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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

Smart technologies in ports and shipping,

as linked digital twins of shore and ship in a
multimodal environment
A.A. Klimov, V.P. Kupriyanovsky, V.V. Alenkov, K.O. Anisimov, A.B. Volodin, Yu.V.

the need for adaptation will be even more pressing, and it

Annotation— This article deals with the digital transformation in will determine global competitiveness.
shipping. One of the main challenges facing the shipping industry today
is the need to adapt to the digital age. Digital or smart delivery is here
and it will change the way this business is run. Currently, all shipping
In fact, the first big challenge that the shipping industry
companies are striving to make their ships more efficient and more
has to face is the need to adapt to the digital age. Digital or
adapted to the realities of today. Although everyone is trying to improve
the efficiency of the ship, too little attention is paid to the efficiency of smart delivery is already here and will literally change the
the ports. way this business is run. Smart delivery is not something we
are discussing for the future; this is what is happening now.

It is obvious that there are huge reserves for improving work efficiency.
The introduction of smart devices capable ofports.
Technologies such as IoT generate huge amounts of data
real-time data, has changed various business models and the (big data) that are collected
management of supply chain operations. However, ports often do not from ships, and of course there are many other external
provide all the information necessary for the efficient operation of ships. sources that can create an even richer data set (weather
On the other hand, ports are often
data, AIS, ERP, PMS, etc.). The only way to effectively
and do not have the information they require for efficient service; when
manage this data and transform raw signals and scattered
the ship arrives, whether it is delayed or when it does not arrive at the information into valuable andofactionable
the power knowledgeand
artificial intelligence is to use
port at all. Solving these problems is a simple premise for the machine learning. The latter also implies the exclusion of a
development of an industry that moves 90% of the world's trade goods. person from navigation, mooring, loading and unloading
This is what opens up new digital stages today. operations.
never-ending development of this industry. The description
of technologies and prospects of this process is devoted to
real article.

Keywords —port, digital twin. Currently, all shipping companies are striving to make
their ships more efficient and more adapted to the realities
of today. Although everyone is trying to improve the efficiency
of the ship, too little attention is paid to the efficiency of port
Shipping and ports is an industry that never stops. There calls. Where further efficiency and can be achieved.
is a constant need for adaptation in order to survive, as the
basic parameters are constantly changing. Those who
manage to adapt quickly are those who have a competitive
advantage. In later years Obviously, we don't have every day all the ports work as
efficiently as we want, or they don't transmit the information
we would like to have. On the other hand, ports do not have
Article received February 10, 2020.
the information required by the ship; when the ship arrives,
A.A. Klimov – RUT (MIIT) (email: whether it is delayed or when it does not arrive at the port at
V.P. Kupriyanovsky -
ROUTE (MIIT) (email: all. This simple premise of the development of the industry,
V.V. Alenkov - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sakhalin Region
(email: which moves 90% of the goods of world trade,
K.O. Anisimov - RUT (MIIT) (email: opens today with new digital stages of its never-ending
A.B. Volodin - RUT (MIIT) (email:
development. Description of technologies and
Yu.V. Kupriyanovskaya - independent researcher (email: This article is devoted to the prospects of this stage.

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

II. SMART PORT parties to their clients;

The introduction of a smart device capable of real-time data exchange • Reduces paper flow by distributing information electronically;

has changed various business models and the management of supply chain
• improves as a general tracking and
operations. The reasons for this are called digitization and automation, which
performance tracking;
• going on promotion efficiency, reduced
leads to improved performance. transit time, improved integration with third parties (eg customs,
These two factors mentioned earlier have changed the concept of the railways).
logistical transition of one sector from physical to digital [1-18]. Data
dematerialization has eliminated the chain of costly physical documents,
while automation has increased security and efficiency.
A. The role of big data in a smart port
The use of intelligent (IoT devices) has made it sensor
possible to receive and store a huge amount of data (big data) managed by
a cloud or other digital base.

The data comes from different areas of ports such as: berths, cargo
yards, gates or IT systems such as: Port Community System, Terminal
Operating System and Digital Platform

interested parties.
The result is a clear understanding of the core business process,
highlighting inefficiencies and being able to predict the market and develop
Rice. 1. Stages of development of ports [21] creating forecast model, specific KPIs.

In today's forecast, the main logistics

nodes represented by seaports and dry
ports”, are changing their business rules and models, moving from “industrial B. The role of automation in a smart port
or logistics centers” to the advanced concept of “intelligent digital ports”, The role of automation in the logistics system is obviously
based on a digital platform and IoT, which develops real-time data collection is to simplify and speed up access to the terminal through entry and exit
and exchange capabilities. operations, resulting in improved security, truck accounting and form analysis.
This increases the capacity of the port with the same physical parameters by
tens of percent, which has a direct and rapid economic effect [22].

