with Thus, as a result of the application of supercritical
ammonia and subsequent polymerization of ortho drying, flawless strengthened samples of porous opal
silicic acid: material were obtained.
Si ( OC 2 H 5 ) 4 + 4H 2 O → Si ( OH ) 4 + 4C 2 H 5 OH,
nSi ( OH ) 4 → ( SiO 2 ) n + 2nH 2 O. ECONOMICAL ASPECTS OF THE USE
The surfaces of these silica particles carry similar THE SYNTHESIS
charges due to hydroxyl ions OH– adsorbed from the OF SILICABASED MATERIALS
liquid phase. The repulsion forces between similar
charges prevent the coagulation of the silica particles, It should be noted that supercritical drying is highly
due to which stable sols are formed. These repulsion consumptive. This is related to the high cost of used
forces also lead to the fact that opal material sedi equipment, the energy capacity of the process,
mented or centrifuged from these sols represents a very demand for the continuous checking of the highpres
unstable structure, which resembles viscous “por sure autoclaves from the operators. The volume of
ridge” in terms of its physical consistence. The heating used autoclaves limits the output of ready production.
of this opal material composed of chemically Therefore, it is necessary to consider the economical
unbonded silica particles in the autoclave may lead to feasability of the use of supercritical drying in the pro
its redispersion to a sol under the heat motion of liq duction of these silicabased materials.
uid. For this reason, the problem of optimization of Aerogels based on silica. In the Laboratory of
the supercritical drying conditions was realized Nuclear Problems of JINR, aerogels, both conven
assuming the dependence of the dynamic viscosity and tional refraction indices (n = 1.005–1.06) and
density of ethanol vs. temperature. The optimization extremely high parameters (n = 1.08–1.23) were syn
of the temperature rise and pressure loss at supercriti thesized [4]. During the synthesis of aerogels, the use
cal drying in ethanol was performed according to the of supercritical drying is necessary, because it is impos
algorithms which are analogous to those described for sible to obtain flawless aerogel samples in another way.
methanol. Due to their high cost, including the cost of the used



Fig. 7. The materials based on silica obtained with the use of supercritical drying: (1) silica based aerogels, (2) mesoporous silica
glass, (3) optical quartz glass, and (4) synthetic noble opal.

supercritical drying i, these aerogel samples can be ments (Stardust project, NASA [6]). The use of flaw
useful only in various statefound fields of science, for less aerogel samples as heat isolation material is com
example, as radiators of Cherenkov radiation, which mercially ineffective.
are used in highenergy physics [5] or space experi



Fig. 7. Contd.

Mesoporous silica glass. Initially, supercritical dry to the aerogels synthesized in JINR (from 80–95% to
ing was also a necessary step for the synthesis of meso 60–80%); however, it decreased substantially its cost,
porous silica glass in analogy with the synthesis of giving the opportunity to dry alcogels under standard
aerogels. However, later, the authors of the patent from conditions.
[7] designed the technology giving the opportunity of Optical quartz glass. Due to the relatively low cost
preliminarily strengthening alcogels based on silica of optical quartz glass, the method of its synthesis with
produced prior to drying. This strengthening led to the the use of supercritical drying is of interest only from
decrease in the porosity of the final material compared the scientific viewpoint. In industry, the use of this



method would not be profitable. Nevertheless, the from silica and the final products based on it such as
method of supercritical drying allows one to produce aerogel, mesoporous silica glass, noble opal, and opti
samples of optical quartz glass under laboratory condi cal quartz glass (Fig. 7). The use of supercritical drying
tions [8]. is necessary in the synthesis of aerogels and economi
Synthetic noble opal. The flawless porous opal cally profitable in the synthesis of noble opals.
material without any internal stresses, which is real
ized as cracks during its subsequent multiple soakings
by concentrated secondgeneration silica sols, was ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
obtained with the use of supercritical drying. As a The author is grateful to his colleagues at Federal 1
result, the opal was synthesized, which is identical to noe Gosudarstvennoe Unitarnoe Predpriyatie 2
the natural noble opal by all its physical and chemical NauchnoIssledovatelskiy Institut Prikladnoy Akus
properties, as well as the absence of any intrinsic tiki (FGUP NIIPA) M.V. Dmitrovskaya and R.V.
microflaws [9]. Novichkov for their work on the measurement of con
This identity features the given synthetic stone tact angles and discussion of the obtained results.
from many other counterparts, for example, synthetic
Gilson opals [10], which are recently widely repre
sented on the global jewelry market. In Gilson opals, REFERENCES
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SPELL: 1. Federalnoe, 2. Gosudarstvennoe


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