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Pranay Kaushik|PUI22457 1

Assignment 2

Pranay Kaushik

Masters in Urban Infrastructure, CEPT University

W23FT006: Establishment of a United Nations Peacekeeping Mission Camp

Jagdish Rele

Dec 13
Pranay Kaushik|PUI22457 2

Assignment 2

Q1. How would you go about planning a temporary township for 30,000 people spread over

500,000 square kilometres with 5 main camps and 35 secondary camps in a peacetime

setting, say in India?

Q2. In the Indian context, how will the geopolitical situation between the Central and State

governments affect your planning, if any?

Q3. Between the UN peacekeeping mission camp scenario and your situation, which

processes can be replicated or inferred from each other?

Q4. What lessons can you replicate about governance, management of time, modular systems

and more?
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Figure 1 Visualisation of the Camp

Source: Author

Q1 Ans Below is a detailed outline of my approach as an urban designer for organising a

temporary settlement in India during peacetime. The settlement would accommodate 30,000
individuals and cover an area of 500,000 square kilometres. It would consist of 5 primary
camps and 35 minor camps.

30,000 people
500,000 sq. km. area
5 main camps
35 secondary camps
Peacetime setting
Location: India
Planning Approach:
Pranay Kaushik|PUI22457 4

Data Collection and Analysis:

Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Used to examine and evaluate many factors such as
climate, geography, vegetation, soil, water resources, accessibility, and existing infrastructure.
Social surveys: Aims to comprehensively analyze the demographics, needs, preferences,
cultural practices, and professional profiles of a given group.
Resource Assessment: Assess the current availability and quality of water sources, determine
the potential for energy generation, and evaluate the capacity of existing sanitation facilities.

Site Selection for Main and Secondary Camps:

Emphasise accessibility: Prioritizing places with roads, trains, or airstrips for convenient
Natural Hazards: Clear regions susceptible to floods, earthquakes, landslides, or severe
weather phenomena.
Water Availability: Selecting locations near uncontaminated water sources or with the
opportunity for water collection using harvesting methods.
Environmental Impact: Reducing the extent of deforestation and minimizing disturbances to
the environment.
Scalability: Identifying the areas that can accommodate camp growth.

Master Plan and Camp Design:

Modular Design: Developing adaptable and scalable camp layouts for primary and secondary
Sustainable Infrastructure: Utilizing renewable energy sources, water-efficient technologies,
and waste management systems.
Cultural Sensitivity: Integrating cultural and religious spaces into the camp design.
Accessibility: Ensuring universal access for people with disabilities.
Community Spaces: Including common areas for recreation, social interaction, and cultural

Infrastructure Development:
Water Supply: Establishing an infrastructure for water delivery, purification, and storage.
Sanitation: Enforcing the establishment of waste collection and treatment systems,
encompassing sewage and solid waste management.
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Energy: Using wind turbines, solar panels, or other sustainable energy sources.
Transportation: Constructing internal road networks within and between camps, linking to
pre-existing infrastructure.
Communication: Ensuring dependable internet and mobile phone connectivity.

Community Development and Services:

Governance: Creating a representative governing body to ensure effective management and
Social Services: Encompass provides temporary educational institutions, medical centers,
social assistance initiatives, and vocational training prospects.
Economic development: Promoting economic activity by implementing skill development
programs, micro-entrepreneurship initiatives, and facilitating market access.
Cultural Preservation: Promoting cultural endeavours, gatherings, and traditional forms of
artistic expression.

Environmental Sustainability:
Resource Conservation: Implement water-saving technologies, waste reduction programs,
and renewable energy sources.
Environmental Protection: Minimize deforestation, protect biodiversity, and promote
sustainable land management practices.
Climate Resilience: Design infrastructure and housing to withstand potential climate change

Implementation and Monitoring:

Phased Development: Prioritize critical infrastructure and gradually expand based on needs
and resources.
Community Engagement: Involve residents in decision-making processes and promote
township ownership.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly assess progress, identify challenges, and adapt plans.

Additionally, the following aspects are crucial:

Security: Implement security measures to ensure safety and well-being of residents.
Flexibility: Adapt the plan to evolving circumstances and unforeseen challenges.
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Budgeting and Funding: Secure funding from government grants, private investments, and
international aid.
Long-Term Planning: Consider future needs and potential transition of the temporary
township into a permanent settlement.
By implementing a comprehensive and inclusive planning process, considering the specific
context and needs of the population, we can create a sustainable temporary township that is
livable and fosters a sense of community for 30,000 people in India.

Q2 Ans Effects of the Geopolitical Situation on the Planning of a Temporary Township in

The interplay between India's Central and State governments can substantially influence the
strategic design and establishment of a provisional settlement for 30,000 individuals. Here is
an analysis of possible consequences:

1. Administrative obstacles:
Approval delays: The process of obtaining required authorizations from both Central and State
authorities can result in delays in the commencement and execution of projects.
Divergent rules: Inconsistencies in regulations across several levels of government may need
modifications and adaptations to plans, resulting in additional delays to schedules.
Insufficient coordination: Insufficient communication and collaboration among Central and
State officials can impede bureaucratic impediments and impede the seamless implementation
of tasks.

