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Harry Potter – Magic is Science – Day Two Review

Unit/Topic: Magic is just science that we don’t understand Date:16/8/22

Key Learning Area: Science and Magic Year Level: G1


(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken from relevant
curriculum documents.)

Mathematics and science also go hand in hand. You can use 21 cards and math to know what card
someone chose without ever even knowing the card yourself. We also learned some more card tricks
and wrote down the classroom rules.


Time Introduction (Set): Teaching Approaches

1. Magic = You need to think HOW!

2. Science = You need to think HOW!
3. Magic = Science Today was divided into
4. Science = Magic individual tasks as well as
group tasks.
It is NOT about “I KNOW” You must THINK, you
must TRY and you must FAIL. Failing is GOOD!
Then try AGAIN!!!!

Time Conclusion: Teaching Approaches

Learning from our mistakes is the only real way to
learn. You can know a lot from reading but the
moment that you don’t know something, you will just
give up and want to find the answer that someone else
wrote down somewhere. Whereas someone that can
fail, learn and try again, will be able to always learn
and keep trying until they succeed, even if they have no
information to go on.

Worksheets, Notebooks, PPTs and Computer simulations , coloured paper, trays and water, LOTS
of arts and crafts supplies. Rubber bands , bottles, paper , rings.

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