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MODULE 0 Headway Plus


Test Total 50 Beginner

1 Match the pictures and the words. 2 Write the words.
1 7
1 read
A 2 15
3 20
2 write
4 12
3 click 5 8

B 5
4 choose

5 type

WRITING SUPPORT CD-ROM Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2010

MODULE 0 Headway Plus

Test continued Beginner

3 Fill in the missing letters.

ab d fghi kl o q st v x z

4 Complete the sentences.

1, 2 ,3, 4 vowels a, b, c, d capital consonants

1 are letters.
2 f, c, r and w are some of the .
3 are numbers.
4 a,e,i,o,u, are the .
5 A sentence starts with a letter.

5 How many words have the same spelling?

1 one one ane ene one one
2 two tow wot two too two
3 four for foar four four for
4 eight eght eight eigt ieght eight
5 twelve twelve twelve telve tvelwe twelve

WRITING SUPPORT CD-ROM Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2010
MODULE 0 Headway Plus

Test continued Beginner

6 Write the sentences. Use capital letters and full stops.
1 my name is gary

2 london is in england

3 a sentence starts with a capital letter

4 she is english

5 ali is from libya

7 Copy the sentences.
a, e, i, o and u are the 5 vowels in English.

b, c, d and f are some of the consonants.

The alphabet is all 26 letters from a to z.

1, 2 and 3 are numbers.

A sentence starts with a capital letter.

WRITING SUPPORT CD-ROM Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2010

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