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J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.


Resection of Bilateral Masseter Hypertrophy and Buccal Fat Pad

Associated with Genioplasty to Correct Aesthetic–Functional
Disturbances in the Face
Igor Lerner Hora Ribeiro1 • Marcelo Victor Omena Caldas Costa2 •

Ingrid Madiany da Silva Santos3 • Clarisse Samara de Andrade4 •

Pedro Henrique da Hora Sales1,5

Received: 20 May 2021 / Accepted: 2 March 2022

Ó The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2022

Abstract Masseter hypertrophy is an uncommon condi- Keywords Masseter hypertrophy  Buccal fat pad 
tion, characterized by an increase in the volume of the Genioplasty  Surgical treatment
masseter region, with the patient presenting functional and
aesthetic complaints. Several therapeutic modalities have
been suggested for this condition, however, a surgical Introduction
approach usually presents consistent results in more com-
plex cases. The objective of this article is to report a Masseter hypertrophy is a rare, asymptomatic, benign
clinical case of masseter hypertrophy associated with class condition with uncertain etiology, which can result in
IV of Kin, treated through partial removal of the masseter functional problems and aesthetic complaints. Most
muscle, bichectomy and genioplasty. Surgery was per- patients complain of an enlargement in the lower third of
formed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. The the face, close to the mandibular angles and muscle pain in
planning was previously carried out through prototyped that region, which are characteristic of muscle hyperac-
models and radiographs to remove the excess bone shown tivity and which, due to the excessive traction force exerted
in the mandibular angle region. Surgical treatment of by the muscle in this region, can result in changes in
masseter hypertrophy is effective and long-lasting in severe morphology normal of the mandibular angle, the most
cases. Additional surgical procedures must be performed in common being the bone spur, which can be observed
order to provide the best possible result according to the through imaging exams and in some cases through palpa-
facial deformity found. tion [1–3].
Several therapeutic modalities have been used over the
years for the treatment of masseter hypertrophy with the
main emphasis on Botulinum Toxin A and surgical treat-
ment, with both showing good results [2–4].
& Pedro Henrique da Hora Sales Although botulinum toxin A is a less invasive method, it has disadvantages such as the need for several applications,
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Santa Casa de Misericórdia
the possibility of inducing changes in muscle structure as
Hospital of São Miguel dos Campos, Dr. José Inácio Street, well as recurrences in cases of large hypertrophies [4–6].
43, São Miguel dos Campos, Alagoas, Brazil Surgical management has been described in the litera-
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Daniel Houly Hospital, ture for many years. In this type of treatment, an excess
Arapiraca, Alagoas, Brazil part of the muscle is surgically removed (approximately
Physical therapist, Privace Pratice, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil 2/3 of the internal face of the muscle), as well as the bone
4 spur [2, 3]. Although surgery can be performed through
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Santa Casa de Misericórdia
Hospital of São Miguel dos Campos, extra-oral access [1], intra-oral access is undoubtedly the
São Miguel dos Campos, Alagoas, Brazil most recommended today. In many cases, additional pro-
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Santa Casa de Misericórdia cedures to optimize facial harmonization can be performed
Hospital, São Miguel dos Campos, Alagoas, Brazil at the same time and even though the same surgical access

