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MINISTRIES AND SCHOOLS TRANSEORM CHAPTER ONE “THAI WISDOM” AND GLOCALIZATION Negotiating the Global and the Local in Thailand's National Education Reform Susan Jungck swith Boonreang Kajornsin ourtand yg i on saga ag cg fetus orang ev oft sh Pa pace aero geo pn kB SSE apm cl moe one i mn sod Sete boop Wear papas ce Sirti deepest Sele sl a mons be ped ag Sin heron no econahe gee aetna ker cheno nee tos heel eg ey ee ei ng ely eh Sih tenioe Wah nen coe meen Seiten redone mp retect a per Spats gaa ya In his pape, 1 rge that the "Tl wide” suppsety lt emeig 2 non phenomenon, signe or of rpoee the facet of foliation and « pecived “world cate” Revising Thai widom fs become par ofthe comprehensive econ reforms ta lone Thaland economic rah of 1997 the Natal Eduction At of 1999 Recourse 9 Thi widom, and more spec ea wim atgy sine revaling call kronedg nd pace [leehathie ‘elton epsent 2 form of estan to he Romogeniing spe of _otalztion ence hough movemenseo cance th capaci ea ‘Smmutie to char thet wn cal andere pate “The iui of th erent econ lem as hat il ‘sec i tha they at simaaing eommuniy garepaon pes fot ‘eialnng Thal widom aed developing aly erat arc Fare ‘mor ashe governor ego lon plement the new ora the ie of edcaional angen Tal wi nce ee ih ‘ecieyandeommuni-basd esas de these whic ply i ‘sve o promote loc vice. Edenton proj ike the os Tw el ee ae tidal sts tlve 0 gatlnrion beers they ocason _hetcain where aden aed moder st behaved (Lene Bll 301 ough he tepals Rang Karan. de sere en of Talend OF of te No ‘ios Eton Commision (ONEC), the ofc mponsle fr laird poly dele iam ahi! ofthe new ers, Coverpuling ‘he renalzaion of Tha wilom tcl ete, be oe ba hep fy pet Thanh coos ad rc doe ei» peel wo muon Wenn Eads Ew ho “Them ht seared Sng be uth se cote on meandered omnes ond oe ‘St cc tad ono Soop pan We de a etal pried Weer ny of lencopmee racic ot ‘nngenoa elo oa se len at as led ‘Sprain ing he on eid iy No i tine we sald nbc oes om pee, tem ard om ctrl Etanin the gbalsion peso err bine {een tl nmi dings mii. Be GLOBAL. REFORMS, THAI RESPONSES Many argue ht lac pes wade ate emai ean global ‘lor pags cing orden eroepn i sling cee ‘erly “matron, ndideatnation, reer ed homage eae” (Tone a 2001. nded any Asa Pe coun, ech 4 Thali Sou Kore Japan Hong ong, Malai Indo Sage org New Zeladand Aur hve lope dati ros wih i ‘ertemes deanealze pe of acini nd acne te omni ed parcption teach las higher edu fm new technoopes prime ator imlvemens eden manda gay ‘suey and peormance bel same and mot nine at Fela (Cheng 2001 Halse 2000; Kok 200; Lae 2001; ONE 200 ‘Pascoe 200) In pat herbs een tinfoil apa, hugh which ibeazin, cued governent pening, pvason deend busi, and enone ingen a vig pel ‘lo, Foremgle, fer he conome taI 1997 fain ga ler madara she Thad fa on inroving pod ined ‘mal compen, he countrys knowledgebase cpl in sinc ad ‘schol ed ple manngeneat an wih he eet od gore ‘sane (Tbe Nato 200 Sapa Na Aya 200), Lhe her cu ‘isin eb, Tan had de oton br aoe the pice Mack 20; Bowman 200. Howe dh dees no ne da he dep pales re uniter geno or nambigvouly nner Beye Soworawatars 2008) age it Than, fm dass nd pole have inuficiestime nd expriewo calop indigenous ‘suns co msjor scl economic and erations. problems. There, echine ‘apg bl en puto ts od ce mh pepsi, Seen dame ieee fing se a soa comes fy. frm ropa aes ant pu cu ett ae pu a ‘iy wc wen dered enh al ptr ‘mpl new ingour ven pop Dover 2000395) unemon, the efermes filly sue ha scl fom stegy inne county can be waned to het counted of tht