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Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024 S111

6. Glycemic Goals and American Diabetes Association

Professional Practice Committee*
Hypoglycemia: Standards of Care
in Diabetes—2024
Diabetes Care 2024;47(Suppl. 1):S111–S125 |

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The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Care in Diabetes”
includes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to
provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guide-
lines, and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional
Practice Committee, an interprofessional expert committee, are responsible for
updating the Standards of Care annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a
detailed description of ADA standards, statements, and reports, as well as the
evidence-grading system for ADA’s clinical practice recommendations and a full
list of Professional Practice Committee members, please refer to Introduction
and Methodology. Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care are
invited to do so at


Glycemic status is assessed by A1C measurement, blood glucose monitoring (BGM)
by capillary (finger-stick) devices, and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) using
time in range (TIR) or mean CGM glucose. Clinical trials of interventions that lower
A1C have demonstrated the benefits of improved glycemia. Glucose monitoring via
CGM or BGM (discussed in detail in Section 7, “Diabetes Technology”) is useful for di-
abetes self-management, can provide nuanced information on glucose responses to
meals, physical activity, and medication changes, and may be particularly useful in in-
dividuals taking insulin. CGM serves an increasingly important role in optimizing the
effectiveness and safety of treatment in many people with type 1 diabetes and in se-
lected people with type 2 diabetes or other forms of diabetes (e.g., cystic fibrosis–related
diabetes). Individuals on a variety of insulin treatment plans can benefit from CGM with
improved glucose levels, decreased hypoglycemia, and enhanced self-efficacy (Section 7,
“Diabetes Technology”) (1). *A complete list of members of the American
Diabetes Association Professional Practice
Committee can be found at
Glycemic Assessment dc24-SINT.
Duality of interest information for each author is
Recommendations available at
6.1 Assess glycemic status by A1C and/or appropriate continuous glucose Suggested citation: American Diabetes Association
monitoring (CGM) metrics at least two times a year. Assess more frequently Professional Practice Committee. 6. Glycemic goals
and hypoglycemia: Standards of Care in Diabetes—
(e.g., every 3 months) for individuals not meeting treatment goals, with fre- 2024. Diabetes Care 2024;47(Suppl. 1):S111–S125
quent or severe hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, changing health status, or
© 2023 by the American Diabetes Association.
growth and development in youth. E Readers may use this article as long as the
6.2 Assess glycemic status at least quarterly and as needed in individuals work is properly cited, the use is educational
whose therapy has recently changed and/or who are not meeting glycemic and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
goals. E More information is available at https://www
S112 Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

Glycemic Assessment by A1C best evaluated by the combination of re- Correlation Between A1C and Blood
The A1C test is the primary tool for assess- sults from BGM or CGM and A1C. Discor- Glucose Monitoring and Continuous
ing glycemic status in both clinical practice dant results between BGM/CGM and A1C Glucose Monitoring
and clinical trials, and it is strongly linked can be the result of the conditions outlined Table 6.1 provides rough equivalents of
to diabetes complications (2–4). A1C re- above or glycemic variability, with BGM/ A1C and mean glucose levels based on data
flects average glycemia over approxi- CGM missing the extremes. from the international A1C-Derived Average
mately 2–3 months. The performance of As discussed in Section 2, “Diagnosis Glucose (ADAG) study. The ADAG study as-
laboratory tests for A1C is generally and Classification of Diabetes,” there is sessed the correlation between A1C and
excellent for National Glycohemoglobin controversy regarding the clinical signifi- frequent BGM and CGM in 507 adults
Standardization Program (NGSP)–certified cance of racial differences in A1C (9–12). (83% non-Hispanic White) with type 1,
assays ( Thus, A1C testing should There is an emerging understanding of type 2, and no diabetes (19,20). The
be performed routinely in all people with genetic determinants that may modify American Diabetes Association (ADA)
diabetes at initial assessment and as part and the American Association for Clinical

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the association between A1C and glu-
of continuing care. Measurement approxi- cose levels (13). However, race is not a Chemistry have determined that the cor-
mately every 3 months determines whether relation (r = 0.92) in the ADAG trial is
good proxy for these genetic differences
glycemic goals have been reached and strong enough to justify reporting both
that are likely present in a small minority
maintained. Adults with type 1 diabetes or the A1C result and the estimated aver-
of individuals of all racial groups. There-
type 2 diabetes with stable glycemia within age glucose (eAG) result when a clinician
fore, race should not be a consideration
goal may do well with A1C testing or other orders the A1C test. Clinicians should
for how A1C is used clinically for glyce-
glucose assessment only twice per year. Un- note that the mean plasma glucose num-
mic monitoring. Limitations of laboratory
stable or intensively managed individuals or bers in Table 6.1 are based on 2,700
tests and within-person variability in glu-
people not at goal with treatment adjust- readings per A1C measurement in the
cose and A1C underscore the importance
ments may require testing more frequently ADAG trial.
of using multiple approaches to glycemic
(every 3 months, with interim assessments
monitoring and further evaluation of
as needed) (5). The use of point-of-care A1C Glycemic Assessment by Blood
discordant results in all racial or ethnic
testing may provide an opportunity for Glucose Monitoring
groups. For many people with diabetes, glucose
more timely treatment changes during en-
counters between individuals with diabetes monitoring, either using BGM by capil-
Serum Glycated Protein Assays as lary (finger-stick) devices or CGM in addi-
and health care professionals.
Alternatives to A1C
The A1C test is an indirect measure of tion to regular A1C testing, is key for
Fructosamine and glycated albumin are
average glycemia. Factors that affect he- achieving glycemic goals. Major clinical
alternative measures of glycemia that are
moglobin or red blood cell characteristics trials of insulin-treated individuals have
approved for clinical use for monitoring
or turnover may affect A1C. For example, included BGM as part of multifactorial
glycemic status in people with diabetes.
conditions that affect red blood cell turn- interventions to demonstrate the benefit
Fructosamine reflects total glycated se-
over (hemolytic anemia and other ane- of intensive glycemic control on diabetes
rum proteins (mostly albumin). Glycated
mias, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
albumin assays reflect the proportion of
deficiency, recent blood transfusion, use of
total albumin that is glycated. Due to the Table 6.1—Equivalent A1C levels and
drugs that stimulate erythropoiesis, end-
turnover rate of serum protein, fructos- estimated average glucose (eAG)
stage kidney disease, and pregnancy) can
interfere with the accuracy of A1C (6). amine and glycated albumin reflect glyce- A1C (%) mg/dL* mmol/L
Some hemoglobin variants can interfere mia over the past 2–4 weeks, a shorter- 5 97 (76–120) 5.4 (4.2–6.7)
with some A1C assays; however, most as- term time frame than that of A1C. Fruc- 6 126 (100–152) 7.0 (5.5–8.5)
says in use in the U.S. are accurate in indi- tosamine and glycated albumin are highly
7 154 (123–185) 8.6 (6.8–10.3)
viduals who are heterozygous for the most correlated in people with diabetes, and
common variants (7). A1C cannot be mea- the performance of modern assays is typi- 8 183 (147–217) 10.2 (8.1–12.1)
sured in individuals with sickle cell disease cally excellent. Fructosamine and glycated 9 212 (170–249) 11.8 (9.4–13.9)
(HbSS) or other homozygous hemoglobin albumin have been linked to long-term
10 240 (193–282) 13.4 (10.7–15.7)
variants (e.g., HbEE), since these individu- complications in epidemiologic cohort
studies (14–18). However, there have 11 269 (217–314) 14.9 (12.0–17.5)
als lack HbA (8). In individuals with condi-
tions that interfere with the interpretation been few clinical trials, and the evidence 12 298 (240–347) 16.5 (13.3–19.3)
of A1C, alternative approaches to monitor- base supporting the use of these bio-
Data in parentheses are 95% CI. A calcula-
ing glycemic status should be used, includ- markers to monitor glycemic status is tor for converting A1C results into eAG, in
ing self-monitoring of blood glucose, CGM, much weaker than that for A1C. In peo- either mg/dL or mmol/L, is available at
and/or the use of glycated serum protein ple with diabetes who have conditions *These esti-
assays (discussed below). A1C does not where the interpretation of A1C may be mates are based on ADAG data of 2,700
provide a measure of glycemic variability problematic or when A1C cannot be mea- glucose measurements over 3 months per
A1C measurement in 507 adults with type 1,
or hypoglycemia. For individuals prone to sured (e.g., homozygous hemoglobin var-
type 2, or no diabetes. The correlation be-
glycemic variability, especially people with iants), fructosamine or glycated albumin tween A1C and average glucose was 0.92
type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes with se- may be useful alternatives to monitor gly- (19,20). Adapted from Nathan et al. (19).
vere insulin deficiency, glycemic status is cemic status (8). Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia S113