2. Limitations in financial resources:

Central financing: The provision of financial assistance from the Central government may
depend on its conformity with national priorities and political factors, which could affect the
funding of projects.
Allocation of state resources: State governments have the authority to prioritize the
distribution of resources to projects within their jurisdiction. This might result in funding
constraints for initiatives primarily advantageous to the Central government.
Collaborations between the public and business sectors: Concerns regarding project
feasibility and the political climate may impede the potential to attract private investment.
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3. Difficulties in acquiring land:

Landowner disputes: The process of obtaining land for the township may entail intricate
discussions with landowners and potential opposition from local people, especially in
politically delicate regions.
Compensation disputes: Conflicts regarding remuneration for land and resettlement
arrangements can result in legal conflicts and hinder the process of acquiring land.
Acquiring environmental approvals from Central and State agencies can be a protracted and
intricate procedure, contributing to project delays.

4. Challenges related to the construction and operation:

Labour unrest may arise due to political conflicts between the central and state governments,
leading to disruptions in construction work.
Availability of resources: Obtaining necessary resources such as water, energy, and
construction supplies may be impeded by bureaucratic obstacles or political factors.
Social unrest: If local populations perceive their concerns to be insufficiently handled, they
may engage in protests against the project, resulting in interruptions and delays.

5. Factors should be taken into account after closure:

The allocation of responsibilities for restoring the land and infrastructure following the
liquidation of the township may be ambiguous due to differing agendas between the Central
and State governments.
Long-term development: Incorporating the temporary township into the surrounding area and
maintaining its long-term viability may necessitate cooperation and synchronized actions from
local and national authorities.
Strategies for reducing or minimizing the impact:
Proactive engagement involves establishing robust connections and promoting transparent
communication with authorities from both the Central and State governments. This approach
can help streamline the approval process and effectively resolve problems proactively.
Transparency and accountability: By maintaining transparency at every stage of the
planning and implementation process, trust can be established, and the likelihood of conflicts
or opposition can be reduced.
Community engagement: Proactively involving local communities in decision-making can
effectively address their concerns and cultivate a sense of ownership over the project.
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Versatility and adjustability: Adapting and altering plans in response to changing political
situations is crucial for successfully navigating hurdles and ensuring project success.

In conclusion:
The existing geopolitical dynamics between the Central and State governments in India pose
possible obstacles to the planning and a temporary township. Nevertheless, by utilizing
proactive involvement, promoting transparency, engaging communities, and maintaining
adaptability, these obstacles can be surmounted, and a prosperous project can be executed.

Q3. Ans Similarities between UN Peacekeeping Camp Scenarios and Temporary Township
Although appearing different, UN peacekeeping camp scenarios and temporary township
projects have numerous crucial elements in common, enabling the replication and inference of
processes. Below is an analysis of the similarities:

1. Evaluation of requirements and identification of suitable location:

Demographic analysis: Both eventualities necessitate a comprehensive comprehension of the
population's demographic characteristics, encompassing age, gender, cultural origins, and
requirements. This information informs the delivery of services, the construction of
infrastructure, and the attempts to build community.
Site selection: Both require meticulous consideration of aspects such as accessibility,
availability of resources, environmental impact, and cultural sensitivity. The selected site
should favour the occupants' welfare and limit adverse effects on the surrounding ecosystem.

2. Advancement of physical structures and systems:

Camp layout: Both scenarios are enhanced by a well-designed arrangement that promotes
adequate provision of services, ensures safety, and encourages social engagement. This may
entail a hierarchical configuration with central nodes and smaller peripheral regions.
Accommodation: Ensuring sufficient and culturally suitable capacity is crucial in both
situations. Modular units, communal housing, and customized buildings accommodate various
requirements and guarantee a pleasant living environment.
Essential services: It encompasses the need for a robust and reliable infrastructure to provide
water supply, sanitation, energy, food security, healthcare, education, and security. The
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magnitude and intricacy of these services will differ based on the population's size and the
project's length.

3. The consideration of sustainability and a long-term perspective:

Environmental sustainability: Both scenarios prioritize reducing environmental impact by
implementing sustainable practices such as utilizing renewable energy, managing waste
effectively, and practicing responsible land use.
Social sustainability: It encompasses the promotion of community cohesion, the provision of
mental health assistance, and the empowerment of citizens, which are fundamental elements in
both situations. This guarantees social unity and overall welfare, even within a transient
Economic sustainability can be achieved by fostering income-generating activities and
facilitating financial inclusion. These efforts ensure the long-term economic viability of
temporary townships and communities transitioning from peacekeeping missions.