on ‘ual ifn: Coreg, Boworoweans uth hee ten ‘foe plier re unacof in th ng ran ven hough oer fem salar cay sg Thad, is These noc eel beeing fm he uc fom nave Comores 2000380). Though Bowommathana war pang petal of Tadend ‘ational govemance rns the tw ecient ples rele he ” sat eck emancense EN same ands and key 0 orabaow te sme ie. The fs of ‘i papr ison on cl cfm seg, tick aspect bore con. enya novela working ensure at education wl be coment naw “THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATIONAL REFORM IN THAILAND: THE ECONOMIC CRASH "AND A NEW CONSTITUTION tes bad long cme cat Than highly ceed, ep-do, Stk and al edvaon ye, wth anda! culm, Ieumieg a high-stakes rating al 0g. Sade hey neta © Sora crn ps and tach seeded Bit naa er ‘thesia independent hiking dil: Howes fre bce exon prot only flr thesnneny ete in 1997 and the now Costin ‘ands ha th sc be hanged. The immense ofthe eo Tic ch were acid oak of general facil disipline, ‘rene devlopment ands of catteney tc (The Non 201 ipa Na Ayudy 2000, The Eom 1097 IMF 1997; Neer lowers nil ccs dege one lenge cases and impli of Ah a Redon deste “The en con cla hi yin Tad inl 1997 pe ined ton pomanen roponsrocey fet, a ote Fre Ss Wa nm ee ei ‘enue led ah ch of Ere eens pin, ee (ane to dhs am tein oe he ‘Wplenan a he oe pin os ap concn a he hue ocpinn of aie na ue nse ‘nda ds ona nese dal one Ueno Rend 19 ack rs) “Theta been much ote consnss howe, hat one ofthe age em cathe ce waa edequteclucaion pen Zack 1997 The ‘Na 2001) Hens eduction fom bs become a mand vee ‘sees we cana ey the ans sh nomi (Chen pale else pepe who cased al hex pens (heptane eats pron, ag 2018) ‘Anew Thai Contin aimed teed ct beri hough de ceunling pe and restating cel oft the government pli a and edacsnal span wa approved shor afer he enone cash in 1997 Phonegichi and Bakr 1998). The Consol for re icpatorydenocte ad connie an unpeefeted muro pn Sows tte to education, seraky thatthe elvan seen andthe ‘aching ptfesion wil be impronedconiene wth ence and zc Change apd tha every cide hate ih 0 yes bass a ‘tin. Fel the Cation mana ht «nev eid edacaton lew be deeopd wihin wo eats, ‘THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ACT OF 1999, “Two yun afer he conic ch ad he adoption oft cw Ces {othe National Eden Af 1999 ws pc tnpemenatin wt sb pedi lopli by 20 Ti cng ne ite evict of Tal wid he _ ‘fecha sen tered ion sire oe al de ‘envaition; and sem of eluatond stands ly mate, nd ‘Shed aneamete (Kenda 201), nsdn he Alsace de ‘Fattbenes Jung 201; Cheng 200, Once ne hand te er cal for ahd coupled men wih moc etree, enon tse S ‘Sunabiy masuable cupus, gly sun, nd unre Thee sal es yn of lun gay amas ene in remeron quo tlle Sup ‘Slt copied ef th ntl ad ed uy ance ‘in 7, ONC 99) wey urns ‘On he ache hand the At envision loocly coupled syst wth ore ecentaioe auhosity and decision making ood ppt, cit lean, and sade ented linge “oe Minas sal nee ors ntl inn a Se ae ee pr ge fe, eign snd Clo of he nen ses an ‘icine nce fo se en 9 ONEC 19) According Halk (20025) isnot nl ht coun ce sein eotiry plesk the ain ne of he cng of {olaldon iret «gene both ding td ong pe (Lark sanardingandeshng phntenaaay fled 2 at pc oR HEN a Thine cna arm pal: One iene i about democei ‘gan devaing pe ad eh there abot doping wae fo maage and ‘ies aceny and elativene, Wan (2000 sages Gat when ih enind gone monet tii forms of cool. tes of how sar ur and qual pel suc At one coerce, es indice ‘ald ean anda and onitring sje (Waton 200, Ts ‘Tecan ess natasha Thad more se Seldon tnitring The ceca nna a rma sie ‘Secting and