Phil Essay 1

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Alison Cisneros

March 3,2022

Philosophy 101-4

Exam Essay Pt1

Sex attitudes and Generations

What are your views on sex? Sex attitudes is a hotly debated topic that often divides

opinions. It is no secret that generation X, Y and Z have utterly different views towards sex.

As generations become more open and accepting to the idea of sex, they carry it on to the

other generation and so on. This is almost like a domino effect where the views of one

generation influence the views of another. In this case the attitudes on sex are being shifted.

But why are the views on sex being dramatically changing from generation to generation? It

is simple really. Sextual activity attitudes from thirty years ago are significantly different

from modern day because of education, technology and societal change.

To begin with, education on sex has greatly affected the attitudes towards this act.

Sex education better known as sex ed has become popular around the world as striving

organization like Gojoven Belize strive to educate youths about sex. Other foundations like

plan international and YP foundation are other programs that also help in sex ed. But how

have these foundations changed views? Well, because knowledge is power. In ancient times

people preached abstinence for many reasons one being sexually transmitted diseases.

Moreover, they were not well versed with information about these diseases and so it instilled

fear amongst people. However, with programs that teach about STDs in detail and how to

communicate and avoid them people have become less fearful. Thus, people no longer fear

the mere thought of sex and are prone to have a much more positive ideology when it comes

to sex. Thus, modern people’s attitudes are different from later generations because of sex

In addition, technology has without a doubt influenced the minds of modern

generations and their views on sex. My mother is a 43-year-old woman of culture that has

preached for my entire life to abstain from sex. “Celibacy is the way to go!” she once said.

Many people from her generation would absolutely agree with her because they want to

avoid the unspeakable. Pregnancy at a young age has been an issue that every mother

fears. Therefore, pregnancy is another factor that linked sex to negative thoughts in olden

ages especially in religion where premarital sex is immoral. What about new ages? Well

although the issue has not vanished it has definitely wined down. Take in consideration my

grandmother who had her first child at the age of 17 and proceed to have six more children

compared to my sister who is about to have her first child at the age of 29. A bit ironic if you

think about it, people in the silent generation preached abstinence yet they had more kids

compared to generation Y. Point being that because of technology and the invention of

contraceptives people have become a lot more comfortable with sex. Take into account the

male contraceptive pill, although not yet available but it is in the process of becoming a real-

life contraceptive. Therefore, people are not subjected to stick to one method of

contraceptive in recent age. In addition, newer generations although still religious have

altered their definitions for morality. They have adapted new ideas to what they believe is still

moral and immoral with of course still keeping the idea of humanness in mind. Furthermore,

technology provided a variety of ways to avoid pregnancy through contraceptive which has

again made attitudes surrounded sex a lot more positive.

Moving onward, a change of society also influenced views on sexual activity in

current generations compared to past generations. Specifically, society has grown tolerant

because of greater education and contraceptives which has led to the sprout of new

communities. A great example of a new community is the LGBTQ+. Lesbians, gay, bi-

sexual, transgender and queer have become accepted into society as new sexualities.

These communities have given the opportunity for diversity which has made people feel
more accepted and comfortable with their sexuality. In return, because people are a lot more

comfortable with their sexuality in modern age, they term sex has surrounded itself with good

stigma. In contrast, older generations are not as tolerant. For instance, the elderly has a hard

time accepting gay sexual activity and are sometimes referred to as homophobic. To add,

religious groups also struggle with the concept of LGBTQ+ because they abide by the bible’s

writings. Thus, according to the bible the only type of relationship that is moral is one with a

woman and a man. In contrast, for the generation Z’s it is something normal and nothing to

be ashamed of. In other words, modern generations do not consider sex of the same

gender. Undoubtedly, the change in society’s modern generations is accepting of sex

amongst different/same genders compared to earlier generations.

In conclusion, education, technology and societal change has altered the views on

sex in modern age compared to ancient times. Education on sex has given rise to a well-

versed society and less fear of the idea of sex. Moreover, technology has widened the

market for contraceptives, which has positively hindered people’s attitudes on sex. Societal

change has also impacted sex views as new communities have risen, again making people

more comfortable and changing their views on sex. With all this in mind, it is great to

acknowledge that morality for people has also changed. To be more specific, the definition of

morality is constantly changing and different for every individual. Moving forward, sex

attitudes will continue to change and so will morality. Morality is a wild beast yet to be


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