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Malaysian E Commerce Journal (MECJ) 4(1) (2020) 20-23

Malaysian E Commerce Journal (MECJ)


ISSN: 2616-5155 (Online)


Ayi Tejaningrum

Management, STIE EKUITAS, Bandung Indonesia

*Corresponding Author Email:

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Article History: Background: Small and medium businesses (SMEs) have major problems with regard to product quality so
that it affects the low competitive ability. Some indications include high product variability, low process
Received 14 February 2020 capability and low customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to prove whether the implementation
Accepted 18 March 2020
Available online 20 April 2020
of Total Quality Management (TQM) in SMEs influences product quality and company performance? The
research method is descriptive qualitative with a survey approach, samples taken using the simple random
sampling method of 60 SMEs in two districts namely Cianjur and Bandung. The questionnaire was used as a
data collection tool. Based on the results of the study showed that the quality of products perceived by
consumers is influenced by the implementation of TQM, the better SMEs implement TQM, the better the
product quality. The data further proves that organizational performance as assessed by ROA (Return of
Investment) is influenced by product quality, so that if the company wants to increase profits then improve
product quality. This research is limited to processing industry SMEs not to the service sector. Some of the
limitations of SMEs that have an impact on low quality are low access to technology, access to raw material
sources which results in high product variability.
Total Quality Management, Dimension of Quality, Corporate Performance.

1. INTRODUCTION products include inconsistency or high variation, low features, poor

reliability and durability, dominant owner in accessing product quality
The problem of product quality is not only a problem in large industries and all aspects of the company so that the role of the system is very low.
but also occurs in SMEs, especially those engaged in the processing
industry. The business world is making significant progress in the 21st TQM (Total Quality Management) is a comprehensive quality control
century, mainly related to the company's competitive ability which is method, involving all components of the organization and the scientific
increasingly believed to be based on quality products. The evolution of approach becomes very important. TQM itself has been studied in various
quality meaning began in the 1920s with the concept of inspection, in this countries, especially its implementation in SMEs, several studies show:
decade all companies trying to sell products have no mistakes. In this 21st study in Korea, Tunisian, Qatar, in Indians, in Iranian by describing several
century, the development of product quality studies is very rapid which is key criteria in the process of implementing TQM (Yang, 2005; Lakhal et al.,
characterized by the concepts of Six Sigma, TQM, MBNQA, QFD etc. One 2006; Ismail, 2009; Khanna et al., 2011; Valmohammadi, 2011). This study
study is related to total quality management (TQM), where all components aims to analyze the implementation of TQM in Indonesia by connecting
in the organization play an active role in the process to ensure that the with consumer perceptions and company performance.
product has good quality.
While on the other hand the role of product and service quality is
Small and medium businesses (SMEs) in Indonesia are the backbone of the significantly related to the company's progress, this was stated that quality
economy because they are able to absorb 97% of the workforce and will improve: company reputation, product reliability, will have the ability
contribute to GDP by 60%, with growth of 5%. On the other hand, SMEs to compete globally (Juran, 1998; Heizer and Render, 2012). Quality is one
have problems that are closely related to product quality, access to raw of the measurement tools for performance besides productivity and
materials, access to marketing and also access to technology and capital. efficiency (AL Darrab, 2000). Quality will become a market mover and
These conditions resulted in the development of SMEs that are far below increase productivity, besides that quality will increase consumer loyalty
the development of medium and large businesses. Based on the results of (Tejaningrum, 2016; Ross, 1994).
the author's analysis, the main problem of SMEs is on product quality,
where almost 72% of consumers agree that the quality of SME products is 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
not good (Tejaningrum 2016). Some characteristics of the quality of SME
2.1 Total Quality Management Concept

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Website: DOI: 10.26480/mecj.01.2020.20.23

Cite the Article: Ayi Tejaningrum (2020). Relationship Of Total Quality Management To Quality Product And Corporate Performance .
Malaysian E Commerce Journal, 4(1): 20-23.
Malaysian E Commerce Journal (MECJ) 4(1) (2020) 20-23