deventlsing highly enelbl pvenmen es ee [Cegie, dole, onary, nd hight norstonsiving teed psc bug cuca inovaion, esufonece lelehip ad (peso hoe des whe come ined a andudaton and ps Iancr-bacd manage i on 9 vat he mai atte tse Joogsem pacar snd cure Many loves the Acts empha 0 aminisaie and sade decennial val or ad pope, who canine 260 pe ‘eat mo in Thaland, bese te edna cela as been Igy talant for them (Thongeew 1999; Karwan 2001). The Ac Speaalycmpbaioe the imporance of lensing in the communis ‘Eoncchercragh engendang mare eommniy parelpaan in shel ‘Mie, While leeueaon inde, npr tice eticieney ae toe coun, many rere avo = ens of ging oa Selden more oie and influence ini choc, Sable, they ‘Shean “benef fom le wd nd te ors of ering com ty devopen io keping with i etomess and ned (Se on 29, ONEC 1999) ‘As ung Keenan ovine cool ave or auonary 1 ese the local seve they dee oeesay Br lal cen, hei {posi sa That wil wlenjoy the sume tats modes kx ‘dg Ose len ap sds wil le tobe Ths in paral with hin ‘cresenlatoa (aemdang 2000), Comin, be enlained, ONEC ‘isrscchol “Tha knowing in dro Yvon and een 0 Ou duane (ee Wale nla eg ling in in oto sag {breommnihcownisannsoc oot feet ero ‘Boland dn ncegeonmuniy ppl oe tld (TOAL sein ti m ofieconn ince ee lc oo ‘Se Wate Lawl, Hany nd slre Hoven ee i oting “Teter gon) nae se eee wil ely sored he We ne wo cen ee he Tevet clon Ebon he in pe kd eb ‘Seto inepason bre Sia ove adie a ‘eran ledopnes is ny nun ema (eta id pce on arony of we atc 8) tn shi ype, ges hein’ Th widow at become mason! seatgy 0 ecourge amore anced medion of gba owl an indigens knowledge” ‘THAI WISDOMILOCAL WISDOM. Rung Kaenang far “Tha wise sa ac widon aie hoi of owed, abi, and kl of Tat people scum ough meay eat of expedenc ening, evopen, and canine ape 2 {he pele nd conse othe devlpee af ou peoples way fie Jn colaner wt ce chang res ad evonmen” Raewag 2001) “Thai wedom has become staal pheomenon Ie popu a tunl campaign, snetiond by lw ad ly ened in ene ec Sonal fomse Wade the teem or conc of Tha wil i te, Ieensng snd eoading in national polices (enka and Songs 1999). In 997, he gh and he duty ta promote Tha wid wc pone inthe new Consitaon: Seo 46 Peano menbing wes in comm Sl ve ihe comer a ra cram lal lef (pod cu fs cnony and een 2" Tena pom ln Sesion 289i erm nnn hy ase loa atm nade and pode (Kc 03) “Thi wind as eco an ural tame aking sociciemous ih conomi roms and derdopment For camp the std nts oP the Ofie ofthe Nason Calta Commis proj "Tha Calee [ight of Eoonomic Crs” war 0 “ep sean indide ad come ‘unk In hei deeinaton to bese sale cone. py ‘elopely snd soily and ower the values of Tha waded ‘wink wah sense of pede” (fie ofthe Neon Calta Comision 1998) Salad, cous oatonl ad loc econ, demons, x“ eon pcr oR KADEN einai evs, delpment pes foes on pring tnd po: Ion the insive qn of Ta boxing ines mui, ene, Tals Radic, medial cece sl prodecon wenvig and eel ‘rales Toe sed so eile Thai widom and lal wicom was fr ‘ly enone nthe Naor Eduction Ax of 199. “Ateton oT win exalted during he aod when West ens and ob econoics we infin, Ara socal nd eon ud he fen on Tha wisdom un he ue inwards if tee wee 4 ‘ny proce in dewloping th country oueac 1erThl wisn {Sto proces ad prod of omining vialsing and ann ing alle td indigenous procs n way that nl ple tobe moe snp a oeptsting the bomogening certs of gabe ton Tha widen, or cps the eco fen ade io elite fer lensing dvs tengbening common ebaning ine is and devoping mere loa den cies in choos ‘al have cbse the phenomenon of Th wior eae in en eats {scat wih te sbuerveon f