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2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804

p-ISSN: 2621-7295



Rika Afriyanti1, Dela Puspita2

English Study Program of Social and Humanities Faculty
Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat
Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Kecamatan Padang Utara, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat
25111. Indonesia Telp. (0751) 7053731.

Abstract: This research is written to describe the application of Genre

Based Approach (GBA) in teaching English as the implementation
Merdeka Curriculum at Senior High School. The objective of this research
is to describe the ways of the teacher in implementing GBA in writing
module for Senior High School grade X phase E. There are four cycles of
GBA; BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT. These cycles became the focus of
the implementation of GBA. Then, this research belongs to qualitative
approach with content analysis as the method. Also, the researcher used
document of teacher’s module of grade X Phase E Senior High School as
the source of data and then, the researcher also chose document analysis
as the instrument to analyze the data. To analyze the data, the researcher
used four steps; organizing and preparing the data, reading the data,
coding the data and interpreting the data. After doing data analysis, the
researcher found that the teacher only implemented three cycles, namely,
BKOF, MOT, and ICOT. The teacher did not generate the ideas about
JCOT cycle. In addition, the teacher still needs to improve knowledge, skill
and competence in understanding GBA because the teacher did not
implement the cycles in detail.

Keywords: Genre Based Approach (GBA), Module.

INTRODUCTION Assessment (PISA) shows that 70% of

Since 2022, the government Indonesians students under 15 years
through the Ministry of Education and old had low competency in
Culture releases a new policy about understanding simple reading and
the adjustment of a new curriculum applying simple math or this
which is stated in Ministerial decree of commonly known as the concept of
Education and Culture number literacy. In addition, the covid 19
56/M/2022. The reasons of outbreak makes this condition worse.
curriculum change are; first, the result Because of these reasons, the
of Program for International Student government implements a new

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

curriculum to overcome the learning opportunity for the teachers for

loss for Indonesians students. The digging students’ competence. Then,
benefits of the The Merdeka co-curricular refers to develop
Curriculum are; focusing on essential pancasila profile or students’
materials, having much time for character. This is almost similar with
developing students’ competency and affective competence in Curriculum
attitude, having flexible learning 2013. After that, in The Merdeka
outcomes and developing cooperative Curriculum also develop
learning. Through this decree, it is extracurricular learning activities
hoped that the students develops their which emphasizes on developing
competency better than before. students interest and it is based on the
Actually, The Merdeka availability of the human resource at
curriculum is an improvement over the the schools. Dealing with all activities
2013 curriculum which came before it. in The Merdeka Curriculum, it is
This curriculum provides an clearly stated that this curriculum is
independent in thinking and learning. almost similar with The Curriculum
In addition, The Merdeka Curriculum 2013 which emphasizes on three
has three learning activities; intra- domains; cognitive, affective and
curricular, co-curricullar, and psychomotor. However, The Merdeka
extracurricular. Intra-curricullar is the Curriculum focused on learning
teaching activities which focused on differentiation and the freedom for the
developing students’ competence by teachers in designing and developing
providing learning differentiation for materials. Moreover, The Merdeka
each students, hence the teachers are Curriculum has some elements; they
free to develop the materials based on are; learning outcomes, flow of
the students’ needs. It is also learning objectives and module
supported by (Primayana, 2022) who (Faishal, 2022). Actually, these
explains that The Merdeka curriculum elements are almost similar with The
provides flexibility for the teacher in Curriculum 2013. It can be said that
choosing teaching tools that suit the in Merdeka curriculum there are new
learning needs of student and also with competency terms that are different
student interest. This condition gives from the previous curriculum. In the

