Obesity Reviews - 2023 - Aguiar - System Dynamics Simulation Models On Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents

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Received: 20 March 2023 Revised: 19 July 2023 Accepted: 22 July 2023

DOI: 10.1111/obr.13632


System dynamics simulation models on overweight and obesity

in children and adolescents: A systematic review

Anaely Aguiar 1 | Mekdes K. Gebremariam 2 | Eduard Romanenko 2 |

1 1 3
Furkan Önal | Birgit Kopainsky | Natalie Savona | Andrew Brown 4 |
4 2
Steven Allender | Nanna Lien

System Dynamics Group, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway Summary
Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, It has increasingly been recognized that developing successful obesity prevention policies
Oslo, Norway
and interventions requires understanding of the complex mechanisms driving the obesity
Faculty of Public Health and Policy, London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, pandemic and that models could be useful tools for simulating policies. This paper reviews
London, UK
system dynamics simulation models of mechanisms driving childhood overweight and
Global Centre for Preventive Health and
obesity and/or testing of preventive interventions. A systematic literature search was
Nutrition, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria,
Australia conducted in six databases from inception to January 2023 using terms related to over-

weight/obesity, children, and system dynamics. Study descriptives, mechanisms, and
Nanna Lien, Department of Nutrition, where to intervene (the leverage points), as well as quality assessments of the simulation
University of Oslo, PO Box 1046 Blindern,
0316 Oslo. Norway.
models were extracted by two researchers into a predetermined template and narratively
Email: nanna.lien@medisin.uio.no synthesized. Seventeen papers describing 15 models were included. Models describing

Funding information
the mechanisms ranged from only intrapersonal factors to models cutting across multiple
European Union's Horizon 2020, Grant/Award levels of the ecological model, but mechanisms across levels were lacking. The majority
Number: 774210
of interventions tested in the simulation models were changes to existing model parame-
ters with less emphasis on models that alter system structure. In conclusion, existing
models included mechanisms driving youth obesity at multiple levels of the ecological
model. This is useful for developing an integrated simulation model combining mecha-
nisms at multiple levels and allowing for testing fundamental system changes.

obesity prevention, simulation models, system dynamics, youth

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N several short- and long-term impacts on the health and well-being

of children4,5 and childhood obesity often tracks into adulthood.6
Current high levels and rising obesity prevalence is an urgent public Furthermore, there are clear social inequalities with higher preva-
health problem, in both adults and children globally.1–3 Obesity has lence of overweight and obesity among children of lower socio-
economic status.7 Multiple biological, psychosocial, cultural, envi-
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; MeSH, Medical Subject Headings; OW/OB, ronmental, and economic drivers of behavior underlie positive
overweight and obesity; PA, physical activity; PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for
energy balance leading to overweight and consequently obesity.8–12
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; SD, system dynamics; SES, socio-economic status;
SSB, sugar-sweetened beverage; US, United States. These drivers operate at multiple levels with a variety of

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Authors. Obesity Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of World Obesity Federation.

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2 of 21 AGUIAR ET AL.

mechanisms that interact with one another which is often illus- 2 | METHODS
trated, but less often operationalized, as ecological models in public
health.13–15 In light of the problem itself and the complexity of its This systematic review was conducted and reported in accordance
drivers, there have been multiple efforts to combat overweight and with the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Sys-
obesity (OW/OB) in children ranging from clinical interventions to tematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA).39 The protocol was
public policies16,17 but efforts have yielded few effective and scal- registered on PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42019125424)
able solutions for either. priori to conducting the review.
The failure of most countries to reverse and prevent the obesity
epidemic using behavior focused interventions evaluated with tradi-
tional study designs19,20 suggests that obesity is a fundamentally com- 2.1 | Search, selection of articles and extraction
plex public health problem requiring intervention efforts to engage of data
with the complexity of obesity causes and effects.21 Thus, recent
attempts to halt and reverse the obesity prevalence trends among chil- Using a combination of text and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH
dren have examined the benefit from approaches that enable under- terms), the following databases were searched by AA; MEDLINE,
standing complexity, including system science. A complex systems EMBASE, PsyINFO, CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science. The search
approach allows the consideration of nonlinear relationships between algorithm was structured using the following main search terms:
variables, accumulations, feedback loops, and emergence effects which (obesity OR overweight OR adiposity) AND (children OR adolescents)
linear approaches typically have to disregard.24,25 AND (system dynamics OR systems modeling). The search was con-
Across different branches of systems science a common method is ducted during February–April 2019 for the whole life of each data-
the development of computer models that simulate the system base, followed by three search updates until April 2021, February
outcomes arising from the complex interactions among the system's 2022, and January 2023. The search was restricted to studies pub-
variables.26 One method, system dynamics (SD) modeling, is an lished in the English language. The search terms and strategy were
aggregate-level modeling type, historically applied for national level adapted to match the specific structure of each database searched. In
policy evaluation.27 SD is a computer-based approach for scenario and addition, reference lists of the identified articles were screened. The
policy analysis in complex dynamic systems28,29; it centers on the idea detailed search strategy is reported in the Supporting information
that feedback structures and interactions among variables within a sys- Table S1.
tem are responsible for the system behavior over time. SD uses quan- Titles and abstracts were imported into the reference manage-
titative computer models to uncover and understand endogenous ment program ENDNOTE 9 and screened against the inclusion and
sources of complex system behavior; that is, it seeks to find explana- exclusion criteria by one reviewer (AA) with expertise in system
tions for system behaviors by understanding the internal structure dynamics. Eligible studies for inclusion were those that applied the
(i.e., variables and their causal interactions) of a system rather than system dynamics simulation method to model overweight and/or
focusing on factors external (exogenous) to the system.31 By using for- obesity determinants or any obesity-related behaviors (i.e., diet
mal simulation, SD enforces theoretical precision, makes assumptions and physical activity) of children or adolescents as models for
transparent, promotes data analysis and hypothesis testing, identifies understanding etiology or for testing policies/interventions. Stud-
potential leverage points and allows for scenario and policy analysis, ies investigating adults only or not reporting on children or adoles-
which is particularly useful for quantitative estimates of the outcomes cents separately, as well as interventions focusing on treating
of policies related to overweight and obesity prevention.33,34 In the pol- children and adolescents with overweight and obesity, were
icy testing the leverage points are particularly important as they have excluded. No restrictions on target group characteristics such as
been defined as “places within a complex system where a small shift in gender, baseline weight status, or country were applied. Full texts
one thing can produce big changes in everything.”35 were assessed when the abstract was found insufficient to make
This review was conducted in order to synthesize evidence conclusions about inclusion.
regarding existing systems dynamic simulation models related to child- Standardized data extraction forms were developed covering
hood obesity, and to draw lessons from these models that could the following: (i) study overview (author(s), year, and country,
inform future studies in general and the CO-CREATE project in partic- study aim, target population groups, setting, model outcome [diet
ular.36 Within the CO-CREATE project the results of the review were behavior and physical activity]), (ii) model description (model focus,
combined with the qualitative input from youth37 to develop SD model type, conceptual model, key model variables, feedback
models to simulate the effects of policy ideas for obesity prevention loops, and leverage points), (iii) study design (scenarios or interven-
developed by youth.38 tions modeled, simulation time, empirical data used, calibration,
This study reviews existing SD simulation models which have and validation tests conducted), and (iv) findings (results and con-
modeled environmental factors and mechanisms driving childhood clusions, leverage points). The data was extracted by two
OW/OB and to investigate if, and in what context, SD modeling is reviewers (AA and MG) independently, and any discrepancies
being used to inform policy and/or decision-making processes related between the reviewers were resolved by discussion with a third
to preventing OW/OB in children and adolescents. reviewer.
1467789x, 2023, S2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.13632 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [26/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
AGUIAR ET AL. 3 of 21

