Lesson 49TH FORM 2023

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Lesson 4 : …………………………………….

………………… 9th form

1. Pre-reading :
Jim  What can you see on the picture?.........................................................................
 What is it about?.........................................................................................................
 Who is the bully?.........................................................................................................
 Who is the bullied?.....................................................................................................
 How did the bully humiliate the victim?..............................................................
 How did the victim react?.........................................................................................
John  If you were the victim what would you do?.......................................................
................................ ................................................................................................................................................................
Step 2: Classify these expressions under the right heading:
hitting - pushing – threatening – taunting – fighting – teasing – kicking – taking things by force- insulting
using bad words – making fun of others – slapping on the face
Verbal violence Emotional/moral violence Physical violence

2. While reading:
1. Read the conversation carefully and complete this table:
Speakers Relationship School problem The victim
……………………………… ……………………………. …………………………… ………………..
2. Find reasons why Kelly didn’t like the kids in her school:
a) ………………………………………………………………………… b) ……………………………………………………………………………
d) ………………………………………………………………………… c) ……………………………………………………………………………
3. Tick the right box and justify your choice:
Statements True False Justification
a. Kelly is living in Surrey. Line …
b. By the end of the year, Kelly got on well with her classmates. Line …
c. Kelly told her parents about her classmates’ misbehaviour. Line …
4. Choose the adjectives that best describe these kids to complete the sentences below:
supportive/ cruel / polite / ill - bred / kind / violent / understanding
I think that bullies are……………………… and ………………………… They are also………………………………………
5. Choose the most appropriate way for Kelly to react to the kids’ aggressive behavior:
a) tell her parents about her problems at school.
b) resort to violence to protect herself.
c) talk it over with the school headmaster.
d) ask her friends’ help to solve her problems.
e) think much about it and forget all about it.
6. Match these words with their definitions:
1.Accent (noun) 1+… a. To make someone unhappy by saying cruel or unkind things. To
tease and criticize that person.
2.To taunt (verb) 2 + … b. Frightening or hurting a weaker person
3.Bullying (N) 3+… c. Laugh at a person unkindly, ridicule him/her.
4.Make fun of so. 4 + … d. A way of pronouncing words
3.Post reading:
1. Focus on the following sentences and say what they express:
Kelly had to move to Birmingham.
Kelly has to tell her parents about bullies.

…………………..in the past ………………………in the present ……………………….in the future

2. Match the sentences in A with the appropriate functions in B to help Kelly solve her problem.
Statements Functions Answers
1. You mustn’t resort to violence. a/ Warning 1+…
2. Report any situation involving violence to protect yourself B/ Obligation in the 2+…
and other students. Future.
3. You must talk to your teachers and the headmaster. 3+…
C/ Prohibition
4. Be careful! These teenagers are as strong as adults which
D/ Obligation in the 4+…
makes them dangerous.
5. You had to be patient and courageous when you were in present 5+…
trouble with bullies. E/ Obligation in the
6 +
6. You will have to organize meetings with teachers and past
other volunteers to stop violence. F/ Order. …
7. You had to ask for help when it happened.
3. Complete with :
must – mustn’t – friendship -no – have to – respect – behavior
We ………………….. tolerate (accept)this type of ……………………..in our schools because the relationships
between students should be based on …………………………. and as this kind of behaviour should not
be tolerated, students ........................... campaign for a violent-free atmosphere in their schools, an
atmosphere where there is .......................... violence and where there is nothing but .................................
Bullying has become frequent at your school. You’re very mad at this situation and you want to do
something to stop all these frightening accidents. You decide to talk the matter over in your school
magazine by writing an article on this topic. Express your feelings towards this situation then give
your friends some rules to reduce violence.


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