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

2013 curriculum there are some terms; Text (MOT), Joint Construction of the
core competencies, basic Text (JCOT) and also Independent
competencies, syllabus, and lesson Construction of the Text (ICOT). All
plan. However, in the Merdeka four of these genre based approach
curriculum core competencies and stages are carried out in the discussion
basic competencies were removed and of the same topic.
replaced with learning outcomes, the Furthermore, Ministry of
syllabus was replaced with the education through Curriculum
learning objectives flow and also the Standard and Assessment Board has
lesson plan replaced with teaching decided to use Genre Based Approach
modules. Besides, the method that is as the method for teaching English at
used in The Merdeka Curriculum also schools. It is stated in the decree
changes from Scientific Approach into number 033/H/KR/2022 and in
Genre Based Approach. Scientific learning outcomes of English subject
approach is a kind of approach which in Merdeka Curriculum. This method
emphasizes on the process of is used in teacher’s module or
transferring of knowledge to the commonly known as lesson plan.
students through scientific process teaching module is a document that
(Afriyanti, 2018). This concept consists of the objectives, steps and
proposes that in getting information or assessment needed required in a unit
knowledge in teaching and learning of chapter or topic based on learning
process, the students must do some objectives flow which are derived
experiments. However, this approach from the learning outcomes (Yuhaga,
is quite different with Genre Based 2023). It demonstrates that in Merdeka
Approach or GBA. (Emilia, 2011) curriculum teaching modules is same
Genre Based Approach is not an as the lesson plan in previous
approach that prioritize product but an curriculum which is also used to
integral part of the learning and design lesson plan in classroom.
teaching process. Emilia also explains However, the teaching module has
that Genre Based Approach have four components and several points that are
stages consist of Building Knowledge more complete. As stated by
of the Field (BKOF), Modeling of the (Maulinda, 2022) the components of

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

teaching modules in generally as information and training about

follows: first is general information Merdeka Curriculum. In addition, the
component, in this component there researcher’s preliminary research, it is
are several points namely, identity of found that the commonly phenomena
the module author, initial competence, that researcher found in the teacher’s
pancasila student profile, module is the ways of the teacher in
infrastructures, target students, and implementing GBA in teaching
learning models. Then, core activities. The teacher used GBA as
component, in this component there the approach or method in writing the
are learning objectives, assessment, module. However, the stages or cycles
meaningful understanding, triggering of the activities are different from the
questions, learning activities, and also theories and sometimes, the teacher
students and teachers reflection. The also skips some cycles. Dealing with
last is appendix, in this last component these facts, it is found that designing a
there are students worksheet, module based on Merdeka Curriculum
enrichment and remedial, students and is not an easy task. Moreover, the
teacher reading materials, glossary, module must use Genre Based
library list and the glossary. Approach in writing the teaching
Meanwhile, the implementation of steps. In addition, much research only
GBA is in core component exactly in focuses on teacher’s problem in
learning activities. It becomes the designing module through
heart of the modules because it implementation Merdeka Curriculum.
consists of the ways of the teacher in There is still little research that
delivering the material. investigates about writing module by
The explanation above shows implementing Genre Based Approach
that GBA should be implemented in in Merdeka Curriculum issue.
writing module in Merdeka Merdeka Curriculum has own
Curriculum by the teacher. However, characteristics, such as the use of
there are several teachers who have Pancasila profile in developing
difficulty in compiling and developing teaching activities. This point should
teaching modules (Maulinda, 2022). be considered by the teacher in
Maybe, it is caused by lack of designing module. Because of these

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

reasons, the researcher wants to systemic functional linguistics. Then,

investigate the implementation of (Emilia, 2011) also explains that
GBA in teacher’s module and also Genre Based Approach is not an
describe the ways of the teacher in approach that prioritize product but an
implementing GBA in Merdeka integral part of the learning and
Curriculum issue. teaching process. Indeed, (Swales,
1990) in his book genre analysis
identifies some features of GBA; a)
genre has a particular communication
1. Genre Based Approach (GBA)
event, b) genre has a specific goal
First, started from (Stokes,
(goal oriented), c) genre is different
2006; Himawan 2007) in (Dirgeyasa,
and various in accordance to its typical
2016) proposes that GBA is derived
features, d) each genre has a matter of
from the term of genre which has the
limitation and rules including content,
meaning as “type” and (Dirgeyasa,
physical form and shapes, and e) every
2016) through his journal emphasizes
genre belongs to a certain discourse
that GBA as a kind of text either oral
community. Undoubtedly, GBA is an
or written in which there is
approach which emphasizes on using
relationship between language and its
various kinds of texts in English
social function. This theory shows that
language teaching and each of the text
genre refers to some kinds of the texts
has own features, such as; purpose or
and the characteristics of language
social function, linguistics features and
used in the text are determined by the
structure which cover the context of
social function of text. After that, (Lin,
the a genre.
2006) also proposes that Genre Based
Furthermore, Ministry of
Approach is one of approaches that
education through Curriculum
developed for delivering a type text or
Standard and Assessment Board has
genre based on its social purpose. In
decided to use Genre Based Approach
addition, (Rodgers, 2001) identifies
as the method for teaching English at
that Genre Based Approach is a new
schools. It is stated in the decree
trend in language teaching which
number 033/H/KR/2022 and in
involves discourse and genre analysis,
learning outcomes of English subject
schema theory, pragmatics and