complications (21). BGM is thus an integral CGM is particularly useful in people with dia- range), can provide helpful insights to in-
component of effective therapy for individ- betes who are at risk for hypoglycemia and is form a personalized diabetes management
uals taking insulin. In recent years, CGM commonly used in people with type 1 diabe- plan. Remote access to glucose data is
has become a standard method for glucose tes (21). Use of CGM in type 2 diabetes (as growing and may help improve diabetes
monitoring for most people with type 1 well as in several other forms of diabetes) is management (33–35).
diabetes. Both approaches to glucose mon- growing, especially in people who are taking CGM systems have evolved rapidly in
itoring allow people with diabetes to evalu- insulin. TIR is a useful metric of glycemic sta- both accuracy and affordability. As such,
ate individual responses to therapy and tus. A 10- to 14-day CGM assessment of TIR, many individuals with diabetes have
assess whether glycemic goals are being with CGM wear of 70% or higher, and other these data available to assist with self-
safely achieved. The specific needs and CGM metrics can be used to assess glycemic management and their health care profes-
goals of individuals with diabetes should status and are useful in clinical management sionals’ assessment of glycemic status. Re-
dictate BGM frequency and timing. Please (22–26). TIR, especially mean CGM glucose, ports can be generated from CGM that
refer to Section 7, “Diabetes Technology,” will allow the health care professional and

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correlates with A1C (27–31). Time below
for a more complete discussion of the use range (<70 and <54 mg/dL [<3.9 and person with diabetes to view TIR, a calcu-
of BGM and CGM. <3.0 mmol/L]) and time above range lated glucose management indicator, and
(>180 mg/dL [>10.0 mmol/L]) are useful assess hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and
Glycemic Assessment by Continuous parameters for insulin dose adjustments glycemic variability. As discussed in a 2019
Glucose Monitoring consensus report, a report formatted as
and reevaluation of the treatment plan.
The international consensus on CGM shown in Fig. 6.1 can be generated (32).
Recommendations Published data from two retrospective
provides guidance on standardized CGM
6.3 Standardized, single-page glucose studies suggest a strong correlation be-
metrics (Table 6.2) and their clinical inter-
reports from CGM devices with visual tween TIR and A1C, with a goal of 70% TIR
pretation (32). To make these metrics ac-
cues, such as the ambulatory glucose
tionable, standardized reports with visual aligning with an A1C of 7% (25,28). Note
profile, should be considered as a stan- the goals of therapy next to each metric in
summaries, such as the ambulatory glucose
dard summary for all CGM devices. E
profile (Fig. 6.1), are recommended (32) Fig. 6.1 (e.g., low, <4%; very low, <1%) as
6.4 Time in range (TIR) is associated values to guide changes in therapy.
and can help individuals with diabetes and
with the risk of microvascular compli-
health care professionals interpret the data
cations and can be used for assess-
to guide treatment decisions (27,30). BGM GLYCEMIC GOALS
ment of glycemic status. Additionally,
and CGM can be useful to guide medical
time below range and time above
nutrition therapy and physical activity, pre- Recommendations
range are useful parameters for the
vent hypoglycemia, and aid medication 6.5a An A1C goal for many nonpreg-
evaluation of the treatment plan
management. CGM metrics, including TIR nant adults of <7% (<53 mmol/mol)
(Table 6.2). C
(with time below range and time above

Table 6.2—Standardized CGM metrics for clinical care in nonpregnant individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
Metric Interpretation Goals
1. Number of days CGM device is worn 14-day wear for pattern
2. Percentage of time CGM device is active 70% of data from 14 days
3. Mean glucose Simple average of glucose values *
4. Glucose management indicator Calculated value approximating A1C *
(not always equivalent)
5. Glycemic variability (%CV) target Spread of glucose values #36%†
6. TAR: % of readings and time >250 mg/dL (>13.9 mmol/L) Level 2 hyperglycemia <5% (most adults);
<10% (older adults)
7. TAR: % of readings and time 181–250 mg/dL (10.1–13.9 mmol/L) Level 1 hyperglycemia <25% (most adults);
<50% (older adults)‡
8. TIR: % of readings and time 70–180 mg/dL (3.9–10.0 mmol/L) In range >70% (most adults);
>50% (older adults)
9. TBR: % of readings and time 54–69 mg/dL (3.0–3.8 mmol/L) Level 1 hypoglycemia <4% (most adults);
<1% (older adults)§
10. TBR: % of readings and time <54 mg/dL (<3.0 mmol/L) Level 2 hypoglycemia <1%

CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; CV, coefficient of variation; TAR, time above range; TBR, time below range; TIR, time in range. *Goals
for these values are not standardized. †Some studies suggest that lower %CV targets (<33%) provide additional protection against hypoglyce-
mia for those receiving insulin or sulfonylureas. ‡Goals are for level 1 and level 2 hyperglycemia combined. §Goals are for level 1 and level 2
hypoglycemia combined. Adapted from Battelino et al. (32).
S114 Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

AGP Report: Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Time in Ranges Goals for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Test Patient DOB: Jan 1, 1970
Goal: <5% 14 Days: August 8–August 21, 2021
Very High 20%
Time CGM Active: 100%
44% Goal: <25%

High 24% Glucose Metrics

180 Average Glucose ........................................... 175 mg/dL

Goal: <154 mg/dL

Target 46%

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Goal: >70%
Glucose Management Indicator (GMI) ............... 7.5%

Goal: <7%

70 Low 5%
10% Goal: <4% Glucose Variability ............................................ 45.5%
Very Low 5%
Goal: <36%
Goal: <1% Each 1% time in range = ~15 minutes

AGP is a summary of glucose values from the report period, with median (50%) and other percentiles shown as if they occurred in a single day.