Meba, Cray 2nd Johnson {G00 edt de inenietion of gebalason»- many cmmi- nities ore fly crowding the dtc charcesiice nd eligi ell difencs” Tg with rm that "cla Fee dese ate tention fe at undead and de ceaiely ‘wid he noc of lblasin” My ints sin undentndng how = Ermer ae appopiting lel wide in inert of nfoing lca ‘Siu, sd omnes in undeanding bow loo exsiiam dvop- ‘nen proces re ratfrming los widom, Fe his deamination I nda sete the na viene ines fling nl towel min he come of obalztion ‘THE GLOBAL AND THE LOCAL Commenting on he ioeaton of pobl and lca inc, Ts pias. phe and muher Sas Hongda came cha "ee bce bo- openiy aor bale denny Hy whe he bland de oe ate rng Symi gine. nse, te las permed by the ab codec tat the ins fom he tl wha wel end eps ‘ba stg ts ene” (glade 20009). Basel on i ‘Sosy of ow That youth at sing a Inert cat in Bang, longoavom conc they fa om bing psiely scl tye Wenen-dominted Ine His stay desis how “Th cle oop the Ime” and how “det beng conan neti” ‘Congndsor 20001). Frhernore “The gbal inal empl aslo ew hat ely te gas nology ny ie (Sion ein cli plat he pene aro he na etal ha egg fom he esol polit x ron crc ein among ie ois stern ies ‘rc hart rly cov cama om ree batons ‘ sonkoe The gb ch, comes wa I put ld" egal” lempesne + maki node of nen ng ‘aes conpeled ty tebe of and pin (5009). 1 mabe da eu to Tha wines aod eel wid i age cei the coeacton fe comaepltan" ‘Gheaaton + em ciel by Holand Habe Feherone, ah, snd Roberson 1997), an af concep hare Deus ener ee ‘ly beeen dobling snd acing foes. Tis a ine berweet ‘hatha ispecies nd rad bal end” (Leende ea 200), ras Roberson dees "he simslanig he co-prsence of boukuenesalaing acl parang eden” (Raberson 197) sug at orm pj egg in veling Th wilor ad nen FES pecan and foes in chk aesegies boot the detent eran lalate, wher indgeiaton a homoge: non ar beh ply “THE RESEARCH have std bot publican private cholingin Tad wih Th co agus see 1985 Pook eta 199% Junge 1995, espn 198) fase Tland forthe yar (1989-2000 ta eee ‘um tac were sation poy at de Nana Edueton AF 1999 span, Por co he pmge af th At [oe ee nnora ‘uth and dedopoent poe that po ralne were rakadowing se terse begun ay 2 1957. Five of de ely fem projec Je ben dese eewhex (ang 2001. ae continued flow socal of de ely inte oy leon ough continued ning ‘hd reve verona new ae ‘When Teun far we monn 20011 fen ie soe reen initia Twas suck by the hphened steaton tT som and Toc ied Inte fling, Ide ample fom thes rz Specie ‘sm pj, le by Kajrasn and one by Thorgiew summaaad [Tube U1 The projec luse wht need in Boning lea wir dom apd dovdping nr Tol lon aed empoweing aie ijn and Thonphew ae unvercr ued educational former ad ‘etches who hare ed eur elaboierefem projet in ay ‘ee loal communi Colley al dhe erat an xm Poe ‘rwmarerd foun on coming to when lal communis, tne rower abd cack aetantodeeloping (eas iplmenigpar- Tipe ad stdenertred erm gos inxs of ents LOCAL WISDOM AND LOCAL CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cite inp erwin hse vo ha ving bh no cee oe Lec eda dope i nrc by wnentaning and aprepating Tac wisn, while loewidom is understood and ean though oa ‘Mora appoptae and tanac hough ae cuscan. Bech a ido ances are tncfemed ee proctor tn ache Tene Once oomph Lae all 01) ds in pea ite of modaniy ind won in an econ conte. He chs ht TRagatng ad Ghivening maderiy nese ld wo inapning nd einen eon aging the ew ste fs pin ch ln ‘croonof batt 2901.3), Fo empl, og deeopings mor lol (Soro cudu ope that ined the concept of stil and ‘Segocel fuming in a radiiona te-poning community bed 00 ‘owe tcl