2019-Valenzuela-etal-Analysis of Worn Surface Images Using Gradient-Based Descriptors

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2019 XXII Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision (STSIVA)

Analysis of worn surface images using gradient-based descriptors

Brayan Valenzuela?, Cristian Viáfara∗, and Fabio Martı́nez?

? Biomedical Imaging, Vision and Learning Laboratory (BIVL2 ab)

Motion Analysis and Computer Vision (MACV)
∗ Corrosion Research Group (GIC), Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science School
Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS)
Bucaramanga, Colombia

Abstract—Failures of mechanical systems are strongly related a result, a monitoring system based on image processing tech-
with wear of interacting surfaces in machine elements. Hence, niques will be useful to better prevent catastrophic failures of
wear monitoring is fundamental to avoid energy and time losses, mechanical systems. Also, it would be expected that a proper
as well as to prevent definite failures on machines. Wear monitor-
ing can be achieved by capturing worn surfaces images, in which image characterization lead to machine learning frameworks
mass losses are represented as non-uniform texture patterns. This with the ability to perform prediction of wear regimes.
work introduces a computational framework to characterize and Different approaches have been used to characterize the
predict mild or severe wear regimes by using gradient-based wear behavior of materials using image-based techniques.
descriptors. The HoG and Daisy descriptors were used to codify Some applications include the cutting tool wear detection
wear morphologies of worn surfaces images. Once images were
coded as gradient patterns, the corresponding descriptors were [6], [7], the wear debris [8], [9] and the laboratory wear
mapped to a previously trained Support Vector Machine (SVM), tests characterization [3], [10]–[13]. On the other hand, the
allowing to automatically associate a wear regime label. A set progress of wear processes can be represented through the
of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of abrasion analysis of worn surfaces images [6], [13]. In particular, one
worn surfaces were used to validate this work. The proposed of these investigations analyzed SEM images of worn surfaces
framework achieves accuracy results of 94% and 96% using the
Hog and Daisy descriptors, respectively. [14], finding a quantitative correlation between morphological
Wear monitoring, Abrasive wear regimes, HoG descriptor, features and the wear intensity [3], [10], [12], [13], [15].
Daisy descriptor. One of the most common image processing techniques is the
edge detection or operators estimation [9], [10], [13]. These
techniques are suitable to detect edges in an image by means
One of the greatest causes of unavailability of machine of the computation of operators such as gradient and direction
components is wear. Wear results from surfaces interaction [16] or texture-based operators [7]. The wear intensity of a
which promotes mass losses as much as energy and time determined worn surface can be predicted according with the
losses. All these losses have associated high economical costs quantity of edges recognized [10], [17]. Notwithstanding the
due to the corresponding maintenance and reparation events above, some errors could be produced as a result of the recov-
[1]. To improve the availability of machines an optimized ered isolated noise gradients during the operators estimation.
reliability must be guaranteed in order to decrease unexpected Recently, in [18] was proposed a computational strategy to
shut-down of machine elements [2]. The wear monitoring is classify mild and severe regimes by using a histogram of
an adequate way to prevent failures of mechanical systems. oriented gradients (HoG) to represent the surface features.
Wear monitoring can be executed by acquiring images from This approach achieved an interesting performance but lost
worn surfaces and obtaining wear indexes using image pro- the analysis of other gradient based descriptors, as well as the
cessing techniques. Imaging methods have been well studied in exploration of non-linear kernels on learning strategies.
last years since it has several advantages with respect to other In this work a computational framework that evaluate
semi-online and offline approaches such as mass or volume the HoG and Daisy descriptors over worn surface images
losses measurements, ferrography, topographical difference, is introduced to predict mild and severe regimes. These
among others [3]. The vision-based wear monitoring also descriptors code histogram of gradients using different
allows obtaining a low cost, automated, accurate, online and geometrical architectures over the complete image, which
non-contact inspection of worn elements [3]. result in different properties of description. Once the images
A particular application of image analysis for monitoring are coded, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model allows to
the wear progress is to identify the wear regime exhibited automatically predict the wear regimes present at surfaces. To
by a component surface during its operation. Usually, sliding get a better learning classification, a radial basis function was
and abrasive wear of ferrous alloys produce two main wear herein implemented, which admits non-linear performances
regimes, mild and severe [4], [5]. Severe wear must be strongly on
inhibited during the performance of machine components. As

978-1-7281-1491-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Fig. 1: Example of the coding structures for both gradient descriptors herein evaluated. In the left image the typical performance
of HoG descriptor is illustrated, that regionally coded gradients on orientation histograms. In the middle image is the original
image that corresponds to a severe class. In the right is displayed image the geometry of kernel used to compute gradients in
Daisy descriptor.

