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Learning Objectives:

The students will learn the following:

 What is oceanography?
 Brief history of oceanography
 Four main disciplines of oceanography
 Recent Advancements in oceanography
 Importance of oceanography in fisheries
What is oceanography?

ocean - the marine environment
graphy - the name of descriptive science
What is oceanography?

ocean - the marine environment
ology - the study of
What is oceanography?

Marine science
- the study of the water of the ocean
- solid earth
Brief history of oceanography

Uses of Oceans
- transportation
- source of food
- source of minerals

- search for petroleum
- world war II
- ocean management
Brief history of oceanography

Famous Classic Oceanographers

Aristotle Benjamin Franklin Matthew Fontaine Maury

Brief history of oceanography

Famous Modern Oceanographers

Dr. Klaus Wyrtki

Dr. Herald Sverdrup Dr. Walter Munk (Thesis adviser of my thesis
adviser in UPV)
Brief history of oceanography

Filipino Oceanographers

Dr. Rex Baleña Dr. Cesar Villanoy Dr. Charina Lyn Amedo
(Born in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. My thesis
adviser in UPV, the 1st Filipino physical
Four main disciplines of oceanography

1. Geological Oceanography

2. Chemical Oceanography

3. Physical Oceanography

4. Biological Oceanography
Four main disciplines of oceanography

1. Geological Oceanography

• study of the structure of the sea

floor and how the sea floor has
change through time
• the creation of sea floor features
• history of sediment deposited
Four main disciplines of oceanography

2. Chemical Oceanography

• study of the chemical composition

and properties of seawater
• How to extract certain chemicals
from seawater
• effects of pollutants
Four main disciplines of oceanography

3. Physical Oceanography

• study of waves, tides, and currents

• ocean-atmosphere relationship that
influences weather and climate
• transmission of light and sound in
the ocean
Four main disciplines of oceanography

4. Biological Oceanography

• study of the various oceanic life

• adaptations to the marine
• developing ecologically sound
methods of harvesting seafood
Advancement in oceanography

1. Space Oceanography

• a remote study of ocean from space

using satellites
Advancement in oceanography

2. Ocean Mapping

• the mapping of deep ocean using

modern equipments
Advancement in oceanography

3. Bio-medical Research

• the utilization of deep ocean

resources for medical application
Advancement in oceanography

4. Alternative Energy

• the utilization of ocean as an

alternative energy source
Importance of Oceanography in Fisheries

1. Scientific Research

• environmental profiling (water temperature,

salinity, density, tides, currents, plankton/fish
larvae, nutrients, sediments and bottom

2. Management and Conservation

• as a support data in formulation of

management measures and policies.

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