TQM first appeared as a result of the many products that were still rejected performance based on the balanced scorecard by providing financial
by consumers even though the company had carried out quality control. indications as one measure of business performance, in addition to
TQM is directed into the process to ensure that there will be no errors in customer satisfaction, internal business and growth learning. Financial
the process from input to the final product. TQM guarantees that quality is performance measures at the beginning of the 20th century are more
the responsibility of all components of the organization from leadership to focused into the accounting management system, where the data used are
operations. The TQM dimension consists ofPrayogo and Dermott: financial statements in the form of a balance sheet and income statement,
leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, information and analysis, the usual measurement units are: Profit margin (PM) Total assets turn
people management, and process management. While Goest: Focus on over, Return on Investment ( ROI), Return on assets (ROA), Market value
Customers, Obsession with Quality, Scientific Approach, Long-term added (MVA), Economic Value added (EVA) (Vanani: 2009).
Commitment, Teamwork, Continuous System Improvement, Education
and Training, Controlled Freedom, Unity of Purpose, Employee General Electric (GE) is the first company to allow measurement of
Engagement and Empowerment. organizational performance from non-financial aspects by including
productivity, job satisfaction and labor turnover. Each performance
The following is an explanation of each dimension: (1) Customer focus is system has weaknesses and strengths. SMEs is the object of this research,
oriented to the organization's ability to make customers the main basis in where financial and non-financial administration is not recorded well.
establishing quality. (2) Quality obsession is related to the desire of the Therefore, to measure performance, it is assessed from financial aspects
leadership which is inscribed into the implementation of how the quality that are not based on records but based on estimates of the value of profits
of new goods and services becomes a target and dream to be achieved. (3) and the value of assets owned. Thus the measurement is to use Return on
The scientific approach with regard to the process of solving the problem Assets.
based on the quality of data and numbers which is then processed with
scientific rules to identify the suitability to find causes and determine 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛
RoA =
solutions, in their applications often use statical quality control with 7 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡
tools. (4) Long-term commitment means that quality is not a project
without time limit, but it is related to the long term or there is no time limit.
(5) Teamwork is related to the concept that quality is the overall 3.1 Research Method and Hypotesis
responsibility of the members in the organization. (6) Continuous
improvement, this concept provides an understanding that quality is The research objective is to obtain a comprehensive condition regarding
dynamic, changes from time to time, so quality improvement must be the implementation of TQM in SMEs, consumer perceptions of product
carried out continuously. (7) Education and training: to develop quality quality and company performance. Next analyze whether there is a
that is constantly changing, it is necessary to increase the overall relationship between the implementation of TQM with product quality
competence of the members of the organization team, therefore education and company performance. In connection with this, the descriptive
and training is absolutely necessary. (8) Controlled freedom: each team qualitative research method, which is a method to describe the condition
member is given full authority on the limits of his control to make of the object at and connect between one variable with another variable to
decisions in quality improvement. (9) Unity of Purpose: All members of further draw conclusions. The research instrument used a questionnaire
the organization from top management to the lowest level have the same with data collection techniques through interviews and field observations.
goals in achieving quality products. (10) Employee involvement and The research model and hypothesis is:
empowerment: in the implementation of TQM the term QCC, is known as
Hypothesis 1:
a form of employee participation in quality improvement.
H0: TQM affects the quality of the product
2.2 Quality Concept
H1: TQM has no effect on product quality.
Conceptually the quality of goods and services is difficult to interpret, but
implementation in the field can easily identify the quality of goods and Hypothesis 2:
services. If we get services from a hospital, of course we hope to get a neat Ho: Product quality affects company performance
and clean hospital condition, a simple procedure, friendly and responsive
medical personnel, an affordable price and of course a healing treatment. H1: Product quality has no effect on company performance
Meanwhile, when we deal with goods for example shoe products, of course
we hope, good models, durability, no defects, friendly servants, varied
products, comfortable to use. Some concepts related to quality, introduced
by Juran, known as Trylogi Juran, are: planning, controlling and improving
quality. Crosby with 4 quality concepts: conformity to specifications,
quality is prevention, zero defects and quality of the relationship with the
price of compatibility, while Deming emphasizes that quality is the
responsibility of all components of the organization.