2.2 | Synthesis of results 3.1 | Characteristics of the included studies

A narrative approach to synthesis was chosen to address our research All 17 included studies were published in the last decade and eight
aims.40 To describe the main model structures of factors and mecha- were set in the United States (US). Seven studies included children,
nisms driving OW/OB, NL in collaboration with AA, MG, and BK sorted adolescents and adults, separating them into age cohorts where each
the models by their main factors at the levels of the ecological model age group transferred to the next cohort over time46–52; seven articles
by McLeroy et al. —intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, com-
examined children and adolescent populations.47,53–58 Three studies
munity, and public policy—unless the model themselves referred to the investigated adolescents only.59–61 Five studies only modeled etiology
Bronfenbrenner type of levels as micro, meso, exo, and macro. of childhood obesity48,50,60–62 and five studies only tested interven-
Interventions aimed at preventing OW/OB were analyzed using a tions to prevent childhood obesity,52,55–58 while seven studies did
simplified Intervention Level Framework. That framework is based both46,47,49,51,53,54,60 (Table 1).
on the levels of intervention for complex problems described by
Meadows35 and oriented to public health by Bolton et al.42 For char-
acterizing the leverage points or specific interventions tested in the 3.2 | Main model structures of factors and
different models, we assessed how the interventions were repre- mechanisms driving OW/OB
sented in the models. Interventions at the lowest level (lowest in
terms of effectiveness according to Meadows35) are represented as Starting from the intrapersonal understanding of the factors driving
parameter changes that result in changing the strength of a relation- OW/OB Rahmandad50 and Hall et al.62 simulated bodyweight develop-
ship in the model. Interventions at a medium level change the struc- ment as energy balance and growth in all ages and childhood, respec-
ture of the simulation model by adding/removing variables and/or tively. These simulation models do not further specify individual dietary
connections between variables. Such structural changes modify the behaviors or physical activity. Meisel et al.48,49 simulate transfer rates
feedback structure of the model. Finally, interventions at the highest between BMI categories by age group in an urban Colombian population.
level change the goals in the modeled decision rules. Leverage points The first version of the simulation model includes processed food and
assessment was performed by one reviewer (BK) and independently sugary drinks, leisure time PA, transport PA, and screen time,48 whereas
checked by a second reviewer (FO). Disagreements were resolved by the second version of the simulation model omits the behaviors, but
consensus between these two reviewers. addresses differences by socio-economic status (SES).49 Dietary behav-
ioral factors contributing to obesity have been represented through the
contribution of portion size and meal frequency on weight and obesity of
2.3 | Model validity assessment British children,53,54 and soda consumption on adolescent population
level OW/OB in Nebraska.61 Frerichs' simulation model addresses social
SD simulation models are validated through structural and behavioral transmissions of OW/OB between adults and child and child to child
tests to assess their robustness and limitations.24,43 A model valida- without explicitly including dietary or physical activity (PA) behaviors.46
tion checklist similar to the one presented by Jalali et al. was created Four etiological simulation models cut across multiple levels of the
specifically for this review (Table S2), to assess the models of the ecological model. Lan et al.59 simulate the influence of intrapersonal
included studies based on principles developed by system dynamics level factors (perceptions of health and self-body image) and interper-
practitioners.24,43,45 Studies were given a quality score based on how sonal factors (diet associated parenting behaviors and peer ridiculing
many of the six criteria in the validation checklist were met. The six due to body shape) and organizational factors (school nutrition educa-
criteria for model validity and transparency resulted in a maximum tion) on amounts of PA and high-caloric diet intake with population
model validity score of 18. Model validity was assessed by one level OW/OB as the outcome. SES of the parents is included in the
reviewer (AA) and independently checked by a second reviewer (BK). simulation model. Carrete's simulation model addresses how factors at
Disagreements were resolved by consensus between these two the micro, meso, exo, and macro levels of the ecological model can
reviewers. explain population level OW/OB of urban Mexican children, but does
not specify any dietary or PA behaviors.60 The simulation model by
Roberts et al.47 includes physical food (access, price, and marketing)
3 | RESULTS and PA environment, interpersonal factors (parenting, weight-related
bullying, and social norms), and intrapersonal factors (mental health and
There were 1988 records identified from the searches of which 625 arti- screen time) as influences on healthy food choice and physical activity
cles remained after eliminating duplicates. The initial screening of titles leading to healthy weight and to OW/OB on the population level. The
and abstracts resulted in 89 articles for full text review. The full text simulation model by Struben et al.51 primarily represents the macro
review resulted in 74 records being excluded. Two additional articles level factors of food supply and governmental policy in relation to food
were found through reference list checking of the 15 remaining articles demand and food attributes (price, taste, availability, and nutritional
(Figure 1), resulting in 17 articles with 15 models included. The three quality) in regards to energy balance leading to change in body mass
search updates did not contribute any articles after full text reviews. index (BMI) disaggregated by age and gender.
1467789x, 2023, S2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.13632 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [26/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
4 of 21 AGUIAR ET AL.