feature space. descriptor achieves a dense and redundant estimation of gra-

dient histograms, which are computed following a sliding
II. METHODS window. To remove point gradient artifacts, the histograms
A. Dataset Description are normalized with respect to a neighborhood. The histogram
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of worn sur- of gradients gives an idea of main orientations reported into
faces were selected to make the analysis in the present work. a specific region, while the dense computation along the
Worn surfaces were resultant of the abrasion wear tests carried image emerge to be robust with respect to the variability of
out in laboratory, where different cast irons were put in sliding representation of surface features of wear regimes.
contact against different kind of abrasives. Additional details The dense HoG computation starts by splitting the image
of the wear test conditions can be found elsewhere [18], [19]. sample into a set of regular patches ci . The gradients 5ci into
The SEM images allow to identify surface patterns related each patch are summarized using a histogram of gradients Hi .
with the kind of mechanical or chemical effects generated In this case, bins ω are defined by intervals of orientations,
during the wear process. Therefore, the worn surfaces analysis which are weighed
X w.r.t the norm of each gradient vector, as:
is used to correlate the surface features with the wear behavior. Hi (ω) = k5ck. Each of the bins ω are normalized
The behavior of each combination of an iron cast with a {φ(5c)=ω}

particular abrasive resulted in a particular wear rate. High regarding the sum of the total of norm gradients. Additionally,
and low wear rates are associated with severe and mild wear the HoG descriptor has a block normalization with respect to
regimes, respectively. For whole validation was used a dataset the total number of bins of whole histograms in a specific
with a total of 50 samples, distributed in 29 samples labelled region, as shown in: bn = √ bn . It is expected that
kbn k+ε
as severe, while the rest 21 images were labelled as mild. worn surfaces with mild wear will be represented with uniform
An array of 256x256 pixels characterized the SEM images, histogram with equal probability for all gradient orientations.
representing 3D surface texture. Worn surfaces with mild wear In contrast, in worn surface images with severe wear some
regime had a smooth appearance and low amount of shallow patches are represented by asymmetric histograms describing
scratches, meanwhile worn surfaces with severe wear regime non-uniformity of the surface.
had a rougher surface with plastic deformation traces and 2) Daisy representation: An additional gradient-based rep-
deeper scratches [19]. In this way, surface features, captured on resentation of worm surfaces was herein achieved with Daisy
images, could be modelled as non-uniform gradient patterns. descriptor [21]. This multi-scale gradient descriptor was orig-
On one hand, severe wear generate strong texture patterns. inally developed for dense wide-baseline matching. However,
On the other hand, mild wear produces a smooth and an because the robustness, invariance to scale and rotation, as
uniform gradient. Nevertheless, an automatic computational well as for fast computation, nowadays is widely used in task
prediction of wear severity is a challenge task because the of recognition, of objects of interest. In this approach is SEM
huge variety of gradient patterns along the surface. In this image I is convolved several times with a Gaussian kernel
work, a local gradient quantification is carried out by using GΣ , capturing different gradient orientation maps o(x, y). This
two well know gradient codifications: the HoG [20] and Daisy process can be expressed as: GΣ o = GΣ ∗ ∂o(x,y) . A total of
[21] descriptors. The resulting descriptors over a worn surface eight convolved orientation maps are obtained, which operates
image are shown in Figure 4. A complete description of these at different Gaussian scales.
type of descriptors are presented in next subsections. Hence, at each pixel location is fixed a set of concen-
1) HoG representation: HoG descriptor is a well know tric circles as illustrated in Figure 1 to compute different
gradient-based representation that result useful to code mild orientation histogram, that represent each of the subregions.
and severe wear surfaces captured on images. The HoG This particular structure of concentric circles allows to be
Fig. 2: Results of the accuracy as a function of the parameters of the HoG descriptor and k-fold.

invariant to rotation, allowing, for instance, characterize same Evaluation in this work was carried out to analyze the
severe regime patterns that are rotated at different SEM performance of gradients-based descriptors: HoG and Daisy.
image samples. Also, the multi-scale nature allows to better Different configuration on descriptors were analyzed under a
differentiate among mild and severe regimes, being present k-fold validation scheme. Specifically, the statistical validation
the gradient patterns in all scales for severe regimes. An was carried out using different set of folds, defined as: k =
additional advantage of circular configuration is the design of [2, 10, 20, 40], allowing to cover the range for several SVM
symmetrical kernels that could be computed faster than other learning models built from different proportion of images in
descriptors, allowing online wear monitoring. training. Also, results are reported in terms of accuracy, that
counts the proportion of true positive detection over whole test
B. Support vector Machine
The recognition of each worn surface is carried out by
a SVM classifier given their robustness, generalization apt- The first evaluation was carried out using a HoG descriptor
ness, accuracy and low computational cost [22]. The present changing the main parameters of the descriptor, i.e., number of
approach was implemented using a Radial Basis Function orientations (o), size of the patch in the images (c) and number
(RBF) kernel. This kernel function expressed as K(xi , xj ) = of blocks (b) used to normalize the histograms. In Figure 2 a
exp(−γxi − xj 2 ), with (xi , xj ) difference among samples of summary of the obtained results for different HoG configura-
mild and severe wear regimes. This samples are characterized tions (o, c, b) and under the different fold schemes is illustrated.
by a n−dimensional vector with coding of the HoG or Daisy A maximum average accuracy of 94% was achieved using
gradient descriptors, i.e., x ∈ Rn . From such features into the configuration of o16, c32, b4 and with a K = 5 folds. In
the descriptor are built optimal hyperplanes to separate them other words, a high accuracy is already achieved with low k-
by a classical max-margin formulation. A (γ, C)-parameter folds, which means that much computational cost can be saved.
sensitivity analysis was performed with a grid-search using a The same result was also found before, where in addition
cross-validation scheme and selecting the parameters with the a lower dispersion of data and similar maximum values of
largest number of true positives. accuracy were acquired at low k-folds [18]. SVM classifier