cl wisdom tons feed nd invented ot ea [Bowed A new led crcl iageed" Howes, deveoping loa ‘Eun dough boson an ring oe wine nd ing, ‘Samui prtaton epee an enormous shi in Thal elias fg, 1a tat aes he pene of pcan bath expe nd in- fre How ioe widom maroc defied in the pecs? “Local Wisdom as Knowledge and Understanding Refresh dein lacal wisn in wye pci heal ean Cayetano sample one unveni elto and efor prot der (Toots wha loc madonna fren the fa projet a ‘Tae “Thee ap ven wok in Ba TM ey rn ind ‘ide woslaring ee tice and oy a ey roo every ayn ig ee hos cla fom em And he esl is th le wong Rt i on fy nt jut ot ft On ny pod ses oe ony tiene ely aon ly Sr Ie eas ern or hae beige ite youn mien fp fou ste iy at pa tt in inl ion The may hy ing eter You can ev fnd hn Bagley he wee iges Hae ‘a Bacau ne em gcd coma he lp ch ‘te wend marpnt Tangent Ag, Azahar edacional leet Kaji who on ee econ mie tel projec aimed ac developing che capaci snd process th ‘hh ed prune cn po lol carom Grp 9 ne Ll), describes it this way: _ 1 nn dn esd» pg ps wo UGevtong coh hay Ea ors yee Rac thy a 4 ying cmon Sone ea any tena woo Bd apne ae, Sepoe open er of dyeing Thee pon the te writ cna ti ei nl Saige ae es we ko ay tt ie ‘hing hy doin ei crpasone ny epi ee pop ee cabin Kemi vi ag 1,0) ‘Ae one le, the fons cones Incl winds at pet lnowldge el nd prt tehavion: For thm cl wink 3) te of eninge tnd undenennge aa nn ening he te thse pare Why (i cy me ‘Setpe! Why neater Ts ds fo ir weve eis ‘epee one ime Ble ou ene yh eo meee ‘opi (6 Thonghe ery Aap 7, 3201) ‘Local Wisdom s Refluction and Change -Acanoter level, howe oe wide sen the pci ec and ‘undead dang Thongther xine (Alcon aid cli mg at bed oc (Sends meme prec nd ad down ere Page eee tan Sehr ren geome eon [mm coe Roane ag py TT ser pbs sehen oa a1 wevtoa's ap RO wae TART nde rm) nce i wei hat seeming ‘gene dw omnes het SSTISESTE: cheno wis lcne navman cite wat vot da he rll se cota orl ls lok ceeeesacap comb ee do wean wach a ns a i ih ee ae ee elegance ea ese Siesta wt Sepia macom ig oe Cee changin two ieee doe hur cen SET Sat aes wo i ey ey a SEEN a forte moar eel epee ce 6 “Togo ees, 200) “Te ange fences fla wine hay ed ied he tee ln es at ee Pies Spal eee wa ye fp desing ae as ee iy ing eco “priate ec Semel 59) Fie caeypn snl Ace Sd et a cts ka “a consign of oc ier 1994 Sorel 199) tare Eales the ps a vais concn ft sic ya adr af epi oinarpvening o me Ee RS atoag Spt dor nr alow me eee ‘Ree td pri ia Sons bower Tw snare oe lent pnt tn al ba i oe. Incorporating nd Transforming Loal Wisdom Inthe fe zag of the projec 1 obieve,wivesnr bu tam members eae pens or 6c 1 onthe ig oman diet ‘fmt en, hin nec ‘ely th once rues and ants ee = BEN Qed w emmenc scum doapsunt poe ge In Pe Sig ta atc commu nner ed er i tdi ex eo wok esi ce (ER Dring nop cape oe sa orc wih expec een Seine at desiblcaridr fas wee ee i be STEHT fe Seed mandy sme menor mold the uct hm Sha invpeeu eney seme ad fo wide, aches REDE peace of eatin derloment, communiy memes TEES iB pracy and al sade wha ws mse B he ace cia concen). Nex seams pee several mone en wosknds a= ‘oe jilydevoping carla plas. Afr anew cutelu was de ‘eloped ew aught ors emene ele yl arsine td ‘aught sua for note samen with a nw ach a the ye “The Netonl Eduction A of 1999 splat that pt 29 pce of 1 school cured canbe lolly determine, ose proj pe ‘ened ony 3 porn of shots wal program. Though aunty, tee Pej posed hey deans on In shod commute ad che, ‘tho by aon hae not ben epee mage, suse of ome fr “evdoping and asesing the owe crcl. Sin ie Minis oficial ox