F I G U R E 1 Preferred Reporting Items for

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
flow diagram of identification and selection of
studies for the systematic review on of system
dynamics simulation models of childhood

Table 1 furthermore shows that there is a large variety in key combinations that focus more on adults may result in greater reduc-
model variables (stocks and types of variables) included in the simula- tions in childhood obesity than those that target children only if adult
tion models depending on the aim and main outcomes of the interventions have higher residual impact on children. However, the
simulation models. However, only six of the studies specified any of preventive and treatment interventions were not further specified.
the feedback loops underpinning their simulation model.46,51,53,54,56,59 Safan et al.57 simulated the effect of peer influence and different
types of nutrition education in school on the proportion of healthy
eaters, taking the problem of recidivism into account. They found that
3.3 | Intervention testing and leverage points for positive peer influence and food association learning can significantly
OW/OB prevention modify the culture of eaters and thus promote healthier eating behav-
iors among children. Powell et al.56 simulated the effect of 15 inter-
At the intrapersonal behavioral level, the simulation model on portion ventions on obesity prevalence rates in the state of Georgia, USA.
size and meal frequency was used to test whether the British target These interventions were mainly on increasing physical activity in the
set for childhood OW/OB by 2020 could be reached.53,54 They con- school and after-school program setting and safety of active transport
cluded that it could only be reached by 2026, but did not specify the to and from school but also some on providing healthy foods in these
interventions which could change the portion size and meal fre- settings, reimbursement for nutrition counseling for children with
quency. The simulation model on social transmission of OW/OB ana- OW/OB and even increased prevalence of breastfeeding. Mandating
lyzed the effect on social transmissions of all combinations (n = 15) of daily physical education at school and integrating moderate to vigor-
prevention and treatment interventions targeting adults or children. ous physical activity into elementary school classrooms had the larg-
They found that combinations of prevention and treatment generally est projected impact on the prevalence of childhood obesity with
had greater impact than either alone, and that intervention reduction to 12 and 10%, respectively. Meisel et al.49 used their
TABLE 1 Description of the included studies for the systematic review on of system dynamics simulation models of childhood overweight/obesity.

Reference, year and Key model variables (stocks/

country Study aims Target population groups Model outcome Model type parameters/equations)

54 Abidin et al. 2014 To simulate the effects of changes in British child population by gender Average weight (AW), average body Etiology Key stocks: Average of fat portion
UK eating behavior of British children and three age bands (2–4 years, mass index (ABMI), and the Intervention size from outside meal, average
(2–15 years) on weight and 5–10 years, and prevalence of obesity (POB) testing weight, average height, and
obesity; and identify how long will 11–15 years) prevalence of obesity. Key
it take to remove obesity as a elements:
public health concern by 2020, .- Fractional rate of portion size
using system dynamics outside home
optimization. .- Fractional rate of number of meals
.- Food intake and food expenditure.
.- Physical measurement.
.- BMI impact
53 Abidin et al. 2014 To compare and determine the Child population aged between 2 to Body weight and BMI. Etiology Key stocks: Prevalence of obesity,
UK effective strategy for obesity 15 years old. Intervention Average weight, average height.
prevention by improving the testing Key elements:
consumption of portion size and .- Average number of meals
meal frequency. consumed from outside per day
.- Energy intake from outside per day
.- Average energy expenditure
60 Carrete et al. To contribute to the understanding Elementary school students from 9 Overweight and obesity prevalence Etiology Key stocks:
2017 Mexico of how elements of the to 12 years old intervention Macro level influenced by:
socioecological system shape testing .- National policies
individual behaviors by analyzing .- Culture
overweight and obesity from a Exo level influenced by:
sociological perspective that takes .- Local policies
into account the influence of .- Availability of recreational
relevant social factors regarding activities.
the development of healthy .- Availability of junk food. Meso
behavior patterns of urban level influenced by the following:
Mexican children. .- School intervention
.- Social influence
Micro level influenced by:
.- Family habits and economy
.- Friends influence
46 Frerichs et al. (1) to assess the sensitivity of Children and adults by age groups in Overweight and obesity prevalence Etiology Key stocks: Health status related to
2013 USA childhood overweight and obesity the United States (BMI and percentile guidelines) Intervention weight (i.e., normal weight,
prevalence to peer and adult social among children testing overweight, and obese adults and
transmission rates, and (2) to test similarly normal weight,
the effect of combinations of overweight, and obese children).
prevention and treatment Key elements:
interventions on the prevalence of .- Likelihood of adult to adult social
childhood overweight and obesity. transmission of overweight and
5 of 21


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TABLE 1 (Continued)
6 of 21

Reference, year and Key model variables (stocks/

country Study aims Target population groups Model outcome Model type parameters/equations)
.- Likelihood of child to child social
transmission of overweight and
.- Likelihood of adult to child social
transmission of overweight and
.- Prevention intervention impact on
adult and child overweight and
.- Treatment intervention impact on
adult and child overweight and
62 Hall et al 2013 Developed a model of childhood Children and adolescents (5– Bodyweight dynamics and obesity Etiology Key elements:
USA energy balance and bodyweight 18 years) development .- Energy intake and expenditure
dynamics that accounts for .- Fat-free mass
healthy growth and development .- Body fat mass
of obesity and makes quantitative .- Excess of body weight
predictions about weight .- Excess of energy intake
management interventions.
52 Kuo et al. 2016 To address the range and health Adults and youth by sex and age Obesity prevalence Intervention Key stocks: Youth population, non-
USA impacts of obesity prevention group (18–29, 30–64, >65) testing CVD adult population, post-CVD
strategies in local communities adult population. Non obese
in Los Angeles County (LAC) for youth, obese youth, non-obese
three program focus areas. non-CVD adults, obese non CVD
adults, non-obese post CVD
adults, obese post CVD adults.
59 Lan et al. 2015 To investigate the factors affecting Elementary school students BMI values Etiology Key stocks: Students' concept of
(no place specified) elementary school students' BMI health, Obesity levels and
values. nutrition education.
Key elements:
.- Educational attainment and
socioeconomic status of parents
.- Amounts of students' physical
.- Students' high- calorie diets
.- Effectiveness of the
implementation of school nutrition
61 Liew, 2018 USA To project the prevalence of soda Students between 15 to 19 years old Change in soda consumption and Etiology Key stocks: Soda consumers, schools
consumption and obesity given obesity in adolescents permitting the sales of soda pop or
the declining trends in soda fruit drinks and number of
consumption and permission to adolescents with obesity.