70 5%

12am 3am 6am 9am 12pm 3pm 6pm 9pm 12am

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8 9 10 11 12 13 14


12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Figure 6.1—Key points included in a standard ambulatory glucose profile (AGP) report. Reprinted from Holt et al. (21). Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia S115

without significant hypoglycemia is Approach to Individualization of Glycemic Targets

appropriate. A Person / Disease Features More stringent A1C 7% Less stringent
6.5b If using an ambulatory glucose
Risks potentially associated
profile/glucose management indicator with hypoglycemia and
to assess glycemia, a parallel goal for other drug adverse effects
low high
many nonpregnant adults is TIR >70%
with time below range <4% and time Disease duration

Usually not modifiable

<54 mg/dL (<3 mmol/L) <1%. For newly diagnosed long-standing
those with frailty or at high risk of hy-
poglycemia, a goal of >50% TIR with Life expectancy
<1% time below range is recom- long short
mended (Fig. 6.1 and Table 6.2). B

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6.6 On the basis of health care profes- Important comorbidities

sional judgment and the preference of absent few / mild severe

the person with diabetes, achievement Established vascular

of lower A1C levels than the goal of complications
absent few / mild severe
7% (53 mmol/mol) may be acceptable
and even beneficial if it can be achieved

Potentially modifiable
safely without significant hypoglycemia Individual needs and preferences
or other adverse effects of treatment. B highly motivated, excellent preference for less
self-care capabilities burdensome therapy
6.7 Less stringent glycemic goals may
be appropriate for individuals with lim- Resources and support
ited life expectancy or where the harms readily available limited
of treatment are greater than the ben-
efits. B Figure 6.2—Person and disease factors used to determine optimal glycemic targets. Characteristics and
predicaments toward the left justify more stringent efforts to lower A1C; those toward the right suggest
6.8a Deintensify hypoglycemia-causing less stringent efforts. A1C 7% = 53 mmol/mol. Adapted with permission from Inzucchi et al. (36).
medications (insulin, sulfonylureas, or
meglitinides), or switch to a medica-
with an A1C of <7% (<53 mmol/mol). For Glucose Lowering and Microvascular
tion class with lower hypoglycemia Complications
glycemic goals in older adults, please refer
risk, for individuals who are at high
to Section 13, “Older Adults.” For glyce- Hyperglycemia defines diabetes, and
risk for hypoglycemia, within individu- achieving glycemic goals is fundamental to
mic goals in children, please refer to
alized glycemic goals. B
Section 14, “Children and Adolescents.” diabetes management. The level of chronic
6.8b Deintensify diabetes medications hyperglycemia is the best-established con-
For glycemic goals during pregnancy,
for individuals for whom the harms
please refer to Section 15, “Management comitant risk factor associated with microvas-
and/or burdens of treatment may be cular complications (i.e., diabetic retinopathy,
of Diabetes in Pregnancy.”
greater than the benefits, within indi- nephropathy, and neuropathy). This is best
The health care professional needs to
vidualized glycemic goals. B understood by the fact that nerve, retinal,
work with the individual (as well as with
6.9 Reassess glycemic goals based
family members and caregivers) and should and kidney cells do not require insulin for in-
on the individualized criteria shown
consider adjusting goals for simplifying the tracellular glucose entry. Consequently, these
in Fig. 6.2. E
treatment plan if this change is needed to cells, when exposed to elevated ambient glu-
6.10 Setting a glycemic goal during
improve safety and medication-taking be- cose levels even in the presence of insulin
consultations is likely to improve
havior. Setting specific glycemic (and other) deficiency (absolute or relative), will result in
patient outcomes. E
goals during consultations is likely to improve intracellular metabolic dysfunction and in-
outcomes for individuals with diabetes (37). creased risk of microvascular complications.
For all populations, it is critical that the
glycemic goals be woven into the overall Table 6.3—Summary of glycemic recommendations for many nonpregnant
person-centered strategy (Fig. 6.2) (36). adults with diabetes
For example, less stringent A1C goals are A1C <7.0% (<53 mmol/mol)*†
appropriate for individuals with limited
Preprandial capillary plasma glucose 80–130 mg/dL* (4.4–7.2 mmol/L)
life expectancy and/or significant func-
tional and cognitive impairments. In a Peak postprandial capillary plasma glucose‡ <180 mg/dL* (<10.0 mmol/L)
very young child, safety and simplicity *More or less stringent glycemic goals may be appropriate for individuals. †CGM may be
may outweigh the need for glycemic used to assess glycemic status as noted in Recommendation 6.5b and Fig. 6.1. Goals should
stability in the short run. Recommended be individualized based on duration of diabetes, age/life expectancy, comorbid conditions,
glycemic goals for many nonpregnant known CVD or advanced microvascular complications, hypoglycemia unawareness, and indi-
vidual patient considerations (per Fig. 6.2). ‡Postprandial glucose may be targeted if A1C goals
adults are shown in Table 6.3. The
are not met despite reaching preprandial glucose goals. Postprandial glucose measurements should
recommendations include blood glu- be made 1–2 h after the beginning of the meal, generally peak levels in people with diabetes.
cose levels that appear to correlate
S116 Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

The Diabetes Control and Complications making it possible to maintain glycemic sta- these studies are reviewed extensively in
Trial (DCCT) (38), a prospective randomized tus without the risk of hypoglycemia (see the joint ADA position statement “Intensive
controlled trial of intensive (mean A1C Section 9, “Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Control and the Prevention of
7% [53 mmol/mol]) versus standard Glycemic Treatment”). Moreover, CGM use Cardiovascular Events: Implications of the
(mean A1C 9% [75 mmol/mol]) glycemic was not as common when these trials were ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VA Diabetes
control in people with type 1 diabetes, conducted and automated insulin delivery Trials” (53).
showed definitively that better glycemic systems were not available, which have No significant reduction in composite
status is associated with 50–76% reduc- been shown to improve glucose levels with- CVD events was demonstrated at the end
tions in rates of development and pro- out increasing hypoglycemia. of the intervention in any of these studies,
gression of microvascular complications Among individuals with type 2 diabetes, and ACCORD was stopped prematurely at
(retinopathy, neuropathy, and diabetic three landmark trials (Action to Control 3.5 years because of an increase in total
kidney disease). Follow-up of the DCCT Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes [ACCORD], mortality, particularly sudden CVD deaths.
cohorts in the Epidemiology of Diabetes Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Serious concerns with the intensive glyce-