The main characteristics of the advanced intelligent digital port are

presented in the following aspects [21]:
Also for government organizations such as customs, increased levels of
• combination technologies i widespread automation and digitization represent an important asset to improve risk
common processes for collecting/distributing data and information management, and when searching for containers for investigation, allowing
to manage operations within, within and information to be exchanged between customs, which implies

outside the port;

• Processes must be shared and not end-to-end transport perspective of development.
only by operators, but also by the entire community, stakeholders, First of all, the real question remains what the port wants
everyone to achieve by becoming smart, in other words, what
is strategic imperative.
public and private;
• integration with the surrounding Smart Territory (city, region, country) the strategic goal should go beyond mere efficiency gains and focus on a

and with intelligent transport infrastructure (roads, railways, rivers). holistic long-term strategy where revenues are generated from smart
applications that enable the transition of digitally aware services. This
problem is exacerbated by the great diversity that exists between ports, for
example, it is sufficient to compare
a wholesale
companiesport with a container port.

The main advantages of this approach are [21]:

• faster response times to requests and movement of goods through

port operations;
• cost of processing goods is reduced;
• faster stakeholder response time

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020


Since the advent of containerization, mechanization
has become an ongoing process for cargo terminals,
equipment has constantly more
been developed. efficient
Those intermodal

less, all The equipment must

must be operated by qualified personnel such as crane
operators and drivers. Since the 1990s, there has been a
rapid increase in automation in the face of growing global
trade. In conjunction with
the growing size of ships, this stimulated the ports
Rice. 2. General architecture of cargo terminal automation
increase their productivity, namely their throughput and [22]
ship turnaround time, which has become 30% longer
than standard terminals. Another important factor was A. Cargo yard automation
the wide range of technologies that allow integrating Several processes can be automated inside the cargo terminal. Container
Spread information information yard management has been automated for decades thanks to information
and physical systems, gradually moving to the principles systems for managing the stacking of incoming and outgoing containers.
of the physical Internet. Horizontal use

How port, So i intermodal be traffic automation includes the use

railway can be automated in accordance with similar
automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) such as two-seat transporters or shuttles.
These vehicles deliver containers back and forth from automated stacker
principles and technologies, since automation
cranes (ASCs), which are
revolves around container handling; standard unit of load. The container
thus becomes the unit around which physical and information processing
systems are built and organized. Automation can be comprehensive, when
rail-mounted gantry cranes handling stacks of containers that are usually
several stages of terminal operations are involved, or specific, when only
aligned perpendicular to the pier. The pier side of the stack is used to load
one stage is involved at a time. For new terminals (new projects), complex
and unload containers coming from the pier, while the gate side of the stack
automation is becoming the standard, while existing terminals choose to
is used to pick up or deliver containers to or from the terminal gate. Such
selectively automate part of their operations, since complex automation can
movements are usually performed on trucks and chassis. Yard automation
be very disruptive and costly. Automation includes three main dimensions;
requires container locating systems that can automatically locate all
within the terminal (yard), its interface and at the forefront of relations with
containers in the terminal using sensors at any time. This ensures their
the outside world (foreland, Figure 2) and in the interior of the terminal
(hinterland, Figure 2) [22].

management, namely making them available to

quick retrieval for loading on a ship or receiving for internal distribution [22].

We present the general architecture of cargo terminal

automation in Figure 2. Note that it is at the forefront of
relations with the outside world (foreland, Figure 2) that B. Terminal interface automation

there are joints with shipping, railways and road transport Automated docking systems are capable of quickly docking and undocking
in their digital development options, such as autonomous a ship, reducing ship turnaround times. Automated ship cranes (ASSC) are
driving (without a crew). , driver or driver). See automatic versions for standard containers that are controlled remotely. The
[1,9,12,13,14] for examples of this. The upper transactional operator can operate several cranes instead of one. For intermodal terminals,
connecting part through blockchain technologies is automatic intermodal cranes are a modified version of ASC, which is usually
extremely important, and its detailed presentation can be wider as their services include both loading, unloading and stacking
found in [4,7,10,11,12,22]. Some of these concepts that equipment. Automatic gate systems
are important for understanding the essence of the
positions proposed in this article will be discussed.


(AGS) have become widespread thanks to

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

significant benefits they provide. This requires documentation they rail transport (control systems, etc.). FROM
to be provided electronically before anything is raised or lowered at alarm, intersections, etc.
the terminal, reducing processing time and reducing the risk of errors automated trains that are a tangible reality as they operate on their
with associated delays. own tracks (automated trains are already common to public transport
systems). The introduction of automated container transport between
terminals and their hinterlands is a clear possibility, especially along
AGS typically rely on optical character recognition and RFID to selected high volume corridors.
and retrieval
In recent
also been
quickly collect data on incoming and outgoing containers. Photos of trucks, increased distribution efficiency, especially for e-
containers and equipment can also be automatically taken and saved. commerce [10,22].
This significantly accelerated the shutter time, which is a common
obstacle in the operation of the terminal. In addition, truck drivers can
use mobile technology to schedule appointments to pick up or drop off
containers, and even change equipment such as chassis [22].