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

in Merdeka Curriculum. This method there are students worksheet,

is used in teacher’s module or enrichment and remedial, students and
commonly known as lesson plan. teacher reading materials, glossary,
teaching module is a document that library list and the glossary.
consists of the objectives, steps and Meanwhile, the implementation of
assessment needed required in a unit GBA is in core component exactly in
of chapter or topic based on learning learning activities. It becomes the
objectives flow which are derived heart of the modules because it
from the learning outcomes (Yuhaga, consists of the ways of the teacher in
2023). It demonstrates that Merdeka delivering the material.
curriculum teaching modules is same 2. The Cycles of Genre Based
as the lesson plan in previous Approach
curriculum which is also used to The term of stages in GBA is
design lesson plan in classroom. commonly known as cycles. (Emilia,
However, the teaching module has 2011), (Angraini & Rozimela, 2020),
components and several points that are (Cholifah et al., 2022) have similar
more complete. As stated by ideas about cycle of Genre Based
(Maulinda, 2022) the components of Approach (GBA). There are four
teaching modules in generally as cycles of GBA namely Building
follows: first is general information Knowledge of the Field (BKOF),
component, in this component there Modeling of the Text (MOT), Joint
are several points namely, identity of Construction of the Text (JCOT) and
the module author, initial competence, Independent Construction of the Text
pancasila student profile, (ICOT). The following is the detailed
infrastructures, target students, and explanations of each stage.
learning models. Then, core The first stage is Building
component, in this component there Knowledge of the Field (BKOF). This
are learning objectives, assessment, stage aims to build student knowledge
meaningful understanding, triggering and background understanding about
questions, learning activities, and also the topic they are writing about. The
students and teachers reflection. The example of building knowledge of the
last is appendix, in this last component field stage is as follows: 1) Students

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

are given various texts related to the is the focus of the teaching cycle. 4)
topic they will write about. 2) Students Students are asked to read and answer
are asked to read the text first, and questions about the text for reading
then given questions about the text. 3) comprehension. 5) The teacher and
Students are asked to identify words students identify the organizational
that they do not understand in the text structure and linguistic features of the
and ask students to guess the words in text. 6) Furthermore, students were
the text. 4) Students can learn other given different texts and asked to
language skills such as listening, but determine the structure and linguistic
related to the topic being studied. 5) features but without instructions to
Then if the teacher has access to a label the structure and features. 7)
native speaker, the teacher can invite Students are also given texts in the
the native speaker and students can form of diaries and post cards, and
listen to the native speaker. Speaking then given examples of texts that
exercises may also be incorporated at contain grammar errors and students
this point. 6) The teacher might use are asked to identify these errors. 8)
questions with ideas that are not found After that, students are invited to
in the book to assist students develop discuss the use of grammar to guide
their critical thinking abilities as the students to learn grammar in context.
final example of this stage. The third stage is Joint
The second stage is modeling Construction of the Text (JCOT). This
of the Text (MOT). This is the stage is the stage when students begin to
when the teacher provides a text that is implement their understanding and
the focus of the lesson to student. The abilities in writing the text. The
examples of this stage are: 1) the example of this stage also consists of
teacher explains the purpose, benefits several steps, namely, 1) students are
and social context of the genre to be divided into groups of three or four. 2)
written. 2) The teacher explains the The teacher gives a plan of the type of
stages or structure and functions of the text that the students will write and the
text that support the achievement of students are guided to write
the text objectives. 3) The teacher paragraphs that are not too long and
shows a whole text in the text type that not too short. 3) Then the teacher tries