Fig. 3: Performance of the model in function of the parameters of the Daisy descriptor and Fold.
Fig. 4: Examples of misclassified images by the SVM model using the descriptor HoG and Daisy.

resulted in more stable behavior of accuracy in comparison discussed. Firstly, in the left image it can be observed some
with the behavior observed previously with Decision Tree and white particles that maybe do not represent the wear marks
the Gaussian Naive Bayes classification models [18]. Then, present at the surface, which has a low quantity of scratches
SVM has a similar stability in accuracy to the behavior of the produced by abrasives. these particles could be contamination
Random Decision Forest model. products since surface did not evidence severe wear. On the
In general, the best results are obtained with 16 orienta- contrary, the middle and right images surface features are
tions in histograms and using a block normalization of 4. characterize by many scratches which justified that results,
Such configuration is sufficient to characterize much of the i.e., they represent a severe wear regime. However, their wear
surfaces that allows to properly predict wear regime classes. rate was not so high as for those severe labelled conditions and
Similar results were obtained with the HoG computation and probably were at the transition region between mild and severe
applying other classifier models [18], where 16 orientations wear regimes. This result suggest that maybe a third label must
in histograms yield in the highest accuracies. On the other be created and analyzed in future works, which correspond to
hand, patches of 64 are sufficient to capture gradient patterns those conditions not being mild nor severe classes, but being
that represent worn surface signatures. Because the strong between them.
changes of gradients that represent wear severity, histograms
with relative few bins are sufficient to represent non-uniform IV. CONCLUSIONS
distributions. Basically, this descriptor is relative stable with
This work presented a computational classification frame-
almost all configurations, standing out the geometrical features
work that is able to predict mild and severe wear regimes
that characterize the surfaces.
from worn surface images. The worn surfaces were fully char-
A second evaluation was performed from Daisy descriptor.
acterized using the dense histogram of gradients (HoG) and
For doing so, the images were codified with different variation
the efficient dense Daisy descriptor. The proposed approach
of the number of histograms calculated per ring (h), number
achieved a quite perfect classification, because the proper rep-
of rings used in the descriptor (r) and radio in pixels of
resentation of non-uniform texture patterns of corresponding
outer rings (ra). In Figure 1 the results achieved by Daisy
wear regimes.
descriptor using different configurations are shown. In this
The accuracy results obtained with the HoG descriptor were
case, a maximum average accuracy of 96% was found at k = 5
mostly stable for the configurations evaluated and achieving a
folds again, as observed for HoG descriptor.
maximum accuracy of 95%. The stability of accuracy values
The best results of accuracy were obtained by keeping
with the HoG descriptor could be attributed to the SVM
the radio in pixels of outer rings (ra) in 30. No effect
model, as obtained previously with others models such as
was observed for the other configurations parameters. Results
Random Decision Forest. Meanwhile, the Daisy descriptor
of the Daisy descriptor show that values of accuracy were
computations exhibited more unstable values of accuracy for
unstable and sometimes leading to low values between 75%
the parameters used in its configuration and 96% of maximum
and 80%.
accuracy. For both cases, maximum values of accuracy were
As noted in the above results, accuracies of almost 95%
produced at low values of k folds.
were achieved with both HoG and Daisy descriptors. As
Future works include a local analysis of worn surfaces that
a consequence, there are some worn surfaces images being
allows a better understanding of the phenomenon, an inclusion
misclassified. In other words, some images are being classified
of a new wear class corresponding to those wear conditions
as mild when they are really severe, and vice versa. Then, an
between mild an severe, and the evaluation with sequence of
analysis was made to found those images and which were
images that allows an online application.
the same for both HoG and Daisy descriptors. In Figure
4 misclassified images using both gradient descriptors are
displayed. These images correspond to mild worn surfaces
but the SVM automatically classified them as severe. To This work was partially funded by the Universidad Indus-
understand this behavior, appearance of these images must be trial de Santander. The authors acknowledge the Vicerrectorı́a
de Investigación y Extensión (VIE) of the Universidad Indus- [22] C. C. Chang and C. J. Lin, “Libsvm: a library for support vector
trial de Santander for supporting this research registered by machines,” ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology
(TIST), vol. 2, no. 3, p. 27, 2011.
the project: Reconocimiento continuo de expresiones cortas
del lenguaje de señas registrado en secuencias de video, with
VIE code 1293.

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