The digital twin ship is a concept whereby the digital representation

Distribution of key port terminal automation technologies by years of a ship,
is shown in Figure 3. The total number of automated terminals is also its processes, systems and potential scenarios are realized through
shown by year in Figure 4. continuous data collection. Technological developments such as
sensors, channels
communications, communication and control systems, have
made it possible to implement a digital twin in shipping.
The continuous improvement of these technologies has enabled
the creation of models for manufacturing, operations, predictive
maintenance and a host of other potential applications - allowing
designs to be refined, new features to be tested and performance,
safety and integrity to be assessed. Perhaps the most exciting and
ambitious of these applications is automation. For digital twins, see

Rice. 3. Distribution of key technologies of port terminal automation


A. Digital twin and automation leading to the development of

MASS into a digital twin
The adoption of the digital role in the shipping industry has been
rather slow in the past. However, all
has changed in recent years and the development of marine and
water autonomous surface ships (MASS)
continued at a very significant pace over the past few years, with more
and more MASS being put into service. They come in many sizes and
have a very diverse set of operational capabilities that place their own
unique demands on those who own and operate them, as well as on
Rice. 4. The total number of automated terminals [22]
the rest of the maritime community. MASS is an element of the
development of robotics and artificial intelligence (RAI) systems in

C. Automation at the forefront of relations with the outside

world and with the port hinterland
Refers to automation processes that are not directly related to various transport sectors.

terminal automation but can support its benefits. Although for the The term MASS was adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee

foreseeable future, automatic ships are possible (MSC or IMO) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for
their analytical work, which was adopted at MSC 98 on June 13, 2017.

while in limited versions, many aspects of ship operations have been The MSC Working Group and Correspondence Group began their

automated (control work in May 2018, and an intersessional meeting of the working group

thrust and power, ballast, etc.), which greatly reduced the size of the was held in September 2019.

crew. The same problem applies to

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

Other legal matters are handled by the Legal Affairs Committee (LEG) and port liaison, pilotage, incident response and protection of the marine
the Facilitation of International Maritime Navigation (FAL). Information about environment.
their work is available through IMODOCS [23]. The goal is to complete the review work by 2020 [23].

The IMO is currently evaluating existing IMO tools to see how they can
C. Are there already autonomous ships in operation?
be applied to ships with different
In some maritime areas, autonomous remote-controlled vessels are
degree automation, being tested. Most forecasts are that autonomous or semi-autonomous
by the way conducting a
operation will be limited to short flights for the time being, for example, from
regulatory review of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS). The way
one particular port to another over a short distance. Many, including the
IMO MASS sees in the near future is shown in Figure 5.
authors of this article, consider inland waterways extremely favorable for
the use of autonomous or semi-autonomous operation of ships, with a clear
understanding of the various benefits of such a solution.

How the upcoming first commercial international voyage looks like and
how the ship and the route of this voyage look like can be seen in Figure 6.

Rice. 5. As seen by IMO MASS [23]

B. Why did the IMO decide to look at the regulation of autonomous


The IMO Strategic Plan (2018-2023) has a key strategic direction

"Integration of new and advanced technologies into the regulatory
framework". This includes a balance between the benefits derived from new
and advanced technologies and safety and security considerations,
environmental impacts and international trade facilitation, potential costs to
the industry and finally their impact on personnel both on board and on
board. shore[23].

Rice. 6. First commercial international flight -

In 2017, at the suggestion of a number of Member States, the IMO
what the ship and route looks like (© Copyright 2019 MyNavis OÜ).
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
Autonomous KIT DOC vessel in Belgium and the first ever unmanned
agreed to include the issue of autonomous maritime
international commercial transit in preparation)
surface ships on their agenda. This will be done in the form of analytical
work to determine how the safe, secure and environmentally sound
operation of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) can be
implemented in IMO instruments. D. Interim Guidelines for Testing Autonomous Vessels

At the same time, shipping is a very clearly organized industry in the

legal sense, and even experimental voyages of ships need regulation. The
The MSC recognized that the IMO should play an active and leading Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), 101st session, in June 2019 approved
role given the rapid technological developments associated with the the Interim Guidelines for Testing Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
introduction of commercial vessels into autonomous (unmanned) (MASS) [23].
The IMO Legal and Facilitation Committees also included on their Among other things, the guidelines state that testing should be conducted
agendas normative analyzes for conventions, in a manner that provides at least the same degree of safety, security and
environmental protection as
within the competence of these committees.

The review paper is regarded as a starting point and is expected to which provided relevant
address a wide range of issues, including human safety, security, liability documents. The risks associated with testing must be properly identified
and compensation for damages, factor, and must be
measures have been taken to reduce risks to a minimum

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

possible and acceptable level. regarding the development of digital twins and physical
Airborne or remote MASS operators must be suitably qualified to Internet in ports and shipping should be considered
operate MASS, subject to testing. Any personnel involved in MASS as a digital powerhouse for the entire transport and logistics industry.
testing, whether remote or on-board, must be suitably qualified and
experienced to safely conduct MASS testing. Appropriate steps
should be taken to ensure adequate cyber risk management of
systems and infrastructure used in conducting MASS trials [23].

