American Think Test Without Answers B

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1. Circle the correct words to complete the dialogue. (two points each)

MARK Sara, if you see Tim will you tell him I’ll meet him at the sports center
at 6 o’clock?

SARA Sure, I 1tell / ’ll tell him if I see him. But why don’t you just text him?

MARK I 2’d text / ’ll text him if he had a cell phone, but he doesn’t.

SARA Has he lost another one? His mom said she 3won’t / wouldn’t buy him
any more if he did that again.

MARK I know. I don’t think he’s going to tell her. She’ll be really angry if he
4does / did!

SARA But what if she asks him where it is? Will he tell a lie?

MARK I don’t know. I think he should just be open about it.

SARA If I lost as many phones as Tim, I 5won’t want / wouldn’t want another one!
They’re too expensive!

2. Join the pairs of sentences with which. (two points each)

1. It’s terrible. Millions of people in the world can’t read or write.


2. Dan lost his lunch money. This made him sad.


3. It’s interesting. Not many people buy newspapers these days.


4. I heard the news about the car crash. It was upsetting.

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5. Hundreds of people came to my party. This was amazing.


3. Circle the correct words. Add commas if appropriate. (one point each)

1. I really like people whose / who can tell a good joke.

2. The local library which / where I get most of my books is near my house.

3. This computer which / who I’ve had since 2018 is not working properly.

4. Minecraft is a game which / where encourages creative storytelling.

5. London that / where many great writers have lived is quite expensive.

4. Complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose. (two points

1. My cousin, ____________ works in San Francisco, is very rich.

2. The bookstore in town is ____________ I buy most of my books.

3. Have you read the book ____________ they made into a successful movie?

4. My neighbors, ____________ children are the same age as me, are on vacation.

5. This is the café ____________ authors often come to give talks.


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5. Circle the correct words. (one point each)

1. You should do / be the right thing and tell the truth.

2. Simon opened / owned up to breaking the window.

3. There’s no point trying to cheat / hide the truth.

4. Did you think you would get / be away with stealing that money?

5. I have never hidden / cheated in a test in my life.

6. Complete the sentences with the words in the list. (one point each)

culture | dialogue | appeared | everyday | riddle

1. My favorite _______________ in the story is when the hero leaves his home town
and says goodbye to the crowds in the main square.

2. In the novel, _______________ life for the main character was very hard.

3. In the opening of the story, a girl suddenly _______________ at the door.

4. I’ve been thinking about the crime in the novel for days, but I can’t solve the

5. The author’s Caribbean _______________ inspired her to choose Barbados as

the setting of the novel.

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