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Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled mic treatment plan used in ACCORD in-
study (39,40) demonstrated persistence Evaluation [ADVANCE], and Veterans Af- cluded the rapid escalation of therapies,
of these microvascular benefits over two fairs Diabetes Trial [VADT]) were conducted the early use of large doses of insulin, mas-
decades even though the glycemic sepa- to test the effects of near normalization of sive weight gain, and frequent hypoglyce-
ration between the treatment groups blood glucose on cardiovascular outcomes. mia. These overall negative results were
diminished and disappeared during The ADVANCE and VADT trials found mod- not unexpected, as blood glucose has sub-
follow-up. est reduction in nephropathy with intensive sequently been shown to be a relatively
The Kumamoto Study (41) and UK Pro- glycemic control; ACCORD was stopped af- weak CVD risk factor in isolation compared
spective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) (42,43) ter a median of 3.5 years due to higher with other CVD risk factors, such as hyper-
examined the effects of “intensive glyce- mortality in the intervention arm (47–51). tension or hypercholesterolemia. Conse-
mic control” among people with short- Importantly, these landmark studies were quently, even if a wide separation in A1C
duration type 2 diabetes, although glyce- conducted prior to the approval of glucagon- could be safely obtained, it would take a
mic lowering in these studies was not like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists and long time for the CVD benefit to accrue.
intensive by current standards (mean A1C sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) However, meta-analysis of individual
was 7.1% vs. 9.4% in the Kumamoto inhibitors, and intensive glycemic control participant data from UKPDS, ACCORD,
Study and 7.0% vs. 7.9% in UKPDS). These was achieved predominantly through greater ADVANCE, and VADT demonstrated a
trials found lower rates of microvascular use of insulin. Findings from these studies, significant reduction in myocardial in-
complications in the intervention arms, including the concerning increase in mor- farctions and major CVD events but no
with long-term follow-up of the UKPDS tality in the intensive treatment arm of difference in stroke, heart failure, or
cohorts showing enduring effects on most ACCORD, suggest caution is needed in mortality between intensive and less in-
microvascular complications (44). These treating diabetes to near-normal A1C tensive glycemic control (54).
studies highlight the long-term benefits of goals in people with long-standing type 2 Longer-term epidemiological follow-up
early glycemic lowering in type 2 diabetes. diabetes using medications with a high has been performed in these studies, and a
Therefore, improved glycemia has been risk for hypoglycemia. clear pattern of CVD benefit has emerged
shown to reduce microvascular complica- (55–57). In the post-DCCT follow-up of
tions of type 1 and type 2 diabetes when Glucose Lowering and the EDIC cohort, participants previ-
instituted early in the course of disease Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes ously randomized to the intensive arm
(2,45). The DCCT (38) and UKPDS (46) Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a more had a significant 57% reduction in the
studies demonstrated a curvilinear rela- common cause of death than microvas- risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction,
tionship between A1C and microvascular cular complications in populations with stroke, or cardiovascular death com-
complications. Such results suggest that, diabetes. The modern multifaceted man- pared with those previously random-
on a population level, the greatest num- agement of diabetes, with a focus on the ized to the standard arm (55). The
ber of complications will be averted by treatment of hypertension and the use benefit of intensive glycemic control in
taking individuals with diabetes from very of statins, has reduced the prevalence of this cohort with type 1 diabetes has
high to moderate glycemic levels. These atherosclerotic CVD to around double been shown to persist for several deca-
analyses also suggest that further lower- compared with that of people without di- des (56) and to be associated with a
ing of A1C from 7% to 6% (53 mmol/mol abetes (52). modest reduction in all-cause mortal-
to 42 mmol/mol) is associated with fur- The DCCT in individuals with type 1 dia- ity (58).
ther reduction in the risk of microvascular betes and the UKPDS, ACCORD, ADVANCE, UKPDS post-trial monitoring, with 20 years
complications, although the absolute risk and VADT studies in type 2 diabetes all at- of total follow-up, has shown reductions
reductions become much smaller. The im- tempted to address whether intensive gly- in myocardial infarctions and total mortal-
plication of these findings is that there is cemic control reduced CVD events (38,47, ity both in the group of overweight indi-
no need to deintensify therapy for an in- 48,50). ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT were viduals treated with metformin and in the
dividual with an A1C between 6% and 7% conducted in relatively older participants group previously treated intensively with
in the setting of low hypoglycemia risk with with a longer duration of diabetes (mean du- sulfonylureas or insulin (44). Shorter over-
a long life expectancy. There are newer ration 8–11 years) and either CVD or multi- all follow-up of the VADT (10 years) has
agents that do not cause hypoglycemia, ple cardiovascular risk factors. Details of shown a significant reduction in the primary Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia S117

outcome of major CVD events, with myocar- more detail in Section 9, “Pharmacologic goals. Less stringent goals (e.g., A1C up to
dial infarctions and heart failure being the Approaches to Glycemic Treatment,” and 8% [64 mmol/mol]) may be recommended
commonest outcomes (57). In contrast, Section 10, “Cardiovascular Disease and if the individual’s life expectancy is such
shorter follow-up of the ADVANCE study Risk Management,” the cardiovascular ben- that the benefits of an intensive goal may
in the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Dis- efits of SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 receptor not be realized or if the risks and burdens
ease Preterax and Diamicron MR Con- agonists are not contingent upon A1C low- outweigh the potential benefits. Severe or
trolled Evaluation Post Trial Observational ering; therefore, initiation can be consid- frequent hypoglycemia is an absolute indi-
Study (ADVANCE-ON) demonstrated no sig- ered in people with type 2 diabetes and cation for the modification of treatment
nificant effect on CVD events (59). Even in CVD independent of the current A1C or plans, including setting higher glycemic
the epidemiological follow-up of ACCORD A1C goal or metformin therapy. Based on goals.
in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk these considerations, the following two Diabetes is a chronic disease that pro-
in Diabetes Follow-On Study (ACCORDION), strategies are offered (63): gresses over decades. Thus, a goal that
the excess increase in total mortality that might be appropriate for an individual