E. Immediate Benefits of the Digital Twin in Delivery

Technology is the driving force and impetus for innovation. As it

penetrates into smaller roles or applications in the shipping industry,
its value is recognized. There is no doubt that the data models Rice. 7. Areas where the digital twin has an immediate effect [24]
collected from these applications lead to the realization of a digital
twin, and they will inform everything from improved engine
performance to improved hull integrity. It is available for analysis The digital twin ship is a concept whereby the digital representation
from the first day of the first voyage, until the day the ship is taken of a ship,
out of service. These data will be crucial for the development of the its processes, systems and potential scenarios are realized through
maritime industry, increasing its efficiency and environmental continuous data collection. Technological developments such as
friendliness. sensors, communication channels, communication and control
systems have made it possible to realize a digital twin in shipping.

The continuous improvement of these technologies has enabled

Theoretically, there is an infinite variety of operations that can the creation of models for manufacturing, operations, predictive
benefit from the digital twin, and these have expanded to include maintenance and a host of other potential applications - allowing
system design, efficient validation and verification services, simulation designs to be refined, new features to be tested and performance,
testing, training and virtual system integration, and deep insight safety and integrity to be assessed. Perhaps the most exciting and
generation and predictions. [24]. ambitious of these applications is

The operations and ideas of the digital twin lead the first steps automation.
towards autonomy - the creation of efficient algorithms for components
and operations with remote control and self-monitoring. Digital vessel The adoption of the digital role in the shipping industry has been
- slow. Some might say it has to do with the shipping industry's
twin, equipped with a built-in data circuit, is fundamental to struggle to adopt technology and adopt it (yes, there is a difference),
but a more measured response to this is that innovation takes time
expansion and development of autonomy. and regulatory decisions. All of this must be balanced. When
Currently, autonomous shipping is limited to the development and
testing of autonomous ships for specialized operations in national
waters. However, this will not last long (Figure 7). if so, then the industry has every chance to become a digital
locomotive for the entire transport and logistics industry.

Data goes hand in hand with digitalization and as the maritime

industry has tested and implemented new digital technologies, the Technology is the driving force and impetus for innovation. As it
number and penetrates into smaller roles or applications in the shipping industry,
the quality of available delivery data has increased exponentially. its value is recognized. There is no doubt that
Data that can optimize operations with increasingly sophisticated
analytics and visualization tools. In [15], it was rightly pointed out data models built on domain ontologies [8,16] assembled from these
that exactly ontologized applications [17] lead to digital twin implementations that
are already partially applied and will inform everything from improved
shipping and ports are already operating largely in terms of the engine performance to improved
physical Internet, the transition to which the EU has shifted very
sharply from 2050 to 2030. In this

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

hull integrity. They should be available for analysis from maintaining competitiveness in the next three
the first day of the first voyage, until the day the ship five years;
decommissioned. These data will be crucial for the development of the 65% port operators see automation as a lever to secure
maritime industry, increasing its efficiency and environmental friendliness. operations;

Respondents were optimistic about the overall

return on investment. About a third of the respondents think
F. The development of broadband communication systems
that automation can improve productivity
as a condition for the implementation of digital twins of ships and smart
by 50%, while one in five said that automation could reduce operating
costs by more than 50%.
Operational efficiency is critical for ports, given that about 90% of
world trade depends on maritime transport. Smart ports and digital twins
As global ports move towards 5G and gradually accelerate
are part of Industry 4.0 and Internet Plus allow transforming and updating
modernization and innovation, building ports for smart informatization is
digital, automated and intelligent work only with the development of
considered an important means of improving the core competitiveness of
broadband communication systems (today it is already equal to 5G
systems) as a condition for their implementation [17]. With 5G, they will
cooperate to advance this transformation and upgrade to efficiently build
It is also key to reducing logistics costs and improving logistics
smart ports and ship digital twins.
efficiency. For this reason, many ports have tried to apply information
technologies such as IoT, big data, cloud computing, and geographic
information system (GIS) to port operations.
i eco-friendly

For this reason, leading Chinese manufacturers published a “5G Smart

Port White Paper” [25] at the end of 2019, in which they describe the
Based on surveys, discussions and analysis with port industry partners,
current capabilities and future potential of 5G in ports. As noted in this
four typical smart port scenarios have been identified that have wireless
publication, smart ports require communication systems to support
requirements and could be enabled by 5G in the future:
communication services with low latency, high throughput and high
reliability for processing.

• Remote control of gantry cranes;

• Remote control of berthing container cranes;
control data and multi-channel video equipment data. With port-based
expensive to deploy,
and and
network, and itthe
is network
• Interloop control over IGV;
performance for such data processing is often not optimal due to poor
stability and low reliability. It should be noted that today it is Chinese ports
• Video surveillance and AI recognition;
• and etc.
that occupy leading positions in world rankings, as well as shipbuilding
5G wireless port application requirements are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Application requirements for ports in a 5G wireless network [25]

5G is expected to solve these problems due to its low latency, large

capacity and throughput, and high reliability, as well as support for private
network solutions and end-to-end (E2E) application performance
assurance [25].