poet nas ve xpincein sing ong cl wi hom 32 tas for developing more rleran ar Thre jesse ‘eal in exe of tnd spe Ea ives neo wo st te ‘ro gadeledy sn oly pata crcl ata Tey ne ge ower tems of bor enim! flee espe tal ‘Sear inline and che demands ol eam xembe oeehne1lt td enbrce profesional devdopment Mowe impor, thes pojeas forahudow wbuis ved when heres huge psopbiel wd pe olf in cs of wh devedop and what coun setae kw ge and curealum, If reveng Ic widom and oesning ‘onumuniypripaion she mean thogh wich dcetton se ocd posed, then hse prj area portant inet ‘Sfeeatog sad undending sme new poco, ‘WISDOM, WISDOM EVERYWHERE, BUT "WHERE'S THE CURRICULUMS* ‘Aer sng econ, jen parce ad gout how eet and canna wha hey lene te emmunis tot ‘pecs caiet plan of ston. eve » vay of sre fr ‘anlin lcl wno ne aewandolywledcraa er cae ‘Sime Thong views lal wider cron! i th commis, tl dace vw Be “commen a thc” Sgr el ‘cher (anya wom wt ot om he al es sy eco ‘many macht engages They in tra dened «eno ‘nice sues sed th omic by boring 3 Perce stints wooden 199) Ts Kaori fin pro ner ne 1) eed a= ey fuming community Orin, Cherseophong, snd Seneca 129), chest et crs once ood ine beaten rs rnd 10 Be me thematic negated ound vos apes of Tey Boing Slee wee ening math ene ad de eal Set ting cd xy compre, mol om ae bling ‘Soa eins whe he we opel fe (Ste eding lng echigus alain i. SEEM tnd nace were eine, caer cnt was vic {Sint lel wim, communi expersand ode ecologic: "Then, whe tomes woe ening wes finer wt eal commas sol ccotocnng sean cats wiin samy they Wee Sea ey agcene wo Al he pea tobe, Bones er Sey ing in lcd aos ale andre whe sin SEESa olocng cw cen nd poss for buh cael nd ‘Sinmun depen “hy Do We Have ro Lesea What We Aleady Know?™ Tncciing 4 common csc tenon and pliboptil qusion ‘owl sre some pt eal dase projec. Los commasiy mem Teor afer bvng bon volun engaged fr Some ine in eeoping Io ulus would lena begin 0 wonder “Why ae we ding ‘Sie Though ncn she word chy began 1 sk oe of the pewnibl host neuen und: Whar nla if most wort? For Sofie Taj explain her diy faming projet pra CES ein. "Why do we be och day fin? Student, ey To sec thy acorn they it Low ow othe cows. (BK orn et, Angus 1, 2001, Thonghew deve how ths ame (ehson and gueian emerged in ber = ow of ho lng ih ah hy a eis caret are hemi no ae, yearly te Be eeu nec Thane ve ep, 200 Ine, eommusiy meet woul ech a pio ade pees shen ey une eve sd popes of a new cue elon Tate pi hy were wondering this wea crelum of USdiojatocc ce wi ony went war accu fol oii, augRipmce cnpowcing Wie the agicdsrais ond areas ie ‘Sinus undead hat headend wok asaya by nau ste" so enemas a sho undescod ty xed dia o Sion nd io od sae Moree tee waned meg fen In cnt he gorernen cans, aga ud © fe Slang mnt nen igh bnew sll wi min ony ion eed cea and ‘idm Hee hq, Why ol on” Irving cl iso nd econ aed cu ined sp enpower pope bse tsp ba an aso en ‘hoe rhe od mre nna sd gn: be Wis, Leda inal ds poe tlied doo lore cunndnculdbenclo. icy slog, loopy, nd play or sme th ea li tS ings ne 1 moth pj inant ge penn wont {Se cen lan hae mre eon ‘vcore ro Tae doen of oe hat Io aun wol he ine “bs [gel we ow ao ad became ng in th own ws (8 Tonge, imeton A ‘par 200). “he uve wh asd ido aul ch in Ta ASST Can sore duns coma ‘ani, mah inde by ‘ennai poy segue ogee Ant pope on cena a wel ae "eden ted reconnect why ep af emai slate dnp Coogan fot ‘eral wa ict eng ray er psf “nda acing la ay ‘Aina cen cngbng ay fal play k= siren "cate dodopoennt Vinge To comme cache of mens Fa mdjec manent levers the rvion fan cote oe Se wm lain resol