4. Ongoing Surveillance and Assessment:

Data-driven decision-making: It involves using data gathering and analysis to identify areas
that require improvement and to adjust strategies in response to evolving circumstances. This
includes the surveillance of health patterns, the assessment of resource accessibility, and the
collection of input from residents.
Adaptability and flexibility are essential qualities that individuals must possess to be ready
to adjust to unforeseen problems and modify their goals. Effective implementation necessitates
transparent communication, cooperative teamwork, and a readiness to acquire knowledge
through practical encounters.
Transparency and accountability: Ensuring transparency during the planning and execution
phases cultivates trust and engenders a feeling of ownership among citizens or peacekeeping

Process Inference:
Peacekeeping expertise: The extensive experience of the United Nations in building and
overseeing peacekeeping camps provides essential knowledge on infrastructure development,
logistics, and community involvement in many cultural settings.
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Conflict Building and Community Building: Lessons acquired from peacekeeping

deployments on conflict resolution, negotiation skills, and cultural understanding can be
utilized to foster a harmonious and inclusive atmosphere in the temporary township.
Post-conflict development strategies: The United Nations' proficiency in post-conflict
development can be advantageous for designing a sustainable and integrated long-term plan
for incorporating the temporary township into the neighbouring community.

In conclusion:
The similarities between UN peacekeeping camp scenarios and temporary township design
present great possibilities for replicating and inferring processes. Utilizing the UN's knowledge
and skills, the quick township project may be planned and executed more effectively,
inclusively, and environmentally friendly, benefiting the residents and the nearby community.

Q4. Ans Replicating best practices from UN peacekeeping and temporary township planning
include lessons on governance, time management, modular systems, and other relevant topics.
The difficulties of creating and overseeing a temporary community for 30,000 individuals
exhibit substantial similarities with the intricacies of United Nations peacekeeping operations.
Significant insights can be derived and applied by analyzing both situations to enhance
governance, time management, modular systems, and other pertinent components of the
temporary township project.

Collaborative decision-making: Both situations necessitate efficient collaboration among
diverse stakeholders, such as government officials, community representatives, and residents.
This can be accomplished using regular consultations, inclusive planning processes, and
transparent communication.
Decentralized governance: Implementing a system that distributes authority and assigns
distinct duties and responsibilities to various levels of leadership can enhance efficiency and
adaptability in addressing local requirements. This is particularly pertinent to the township's
hierarchical arrangement, consisting of primary and smaller secondary camps.
Methods for resolving conflicts: Creating efficient systems for resolving disputes and settling
conflicts among different groups is crucial for preserving social unity and avoiding instability
in the temporary community. The knowledge gained from UN peacekeeping deployments in
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conflict resolution, negotiation, and cultural understanding can be highly beneficial in this

Time Management:
Project planning and scheduling: It involves the use of practical project management tools
and techniques to divide complex activities into smaller, more manageable parts. This is
essential for ensuring the project is completed on time and within the allocated budget. This
applies to both the construction and operational stages of the temporary settlement.
Effective prioritization and resource allocation: Crucial for optimizing progress and
achieving deadlines. This involves identifying critical tasks and efficiently allocating
resources. To achieve optimal utilization, defining clear priorities and frequently assessing
project timeframes and resource allocation is necessary.
Contingency planning and risk management: Foreseeing possible obstacles and formulating
backup strategies to tackle them in advance can effectively reduce interruptions and avoid
unnecessary delays. This entails devising contingency strategies for acquiring resources,
constructing infrastructure, and providing services in the event of unexpected situations.

Modular systems:
Standardization and scalability: Using standardized prefabricated units and modular
components for infrastructure and housing can significantly speed up construction and
guarantee uniformity. This can also expedite future growth or relocation of the provisional
settlement if necessary.
Ensuring interoperability and flexibility: It is essential for the long-term viability of systems,
as it allows them to be interoperable and easily adaptable to evolving requirements. This
enables the ability to adapt and alter the infrastructure and services if the demographic makeup
or project objectives change.
Enhancing self-sufficiency and optimizing resource utilization: Organizations can decrease
their dependence on external resources and lower operational expenses by incorporating
systems that foster independence, such as renewable energy sources and local food production.
This is especially pertinent for the transient settlement, created in a secluded area.
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Supplementary Instruction:
Community involvement and empowerment: Actively involving the community in decision-
making processes and encouraging inhabitants to take ownership of their living area promotes
a sense of belonging and responsibility. This can be accomplished through community
councils, volunteer initiatives, and cultural events.
Harnessing technology: Employing technology for communication, data gathering, and
resource administration can enhance effectiveness and clarity. This entails using digital
platforms to facilitate information sharing, feedback collection, and remote monitoring of vital
Cultural sensitivity and inclusivity: Valuing and honouring various cultural backgrounds,
beliefs, and customs is essential for establishing a hospitable and inclusive atmosphere for all
inhabitants. This entails guaranteeing cultural sensitivity in the delivery of services, the design
of infrastructure, and the implementation of communication techniques.

In conclusion:
By establishing connections between the UN peacekeeping operation scenario and the
temporary township project, key insights can be duplicated and modified to tackle other
obstacles. Successful project execution and developing a healthy, quick township environment
depend on implementing good governance practices, prioritizing efficient time management,
employing modular systems, and cultivating community engagement. By utilizing these
principles and customizing them to the particular circumstances of the project, a durable and
adaptable temporary community may be created, guaranteeing the welfare of its inhabitants
and promoting lasting progress in the nearby area.

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