1467789x, 2023, S2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.13632 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [26/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE 1 (Continued)

Reference, year and Key model variables (stocks/

country Study aims Target population groups Model outcome Model type parameters/equations)

purchase soda pop or fruit drinks, Key elements:

as well as the expected .- Percentage decline in regular
percentages increase in people consumers
between ages 15 to 19 and .- Percentage decline in schools that
students in grades 9–12 with permit soda sales
obesity. .- Percentage increase in the number
of people between ages 15 to 19
.- Adolescent population growth
55 Liu et al. 2016 To inform policymakers' 2–19 age kids (boys) & adolescent Total weight reduced due to reduced Intervention Key stocks: Revenue from Excise
USA understanding of how allocating population SSB consumption testing tax, Budget for building healthy
revenue collected by SSB taxation environment, realized demand,
across sustainable implementation Budget allocated for building park,
strategies might maximize benefits Net added park land areas,
of such taxation for childhood Budget allocated for subsidizing
obesity prevention. kids and adolescent, realized
energy intake from SSB in boy
group, Cumulative reduced energy
intake with SSB reduction for
boys, Energy expenditure due to
increased physical activity for
Key elements:
.- Changes in perceived demand.
.- Increment in price due to tax.
.- Annual per capita SSB
.- Money allocated for interventions.
48 Meisel et al. 2016 To capture the transitions of the Colombia population by age groups, Prevalence of obesity, Transference Etiology Not overweight, overweight, and
Colombia population by BMI categories gender and BMI categories (not rates between BMI categories by obese. Not overweight,
within the Colombian urban overweight, overweight and age group overweight and obese who met
population. obese) LTPA, PFSD, ST, and TPA
49 Meisel et al. 2018 To investigate the nutritional stage Colombian urban population by age Prevalence of obesity, Transference Etiology Key stocks: weight status categories
Colombia dynamics within the urban groups (0–59 years), BMI rates between BMI categories by Intervention by age and socioeconomic status
population of Colombia using a categories (not overweight, age group testing (SES)
System Dynamics model. A model overweight, and obese) and Socio- Key elements:
was proposed and can be used: (1) Economic Status (SES) .- Prevalence rates by age, body
to estimate the transference rates mass index (BMI) and
(TRs) between BMI categories by socioeconomic status (SES).
age and SES, (2) to identify the .- Mortality rates by age group
population subgroups toward .-Population size by age group
which intervention efforts should .- Births fraction by BMI category
be targeted, and (3) to monitor the and SES
potential effect of public health .- Fertility rates
7 of 21


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TABLE 1 (Continued)
8 of 21

Reference, year and Key model variables (stocks/

country Study aims Target population groups Model outcome Model type parameters/equations)
policy interventions aimed at
preventing overweight and obesity
across age and SES categories.
56 Powell et al. 2017 Simulated the potential impact of a Georgia children and adolescents (up Obesity prevalence (specifically, BMI Intervention Not specified
USA given policy intervention or to 18 years) for age percentiles) testing
combination of policy
interventions on the prevalence of
obesity in childhood in Georgia
through 2034.
50 Rahmandad 2014 Replicates key trends in human Population sub-groups: Gender, age Growth, body weight (BMI) and Etiology Keys stocks: Body weight
USA growth including (A) Changes in (infants, children, and adults) and composition partitioned in Fat Mass (FM), Fat
energy requirements from birth to race. Free Mass (FFM) and Height (H).
old ages. (B) Short and long-term Key elements: Energy Intake, Total
dynamics of body weight and Energy expenditure. Resting
composition. (C) Stunted growth energy expenditure
with chronic malnutrition and
potential for catch up growth
47 Roberts et al. The aim of the study is to support Children between 0 and 17 years of The proportion of overweight and Etiology Key stocks: Overweight/obesity
2018 Australia the Australian Government and age obese children aged 5 to 16 living intervention percentage by age, energy balance
stakeholders responsible to in NSW from 2016 testing (intake and expenditure).
achieve a target to reduce the to 2025, overall and stratified by age Key elements:
population prevalence of .- Impact of healthy food index on
childhood overweight and obesity replacement energy consumption
by 5% over 10 years. A system .- Base activity factor
dynamics model was developed to .- Impact of excess energy on
address the question of what transfer rates
combination of high-level .- LT weight loss
strategies is likely to be needed to .- Impact of program delivery on
meeting the target. engagement
.- Parental influence
.- Impact of active transport on
.- Impact of healthy lifestyle on
.- Impact of OW/OB on activity
.- Impact of accessibility on activity
.- Impact of walkability on activity
.- Impact of technology on
workforce productivity
.- Effectiveness of TV advertising
.- Reduction in sedentary behavior
.- Consumption of SSB percentage

1467789x, 2023, S2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.13632 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [26/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE 1 (Continued)

Reference, year and Key model variables (stocks/

country Study aims Target population groups Model outcome Model type parameters/equations)

57 Safan et al. 2018 To evaluate the role of socialization Different population groups Population cohorts divided by Intervention Key stocks: Moderately, Less and
USA and school environments on the including children. “Moderately” healthy eaters, testing Healthy individuals. Key
diet dynamics in children's schools “Less” healthy eaters and elements:
settings. “Healthy” eaters .- Peer influence rate
.- Recidivism rate
.- Efficacy of nutrition education
.- Susceptibility to shift from M to
L and from M to L.
.- Per capita entry/removal rate
.- Efficacy of food association

58 Shahid & Used local spatial analysis to assess Children (4.5–6 years old) Number of obese, overweight, and intervention Key stocks: healthy-weight,
Bertazzon 2015 the relationship of childhood healthy weight children in per testing overweight and obese children.
Canada obesity and overweight with their 1,000 children Key elements:
risk factors at the neighborhood .- Proximity to fast food outlets
level, and simulation modeling to .- Proximity to parks
simulate localized interventions, .- Walkability (Walkscore)
particularly neighborhood .- Neighborhood pathway length
walkability, aimed at reducing .- Median income
childhood obesity and to estimate .- Immigrants
their potential impact over time. .- Education
51 Struben et al. To analyze how supply, demand, and Canadian population, calibrated to BMI Etiology Key stocks: propensity to consider a
2014 Canada governmental policy endogenously nationally-representative data Intervention category, energy stored,
evolve and collectively influence (Segmented by age and gender) testing population, attribute-related
population health and shape the capabilities, serving size.
nutritional quality of consumed Key elements: food demand, food
food portfolios. supply, population health (BMI,
caloric intake and market share)
and government policy;
Disaggregation of age and gender,
firm type, food attributes (price,
taste, availability, and nutritional

TABLE 1 (Continued)