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

as in the case of bichectomy, where part of the Bichat’s bilaterally, uniform hypodensity in the hypertrophied
adipose body can be removed, aesthetically improving the masseteric musculature and retrogenia (Fig. 2). During the
contour of the middle third of the face, allowing a better initial anamnesis, no parafunctional habits that could
demarcation between this and the lower third, leaving them influence the presented muscle hypertrophy were identi-
with a more triangular shape [7]. As well as the association fied. After clinical and tomographic evaluation with pro-
with chin repair for vertical chin augmentation, in order to totyping, the following planning was defined: Myotomy of
minimize the brachycephalic pattern, especially in Kim’s approximately 2/3 of the right masseter muscle and 1/3 of
class IV cases [8]. the left one; ostectomy of the bone spurs in the region of
The aim of this study is, through a case report of mas- the mandibular angle bilaterally, with quantification of
seter hypertrophy and retrogenia, to describe the surgical bone volume removed through previous measurements in
steps for the partial removal of the masseter muscle bilat- the prototype; bilateral bichectomy and genioplasty for
erally, the buccal fat pad and the genioplasty, to correct this vertical enlargement and chin advancement, with interpo-
clinical condition. sition of a bone graft in a block from the right mandibular
Initially, an incision was made in the mucosa of the
Case Report retromolar region, in order to visualize and individualize
the masseter muscle in that region. After identifying the
In order to carry out this study, the patient’s free and muscle, blunt divulsion was performed in the anteropos-
informed consent was obtained, who authorized the pub- terior direction, isolating the medial portion to be resected,
lication of her images and exams in this journal. thus avoiding injuries to the Stensen’s duct and branches of
KCL patient, 20 years old, attended an Oral and Max- the facial nerve (Fig. 3A). Myotomy of this portion was
illofacial Surgery service, complaining of enlargement of performed with electrocautery, guaranteeing local
the lower third of the face in the region of mandibular hemostasis (Fig. 3B). The detachment of the fibers of the
angles, the constant bite of the cheek mucosa and mild masseter was performed laterally to the pterygomasteric
myalgia. The clinical examination showed an increase in aponeurosis, with exposure of the mandibular angle, to
the thickness of the masseter muscle bilaterally asymmet- remove the bone spur, in your full bone thickness. The
rically, with greater volume on the right, as well as execution was performed with a reciprocating saw and
hyperfunction (Fig. 1). In addition, he complained of a surgical drill 702 (Fig. 3C, D). Through the upper part of
protrusion in the middle third of his face and that his chin the same access, a blunt dissection was performed to reach
was small. Imaging exams revealed the absence of patho- the buccal fat pad, which was identified and removed
logical lesion in the mandible, however, it was possible to bilaterally in a symmetrical way. This removal of the
observe the bone spur in the region of the mandibular angle buccal fat pad was performed after the emergence of the

Fig. 1 Preoperative frontal and

lateral clinical view in A and B

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

Fig. 2 Preoperative panoramic

radiography showing the large
bone spur in the bilateral
mandibular angle region in A;
side view of rapid prototyping
showing excess bone in the
bilateral mandibular angle
region in B and C

Fig. 3 Initial view of the

masseter muscle after the
intraoral incision in A; excess
masseter muscle being removed
with the aid of electrocautery in
B; Vista clı́nica do esporão
ósseo no ângulo mandibular
direito in C; removal of the
bone spur on the right side of
the mandibular angle in D;
genioplasty for correction of
vertical chin deficiency, with
interposition of an autogenous
bone block removed from the
right mandibular angle in E;
buccal fat pad removed from the
adipose body of the cheek
bilaterally in F

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

parotid papilla in order to avoid damage to the Stensen’s masseter muscle. This approach is still followed to these
duct. Genioplasty occurred through intraoral access in the days, with other authors recommending the same amount
mandibular vestibule, with a vertical increase of 4 mm and of removal in order to minimize the effects of masseter
2 mm advancement, using the spur as an interpositional hypertrophy [1, 3]. It is also important that the removal is
bone graft in the chin gap, which was fixed with two performed on the innermost surface of the muscle, in order
2.0 mm straight plates. and monocortical screws (Fig. 3D, to avoid noble structures such as the Stensen’s duct and the
E). The sutures were performed with 4-0 Monocryl facial nerve [2]. In this article, we chose to remove 2/3 of
resorbable thread. the masseter on the right side and 1/3 of the masseter on the
After 3 days postoperatively, the patient was referred for left side, since there was an asymmetry, with greater vol-
physiotherapy, for early return of muscle function and this ume on the right side, and this removal in different
was maintained for 4 weeks. At the moment, the patient is amounts of both sides aimed to correct not only the mus-
in the 16-month postoperative period, with good mastica- cular hypertrophy, but also the facial asymmetry presented
tory function, without palpable bone step at the angle of the by the patient.
mandible and signs of recurrence, and with a harmonious The technique of partial removal of the masseter muscle
and symmetrical facial contour (Fig. 4A, B). through intraoral access is undoubtedly the most accepted.
It allows a good visualization of the operative field and less
morbidity when compared to the extra-oral technique. As
Discussion for disadvantages, we can mention mainly a greater diffi-
culty to remove the bone spur at the base of the angle of the
Masseter hypertrophy is a rare benign condition that, mandible, which should be performed with the aid of
however, can bring chewing, psychological and aesthetic special retractors, piezo tips or reciprocating saws [2, 10].
discomfort. The choice of treatment modality must con- We did not observe any technical difficulties to perform the
sider the type and magnitude of the deformity, the patient’s surgery by intraoral route when using the instruments
profile and the professional’s experience, with surgical described above.
treatment being a safe option with acceptable morbidity Due to the surgical procedure leading to a partial
with low recurrence [1–3]. removal of the masseter muscle, some phenomena in the
Partial removal of the masseter muscle was initially postoperative period are expected, such as: Pain, trismus,
described by Gurney 1947 [9], where the author recom- hematoma, and edema [2]. In order to minimize these
mends the removal of 2/3 to 3/4 of the hypertrophied complications, intense postoperative physiotherapy