From these concepts Tejaningrum states that quality is more emphasized

into the company's efforts to meet consumer expectations, is dynamic
meaning it will change from time to time, also the quality of the
relationship with the extent to which we exceed that of competitors, with
the ultimate goal to expect consumers make a repeat purchase. To
measure product quality there are 8 dimensions: performance, features,
reliability, conformance to specifications, durability, serviceability,
aesthetics and perceived of quality (Garvin, 1998). In the context of this
research, SMEs studied are engaged in the processing industry that works Figure 1: Research Model
in the creative industry sector, such as: food, clothing, crafts, printing.
3.2 Population and Sample
2.3 Corporate Performance The study was conducted in 2 districts namely Cianjur and Bandung. These
In measuring the performance of companies using a financial-based two districts were taken because they have relatively many SMEs engaged
measure of the value of the profits the company. This concept is in in the processing industry. Products in the form of tofu, candied fruit, car
accordance with what was stated by Kaplan (1996) regarding the spare parts, crafts, garment, bread, dolls, shoes, sandals, socks, printing,

Cite the Article: Ayi Tejaningrum (2020). Relationship Of Total Quality Management To Quality Product And Corporate Performance .
Malaysian E Commerce Journal, 4(1): 20-23.
Malaysian E Commerce Journal (MECJ) 4(1) (2020) 20-23

snacks, sauces, drinks. Each district we take 30 with the requirements: Based on Figure 2 it can be seen that the low dimensions of the quality of
have a minimum of 10 employees, a minimum turnover of Rp 500 million SMEs products are perceived features, durability, aesthetics and quality.
/ year, in accordance with the provisions of SMEs According to Law No 20 Thus it can be concluded that the products produced by SMEs are
of 2008 concerning SMEs. The sampling method is simple random perceived as low quality products, have an aesthetic or eye-catching
sampling where each UKM has the same opportunity to be sampled but appearance, are of low durability and tend to have disabilities. While
must meet established criteria. consumers perceive that SMEs products tend to have the ability to meet
good specifications, good service and performance.
4.3 Company Performance
4.1 Implementation of TQM
Performance measurement refers to the amount of non-Asset Returns
As stated previously, the analysis of Total Quality Management is broken
(ROA), which shows the ability of assets to generate corporate profits. The
down into 10 dimensions, namely (1) customer focus, (2) obsession with
highest ROA value is 43 and the lowest ROA is 11, with an average of 27.
quality, (3) scientific approach, (4) long-term commitment, (5) teamwork
ROA 43 shows that every one rupiah of assets is able to generate a profit
(6) system improvement On an ongoing basis (7) Education and training
of 0.43 far exceeding bank interest rates. The highest value is only owned
(8) Controlled freedom (9) Unity of purpose (10) Employee Engagement
by one company and the lowest value is 11, which means that the company
and Empowerment. Following are the average values given by 90 SMEs in
is able to make a profit of only Rp. 0.11 from every Rp. 1 of the company's
each dimension. Following is the average value of TQM implementation
assets. The average ROA value of the sample SMEs is 0.27, generally still
using a Likert scale from one to five.
above the bank interest rate of 0.14.