Simulations, scenarios
Reference, year and/or intervention (s)
and country Feedback loops modeled Simulation time Empirical data used Validation tests conducted Leverage points
54 Abidin et al. Three reinforcing loops RL1, Reversion values of Average 1970–2030 Health survey for England Structure tests and behavior Modifying parameters
2014 UK RL1, and RL1 (food Weight, BMI reduction (HSE) and other published reproduction
consumption loop) and and POB measurement
9 of 21

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TABLE 1 (Continued)

Simulations, scenarios
10 of 21

Reference, year and/or intervention (s)

and country Feedback loops modeled Simulation time Empirical data used Validation tests conducted Leverage points
one balancing loop BL using an optimization sources from a literature
(energy balance loop) process: review
• Phase 1 (1970–2012):
represents the past and
present situations that
lead to obesity.
• Phase 2: refers to the
capability of the ICOD
model to reverse the
future of AW, ABMI, and
POB trends through
change in fat portion size
of outside meal and total
number of meals
53 Abidin et al. Three reinforcing loops RL1, Compared simulation runs: 1970–2030 Health survey for England Parameter and structure Modifying parameters
2014 UK RL1, and RL1 and one Base run: without policy (HSE) and other published verification. Behavior
balancing loop (energy change sources reproduction
balance loop) Strategy 1: the effect of
reducing portion size for
an outside meal parameter
(50% reduction), on
Average weight and
Average BMI.
Strategy 2: the effect of
reducing the frequency of
meals parameter (50%
reduction), on Average
weight and Average BMI.
60 Carrete et al. Not specified The effects that the major 2000–2050 Interviews with students and Not stated by the authors Modifying parameters
2017 Mexico elements of each parameters from existing
subsystem of the literature
framework, have on
childhood overweight
Scenarios included the
1. Reliance on macro- and
(governmental policies)
2. full commitment from the

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TABLE 1 (Continued)

Simulations, scenarios

Reference, year and/or intervention (s)

and country Feedback loops modeled Simulation time Empirical data used Validation tests conducted Leverage points
3. alignment of both
scenarios where
governmental policies
increases commitment
from the families
46 Frerichs There are two reinforcing The impact of varying model 10 years NHANES (2009–2010) and Behavior reproduction, Modifying parameters
et al. 2013 loops seen in both the parameters of social US surveillance system sensitivity analysis
USA adult and child transmission and weight data and research
populations: (1) a loop loss behavior rates to test literature
between the increase in the effect of combinations
overweight and obesity of behavioral and
that leads to a rise in the treatment interventions.
likelihood of social The model includes an
transmission and (2) a loop explicit intervention
from the increase in impact parameter (apart
overweight and obesity from adult-to-child and
that leads to a decrease in child-to-child social
normal weight population, transmission) to capture
which leads to a the potential to actively
subsequent increase in the engage targeted
likelihood of maintained individuals to model and
social transmission. encourage healthy
behaviors among the other
age group at varying
62 Hall et al Not specified Sex-specific growth was 20 years Data from existing literature Behavior reproduction Modifying parameters
2013 USA modeled as the mathematical validation
combination of increasing
energy intake with time
and an age dependent
function representing the
net effect of various
complex physiological
processes that stimulate
accretion of fat-free mass
while obeying both energy
balance and macronutrient
52 Kuo et al. Not specified Implemented strategies for 50 years NHANES (1988–1994 to Behavior reproduction and
2016 USA three focus areas: physical 1999 to 2004) sensitivity analysis
11 of 21


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TABLE 1 (Continued)
12 of 21

Simulations, scenarios
Reference, year and/or intervention (s)
and country Feedback loops modeled Simulation time Empirical data used Validation tests conducted Leverage points
activity-promotion, health Model not transparent
marketing, and creation of enough to characterize
healthy food interventions
59 Lan et al. .- R1: Diet-associated Influence of students' 48 months Not specified Behavior reproduction Modifying parameters and
2015 (no parenting behaviors and concepts of health on structures
place students' BMI values. obesity, the influence of
specified) .- R2: Students' perception of the educational attainment
self-body image and BMI and socioeconomic status
values. of parents on the amount
.- R3: Effectiveness of the of physical activity of
implementation of school student; the influence of
nutrition education and the implementation of
students' concepts of school nutrition education
health. on students' high calorie
.- R4: Students' experience diets
of being ridiculed due to
their body shapes and high
calorie diets.
61 Liew, 2018 Not specified Soda consumption, school 20 years Youth Risk Behavior Not stated by the authors Modifying parameters
USA permission to sell soft Surveillance System
drinks percentage of (YRBSS) and Census data
obesity increase in 2015.
students in grades 9–12
55 Liu et al. Not specified The model captures the 20 years Data from existing literature Integration error, behavior Modifying parameters
2016 USA implementation of three reproduction and
interventions: (a) levying sensitivity analysis
an excise tax on SSBs; (b)
allotting SSB tax revenue
to construct safer outdoor
activity spaces; and (c)
allocating SSB tax revenue
to subsidize an
underserved population
composed primarily of
children and adolescents
with vegetables and fruits
(VF) at school.
Not specified (1) The TR from overweight 2005–2030 National Survey ENDS, Not stated by the authors Modifying parameters
to not Profamilia (2005, 2010)

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TABLE 1 (Continued)

Simulations, scenarios
Reference, year and/or intervention (s)

and country Feedback loops modeled Simulation time Empirical data used Validation tests conducted Leverage points
48 Meisel et al. overweight is increased from
2016 2011 to 2030; (2) The TR
Colombia from obese to overweight
is increased from
2011 to 2030; and (3) the
TRs from obese to
overweight and from
overweight to not
Overweight, are changed
to a value.
of 0.01 from 2011 to 2030.
49 Meisel et al. Not specified Testing scenarios where 2005–2030 National Survey ENDS Integration error, parameter Modifying parameters
2018 policy actions regarding to (2005–2010), assessment, extreme
Colombia the new public health law Colombian National conditions, behavior
fully implemented through Department of Statistics reproduction and
PA promotion and healthy (DANE) and World Data sensitivity analysis
nutritional initiatives. Bank.
1.- Increasing transition rate
obese to overweight and
from overweight to not
overweight category for
population age 5 to
14 years.
2.- Increasing transition rate
obese to overweight and
from overweight to not
overweight category for
population age 15 to
24 years.
56 Powell et al. feedback loops (demonstrate 1.- No policy change. 20 years Population data from US Not stated by the authors Modifying parameters and
2017 USA how outputs from one 2.- Individual and Census Bureau, BMI data structures
policy (e.g., improved combination of 15 for children in Georgia
behavior due to classroom interventions from K-12
physical activity) may Interventions on physical
influence or feed back into education (n = 3), in class
the classroom physical activities (n = 1), recess
activity policy level) activity (n = 3),
After-school programs
-Provide after-school
programs for all children
-Require existing after-
school programs to include
13 of 21