cmmuniy fac hc Sacone Tengo m8) ex ris eric ne mia esi fing comunity, Kaori av the copie ane psy vac 0 ‘lel eleva euler ta ogaged sete natn nye of esting how arn” For ber ing ly fers nl sete om agar peace in che cure sed wy oth ie nd eohance ol wis while cogaing eacen and sets in 2 more ‘leat and conaraciv,veses 2 pemoronne, peg “The ae wae ak of hs ue Sain ‘yw te pir ei iain {lc The sees pendence ‘Dy cend of el mcm weer we oad des dena dpa es pay er wok nb ee ope sy ebm cee aking Tae odo sly work et pd shy cd pc why lee ny el coe ach avn knowl jin YP) Thee te my ways in which paisa in hep bled dha ‘wks they weeding was pena, sxisogay. nd peggy ‘epowing,ealing Ina Communi o beer ondesard snd set ther Hower ipl in al hese pos wan he Bele ta el ‘eononie tevin mney awl abot bl and loc er, (hoe popes were epee oad vale’ 0 communis an conte ‘ether economic ii ad independence well “Transforming Local Wisdom Fur Thongthen one "ae el” evn conic component inthe troodaningvilige wae he delopment of local uti wo prepae Sent ts bloc ura gues ina neji bopaly besioes "The nwa tht ten would appre theses oloe woodeaesin Eris devdop deer undersigned ppecon Fr hoc ‘dm and in “wrksody” experince as wel Ula they would be. ‘ame Kowicdpabl al our pid, employable in tute, ene of “Thin ge growing ndeer (That 199). By ecg lend repented indigenous woodearrng ilps « ou se he om In wars ane eeioenting their adios snd inventing » Frm of ‘eodeity aswel ‘Kajtnsn ar eandy congletd the commaniy uy and caw leer-derlopment sags fora non profi ened adn ce go ing commuriy Conmuniy mene rl asa exper eben, ted din sedemicspevins worked for eel monty co dep ¢ ‘tow igen cue wit fewed on "igo uel eatin vee Sten ad thers wil howe eet bout 12 ace of lind in ich olan sour inegsng loi compl ah ms And vege gues with iene lls The new curl oft efx elieaion ofthe radon Tha/Budee ras fs {soe and ervienmealum, vale th bad bee ied Wit ‘heinodasin af modem mons, The eoronic al ded he omni wil be derived though iced produciviy cated by = ‘nore esol salable aire apd oe atl ed niche ae Fesainedacheli-consou conser. Whie negated sree ical ves re consent wih he West cnc of cog ad ‘he form of moderna lb debut cpt a aa toad mono-gcure har chard the matey of may pot ‘ante By revising ilo wisdom td eadtin i comma Inventing a susinable aden upon whic ican hie DISCUSSION. ‘Tan has inode » compres ad abit ton estan rfp The plano deen cadens and aii owes ole lel opens sje hit in ce plpy, poli, nd paces oar ‘aon, Some ert projec ae fie on vting lwo snd Iedping rl communis cn proces devoping aly elo ea Schoolrand wach sm ily eb of oe feo id tin hac hares evan ten ge he prota we oso. Moree, gocnation oun fr eagle, when commis he tha eve th caf kona and serene iawn ‘ant or whea poor ce fuen t suraiable gated pce nda ie hay ews in bal ment ‘A prone, be nk mang revialng oa wide, forming oe cai, covering the cory, and ngaiing varia fee ‘redkia Talon Ae Thong notes boa the spect ein “ange “ihe ew Bil doe ot poietic ble a ‘col each co ecmpis he miso Thoaghen 199210), Faster ‘mor schol iid insetons and inde eae cl pio ‘ies lol widoms authori power an exon sures must be Senin ay wel: Some cea inode bythe Sew Thal [Rak Thai goverment of Thalia Shera, sed at ul delopent moti his ecion Howey, the memento ofthe Mins of Ele “io ene ie eacaonal fem slowed down eet of ical Singer one herr, pons endef eening pone ‘This per mee credence plea! conical sat Pak Poogpiciteaserdon ht the rae oti fe cone ey “ sneer ee nce SM and edactonal efor ot wih dhe goer, but witha cl ‘lay end the local momen