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was seen during 3.5 years of intensive 1. If already on dual therapy or multiple early in the course of their diabetes may
treatment was reduced by returning to glucose-lowering therapies and not on change over time. Newly diagnosed indi-
conventional control, so that there was no an SGLT2 inhibitor or a GLP-1 receptor viduals and/or those without comorbidities
difference in total mortality after a total of agonist, consider switching to one of that limit life expectancy may benefit from
9 years of follow-up and the increase in these agents with proven cardiovascular intensive glycemic goals proven to prevent
CVD deaths was obtunded (60). Collec- benefit. microvascular complications. Both DCCT/
tively, the results of these studies confirm 2. Introduce SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 EDIC and UKPDS suggested that there is
that long-term intensive glycemic control receptor agonists in people with CVD metabolic memory, or a legacy effect, in
reduces CVD events, particularly myocar- at A1C goal (independent of metformin) which a finite period of intensive glucose
dial infarctions. for cardiovascular benefit, independent lowering yielded benefits that extended
As discussed above, these landmark of baseline A1C or individualized A1C for decades after that period ended. How-
studies in individuals with type 2 diabetes goal. ever, there are few recent data on the ef-
need to be considered with the important fects of long-term glucose lowering using
caveat that GLP-1 receptor agonists Setting and Modifying Glycemic modern treatment strategies. Thus, a fi-
and SGLT2 inhibitors were not yet in Goals nite period of intensive treatment to
clinical use. These agents with estab- Glycemic goals and management should near-normal A1C may yield enduring ben-
lished cardiovascular and renal benefits be individualized and not one size fits all. efits even if treatment is subsequently de-
appear to be safe and beneficial in this To prevent both microvascular and mac- intensified as characteristics change. Over
group of individuals at high risk for cardi- rovascular complications of diabetes, time, comorbidities may emerge, decreas-
orenal complications. Randomized clinical there is a major call to overcome thera- ing life expectancy and thereby decreas-
trials examining these agents for cardio- peutic inertia and treat to individualized ing the potential to reap benefits from
vascular safety were not designed to test goals (53,64). intensive treatment. Also, with longer dis-
higher versus lower A1C; therefore, be- Numerous factors must be consid- ease duration, diabetes may become
yond post hoc analysis of these trials, we ered when setting a glycemic goal. The more difficult to control, with increasing
do not have evidence that it is the glucose ADA proposes general goals that are ap- risks and burdens of therapy. Thus, glyce-
lowering per se by these agents that con- propriate for many people but empha- mic goals should be reevaluated over
fers the CVD and renal benefit (61). Addi- sizes the importance of individualization time to balance the risks and benefits.
tional beneficial pleotropic effects of these based on key patient characteristics. Gly- Accordingly, clinicians should continue
agents may include weight loss, hemody- cemic goals must be individualized in the to evaluate the balance of risks and ben-
namic effects, blood pressure lowering, context of shared decision-making to ad- efits of diabetes medications for individu-
and anti-inflammatory changes. dress individual needs and preferences als who have achieved individualized
As discussed further below, severe hy- and consider characteristics that influ- glycemic goals, and they should deinten-
poglycemia is a potent marker of high ab- ence risks and benefits of therapy; this sify (decrease the dose or stop) diabetes
solute risk of cardiovascular events and approach may optimize engagement and medications where their risks exceed
mortality (62). Therefore, health care pro- self-efficacy. their benefits. Hypoglycemia is the major
fessionals should be vigilant in preventing The factors to consider in individualiz- risk to individuals treated with insulin,
hypoglycemia and should not aggressively ing goals are depicted in Fig. 6.2. This sulfonylureas, or meglitinides, and it is
attempt to achieve near-normal A1C levels figure is not designed to be applied rig- appropriate to deintensify these medica-
in people in whom such targets cannot idly in the care of a given individual but tions where there is a high risk for hypo-
be safely and reasonably achieved. As to be used as a broad framework to guide glycemia (see HYPOGLYCEMIA RISK ASSESSMENT,
discussed in Section 9, “Pharmacologic clinical decision-making (36) and engage below). Switching a high-hypoglycemia-risk
Approaches to Glycemic Treatment,” addi- people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in medication to lower-hypoglycemia-risk
tion of specific SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 shared decision-making. More aggressive therapy (see Section 9, “Pharmacologic
receptor agonists that have demonstrated goals may be recommended if they can Approaches to Glycemic Treatment”)
CVD benefit is recommended in individu- be achieved safely and with an acceptable should be considered if needed to achieve
als with established CVD, chronic kidney burden of therapy and if life expectancy is individualized glycemic goals or where in-
disease, and heart failure. As outlined in sufficient to reap the benefits of stringent dividuals have evidence-based indications
S118 Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

for alternative medications (e.g., use of Glucagon preparations that do not a measured glucose level <70 mg/dL
SGLT2 inhibitors in the setting of heart have to be reconstituted are pre- (<3.9 mmol/L) is considered clinically im-
failure or diabetic kidney disease and use ferred. E portant, regardless of symptoms. Level 2
of GLP-1 receptor agonists in the setting 6.14 All individuals taking insulin A hypoglycemia (defined as a blood glucose
of CVD or obesity). Clinicians should also or at risk for hypoglycemia C should concentration <54 mg/dL [<3.0 mmol/L])
consider medication burdens other than receive structured education for hy- is the threshold at which neuroglycopenic
hypoglycemia, including tolerability, difficul- poglycemia prevention and treat- symptoms begin to occur and requires im-
ties of administration, impact on education ment, with ongoing education for mediate action to resolve the hypoglyce-
or employment, and financial cost. These those who experience hypoglycemic mic event. If an individual has level 2
factors should be balanced against bene- events. hypoglycemia without adrenergic or neu-
fits from glycemic lowering and disease- 6.15 One or more episodes of level 2 roglycopenic symptoms, they likely have
specific benefits of newer medications impaired hypoglycemia awareness (dis-
or 3 hypoglycemia should prompt
that may be independent of glycemic cussed further in HYPOGLYCENMIA RISK ASSESSMENT,