Namely, applications such as digital innovation and artificial intelligence

(AI), big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and autonomous driving
provide new impetus for port automation and the transition to digital twins.
Higher levels of automation are used for container terminals to increase
productivity and efficiency and ensure competitiveness. According to

The first version of the international standard for 5G

Nearly 75% of port operators believe that
has already been finalized, and an improved version is
automation is critical to
under development and should be completed by March 2020

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

[25]. engines have several common structures. The digital twin should be
5G high data rate, wide tailored to the application, not to cover all possible information.
connectivity and low latency means it meets the requirements of the Therefore, first, the examples will demonstrate how different applications
future Internet of Everything (IoE) and promotes industrial capacity require different models, structures, and inputs. Secondly, they will
development. In terms of high data rates, Enhanced Mobile Broadband illustrate the key additional point of this is that the development,
(eMBB) can reach a maximum speed of 10 Gbps with an average implementation and maintenance of digital twins is an iterative process.
throughput of hundreds of Mbps. In addition, it is possible to build a One example will demonstrate how several iterations and built-in
private 5G network for important customers. changes were needed to improve the quality of the data to a level
sufficient for the model to be considered reasonably accurate. In the
second example, the digital twin was applied to modify and improve
the onboard system [26].
The main advantages of a private 5G network for Smart
Port [25]:
• Ports can define their own
network name;
• Can provide guaranteed services; To ensure all Benefits,
• Public network users cannot access the port's private network; provided by the digital twin, it is necessary to create a digital
infrastructure, both on board the ship and on the shore infrastructure
• The user traffic pattern within the private network is relatively where the data is received (hereinafter referred to as the cloud in this
stable; article, although combinations with edge and fog computing are also
• Private network latency and throughput are stable and possible). Undoubtedly, there are different ways of implementing such

predictable. an infrastructure and different terms associated with its description: we

will use the term "system of systems" or SoS [9,16], which, in principle,

G. Future Perspective of 5G Smart Port and Digital

Twins in the Marine Industry
In the future, the construction and management of 5G smart ports is a set of task-oriented or dedicated systems that pool their resources
will be necessary and capabilities to create new, more complex functionality that offers
port and shipping industries. Port and ship operations will continue to more than the sum of its parts.
evolve in line with trends such as device automation, systems,

intelligent planning and data visualization. Remote control of RTG Dashboard app for
cranes is only the first attempt at 5G in the industry. data visualization and sharing part of the entire digital coast with
various data consumers, such as ship operators,
5G will promote the integrated automation of traditional
terminals and ships, the creation of new applications and ship management companies and other suppliers.
the improvement of production efficiency based on the The building blocks of the digital twin infrastructure and the entire
implementation of the ideas and concepts of the data transformation and processing cycle to create and iteratively
application of digital twins update the digital twin are shown in Figure 8. Each aspect of this
behavioral aspects environment is labeled
or CA,(asB,
above). This provides context and links the practical implementation of
H. Allocation of shore and airborne systems in the
implementation of digital twins certain blocks to the concept of a digital twin.

In order to use all possible advantages, it is necessary to understand

what the infrastructure for the implementation of digital twins looks like.
Such an infrastructure is best understood as we

Basically, what is shown in Figure 8 is a system of systems able to

we believe, on specific examples that we took from the well-known
collect data on board according to different sampling modes, perform
manufacturer of marine equipment ABB. He proposed using digital
on-site analytics for decision support and data size reduction, compress
twins: for comparative analysisuse
where measurement in an
data before it is securely transferred to cloud centers data processing.
electric power plant with a DC network; and for monitoring the state of
And finally, data processing (from individual assets/systems or from a
rotating machines [26]. The use cases illustrate practical topics that
fleet) to create and iteratively update digital models of physical assets
may be overlooked in a more general discussion of digital twins. The
on board. Note that both cyber-physical systems and SoS,
electric motor is a component in all two

as it seems to us, are already becoming organic components of digital

use cases, but corresponding models
twins, which are distinguished,

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

including the speed of decision-making close to real time, and not decision- we must also consider the coastal twin.
making through But in these two cases, it should be noted that cybersecurity is also
situational-analytical structures involving considered at all stages presented in figures 8 and 9, and therefore deserves
person. a separate discussion outside of this article.

As soon as the data leaves the ship, it is further processed on the cloud
side. This process often requires re-modeling of the structure and metadata
so that fleet-level analytics can be applied. Having data in the cloud also
opens up opportunities for cross-discipline collaboration to improve ontology
models and analytics without the need for an embedded infrastructure.
Improved models and recommendations can then be applied to the embedded
digital twin to ensure consistency between the digital representation of the
physical asset on board and on shore [26].
connections to

There are various ways of structuring information and data that describe
digital representations of physical assets. One way of physical modeling is
Rice. 8. Building blocks of twin digital infrastructure for ship equipment [26].
to provide static information that will not change over the lifetime. These
and may include bearing type,
of information areassets
number, nameplate is such as
asset information

