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Ann works in the branch where the big robbery took place.

She actually worked

there at the time of the raid?When Ann said that she was coming to see me the
next day, I wondered what fowers she would bring. She always brings
fowers.While I was wondering whether to buy the dress or not, someone else
came and bought it.He always borrowed from me (he borrowed more often than
was reasonable) but when I once asked him to lend me something, he said he
didn’t have it before he even knew what I wanted to borrow.I was going home on
foot, and all the time I had the impression that I was being followed (passive).
But though I turned around several times, I never saw anybody.I bumped into
Tom yesterday. I asked him to join us for lunch tomorrow, but he said he had
(had arranged to have) lunch with Ann.My dog attacked the postman as he was
putting the letters into the letterbox. The man thrust a large envelope into the
dog’s mouth, and of course, he tore it. Unfortunately, the letter contained my
diploma. I patched the diploma up with Sellotape, but it still looks a bit odd.How
did you break your leg? -I fell of a ladder when I was putting up curtains. The
worst of it was that it was just before the holidays, and I was going away (had
planned to go away) ~So you didn’t go away? -No, of course not. I canceled my
bookings and spent the holiday hobbling about at home.The curtain just rose
when somebody at the back of the theatre shouted ‘Fire!’ The audience looked
around nervously.As it was raining, the children were playing in the sitting room.
Tom was there too. He was trying to write a letter, but he wasn’t getting on very
well because the children kept asking him questions.What were you doing when
the doorbell rang? - I was making a cake. - And what did you do when you heard
the bell? ~ I went to answer it, of course. But when I opened the door, there was
nobody there.A few minutes later the bell rang again, and this time I found a
man in a peaked cap who said he was making a survey.I said, ‘(Was) it you who
rang this bell a minute ago?’ ‘No,’ he answered, ‘but when I was talking to your
neighbor, I saw a man standing at your door. I think he went round to the back of
your house.”We didn’t get much sleep last night because the people next door
were having a noisy party. I rang up the landlord and said that his tenants were
making too much noise. He pointed out that it was Saturday and that people
often have parties on Saturday nights. I said that the people in his house always
had parties (had too many parties).What did you do before you got this job? - I
worked for Brown and Company. And how long did you stay with them? ~ I
stayed for about six months. I left because they always went on strike. It had
become quite monotonous.
the simple past or past continuous tense:
He was sitting on the bank fshing when he saw a man's hat foating down the
river. It seemed strangely familiar.It was snowing heavily when he woke up. He
remembered that Jack was coming for lunch and decided to go down to the
station to meet him in case he lost his way in the snowy lanes.When I reached
the street, I realized that I didn't know the number of Tom's house. I wondered
what to do about it when Tom himself tapped me on the shoulder.As the
goalkeeper ran forward to seize the ball, a bottle struck him on the shoulder.I
was looking through the classroom window. A geometry lesson was going on.
The teacher was drawing diagrams on the blackboard.Most of the boys were
listening to the teacher, but a few were whispering to each other, and Tom was
reading a history book. Tom hated mathematics; he always read history during
his mathematics lesson.Everyone was reading quietly when suddenly the door
burst open, and a complete stranger rushed in.I went to Jack's house but didn't
fnd him in. His mother said that she didn't know what he was doing but thought
he probably was playing football.This used to be a station, and all the London
trains stopped here. But two years ago, they closed the station and gave us a
bus service instead.She promised not to report me to the police, but ten minutes
later, I saw her talking with a policeman, and from the expression on his face, I
am sure she told him all about it.I picked up the receiver and dialed a number.
To my surprise, I found myself listening to an extraordinary conversation. Two
men were planning to kidnap the Prime Minister.I met Paul at the university. We
were both in the same year. He was studying law, but he wasn't very interested
in it and spent most of his time practicing the fute.The train just started when
the door opened, and two panting passengers leaped in.'What were you doing
between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?' said the detective.'I was cleaning my
house,' said Mrs. Jones. I always clean my house on Saturday mornings.My
neighbor looked in last night and said that he was leaving the district and going
to Yorkshire, to a new job. I said that I was very sorry that he was going, and told
him to write to me from Yorkshire and tell me how he was getting on.They were
building that bridge when I was here last year. They haven't fnished it yet.The
dentist's waiting room was full of people. Some were reading magazines, others
just were turning over the pages. A woman was knitting; a child was playing with
a toy car. Suddenly, the door opened, and the nurse said, 'Next, please.'The
house next to yours was full of policemen and police dogs yesterday. ~ What
were they doing? - I heard that they were looking for drugs. - They fnd any? ~
Yes, I believe one of the dogs discovered some cannabis.Peter told me yesterday
that he was making his own £5 notes. - Don't believe him. He just was pulling
your leg.A trafc warden just stuck a parking ticket to my windscreen when I
came back to the car. I tried to persuade him to tear it up, but he refused.

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