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TABLE 1 (Continued)
14 of 21

Simulations, scenarios
Reference, year and/or intervention (s)
and country Feedback loops modeled Simulation time Empirical data used Validation tests conducted Leverage points
a physical activity
-Provide after-school
programs for all who want
to participate and require
all programs to have a
physical activity
-Require existing preschool
programs to provide
quality physical activity
and nutrition components
-Increase proportion of
students who can safely
walk or bike to school
- Require all food served in
school cafeteria lines to
meet the USDA School
Nutrition Guidelines
-Provide Medicaid
reimbursement for medical
nutrition therapy
counseling for overweight
and obese children
-Increase the prevalence of
“any breastfeeding at
6 months” to 60.6%, a
Healthy People 2020
50 Rahmandad Not specified the model replicates key 0–12 Months (Infant) Centers for Disease Control Extreme conditions, Modifying parameters
2014 USA trends in human growth 0–20 Years (Child) and Prevention (CDC) and parameter assessment,
including (A) Changes in 17–80 Years (Adult) NHANES (1999–2008) integration error, and
energy requirements from behavior reproduction
birth to old ages. (B) Short
and long-term dynamics of
body weight and
composition. (C) Stunted
growth with chronic
malnutrition and potential
for catch up growth

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TABLE 1 (Continued)

Simulations, scenarios
Reference, year and/or intervention (s)
and country Feedback loops modeled Simulation time Empirical data used Validation tests conducted Leverage points
47 Roberts et al. not specified Interventions modeled: 2010–2030 Australian Bureau of Sensitivity analysis and Modifying parameters
2018 1. Increased healthy food Statistics, NSW Health behavior reproduction
Australia choices in Government administrative datasets
settings (2) Settings- (HealthStats NSW) and
based, state-wide primary NSW Department of
prevention programs Planning and Environment
population projections

57 Safan et al. Not specified Evaluation of four models in Not stated Data from existing literature Not stated by the authors Modifying structure and
2018 USA order to evaluate different parameters
combinations of changes
in social interactions and
school environments in
response to the
implementation of
different school nutrition
education programs and
policies targeting different
levels of the socio
ecological framework.
58 Shahid & Not specified Simulations: Scenario: “base” 2009–2015 Primary Health Activity Not stated by the authors Modifying parameters
Bertazzon (no intervention); Scenario: Network Timely
2015 Canada “Walkscore10” (10 point Information Management
increase); and Scenario: (PHANTIM), 2005 to 2008
“Walkscore20” (20 point Statistics Canada Census
increase) (2006)
51 Struben et al. Major feedback loops 1. Projections based on 2010–2050 Data from existing literature Behavior reproduction, Modifying parameters
2014 Canada diagram (Figure 2) 2010 cal consumption. sensitivity analyses
.- Social Exposure R1 2. Industry initiatives.
.- Learning and R&D R2a 3. Governmental initiatives.
.- Industry marketing R2b 4. Collective initiatives for
.- Market Return R3a market and government
.- Capability productivity R3b stimuli of nutritious food
.- Saturation B3a B3b product innovation.
15 of 21

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16 of 21 AGUIAR ET AL.

simulation model which took SES into account to simulate the effect characterize the interventions, the remaining 16 all accommodated
of a law that stipulates that schools should have a healthy food pro- leverage points at the lowest level of parameter change. Lan et al.,59
gram and promote PA. This decreased the OW/OB prevalence com- Safan et al.,57 and Powel et al.56 in addition included leverage points
pared with the model-generated prevalence without this intervention. at the medium level of structural changes by representing the intro-
Shahid & Bertazzon58 simulated the effect on weight status distribu- duction of school nutrition education or mandating school physical
tion of walkability interventions in neighborhoods in Calgary. The sim- education and integrating physical activity in classrooms.
ulated intervention yielded a modest but measurable reduction in the
number of obese children over a short time period, but also revealed
other potential risk factors once the walkability was improved. 3.4 | Model validity assessment in the studies
Struben et al.51 simulated a whole range of policies (single and
combinations) such as industry self-regulation and health- The average assessment score of the 17 simulation models in our
and nutrition-sensitive governmental policy and also explored policies review (Table 2) was 12, and only four (23%) satisfied 90% or more of
on innovation. Results showed how single-pronged initiatives, whether the maximum score (≥16).
designed and deployed under governmental or private sector leader- Eight studies had an explicit description of model structure, model
ship, are ineffective, failure-prone, and costly. Liu et al. simulated output, conceptual boundary, temporal boundary, level of aggregation,
how allocating revenue collected by sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) sources of parameter values, initial values, decisions involving calcula-
taxation across sustainable implementation strategies might maximize tions, exogenous variables considered, data sources, and overall ratio-
benefits of such taxation for childhood obesity prevention. Kuo et al.52 nale.46,47,50–52,55,57,62 Ten model structures were causal-descriptive,
used the PRISM simulation model to analyze intervention strategies built as to how the real system operates, and explained how the
for three focus areas: PA-promotion, health marketing, and creation of behavior is generated or changed.46–52,55,57,58,62 Four studies pro-
healthy food environments within Los Angeles County, USA. The inter- vided a thorough description and explanation of the model validation
vention strategies were aimed at reducing the number of youth with procedure they carried out to build confidence in the model including
obesity, youth below levels of recommended PA, and youth with tests performed, explanations of each test and graphical representa-
excess junk food consumption. The joint effect of sustained strategies tion of tests.47,49,55,62 The most common validation tests performed
until 2040 was found to reduce the numbers of adolescents in these by the authors were structure test, parameter test, extreme conditions
three outcome categories. Carrete et al.60 simulated three scenarios; test, sensitivity analysis, and behavior reproduction.
policies at the macro and exo levels of the ecological model taking into Seven studies fully documented their models, providing a detailed
consideration policy resistance due to lack of involvement, and inter- description of the computational operations the model is designed to
ventions engaging families at the micro level, as well as a combination perform allowing an independent party to implement and simulate the
of these. The first two scenarios gave an increase in number of children model47,49–52,55,62 (e.g., equations and algorithmic rules, all model
with OW/OB, but the latter was less severe. The final scenario assum- parameters, units, and initial values are fully reported, data sources,
ing synergies between the two first ones, gave a significant decrease in and code). Five (29%) of 17 models did not document their model.
OW/OB over 25 years. Roberts et al.47 simulated nine different inter- Regarding model visualization, eight studies included comprehen-
ventions that primarily changed environmental factors such as availabil- sive model representations such as causal loop diagrams and stock
ity of healthy foods in governmental settings, price of food, and flow diagrams which were shown to facilitate model reproducibil-
advertisements for food and settings based primary prevention pro- ity.46–48,51–53,55,58
grams, but also intrapersonal factors through social marketing cam-
paigns and targeted interventions toward the pre- and post-natal phase
and through clinical services in New South Wales, Australia. These 4 | DI SCU SSION
interventions were simulated in four scenarios; business as usual,
enhanced business as usual (higher reach and adoption), enhanced busi- This review describes the structures and mechanisms of existing SD
ness as usual with built environment and finally adding also advertise- simulation models on childhood OW/OB and the interventions/policies
ment restrictions and food price policies so all policies were included. tested with these models. We found that a large variety of drivers of
Only the final scenario was able to reach the target of 5% reduction in obesity from the intrapersonal to the public policy level of the ecological
childhood OW/OB by the end of 2025/early 2026. model were included in the etiological models of structures and mecha-
Simulation models used diverse time horizons ranging from nisms, and that this was taken advantage of in the simulation models by
48 months to 50 years (Table 1). Most of the included studies used testing a large variety of policies and interventions particularly at the
empirical data from governmental sources to build and/or validate public policy level or cutting across levels. Calls for applications of SD to
their simulation models. The majority of the models (70%) were public health generally and obesity prevention in particular are numer-
parameterized so that the error of the models' behavior with respect ous.26,65,66 However, the modeling process can be expensive and time
to the reference mode was minimized. consuming, particularly when involving stakeholders or trying to enact
Analysis of the leverage points revealed that apart from the simu- policy change.67 The review highlighted areas for improvement in taking
lation model by Kuo et al., which was not transparent enough to full advantage of the SD perspective in obesity prevention. Many of the
TABLE 2 Model validity assessment scores of system dynamics simulation models of childhood overweight/obesity.

