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Harry Potter – Magic is Science – Day Three Review

Unit/Topic: Magic is just science that we don’t understand Date:17/8/22

Key Learning Area: Science and Magic Year Level: G1


(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken from relevant
curriculum documents.)

To we also made some harry potter snacks , such as witches brew and butter beer, It was a fun
activity for the kids to learn.
We also did the “Elephant toothpaste experiment” as well as made the “Rising tubes”
I also gave them some more challenges in order to make them continue to think outside the box.
We also learned and practiced 3 basic card magic tricks. They took notes about these in their
notebooks in order to remember them for the future.


Time Introduction (Set): Teaching Approaches

Cutting a normal ring down the centre will only

create two identical rings. However, if we use a
mobius ring, when we cut it down the centre , it will Today was divided into
turn into a bigger ring, then cut it again and it will individual tasks as well as
be two rings that are tied together. Using this group tasks.
makes us think of math and 3d imagination.
We also learned and practiced saying and learning
the cards in a deck of cards. Diamonds, hearts,
clubs, spades, jack, queen, king and ace.

Time Conclusion: Teaching Approaches

If they only learn one real skill from my lessons, I really
hope that they learn that they don’t always KNOW,
they can think how to do it but that doesn’t mean that
they KNOW. They need to change how they think so
they can start to use their own minds to come to
conclusions rather than just repeating something that
they learned before.

Worksheets, Notebooks, PPTs and Computer simulations , coloured paper, trays and water, LOTS
of arts and crafts supplies. Rubber bands , bottles, paper , rings.

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