of peoples ovement: and NGOe (Gavngpaichle and Boer 2001). Thuy the lol edacion pres ae Sisal es wih high ss, tha neon andes the ine fv ‘itso waloms and asus lb Fes Toe poss tel nt oly fh langle ese and age see fs eb ha he itt cul nd sontadardind ovcomes. The Ta rere ar being Tee epic and moeoa sou oalaon by supporting he cl ‘Rercunitco ela tr wn cual and economic resus a ie ey Th ecrnsof te lager qo ated in his volume, the Tai emp lean eran ease. es cnn of eneping fom de cnnemic cash Flos, Plead sdoped the idols and pices of ecober eo ‘Som ind apple ch tht edvenion efor hand mor youn # ned fcr of eon, valaig the Bypoteis of ‘Sicatond moni? Tasome was ye ani ote imporast war SO" Catan evnew education pices ret an approptason of te ‘ond oad te dceotlandon, che wie of etal sunday end angeal onan Like moe bun, Tala ponding sin gob press and edcton foe end, ut de weds ain tee ia commode int oot, cots nd conempoaty ein thar cang ve Sinead vary mend wiia Than a Thalan ves dewly tows a more deve luca 9 em nnd ait icesgy and sega sive 0 home raon fea ‘Shin Tha searadelere movement aoa rom hind of conor Trojan tnmerpiom opened by wold cals thor, Varo sd not ‘eeoiy stent glad ode he utome fone ty term peje Puree, etal and exeal morphism een ton of ‘fetus f but conan ductal prblens a Thad, ome ‘hing the projec ate reply pied to est nd wo ACKNOWLEDGMENT | dey pine de eo gp fhe ui Sl Prag wae (deed men eps ede wh omen Ka TSE ay af nn, Cx Rem Tein Teche ‘fica Seg Tadd, Scr te, Kar Nanos rer EATING cametiy pode tet upon need xo sn SoS one pees fed onsen sed huge. 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" ae fe sgl Etat nn eeepc hepa ‘can Eduerioal Research Asociation, Api 14, = seg dtc ot at wart Vin palit ogee re hte Gaenasme so hae lah emi et ini ao ene SEE Gh me yor ‘nisin 1999, (Accmed 2000], Asilable foe bmp vwne — sean a sac seen ‘SSS chan ge rik Lament om Tnetaain aly ac eens wean se St Sta ho Eide nr nna sd non, Topped he Be inl a 08 ce on Rts Een of Sc Coney Ang Bgl Tod. es 0H Sth ins able ee ay atin de ‘hd sores amon am Ke Sng nh Unie Ses Bs ie gaa 93-16 est, ME eon, dS. ag 198. The eon rps “Rey een nd eo’ el pop nd erin fe Bugle Ken Unie tiie Gr DBs AB Gaskin, and A. Wena, 200, Txt ‘rill omegion sev stb n US, Geigy ant Jip Slander 3097 315 adel 01, To ef ese Modena aon Kai ‘Satin indo acyl nd Bon Quan 3 30372 elie) 2001 Thr’ one eB Bop Ra age 68. Nebo, . 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Jog 193. 2h ado ft mnogo Bagi, Tl Cen a Re To Sg seer Elan, ana Ung. | rer 998 of Thal ey: A aa ede anh Pa Ad TSS Aah fom hepa Redman M199) Woden Te te agi: Ren igh Ene Co oberon R197, Connon hb adorn” Ppp ‘eon he Glan an ns Cue Contr, May 1 a ‘ate Sef WH, 199 The en) ofa. e Boe te eral ne: aw ei nea of iy needy E Bona nd LHe Bey ad Lage: Uri fan Sei Nan Sgn 199. Th in anf ion. Ras Tid PM 358, WAT Ate a beple e solog8g Ssnlonaraan, Bad Meoot 199 Rech an ope ope sv ling mal of hl hel ars nS Nae: is pd the co Conia on Li afer: A No Dien Ha Rem Deleprs Seer 5 Hae Useiy Bape Tan Sati Nadya © 208, Fo cet apt fe fo cana ve ie auras Un of ure Sole 1984, Cleator Send seer Ann Sie iw Si a8 “eh of a ong oad Ban Trg ag 1999 Reach and depen of une neg el Ac of Btn Kang Tae ‘nd Bsn Tay Lae Sci. prod he onl Cone Ling Bef: A New Dente fr ent Douepe. See 6, ert Unive, ugk Tad ‘Thong 5.199, Theft pp Than Per pene She t68 nna Conon Eapleing Now nie a Bactons Nomlee Es ‘on edie by T Nebr ie Caney wad D. fhm Oe UC Shape Host, ade 197A con cf Exar i Rr 160 6)

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