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ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice


 Gradient of a Scalar

 Divergence of a Vector:

 Curl of a Vector:

 Laplacian:
ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

Coordinate Systems

3.1 Cartesian (Rectangular) Coordinate System

3.2 Cylindrical Coordinate System

3.3 Spherical Coordinate System

ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

Question 1 (10 points)

1) A parallel plate capacitor connected to a battery stores three times as much
charge with a given dielectric as it does with air dielectric. The susceptibility of
the dielectric is (L8, 11)
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 4

2) Three hollow conducting spheres of different diameter but same thickness are
placed within each other without touching. Charge +Q is placed on the middle
sphere. Choose the correct statement: (L10)
(a) Charge on the outermost sphere will be zero and on the innermost sphere
will be –Q.
(b) Charge on the outermost sphere will be –Q/2 and on the innermost
sphere will be –Q/2.
(c) Charge on the outermost sphere will be –Q and on the innermost sphere
will be zero.
(d) Charge on the outermost sphere will be +Q/2 and on the innermost
sphere will be –Q/2
(e) none of these

3) Boundary conditions at the interface between two perfect dielectrics are; (L11,
(a) Normal components of 𝐸⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵⃗ and the tangential components of
𝐻⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷⃗ are continuous.
(b) Normal components of 𝐷⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵⃗ and the tangential components of
𝐻⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐸⃗ are continuous.
(c) Normal components of 𝐸⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐻⃗ and the tangential components of
𝐵⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷⃗ are continuous.
(d) Normal components of 𝐷⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐻⃗ and the tangential components of
𝐻⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐸⃗ are continuous.
(e) Normal components of 𝐵⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐻⃗ and the tangential components of
𝐷⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐸⃗ are continuous.
ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

4) Point charges of 30nC, -20nC and 10nC are located at (-1m, 0, 2m), (0,0,0) and
(1m, 5m, -1m), respectively. The total flux leaving a cube of 6m per side centered
at the origin is (L6)
(a) -10nC/εo (b) -20nC/εo (c) 20nC/εo (d) 40nC/εo (e) 10nC/εo

5) If two concentric square loops shown in the figure carry equal currents in the
same sense, then the ratio of the magnetic field at O due to the inner current loop
with respect to that from the outer current loop will be (L13)

(a) 1:√2 (b) 1:4 (c) √2:1

(d) 2:1 (e) 4:1

6) The region z ≤ 0 is a dielectric of relative permittivity 2 while the region z ≥ 0

is a dielectric of relative permittivity 5. If the electric field in the region z ≤ 0 is
𝐸⃗ 10 𝑧̂ kV/m, the potential difference between points (0, 0, -1 mm) and (0, 0,
1mm) is: (L11)
(a) 14V (b) zero (c) 20V (d) 70V (e) 28V

7) Given 𝑉 (V) in free space, the electric field (V/m) is:

ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

8) When two parallel current-carrying wires have currents in the same direction,
the wires (L15)
(a) exert no force on each other
(b) repel one another
(c) attract one another
(d) exert equal and opposite repulsive forces on one another perpendicular
to the plane of the wires
(e) exert equal and opposite attractive forces on one another perpendicular
to the plane of the wires
9) In a spherically symmetric system, the electric field is found to be 𝐸⃗ ⍺𝑟𝑟̂ .
What is the charge density 𝜌 (L6)

10) Which of these is a valid magnetic field?

(d) all of them (e) none of them


Question 2 (15 points)

A toroid has a magnetic core and 100 windings of insulated wire wrapped around
the circular cross-section. The toroid has inside radius a=5cm outside radius
b=7cm and a small airgap of width g= 3mm in the core. The magnetic material of
the core has permeability μr =1000. The wire carries a dc current I = 100 mA.
(a) State the assumptions you make to solve the problem. [2 points]
(b) Restate the problem in your engineering terms. [2 points]
(c) Find 𝐵⃗ field in the core and the gap and validate the result. [6 points]
(d) Find 𝐻⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀⃗ fields in the core and the gap. [3 points]
(e) Find the inductance of the winding. [2 points]
 The gap is small with respect to the cross‐section.
 For larg μ , the fringing field is neglected.
 𝐵⃗, 𝐻⃗ , 𝑀⃗ entirely in Ø direction
ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

 There is no flux leakage outside the gap region. (i.e. the 𝐵⃗ field does not
stray outside the gap).
 The 𝐵⃗, 𝐻⃗ , 𝑀⃗ remain perpendicular to both ends of the gap and also within
the gap.
 No fields for r < a and r > b.
Use your engineering language to restate the problem
ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice



Question 3 (10 points)


ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

Question 4 (10 points)

ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice
ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

Question 5 (10 points)


Question 6 (10 points)

Note: The capacitance of a single coaxial cylinder is given by

ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

Question 7 (10 points)


Question 8 (10 points)

ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

Question 9 (15 points)

A magnetic core is shown in Fig. 5. Each leg of the
core structure has a square crosssection 1mmx1mm
and has relative magnetic permeability μ=1000. The
dimensions of the legs are d1 = 1 cm, d3 =3 cm and
d4 = 2 cm. A coil of 2000 turns carrying current
10mA is wound on the left leg as shown. Find the
magnetic flux density in the air gap of width 0.1mm
in the middle leg.

The equivalent magnetic circuit is shown.
ELEC 3105 Lecture 23-24, Alzayed, Fall 2023 Final Practice

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