Love and Information

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The main topic of this play is what we know and how we know something as it is present all over the play
and all the situations described in it are based on this concept. Moreover, the overall theme of this play for
me is the way additional information, or the lack of it alters and has an impact on the relationship we have
with someone, in society or directly in our lives. For me this theme is really inspired in the society of
nowadays as thanks to technology we have access to any type of information we want; however, this
knowledge is not always vital, and it might be preferable to remain in the dark. From my point of view
this theme could be emphasize by recreating the scenes in a way that is as similar as possible to everyday
life, and with different types of relationships (love, family, work...) so that the audience can see
themselves reflected and can think of similar situations that they have lived through.

If I were the director, I would create a scenario based on a painting, because for me each scene of this
work is unique as any painting. For this I would make a kind of frame, framing the whole stage and the
characters would be in the center of it. The back wall would be white so that the characters and the scene
they create stand out more. Apart from that I would not place any other element in the scene, however the
actors would bring some element to help the spectators to place the characters in a specific place, for
example if they are in a library, they can bring some books and some armchairs so that in each scene we
can be transported to a unique place and a different situation. As for the lighting and sound will be
different in each scene, although between scenes the lights will be turned off and the characters and
elements will be changed as quickly as possible to create a feeling as if you were watching an exhibition
of paintings and make it more enjoyable.
I would choose different actors for each scene in the play so that each relationship between the characters
is unique and no scene is similar. In the same way the costumes of each character will be unique, however
at the beginning of the play the costumes will be from an older era and at the end they will be more
modern to show the evolution of society, technology and relationships. To choose the role of each
character I will base my choice on the physical appearance, for example if it is a boy or a girl, an old man
or a young man. But also, on his voice if I want a certain character to have a deeper or softer voice. I
would also try that each chosen actor plays a scene that he/she has lived in a similar way so that he/she
gets more into the role at the time of playing it and is based on his/her own experience and how he/she


The scene I have chosen is the one called “Stone”. First of all, for the scenery design I would add a towel
on the floor and a deck chair because my idea is that the scene is starred by two neighbors who are in
front of a swimming pool sunbathing while watching a boy with a stone in his hand. The two neighbors
will enter from the right side of the stage and one of them will be lying on the towel and the other one will
be sitting on the lounger reading a magazine. The lady lying on the towel is the one who starts the
conversation, and the other lady, upon hearing her, becomes interested in what she is saying and puts the
magazine on the floor. Later the lady on the towel gets up to get a stone that someone helping with the
design throws from the other side of the curtain. After throwing it she stands up and the lady on the
lounger reaches behind the lounger to pick up some stones to give to the boy. Both of them show a good
relationship with each other and have a good attitude although they are a bit gossipy.

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