Downloaded from by guest on 04 January 2024

reevaluation of the treatment plan, in-
lowering (Section 9, “Pharmacologic below). This clinical scenario warrants inves-
cluding deintensifying or switching dia-
Approaches to Glycemic Treatment”). tigation and review of the treatment plan
betes medications if appropriate. E
Multiple trials have shown that deinten- (72,73). Lastly, level 3 hypoglycemia is de-
6.16 Refer individuals with impaired
sification of diabetes treatment can be fined as a severe event characterized by al-
hypoglycemia awareness to a trained
achieved successfully and safely (65–68). tered mental and/or physical functioning
health care professional to receive
It is important to partner with people that requires assistance from another per-
evidence-based intervention to help
with diabetes during the deintensification son for recovery, irrespective of glucose
reestablish awareness of symptoms
process to understand their goals of diabe- level.
of hypoglycemia. A
tes treatment and agree upon appropri- Hypoglycemia has a broad range of
6.17 Ongoing assessment of cognitive
ate glycemic monitoring, glucose levels, negative health consequences (74). Level 3
function is suggested with increased vig-
and goals of care (69). hypoglycemia may be recognized or un-
ilance for hypoglycemia by the clinician,
recognized and can progress to loss of
patient, and caregivers if impaired or
HYPOGLYCEMIA ASSESSMENT, consciousness, seizure, coma, or death.
declining cognition is found. B
PREVENTION, AND TREATMENT Level 3 hypoglycemia was associated with
Hypoglycemia Definitions and Event mortality in both the standard and the in-
Rates tensive glycemia arms of the ACCORD trial,
6.11a History of hypoglycemia should
Hypoglycemia is often the major limiting but the relationships between hypoglyce-
be reviewed at every clinical encoun- mia, achieved A1C, and treatment inten-
factor in the glycemic management of
ter for all individuals at risk for hypo- sity were not straightforward (75). An
type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Recommen-
glycemia and evaluated as indicated. C association of level 3 hypoglycemia with
dations regarding the classification of
6.11b Clinicians should screen all in- mortality was also found in the ADVANCE
hypoglycemia are outlined in Table 6.4
dividuals at risk for hypoglycemia trial and in clinical practice (76,77). Hypo-
(70). Level 1 hypoglycemia is defined as
for impaired hypoglycemia aware- glycemia can cause acute harm to the per-
a measurable glucose concentration
ness. E <70 mg/dL (<3.9 mmol/L) but $54 mg/dL son with diabetes or others, especially if it
6.11c Clinicians should consider an ($3.0 mmol/L). A blood glucose con- causes falls, motor vehicle accidents, or
individual’s risk for hypoglycemia centration of 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) other injury (78). Hypoglycemia may also
(see Table 6.5) when selecting diabe- has been recognized as a threshold for cause substantial anxiety that can reduce
tes medications and glycemic goals. E neuroendocrine responses to falling glu- the quality of life of individuals with dia-
6.11d Use of CGM is beneficial and cose in people without diabetes. Symp- betes and their caregivers and may con-
recommended for individuals at high toms of hypoglycemia include, but are tribute to problems with diabetes self-
risk for hypoglycemia. A not limited to, shakiness, irritability, con- management and treatment (79–81).
6.12 Glucose is the preferred treat- fusion, tachycardia, sweating, and hunger Recurrent level 2 hypoglycemia and/or
ment for the conscious individual with (71). Because many people with diabetes level 3 hypoglycemia is an urgent medi-
glucose <70 mg/dL (<3.9 mmol/L), demonstrate impaired counterregulatory cal issue and requires intervention with
although any form of carbohydrate responses to hypoglycemia and/or expe- medical treatment plan adjustment, be-
that contains glucose may be used. rience impaired hypoglycemia awareness, havioral intervention, delivery of diabetes
Fifteen minutes after initial treat-
ment, repeat the treatment if hy-
Table 6.4—Classification of hypoglycemia
poglycemia persists. B
6.13 Glucagon should be prescribed Glycemic criteria/description
for all individuals taking insulin or at Level 1 Glucose <70 mg/dL (<3.9 mmol/L) and $54 mg/dL ($3.0 mmol/L)
high risk for hypoglycemia. Family, care- Level 2 Glucose <54 mg/dL (<3.0 mmol/L)
givers, school personnel, and others
Level 3 A severe event characterized by altered mental and/or physical status requiring
providing support to these individuals assistance for treatment of hypoglycemia, irrespective of glucose level
should know its location and be edu-
cated on how to administer it. Reprinted from Agiostratidou et al. (70). Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia S119

(Table 6.5). This risk stratification is based

Table 6.5—Assessment of hypoglycemia risk among individuals treated with
insulin, sulfonylureas, or meglitinides on epidemiologic studies of hypoglycemia
risk (87,88,92,94–97). Validated tools have
Clinical/biological risk factors Social, cultural, and economic risk factors
been developed to estimate hypoglyce-
Major risk factors Major risk factors mia risk using predominantly electronic
 Recent (within the past 3–6 months) level 2  Food insecurity
health record data (98–100). However,
or 3 hypoglycemia  Low-income status§
 Intensive insulin therapy*  Homelessness these tools do not include all of the im-
 Impaired hypoglycemia awareness  Fasting for religious or cultural reasons portant hypoglycemia risk factors, and
 End-stage kidney disease more research is needed to determine
 Cognitive impairment or dementia how they can best be incorporated into
Other risk factors Other risk factors clinical care.
 Multiple recent episodes of level 1  Low health literacy Among individuals at risk for hypoglyce-
hypoglycemia  Alcohol or substance use disorder mia, prior hypoglycemic events, especially