Explanation of how the model

structure is consistent with relevant Description of the process used to

Criteria Description of descriptive knowledge of the test and build confidence in the Explanation of how model Model Model Total
Included articles model assumptions system model results can be reproduced documentation visualization score
54 Abidin et al., 2 2 2 1 1 3 11
53 Abidin et al., 1 2 2 1 0 2 8
60 Carrete et al., 1 2 0 1 0 2 6
46 Frerichs et al., 3 3 1 2 2 3 14
47 Roberts et al., 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
59 Lan et al., 1 1 0 0 0 2 4
61 Liew, 2 1 0 0 0 1 4
49 Meisel et al., 2 3 3 3 3 0 14
48 Meisel et al., 2 3 0 2 2 3 12
55 Liu et al., 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
56 Powell et al., 1 2 0 0 0 0 3
50 Rahmandad, 3 3 2 3 3 0 14
57 Safan et al., 3 3 0 3 2 1 12
58 Shahid and 2 2 1 2 1 3 11
51 Struben et al., 3 3 2 3 3 3 17
62 Hall et al., 3 3 3 3 3 0 15
52 Kuo et al., 3 3 1 3 3 3 16
17 of 21

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18 of 21 AGUIAR ET AL.

simulation models did not document key feedback loops driving the sys- exploring the potential effects of policies at the macro level or suites of
tem's behavior and only tested leverage points at the lowest level of policies across levels. However, there were very few simulation models
changing parameters, and thus, the full potential of examining interac- addressing differences by gender51 or SES.49 Furthermore, the diverse
tions between multiple levels of the ecological model is still underuti- policies explored need to be combined and implemented as compre-
lized. Moreover, the quality assessment revealed that less than 25% of hensive policy packages which requires capacity building in systems
the reviewed studies documented the models in sufficient detail to sat- thinking also at the community level.70
isfy all model validity and transparency criteria. Given the costs involved This review showed clearly that current reporting of SD models is
in SD simulation modeling, it is crucial to consider how to take full inadequate, specifically reporting did not meet validity and transpar-
advantage of the SD perspective of feedback driving behavior and ency criteria nor did the reviewed studies report basic SD conventions
clearly document insights generated from modeling. like feedback structures or assess leverage points. New guidelines for
Our review draws together potential generic structures of child- reporting of system studies have been proposed71 that set minimum
hood obesity from SD simulation models to support further research to information across domains of development, implementation, and
build models of childhood obesity to support prevention. Generic struc- evaluation. Making such checklists an aspect of journal review, similar
tures are parts of models that apply to multiple problems and settings, to those that exist for other study designs (e.g., Schulz et al.72) will
allowing models to be built more quickly off the basis of findings from advance quality, replicability, and comparability between studies.
previous models.68 For qualitative SD models of obesity, Brennan While this review focused on SD models for childhood obesity in
et al.69 identified common structures across models from 49 different particular, other reviews considering obesity offer further evidence of
communities, such as those related to health behaviors, food, and PA the need to make fuller use of the SD perspective and to document
environments, but also social determinants and community capacity. At models. The review on obesity models by Xue et al.73 drew a similar
the core of most models was a structure to simulate the effect of conclusion to our review in that models were not documented well
energy balance on the OW/OB rates, but the focus of the models dif- enough to allow for replication. Their review did not document feed-
fered and our review thus contributes different structures which could back structures in the models, and while they summarized the conclu-
be used to compile a comprehensive simulation model. The model by sions of the articles, they did not consider these conclusions through
Roberts et al.47 was the most comprehensive, clearly drawing on the the lens of leverage points as our review has. The review on obesity
epidemiological and behavioral understanding of drivers of obesity, but by Morshed et al.74 put an emphasis on the feedback perspective in
without becoming overly complicated like the FORESIGHT model.8 It is their description of SD models, and found similarly that relatively few
also the simulation model most aligned with the qualitative model of papers document the feedback structures driving model behavior.
Brennan et al.69 but lacks their structures on social determinants and Morshed et al.,74 similar to our review, found that relatively few stud-
local capacity. Socio-demographic factors such as sex/gender, SES or ies take full advantage of the opportunity to use SD to carefully exam-
race/ethnicity were only included in four of the simulation models,49– ine causal effects that cut across multiple levels of the ecological
which is in contrast with the importance placed on understanding model. Our review builds on previous reviews by summarizing which
and preventing social inequalities in public health.2,3 feedback loops are documented in the childhood obesity literature,
Twelve of the 17 studies tested interventions or policies which which levels of the ecological model the studies cover, and which
could reduce OW/OB among youth, and there were more simulation leverage points were addressed in the models.
models targeting higher levels of the ecological model than just the
intrapersonal or interpersonal level indicating exploitation of
the advantage of SD modeling in addressing the gap of traditional pub- 4.1 | Strengths and limitations
lic health interventions and their evaluations.19,20 Struben et al.51 and
Liu et al.55 take full advantage of the SD approach to explore macro To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review focusing on SD-
level policies on regulation of the food supply chain and the potential based simulation studies on the relationships of determinants of and
of combing taxation on SSB with development of PA promoting envi- interventions addressing childhood obesity. This review used a sys-
ronments. Kuo et al.52 simulate a range of policies which have been tematic search across multiple databases and a review protocol with
implemented across different levels within a county and support the clear inclusion and exclusion criteria. The lack of new studies in the
recommendations of implementing a comprehensive suite of policies in updated searches indicates the relevance of the review in order to
order to curb the obesity epidemic.2,3 This is also supported by the build the knowledge foundation for future models. Assessment of the
need for combining all types of interventions to reach the OW/OB tar- existing models against a framework of levels of intervention opera-
get in New South Wales by 2025 in the simulations by Roberts et al. tionalized the use of intervention level frameworks for application to
Finally, an important learning from the Carrete et al.60 study is the need model-based studies in public health. As quality assessment guidelines
to align macro level policies with interventions that engage the parents for SD models are scarce, the authors developed a compiled checklist
at the micro level in order to harvest the potential synergies of such of validity assessment based on model documentation and testing
polices and overcome potential policy resistance in the population. principles developed by SD researchers and practitioners.24,43,45 This
Taken together, these five studies demonstrate the strengths of SD- checklist facilitated a structured process for assessing the quality and
modeling as a complimentary strategy to randomized controlled trials in transparency of the models in the included studies.
1467789x, 2023, S2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.13632 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [26/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
AGUIAR ET AL. 19 of 21

