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2021/3/2 Ville de Montréal - Habiter Montréal - Do you have a problem?

Montréal is at the maximum alert level. Curfew in e ect from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. Stay informed
Ville de Montréal Housing Sanitation, maintenance and safety Do you have a problem?

Do you have a problem?
Financial Assistance
If you believe the By-law concerning the sanitation, maintenance and safety See also
Sanitation, maintenance and Financial Assistance Program
safety of dwelling units is being violated in your building, try to reach an informal
Régie du logement
Do you have a problem?
agreement with the delinquent owner or tenant; this can be done verbally. If this
Régie du bâtiment du Québec
2014-2017 Action Plan is not sufficient, notify the person of the problem through registered mail and ask
Service points that the problem be fixed within a reasonable timeframe. Make sure you keep a By-Laws
Additional resources copy of the letter along with the post office receipt; your borough office may By-law concerning the
sanitation, maintenance and
Notice of deterioration require them. safety of dwelling units (03-
Maintenance tips 096) (in French)
[130 KB - 35 pages]
Finding a home
Do you want to file a complaint?
Ongoing strategies Publications
Let's Fight Bedbugs
Statistics and housing studies If the problem remains unsolved despite efforts to reach an agreement, contact
[123 KB - 2 pages]
your borough office, which has the power to enforce the by-law and intervene to Bedbugs – Identifying and
Follow us on: (in French) fix the problem. The city (and the borough) may: controlling bedbugs
[ 903 KB - 12 pages ]
enter a building or dwelling unit and inspect it A healthy home
require an expert’s report [744 KB - 7 pages]

Partners require corrective measures

Site map impose fines
correct a situation of non-compliance
Contact evacuate and close a dwelling unfit to be occupied
To find the phone number of the service point concerned with sanitation and
maintenance of dwellings for your borough, visit the points of service page. This
will not limit your right to resort to the Régie du logement if need be.

What are the penalties?

Any person who violates the by-law is liable to a fine of up to $2,000 for a first
offence and $10,000 for a subsequent offence. Corporations are liable to a fine of
up to $4,000 for a first offence up to $20,000 for a subsequent offence.

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2021/3/2 Ville de Montréal - Habiter Montréal - Do you have a problem?

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