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 Basal insulin therapy* level 2 or 3 events, are the strongest risk
 Age $75 years†
factors for hypoglycemia recurrence and
 Female sex
 High glycemic variability‡ severity (96,101–103). Hypoglycemia his-
 Polypharmacy tory should be assessed at every clinical
 Cardiovascular disease encounter and should include hypoglyce-
 Chronic kidney disease (eGFR <60 mL/min/ mic event frequency, severity, precipi-
1.73 m2 or albuminuria) tants, symptoms (or lack thereof), and
 Neuropathy approach to treatment. It is essential to
correlate home glucose readings, both
 Major depressive disorder
from glucose meters and CGM systems,
Major risk factors are those that have a consistent, independent association with a high with symptoms and treatment, as individ-
risk for level 2 or 3 hypoglycemia. Other risk factors are those with less consistent evidence uals may experience and treat hypoglyce-
or a weaker association. These risk factors are identified through observational analyses
mic symptoms without checking their
and are intended to be used for hypoglycemia risk stratification. Individuals considered at
high risk for hypoglycemia are those with $1 major risk factor or who have multiple other
glucose level (104), treat normal glucose
risk factors (determined by the health care professional incorporating clinical judgment) values as hypoglycemic, or tolerate hypo-
(87,88,92,94–97,113,146). Proximal causes of hypoglycemic events (e.g., exercise and sleep) glycemia without treatment either be-
are not included. eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate. *Rates of hypoglycemia are cause of lack of symptoms or to avoid
highest for individuals treated with intensive insulin therapy (including multiple daily injections hyperglycemia.
of insulin, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, or automated insulin delivery systems), fol- Individuals at risk for hypoglycemia
lowed by basal insulin, followed by sulfonylureas or meglitinides. Combining treatment with insu-
should also be screened for impaired hy-
lin and sulfonylureas also increases hypoglycemia risk. †Accounting for treatment plan and
diabetes subtype, the oldest individuals (aged $75 years) have the highest risk for hypogly- poglycemia awareness (also called hypo-
cemia in type 2 diabetes; younger individuals with type 1 diabetes are also at very high glycemia unawareness or hypoglycemia-
risk. ‡Tight glycemic control in randomized trials increases hypoglycemia rates. In observa- associated autonomic failure) at least
tional studies, both low and high A1C are associated with hypoglycemia in a J-shaped rela- yearly. Impaired hypoglycemia awareness
tionship. §Includes factors associated with low income, such as being underinsured or living is defined as not experiencing the typical
in a socioeconomically deprived area. counterregulatory hormone release at
low glucose levels or the associated symp-
toms, which often occurs in individuals
self-management education and support, Hypoglycemia Risk Assessment
with long-standing diabetes or recurrent
and use of technology to assist with hypo- Assessment of an individual’s risk for hypo- hypoglycemia (105). Individuals with impaired
glycemia prevention and identification glycemia includes evaluating clinical risk hypoglycemia awareness may experience
(73,82–85). factors as well as relevant social, cultural, confusion as the first sign of hypoglycemia,
Studies of rates of hypoglycemia pre- and economic factors (Table 6.5). Recom- which can create fear of hypoglycemia and
dominantly rely on claims data for hospi- mendations 6.11–6.17 group individuals severely impact quality of life (106). Impaired
talizations and emergency department with diabetes into two hypoglycemia risk hypoglycemia awareness dramatically in-
visits (86–89). These studies do not cap- categories with clinical significance. Indi- creases the risk for level 3 hypoglycemia
ture the level 1 and level 2 hypoglycemia viduals at risk for hypoglycemia are those (107). The Clark and Gold scores are vali-
that represent the vast majority of hypo- treated with insulin, sulfonylureas, or me- dated questionnaires to assess impaired hy-
glycemic events, and they also substan- glitinides; clinically significant hypoglyce- poglycemia awareness (108,109). However,
tially underestimate level 3 hypoglycemia mia is rare among individuals taking other these questionnaires may be impractical for
(86,90). Nevertheless, they reveal a sub- diabetes medication classes (92,93). Indi- routine clinical use. A recommended strat-
stantial burden of hypoglycemia-related viduals at high risk for hypoglycemia are egy is to screen for impaired hypoglycemia
hospital utilization in the community (86–89). the subset of individuals at risk for hypogly- awareness by asking individuals whether
Level 1 and level 2 hypoglycemia can be as- cemia who either have a major hypoglyce- they ever have low blood glucose without
certained from patient self-report (91) and mia risk factor or have multiple other risk feeling symptoms, or by asking at what
are strong risk factors for subsequent level 3 factors (determined by the health care pro- blood glucose levels they typically begin to
hypoglycemia. fessional incorporating clinical judgment) feel symptoms (and what those symptoms
S120 Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

are), and follow up positive responses with activity management, medication adjust- be a health care professional to safely ad-
a more detailed evaluation (105,110). ment, glucose monitoring, and routine clinical minister glucagon. Those in close contact
Other notable clinical and biological risk surveillance may improve outcomes (105). with, or having custodial care of, these in-
factors for hypoglycemia are older age, mul- CGM with automated low-glucose suspend dividuals (family members, roommates,
timorbidity, cognitive impairment, chronic and automated insulin delivery systems have school personnel, childcare professionals,
kidney disease and end-stage kidney dis- been shown to be effective in reducing hypo- correctional institution staff, or coworkers)
ease in particular, CVD, depression, and glycemia in type 1 diabetes (117). For people should be instructed on the use of gluca-
neuropathy (92,93). Female sex has also with type 1 diabetes with level 3 hypoglyce- gon, including where the glucagon product
been found to be an independent risk fac- mia and hypoglycemia unawareness that per- is kept and when and how to administer it.
tor for hypoglycemia in multiple studies, al- sists despite medical treatment, human islet It is essential that they be explicitly edu-
though the mechanisms of this relationship transplantation may be an option, but the ap- cated to never administer insulin to individ-
are unclear and require further research proach remains experimental (118,119). uals experiencing hypoglycemia. Glucagon
(92). Cognitive impairment has a strong bi-

Downloaded from by guest on 04 January 2024

was traditionally dispensed as a powder that
directional association with hypoglycemia, Hypoglycemia Treatment requires reconstitution prior to injection.
and recurrent severe hypoglycemic epi- Health care professionals should counsel However, intranasal and ready-to-inject glu-
sodes were associated with a greater de- individuals with diabetes to treat hypogly- cagon preparations are now widely available
cline in psychomotor and mental efficiency cemia with fast-acting carbohydrates at and are preferred due to their ease of admin-
after long-term follow-up of the DCCT/EDIC the hypoglycemia alert value of 70 mg/dL istration resulting in more rapid correction of
cohort (111). Therefore, cognitive function (3.9 mmol/L) or less (120–122). Individu- hypoglycemia (127–130). Although physical
should be routinely assessed among older als should be counseled to recheck their and chemical stability of glucagon is im-
adults with diabetes. glucose 15 min after ingesting carbohy- proved with newer formulations, care should
There are a number of important social, drates and to repeat carbohydrate ingestion be taken to replace glucagon products when
cultural, and economic hypoglycemia risk and seek care for ongoing hypoglycemia. they reach their expiration date and store
factors that should considered. Food inse- These instructions should be reviewed at glucagon based on specific product instruc-
curity is associated with increased risk of
each clinical visit. tions to ensure safe and effective use. For
hypoglycemia-related emergency depart-
For most individuals, 15 g carbohydrates currently available glucagon products and
ment visits and hospitalizations in low-
should be ingested. Individuals using auto- associated costs, see Table 6.6. Health insur-
income households, and this was shown
mated insulin delivery systems are recom- ance providers may prefer only select gluca-
to be mitigated by increased federal nutri-
mended to ingest 5–10 g carbohydrates gon products, so it is important to check
tion program benefits (112). In general, in-
(except for hypoglycemia with exercise or individuals’ insurance coverage and prescribe
dividuals with low annual household
with significant overestimation of carbohy- formulary products whenever possible.
incomes (93), individuals who live in so-
drate/meal bolus) (123). The acute glyce-
cioeconomically deprived areas (96), and
mic response to food correlates better Hypoglycemia Prevention
individuals who are underinsured (97) or
with the glucose content than with the to- A multicomponent hypoglycemia preven-
homeless (113) experience higher rates of
tal carbohydrate content. Pure glucose is tion plan (Table 6.7) is critical to caring
emergency department visits and hospital-
izations for hypoglycemia. Clinicians should the preferred treatment, but any form of for individuals at risk for hypoglycemia.
also be aware of cultural practices that carbohydrate that contains glucose will Hypoglycemia prevention begins by es-
may influence glycemic management raise blood glucose. Added fat may slow tablishing an individual’s hypoglycemia
(which are discussed in detail in Section 5, and then prolong the acute glycemic re- history and risk factors, as discussed in
“Facilitating Positive Health Behaviors”), sponse. Carbohydrate sources high in pro- HYPOGLYCEMIA RISK ASSESSMENT above. Structured