The results of this review should nevertheless be assessed with AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
some caution. In particular, we only included studies written in Anaely Aguiar, Birgit Kopainsky, Nanna Lien, and Mekdes K.
English and gray literature was not included. The screening and Gebremariam conceptualized and designed the review. Anaely Aguiar
selection process was performed by only one person (AA). Addition- developed the search strategy, conducted the search, and wrote up of
ally, it was difficult to give a validity score to the models because of the initial draft of the manuscript. Anaely Aguiar screened and
the heterogeneity of these studies (i.e., model purpose, intervention selected the data, and Anaely Aguiar and Mekdes K. Gebremariam
type, level of aggregation, and the extent to which they uncovered extracted the data. Anaely Aguiar, Furkan Önal, and Birgit Kopainsky
feedback loops) and a considerable level of quality discrepancy was conducted the model validity assessment. Anaely Aguiar, Mekdes K.
observed on model documentation and validation. In this regard, we Gebremariam, Eduard Romanenko, Furkan Önal, Birgit Kopainsky, and
advise a higher expectation regarding model validation and docu- Nanna Lien analyzed and discussed the data. Anaely Aguiar, Mekdes
mentation practices for the SD models published in the public K. Gebremariam, Birgit Kopainsky, Natalie Savona, Steven Allender,
health domain.75 This would enable researchers to replicate and and Nanna Lien revised and edited the manuscript throughout its
adapt the models and enable future researchers to assess the confi- development. Nanna Lien, Steven Allender, and Andrew Brown con-
dence and usefulness of the models and suggest improvements or tributed significantly to drafting the revised and final manuscript. All
refinements. authors read and approved the final manuscript.

4.2 | Implications and future research The CO-CREATE project has received funding from the European
Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant
While SD modeling appears to be used with increasing frequency in agreement No 774210. The content of this article reflects only the
obesity prevention efforts, questions remain on how to make the best authors' views and the European Commission is not liable for any use
use of models and how to translate modeling processes into action or that may be made of the information it contains.
policy change. Following qualitative conceptualization, projects may
go multiple directions to identify leverage points or next steps. While CONFLIC T OF INTER E ST STATEMENT
there are standard recommendations for moving from qualitative No conflict of interest statement.
modeling to a quantitative simulation model,24 other approaches have
emerged in response to the perceived complexity and cost of SD DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
modeling. Some examples include using network analysis to under- All data generated during the process of this systematic review are
stand collaborative relationships between actors,76 tracking action included as supporting information in this article.
over time,77 or using simulation modeling as a learning tool to assist
stakeholders in designing action.70 While each of these approaches OR CID
have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, they do not take Anaely Aguiar https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2440-4785
full advantage of what simulation modeling has to offer. Eduard Romanenko https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0776-1780
This review draws attention to another option, drawing together Natalie Savona https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3006-3681
possible generic structures that could assist in the modeling process Steven Allender https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4842-3294
and enhance understanding of leverage points to prevent childhood Nanna Lien https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1486-4769
obesity. Future research could review qualitative models of obesity in
the literature to identify common structures for simulation. Further RE FE RE NCE S
research is also needed to understand how to best apply results from 1. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in
other modeling studies to new projects and how this can best facili- body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to
tate action. 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement stud-
ies in 1289 million children, adolescents, and adults. Lancet. 2017;
2. World Health Organization. WHO European regional obesity report
5 | C O N CL U S I O N 2022. WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2022.
3. World Health Organization. Consideration of the evidence on childhood
obesity for the commission on ending childhood obesity: report of the ad
The studies reviewed provide simulation-based tools to help identify
hoc working group on science and evidence for ending childhood obesity.
potential major drivers of obesity, test different policies and interven- World Health Organization; 2016.
tions, determine resources needed for obesity prevention, and provide 4. Quek Y, Tam WWS, Zhang MWB, Ho RCM. Exploring the association
decision tools for policymakers. However, there is a need for better between childhood and adolescent obesity and depression: a meta-
quality in documentation of the models, and further research on how analysis. Obes Rev. 2017;18(7):742-754. doi:10.1111/obr.12535
5. Park MH, Falconer C, Viner RM, Kinra S. The impact of childhood
to best combine generic structure from different models as well as
obesity on morbidity and mortality in adulthood: a systematic review.
taking full advantage of SD modeling for examining the interactions of Obes Rev. 2012;13(11):985-1000. doi:10.1111/j.1467-789X.2012.
drivers across multiple levels of the ecological model. 01015.x
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