Fig. 4 Frontal and lateral

postoperative view 18 months
after surgery in A and B

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

should be instituted as early as possible, so that masti- There is still no consensus in the literature regarding the
catory function and aesthetics can be recovered more removal of the bony prominence together with the partial
quickly, in addition to greater pain control [11]. This removal of the masseter muscle to correct bilateral mas-
physiotherapy should be performed initially with com- seter hypertrophy. It is known that the excessive force
pressive bandages to prevent bruising and edema [2, 12] generated by the hypertrophied muscle creates this
and later with manual therapy in order to allow an early prominence [14], and that is why some authors claim that
function of the muscle [11]. In our routine, postoperative only the removal of the bone spur at the angle of the
physiotherapy is always performed by an experienced mandible would be enough to correct the problem [2, 15],
and qualified professional, through initial bandages in the however other authors recommend the simultaneous partial
first three days, manual therapy for early jaw movement removal of the masseter muscle in order to promote a better
and low-level laser therapy, in order to control edema, facial contour and improved esthetics, an opinion that is
and promote rapid tissue healing, small muscle fibrosis also followed by the authors of this article [3, 10]. Removal
formation and precocious return of normal mandibular of the spur in the mandibular angle region generally does
movement. A well-directed and well-conducted physio- not generate visible or even palpable deformities, due to
therapy are essential for muscle recovery after partial the existing tissue and muscle volume in this region that
removal of the masseter muscle, in order to avoid the masks these changes [16].
formation of fibrous tissue that can generate excessive Another co-adjuvant procedure performed in con-
trismus in the postoperative period. junction with the circular treatment of masseter hyper-
As a result of the excessive traction of the masseter trophy is the removal of Buccal fat pad (Bichat’s adipose
muscle in the region of the mandibular angle, there is a body), known as a bichectomy. In these patients, it is
stimulus for the formation of new bone in this region, a common to find a greater projection of the middle third
phenomenon known as ‘‘Wolff’s law’’, and therefore it is of the face in the transverse direction and the perfor-
observed that the action of a muscle directly contributes mance of bichectomy can generate greater harmony of
to bone morphology, case of masseter hypertrophy, with the face making the middle third thinner and propor-
the formation of a bone spur in the region of the ‘‘go- tional to the lower third [2, 7]. This procedure has
nion’’ [13]. Following the philosophy of this line of become very popular among professionals and patients in
thought, only the removal of the spur would not be recent years, and although it is technically simple, it can
enough to correct the asymmetry, since the muscle present important sequelae such as: Hematoma, persistent
stimulus would still exist, meaning that the partial hemorrhage, injury to the parotid duct and facial nerve
removal of the muscle, as well as the spur, would appear injuries [17, 18]. We recommend that this procedure be
to be adequate for the aesthetic–functional resolution of performed only by experienced facial surgeons, avoiding
these cases. complications or bypassing them when they occur.
The prominence of the mandibular angle was well Although the surgical treatment of masseter hypertrophy
described by Kim et al. 2001 [8], who established four is aesthetically beneficial, some complications can occur,
classifications based on the prominence of the especially those related to asymmetries. The amount of
mandibular angle. In the most complex (class IV), there hypertrophic muscle to be removed is usually performed
is an excessive prominence of the mandibular angle empirically, depending largely on the experience of the
associated with retrogenia, generating aesthetic and surgical team [1, 7]. This increases the possibility of facial
functional problems. In these cases, the authors recom- asymmetries, which can be treated with dermal fillers,
mend the performance of an osteoplasty in the which are minimally invasive techniques with good aes-
mandibular angle region associated with masseter myot- thetic results [19].
omy and chin repair to correct the aesthetic problem [8].
This correction of the chin can be performed in con-
junction with bilateral sagittal osteotomy of the Conclusion
mandibular ramus when the patient has dentofacial dis-
crepancies or just genioplasty, when there is a dentofa- Bilateral masseter hypertrophy is an uncommon condition
cial and maxillomandibular balance, as in the present that can trigger aesthetic, functional and psychological
case. problems. Surgical treatment is effective in correcting this

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

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