Data collection, i.e. providing an understanding of how interaction with

other digital systems and smart devices on board implements the digital twin,
and what are the main choices

communication protocols are therefore very important factors. The notion of

motor rated speed or rated
near-realistic decision making becomes a coherent requirement for low
power. Another type of information that is more dynamic concerns real
latency (see the previous section on mobile broadband). Consider how [26]
measurements - otherwise known as INPUTS. Example inputs are measured
recommends collecting data, paying attention to
speed, temperature or current. INPUTS -

these are representative measurements taken from a source (such as a

prioritizing reusing existing digital infrastructure rather than replicating data
sensor or other digital system) without any pre-processing. Interesting factors
sources by adding more sensors and physical connections. The goal is [26]
in defining INPUTS include its type (numeric vs. text, time series vs. same-
spaced vector), its origin (eg, data source location information), and sample
rate in the case of simple data readers. The third type of information covers
RESULTS, that is, digital information about how INPUTS and ASSET INFO
minimize the investment costs of creating a digital twin, while not losing the
were processed according to the behavioral aspects of the digital twin model.
information that is critical to building the right digital model.
RESULTS can also be numeric (eg RMS values calculated from raw vibration
data) (eg a warning that a physical asset is starting to deteriorate) [26].

Edge or fog computing analytics, i.e. onboard analytics, is the essence of

the behavioral aspect of digital twins,

providing the process of manipulating data in order to predict the state of the
actual physical asset. The use of these technologies, as integrators for IoT
systems, also makes it possible to achieve a significant reduction in response
time to events and open the way for the implementation of systems
about or textual

artificial intelligence, semantics, ontology and

other technologies, both on board and ashore.
It is important to note that although we usually have
Transferring data from on-board to the cloud infrastructure includes data
selection, compression, secure transfer, and consumer-side remodeling. Up
structure that describes the physical asset (i.e. we have the equipment model
to this point, we have been describing the infrastructure of the onboard twin;
in place), these

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

definitions can and will change during the iterative process of updating I. Information systems for rivers - RIS. Information
models and digital twins. Therefore, it is important that our framework be about the river and the transition to the construction
able to accept multiple changes to the definition of, for example, INPUTS, of corridors on the smart river
As we said above, it seems very likely to us that the use of digital twins
changes the sampling frequency of the signal, or RESULTS, basic on large river routes will develop more rapidly. There are many reasons for
when are changing
this and they are associated with cheaper and easier ways to implement
the assumptions we use in the equations and them. In the European Union, the RIS system (river information system) is
analytics, such as economic impact being developed as a directive for river management. Services are defined
[26]. as the concept of harmonizing information services to support traffic and

The maritime industry is currently undergoing an accelerated digital

transformation process. Was
a highly stimulating and open-minded environment has been created in transport management in inland navigation, including providing interfaces
which all the key players in the market - shipowners, shipyards, systems for other modes of transport. RIS is regulated by Directive 2005/44/EC. The
suppliers and integrators - main benefits of implementing RIS can be summarized as increased
ready and trying to cooperate, integrate and exchange information and data competitiveness, optimized use of infrastructure, increased safety, reduced
to jointly solve various problems. In such an environment, there is a common carbon emissions, and increased energy efficiency of river vessels. In the
and strong belief that creating digital twins is a fundamental step forward late 1990s, several countries started working on information systems for
that will add value and ultimately lead to tangible business benefits. By internal
demonstrating how digital twins

have been used in specific use cases [26}, as well as the many lessons European and national research projects have paved the way for their
learned in integrating models, in [26] seek to emphasize that maritime digital full deployment. The development of RIS was the construction of multimodal
infrastructure must exist for the iterative and somewhat continuous transport corridors on its basis. For multimodal corridors, see [5,6].
improvement process required by digital twins, and then it can prosper.
From a business perspective, both consumers and providers will require
investment, followed by ongoing, enhanced services [26]. To illustrate what has been said, we present data on the EU RIS COMEX
project ( comex/). RIS COMEX is a multi-
beneficiary CEF funded project that aims to define, specify, implement and
sustainably operate corridor RIS services based on the results of the EU
CoRISMa study. RIS COMEX started during 2016 and will run until the end
of 2020. The scope of the project covers a total of 13 different European
countries where 14 partners have joined forces under the leadership of the
Austrian Waterways Administration with the common goal of implementing
RIS services for transport corridors.

In addition, Poland joined the project as a cooperation partner during 2018

of the year.

The RIS COMEX project aims to introduce and

operation of transboundary river information services based on operational
data exchange RIS. These RIS-based (information) services should provide
traffic management by the authorities and transport management in the
logistics sector. They use available national infrastructure and services.

Rice. 9. An overview of the process in which digital duplication is used to

The main tasks of RIS COMEX are:
add internal security systems [26].