The main weaknesses of the 10 dimensions of TQM are: customer focus,

Quality obsession, scientific approach, long-term commitment,
Continuous System Improvement, training education. While the
dimensions of TQM with good values are: Customer Focus, Teamwork,
Controlled Freedom, Unity of Purpose, Employee Engagement and

Figure 3: Value of Return On Invesment

4.4 Relationship Implementation of TQM to Product Quality


Seen in Table 1 the value of R Square is 0.609, this shows that the
contribution of the influence of X1 (TQM) to Y1 (Product Quality) is 60.9%
while the remaining 12.8% is influenced by other variables not included
Figure 1: Average Value of TQM in the study.
4.2 Performance of Quality Product
Tabel 1: Model Summary Output Model
For quality performance assessment, identified with 8 dimensions of
Model Summary
product quality, namely: performance, features, reliability, conformance
to specifications, durability, serviceability, aesthetics and perceived of Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the
quality. The magnitude of the average value of each quality dimension can Square Estimate
be seen in Figure 2.
1 ,954a ,609 ,891 2,17549
a. Predictors: (Constant), X10, X9, X8, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1

Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of TQM has a significant

effect on the quality of products perceived by consumers. The relationship
between the two variables is positive which indicates, the better the
implementation of TQM in SMEs, the better the quality of the product, and
vice versa if the implementation of low TQM low quality product.

4.2 Relationship Implementation of TQM and Quality Product to

Corporate Performance

Table 2 Model Summary Output Model 1 has a R Square value of 0.780, this
shows that the contribution of X1 (TQM) and X2 (Quality Product) to Y1
(Corporate Performance) is 87.2% while the remaining 12.8% is
influenced by other variables not included in the study.

Figure 2: Average of value Quality Product

Cite the Article: Ayi Tejaningrum (2020). Relationship Of Total Quality Management To Quality Product And Corporate Performance .
Malaysian E Commerce Journal, 4(1): 20-23.
Malaysian E Commerce Journal (MECJ) 4(1) (2020) 20-23

Tabel 2: Model Summary Output Model 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Model Summary
I would like to thank STIE EKUITAS and the Directorate of Higher
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Education (Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic
Square Estimate of Indonesia for supporting research activities to seminar activities which
took place in Singapore in October 2019.
1 ,883a ,780 ,729 4,73726
a. Predictors: (Constant), Y1, X9, X2, X1, X10, X7, X6, X5, X3, X4, X8
The amount of company profits is determined by product quality by 78%, Garvin, D.A. 1998. Managing Quality. New York: The Free Pres
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of SME products perceived by consumers, the higher the company's ability Jakarta. Salemba Empat.
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Juran, Joseph M., 1998. Juran’s quality handbook 5 edition. New York:
Based on the results of research on 60 SMEs on the implementation of McGraw- Hill.
TQM, product quality and company performance, concludes the following
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dimensions of quality obesity, consumer focus, scientific approach, long- 688-071-7.
term commitment, Continuous System Improvement, and training
education. Based on the results of the study that the implementation of Lakhal, L., Pasin, F., Limam, M., 2006. Quality management practices and
their impact on performance. International Journal of Quality &
TQM has a positive effect on product quality and company performance.
Reliability Management, 23(6), 625-646.
Therefore, SMEs must: make consumers a barometer of product quality,
make continuous quality improvements, improve education and training Tejaningrum, A., 2016. Quality Culture and Capability Process Supply
for employees to improve skills and record data and information Chain SMEs. Inter- national Journal of Organizational Innovation, 9 (2),
regarding product compatibility so that the causative factors can be Pp. 214-225.
identified to get solutions.
Valmohammadi, C., 2011. The impact of TQM implementation on the
The second regarding the weaknesses in the quality dimension is on: the organizational performance of Iranian manufacturing SMEs. The TQM
Journal, 23(5), 496-509.
aesthetics or appearance of the product as a whole, additional functions of
the product, durability and improvement of the company's image. In Vanany, I. 2009. Performance Measurement Models and Applications. Its
response to this, the SMEs must ensure that the products sold to Press Surabaya, ISBN 978-979-8897-29-0.
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materials, and technologies that help to improve product quality, semiconductor manufacturing industries–empirical studies in Taiwan.
International Manufacturing Systems, 10(1), 153-159.
especially those related to durability and aesthetics.

Cite the Article: Ayi Tejaningrum (2020). Relationship Of Total Quality Management To Quality Product And Corporate Performance .
Malaysian E Commerce Journal, 4(1): 20-23.

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