such as fasting as part of religious obser- tein may increase insulin secretion and patient education for hypoglycemia pre-
vance. Fasting may increase the risk for hy- should not be used to treat hypoglycemia vention and treatment is critical and has
poglycemia among individuals treated (124). Ongoing insulin activity or insulin been shown to improve hypoglycemia
with insulin or insulin secretagogues if not secretagogues may lead to recurrent hypo- outcomes (131,132). Education should
properly planned for, so clinicians need to glycemia unless more food is ingested after ideally be provided through a diabetes
engage these individuals to codevelop a di- recovery. self-management education and support
abetes treatment plan that is safe and re- program or by a trained diabetes educa-
spectful of their traditions (114). Glucagon tor, although these services are not avail-
Young children with type 1 diabetes and The use of glucagon is indicated for the able in many areas (133,134). If structured
the elderly, including those with type 1 and treatment of hypoglycemia in people un- education is not available, clinicians should
type 2 diabetes (115,116), are noted as be- able or unwilling to consume carbohy- educate individuals at risk for hypoglyce-
ing particularly vulnerable to hypoglycemia drates by mouth. All individuals treated mia on hypoglycemia definitions, situa-
because of their reduced ability to recognize with insulin or who are at high risk of hypo- tions that may precipitate hypoglycemia
hypoglycemic symptoms and effectively glycemia as discussed above should be pre- (fasting, delayed meals, physical activity,
communicate their needs. Individualized scribed glucagon. For these individuals, and illness), blood glucose self-monitoring,
glycemic goals, patient education, nutrition clinicians should routinely review their ac- avoidance of driving with hypoglycemia, step-
intervention (e.g., bedtime snack to prevent cess to glucagon, as appropriate glucagon by-step instructions on hypoglycemia treat-
overnight hypoglycemia when specifically prescribing is very low in current practice ment as discussed above, and glucagon use
needed to treat low blood glucose), physical (125,126). An individual does not need to as appropriate (131). Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia S121

Individuals with impaired awareness of

Table 6.6—Median monthly (30-day) AWP and NADAC of glucagon formulations
in the U.S. hypoglycemia benefit from, and should
be referred to, training programs that can
Median AWP* Median NADAC*
Product Form(s) (min, max) (min, max) Dosage(s) reestablish awareness of hypoglycemia.
Glucagon Injection powder $266 ($194, $369) $249 ($225, $273) 1 mg
Fear of hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia
with diluent for unawareness often cooccur, so interven-
reconstitution tions aimed at treating one often benefit
Glucagon Nasal powder $337 $270 3 mg both (137). Formal, evidence-based train-
ing programs that have been developed
Glucagon Prefilled pen, $368 $285 0.5 mg, 1 mg
prefilled syringe include the Blood Glucose Awareness Train-
ing Program, Dose Adjusted for Normal Eat-
Dasiglucagon Prefilled pen, $371 NA 0.6 mg
ing (DAFNE), and DAFNEplus (138–140).
prefilled syringe

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Where these programs are not available,
AWP, average wholesale price; max, maximum; min, minimum; NA, data not available; NADAC, training can be provided through qualified
National Average Drug Acquisition Cost. AWP and NADAC prices are as of August 2023. behavioral health professionals, diabetes
*Calculated per unit (AWP [147] or NADAC [148]; median AWP or NADAC is listed alone
when only one product and/or price is described).
educators, or other professionals with expe-
rience in this area, although this approach
has not been evaluated in clinical trials. In
CGM can be a valuable tool for detect- (135,136). For more information on using addition, several weeks of avoidance of hy-
ing and preventing hypoglycemia in many BGM and CGM for hypoglycemia preven- poglycemia can improve counterregulation
individuals with diabetes, and it is recom- tion, see Section 7, “Diabetes Technology.” and hypoglycemia awareness in many peo-
mended for insulin-treated individuals, es- An essential component of hypoglycemia ple with diabetes (141). Hence, individuals
pecially those using multiple daily insulin prevention is appropriate modification with one or more episodes of clinically sig-
injections or continuous subcutaneous in- to diabetes treatment in the setting of nificant hypoglycemia may benefit from at
sulin infusion. There is clinical trial evidence intercurrent illness (discussed in detail least short-term relaxation of glycemic goals
that CGM reduces rates of hypoglycemia in below) or to prevent recurrent hypogly- (142).
these populations. CGM can reveal asymp- cemic events. Level 2 or 3 hypoglycemic
tomatic hypoglycemia and help identify events especially should trigger a reeval- INTERCURRENT ILLNESS
patterns and precipitants of hypoglycemic uation of the individual’s diabetes treatment Stressful events (e.g., illness, trauma, and
events (135,136). Real-time CGM can pro- plan, with consideration of deintensification surgery) increase the risk for both hypergly-
vide alarms that can warn individuals of of therapy within individualized glycemic cemia and hypoglycemia among individuals
falling glucose so that they can intervene goals.
with diabetes. In severe cases, they may
precipitate diabetic ketoacidosis or a non-
ketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state,
Table 6.7—Components of hypoglycemia prevention for individuals at risk for life-threatening conditions that require im-
hypoglycemia at initial, follow-up, and annual visits
mediate medical care. Any individuals with
Initial Every Annual diabetes experiencing illness or other stress-
Hypoglycemia prevention action visit follow-up visit visit
ful events should be assessed for the need
Hypoglycemia history assessment   
for more frequent monitoring of glucose; ke-
Hypoglycemia awareness assessment   tosis-prone individuals also require urine or
Cognitive function and other hypoglycemia risk factor   blood ketone monitoring. Clinicians should
assessment reevaluate diabetes treatment during these
Structured patient education for hypoglycemia  * * events and make adjustments as appropri-
prevention and treatment ate. Clinicians should be aware of medi-
Consideration of continuous glucose monitoring needs    cation interactions that may precipitate
hypoglycemia. Notably, sulfonylureas in-
Reevaluation of diabetes treatment plan with  † †
teract with a number of commonly used
deintensification, simplification, or agent
modification as appropriate antimicrobials (fluoroquinolones, clarithro-
mycin, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim,
Glucagon prescription and training for close contacts  
for insulin-treated individuals or those at high
metronidazole, and fluconazole) that can
hypoglycemic risk dramatically increase their effective dose,
leading to hypoglycemia (143–145). Clini-
Training to reestablish awareness of hypoglycemia ‡ ‡
cians should consider temporarily decreas-
The listed frequencies are the recommended minimum; actions for hypoglycemia prevention ing or stopping sulfonylureas when these
should be done more often as needed based on clinical judgment. *Indicated with recurrent antimicrobials are prescribed.
hypoglycemic events or at initiation of medication with a high risk for hypoglycemia.
For further information on management
†Indicated with any level 2 or 3 hypoglycemia, intercurrent illness, or initiating interacting
medications. ‡Indicated when impaired hypoglycemia awareness is detected. hyperglycemia in the hospital, see Section
16, “Diabetes Care in the Hospital.”
S122 Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

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