Development of a common vision for managing the RIS Corridor (starting

from the results of the EU CoRISMa project) in a dialogue between RIS
providers and users

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

logistics (e.g. shippers, shipmasters, ship and fleet operators, terminal local, but also at the regional, national and international levels. Therefore,
operators) to ensure the relevance of the services being implemented. Corridor Management will support route planning, voyage planning,

Implementation and continuous operation of individual parts of the overall transport management and traffic control,
concept, ensuring the improvement of the quality and availability of which at present, if at all, are simply available in fragments.
information services for the fairway, traffic and transport, which in

In particular, it leads to a significant increase in the efficiency of In this regard, "corridor management" is defined as information services
intracontinental transport, and also directly contributes to the use of the between waterway authorities on a reciprocal basis and with waterway users
general advantages of RIS, i.e. improving the safety, efficiency and and related
environmental friendliness of the internal
them logistics partners in order to optimize
shipping as a mode of transport. use of inland navigation corridors in the network of European waterways.

Operational mechanisms (legal, financial, organizational, technical, Obviously, this definition indicates that there is a need for exchange of
qualitative) are defined andimplementation
agreed to ensure
further information between authorities and cooperation of public and private
and services for a harmonized RIS that allows managing partners to improve both the performance of inland navigation and the use
of existing infrastructure.

corridors after project completion.

Harmonization of communication concepts for RIS data through the joint At the end of 2019, the international Smart Rivers PIANC Conference /
development and specification of Corridor Services RIS services avoids the LYON 2019 / / September 30 -
emergence of different exchange concepts
October 3, 2019 Cité Internationale / Center de Congrès
data. Lyon FRANCE /) has largely become a stage in the
Progress in the harmonization of transport information services at development of the RIS COMEX project. Below we present three
European and/or corridor level based on existing solutions and concepts drawing from the presentations at this conference. Figure 10 shows the links
(e.g. IVS90, Imagine Agent between RIS and the geographic information systems based on data models
that we discussed above in the Digital Twins sections. In figures 11 and 12,
ERI, R2D2). we believe, the interaction of coastal and ship digital twins, which we spoke
about above, is very clearly shown.
RIS COMEX, as a platform that brings together public and private actors
in management, will
corridors to facilitate dialogue using RIS,
between river information service
providers and logistics users (eg shippers, ship and fleet operators, terminal

RIS COMEX will develop harmonized river information services for

inclusion in the initiative
DINA and will take another step towards integrating RIS with
other modes of transport.
Based on these goals, the project aims to:
• Improving the planning of transportation by inland waterways
(improving the reliability of transportation)

• Reduced waiting and travel time

• Improving efficiency in the execution Rice. 10. Links between RIS and geographic information
transportation by inland navigation. systems (source - Smart Rivers PIANC Conference / LYON
• Optimal use of infrastructure (increased capacity utilization) 2019 / / September 30 - October 3, 2019 Cité Internationale /
Center de Congrès Lyon FRANCE /)
• Reducing administrative barriers.

Corridor management as a concept aims to improve and interconnect

existing RIS services along a route or network to provide RIS not only to

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

Rice. 11. Data flows in the river information system in the USA (source
- Smart Rivers PIANC Conference / LYON 2019 / / September 30 -
Rice. 13. Who is a member of the Port Community System [27]
October 3, 2019 Cité Internationale / Center de Congrès Lyon

As a platform for digital freight transport, the port community system

can be a dedicated organization based on existing capabilities

and existing relationships with stakeholders in the port community.

These particular applications can be part of the system [27]:

Court management. The carrier can issue

request for berthing and parking, as well as obtain permission from the
terminal operator. Firms involved in port services such as pilotage,
towing and mooring may also receive a service request at the same
time. At the same time, the relevant

Rice. 12. Automatic system for identifying river vessels in the US River
government agencies such as the Port Authority, Customs and Port Police.
Information System
(ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ - Smart Rivers PIANC Conference / LYON
2019 / / September 30 - October 3, 2019 Cité Container handling management. Carriers (such as shipping
Internationale / Center de Congrès Lyon FRANCE /) companies or trucking firms) can interact with their respective terminal
operators through a standard interface, eliminating the hassle of dealing
with various information
As follows from the above, many areas of development of smart
ports and shipboard digital twins are in certain dependencies on the terminal The cargo systems.

development of other basic digital technologies. However, this does not manifest is simultaneously provided to the carrier and the terminal
stop their gradual practical development. So a very important step in operator, as well as
regulatory agencies such as customs and provides the administration
cross-linking with customs,port. it with automatic
In this process is the already widespread creation of Port
Community Systems (PCS) around the world. In order for significantly speeding up the clearance of cargo for import or export.
the reader to get a clear picture of how at this stage of
development the concepts of foreland, hinterland (Figure Gate control. Electronic control
1) begin to transform into coastal and ship digital twins, inbound and outbound traffic at the terminal gates, which mainly
we present an architecture similar in construction in concerns freight forwarders, shipping lines, trucking companies and
Figure 13 with a division into foreland and hinterland. terminal operators. All internal logistics operations such as transport
And, since already today the forms of the joint economy contracts, orders for
have proved their practical importance of the port
community system (PCS), they began to develop vacation and entry orders can be covered by one electronic document.
everywhere. For ports and ships, it is also necessary to If the electronic document is provided in advance, often by 24 hours,
take into account their very high cost and the absolute then all processes can be pre-cleared,
unprofitability of their downtime.

