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What can Statistics do for a Healthier Philippines?

Do you know Rudy Baldwin? Well, she is a fortune teller from the Philippines and she claims that
she can predict the future because of the powers and stuff.

But have you ever wondered if YOU can do the same? You definitely can, but in more...
mathematical and scientific way. You can predict with DATAS, instead of powers. You can still call it
prediction, but with the help of datas, that is called… STATISTICS!

Statistics is a collection, analyzation, organization and interpretation of datas. You might think
that it’s really too simple, but you are certainly wrong! Statistics can help The Philippines in a lot ways,
such as: for Improvements, preparations, and definitely for the decision makings.

• Improvements

Firstly, Improvements. The statistics can improve our country in different ways. This is one of

It is to promote critical thinking. Our country would assuredly improve a lot if we would promote critical
thinking everywhere with well-informed and analyzed datas — in terms of businesses, policies, or
personal decisions.

Critical thinking involves calculating or predicting each decisions, evaluating evidences based on the
given datas. This will lead our country to be full of wise people to have a better place to live in, where
people think and act carefully.

• Predictions for preparations

Secondly, Predictions for preparations. The statistics can assist us by predictions, and one of
them are:

The disaster preparedness. Being prepared before the disaster even occurred, is one of the most helpful
knowledge to know. As the statistics will provide us datas to reduce the disaster risks and to plan more
efficiently, and to know which part of the country are the disasters occurring and needs more support.

Not only would it save lives — but also to save time and money for the supposed damages. As it was
already been planned and prepared for.
• Decision-making

Finally, Decision-makings. The statistics can also assist us in terms of decision making. Such as:

The Poverty Reduction. One of the most common social issue in our country is the poverty. There are a
lot of things that statistics can assist to be able to at least reduce the amount of poverty in our country,
and one of the things are: to use statistics and datas to locate the areas that need less and more support
from the government.

In this way, the government would be able to prioritize the ones in need and to hold programs, send
donations, and help — not only from the government, but with others as well.

In conclusion, These are the things that statistics can do for a healthier Philippines. I do guarantee that
statistics is indeed one of the most important things in our lives — but some people doesn’t know
otherwise. I do believe that statistics and data needs more attention it deserves as these are one of the
key to improve our country.

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