Arithmetic Divisions

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Sreedhar’s CCE

1. Which of these numbers is divisible by 6?

1) 56792 2) 34672 3) 45678 4) 23456
2. If the number r4441 is divisible by 11, what is the face value of r ?
r4441r 
1) 4 2) 3 3) 5 4) 2
3. If the 8 digit number 136p5785 is divisible by 15, then find the least possible value
of p?
136p5785 p
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 4
4. A 4-digit number 1xy7 is divisible by 11. What is the value of x-y?

1xy7  x-y ?
1) -6 2) -8 3) -2 4) -4
5. Out of the given options, for which value of k, 345k6 is divisible by 4
345k6 k
1) 4 2) 2 3)1 4) 6

6. For which value of k number 345k6 is divisible by 3

345k6 k
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 6
7. If a six digit number 738A6A is divisible by 11 and a three digit number 68X is
divisible by 9, then the value of (A+X) is;

738A6A  68X,   (A+X) 

1) 15 2) 13 3) 11 4) 12
8. The product of any two even consecutive numbers is always divisible by:
1) 16 2) 12 3) 6 4) 8
9. If the number 356yx is divisible by 90, then (y — x) is;
356yx (y — x) 
1) 1 2) 4 3) 2 4) 3
10. If 11-digit number 88p554085k6, k  p, is divisible by 72, then what is the value
of (3k + 2p) ?
88p554085k6,(3k + 2p)
1) 12 2) 23 3) 7 4) 13
1) 12 2) 23 3) 17 4) 13
11. If the 9-digit number 83x93678y is divisible by 72. then what is the value of (3x - 2y)?
83x93678y (3x - 2y) 
1) 15 2) 8 3) 10 4) 12

Sreedhar’s CCE
12. A) If the 8-digit number 3x5479y4 is divisible by 88 and the 8-digit number 425139z2
is divisible by 9, then what is the greatest possible value of (3x + 2y - z)

3x5479y4, 425139z2,(3x + 2y
- z)
1) 33 2) 35 3) 37 4) 25
13. What is the remainder when 729 + 4 is divided by 6?
729 + 4
1) 7 2) 3 3) 5 4) 1

14. When a number is divided by 45, it leaves a remainder of 28. The remainder
when the same number is divided by 15 is:
1) 12 2) 10 3) 13 4) 11
15. When 19300 is divided by 20, find the remainder.
1) 1 2) 4 3) 3 4) 2

A number when divided by 5 leaves a remainder 3. When the square of the same
number is divided by 5, then the remainder is:
1) 3 2) 2 3) 5 4) 4
17. When a smaller number divides a larger number, we get a quotient of 6 and a

remainder of 5. Find the smaller number if the difference between the two
numbers is 1540.
 
1) 620 2) 735 3) 307 4) 580



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