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

leaving only the physical movement for pickup or delivery. This improves MARANDA - Marine application of the new power
the capacity of existing locks, often more than doubling their capacity, with fuel cell installations under conditions
no new infrastructure other than automatic gate handling equipment. confirmation of the requirements of conditions in the Arctic. Even for this
rather specific application, it (Figure 15) does not look so simple.

Security and control. Strategies for automating the permitted and safe Another important topic, echoing the theme of the MARANDA project,
use of facilities, including access to cargo. A special approach relies on is today marine fuel, which consists of almost 99% diesel grades, which
optical recognition of license plate characters and container identification does not fit well with growing environmental requirements. Therefore, the
numbers. Real-time surveillance can be reconciled with invoices with development of the power systems of ports begins to grow, for example, for
discrepancies, which are subject to manual verification. This may also the parking of cruise ships, which, in fact,
include other scanning devices such as a radiation detector or RFID. Again,
this results in a better use
floating cities. The directions of hydrogenous (hydrogen) fuel are also
developing and have already appeared
practical results on electric ferries and
existing assets and at the same time improves security procedures. small courts.

Tracking. All of the above allows using IT integration to track the loading
of containers throughout the port community from the moment they are
unloaded from the container ship, during the cleaning of the terminal
gateway or after they are delivered. This improves supply chain management
and asset utilization within the port community.

What we see in Figure 14 below is called a PCS functional implementation

that looks like
how Uber works. This is a community system transformation of ports,
systems into PCS with howassets of previous
the aim of sharing the digital twins
in a
shared economy [1,2,3,4,8,28].

Rice. 15. Types of vessels defined in the EU draft

MARANDA 9 [30].

Many of the positions outlined above, as we

Fig. 14. Transformation of previous
seems to be relevant to the agenda of the meeting of the heads of state of
information systems in PCS [28]
the Caspian region, which is to be held in Astrakhan in 2021. According to
the geographical and historical principles of this meeting, it should discuss

In conclusion, it is worth noting that any ship is almost unique equipment economic capabilities joint

and it is very well known that almost any ship has unique characteristics, the use of the Caspian Sea and the rivers feeding this
and this makes an overly general analysis often irrelevant, but is the driving sea, and in the first place, the Volga. In the European
force behind the development of digital twin approaches. In figure 15, we Union, the ambitious Water Framework Directive
show the classification of ships that we were forced to create in the EU (WFD, 2000/60/EC) recognizes the opportunity to improve
project the quality of all water bodies,
including surface and groundwater, and there is strong evidence that society

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International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 8, no.3, 2020

is trying to restore a water-oriented culture. Water sustainable transport connectivity in Asia, the Conference also in the Pacific
protection is one of the Commission's priorities, and the integrated intermodal transport
and logistics
the need
for a)including
the development
road, rail,of
aim of the European Water Policy is to reduce the pollution water and air transport, in order to promote sustainable development and b)
of European rivers and keep them clean [29]. It seems to the development of safe,
us that it is necessary for Russia to adopt a program on
the Volga Basin, without waiting for the meeting in
Astrakhan, part of which could be directions and ideas for
digital twins for ports and shipping on the Volga, which "smart" and environmentally friendly intermodal or
for many years served Russia as the main economic multimodal transport corridors that are physically and
transport artery. We believe that "Smart Volga" can operationally closely connected with each other [19].
rediscover many economic advantages for the country
and provide a new impetus for the development of the In 2020, another APEC international organization, in
regions adjacent to it. which the participants of the Caspian meeting are also
represented (including Russia), released a work -
Managing Port Data via a Single APEC Port Community
Platform APEC Transportation Working Group January
The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the 2020 [20], directly related to the creation of systems Port
Pacific (ESCAP), based in Bangkok, Thailand, is one of Community (PCS).
the five regional commissions of the United Nations To quote this work: “To create a basis for
Economic and Social Council. It was organized in 1947 understanding and commitment of all participants to the
to stimulate the economic cooperation of the participating need and benefits of obtaining critical information on the
countries. This organization includes all participants of APEC Common Ports Community System Platform.
the Caspian
summit. Given the above, the project consisted of developing a
survey that was sent to APEC delegates asking a series
At the planned summit in Astrakhan in 2021, of questions regarding the possibility of exchanging port
It seems to us that it would be expedient to discuss, along information between countries after the workshop in order
with other topics, the creation of a system of ports to discuss the results of the survey for the development
communities (PCS) of the countries of the Caspian region. of a summary report.
This issue could be a follow-up to the decisions of the
ESCAP Ministerial Conference on Transport, held in Since all participants in the Caspian meeting are members of both
December 2016 in Moscow, which ESCAP and APEC, and also intend to jointly develop the digital economy,
stressed the key role of transport in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda the above seems to us a possible basis for developing relevant proposals.
for Sustainable Development, in light of its specific function of providing
people, industry and agriculture with access to

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[22] Theo Notteboom, Athanasios Pallis and Jean-Paul Rodrigue

(2020) Port Economics, Management and Policy, New York: Routledge

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[29] AMBER Project D3.2 Quantification of economic costs and benefits

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[30] MARANDA D9.3 Report on business analysis tool design and use


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