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

to communicate with each group students build knowledge about the

whether the group is having problems topic. Modeling of the Text (MOT) is
in writing the text. 4) Each group of the stage when the teacher provides an
students consults about the draft they example text to students as a guide.
have written. 5) Next, the teacher and Joint construction of the text (JCOT)
students publish the text by displaying is stage students begin to apply their
the text written in front of the class understanding of the text but in
and asking students to tell what has groups. The last stage is independent
been written, and then other groups construction of the text (ICOT), which
give responses. is the stage when students
The last stage is Independent independently write without groups
Construction of the Text (ICOT). It is and teacher assistance. Through this
the stage when students write research, the researcher investigates
individually about the topics that have about the ways of the teacher
been discussed in the genres that have implement Genre Based Approach in
been learned. This stage is almost the writing module or lesson plan.
same as joint construction but in
independent construction students METHODOLOGY OF STUDY
write individually. The independent In this study, the researcher
construction stage can also be done in used qualitative approach and content
the oral cycle. At this stage students analysis as the method. Qualitative
are interviewed and asked to answer research is a research of the collection,
questions about the topics that have analysis, and interpretation of
been discussed and written. Students comprehensive and visual (i.e., non-
are also asked to retell what has been numerical) data to gain insight into a
written. particular phenomenon of interest
Based on the explanations of (Gay et al., 2012). The theory
the theories above, it can be mentions that qualitative research is
highlighted that the Genre Based research that seeks to understand
Approach has four stages, which phenomena that are of interest. The
consist of building knowledge of the researcher used document as the
field (BKOF) which is the stage where source of data. The researcher took

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

module of Senior High School grade understand in the text.

2. Modeling a. The teacher gives and
X semester 1 phase E. Automatically, of the Text explains a text.
(MOT) b. The teacher explains
the researcher used document analysis the structure
organization of the text
design to answer the research c. The teacher builds
questions about the implementation of comprehension
d. The teacher gives
genre based approach in teacher different texts to find
out students'
module based on Merdeka curriculum understanding
e. The teacher asks the
at senior high school. Document students to check the
grammar mistakes in a
analysis is a systematic procedure for text
f. The teacher and student
reviewing or evaluating documents discuss about the
grammar mistake in the
both printed and electronic (computer text with the right
based and internet transmitted) 3. Joint a. The teacher divides the
Constructio students into several
material (Bowen, 2009). The ns of the groups
Text b. The teacher provides
researcher chose document analysis
(JCOT) the type of text the
because teaching module is a learning students will write and
asks the students to
tool document used in schools and write it in paragraphs
c. The teacher controls
also document analysis has several students' constraints in
writing the text
advantages such as efficient use of d. The teacher and
students display the
time and also many documents created text and discuss
available. In addition, some of 4. Independen a. The teacher asks
t students to produce
indicators have been constructed to Constructio draft of the text
n of the independently oral or
facilitate the process of analysis. They Text written by considering
(ICOT) the linguistic features
are as the followings; and generic structure.
b. The teacher asks
Table 1.1 Indicators of Document Checklist students to produce the
No Indicators Sub Indicators text independently oral
. or written by
1. Building a. The teacher prepares considering the
Knowledge students' knowledge of linguistic features and
of the Field the topic. generic structure.
(BKOF) b. The teacher provides Adapted from (Emilia, 2011) and (Astaman et al., 2009)
various types of texts
related to the topic will
be studied. Then, the data collected from the
c. The teacher asks
students to read/listen modules written by the teacher at Senior
and then asks questions
about the text High School and also analyzed by
d. The teacher asks
students to identify
proposing theory from (Creswell, 2014).
words they do not
There are four stages of data analysis

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

process, they are; organizing and (MOT), joint construction of the text
preparing the data, reading the data, (JCOT), and independent construction
coding the data and interpreting the data. of the text (ICOT). The researcher also

RESULT AND DISCUSSION analyzed the ways of the teacher to

This research has a purpose to implement GBA in constructing

find the ways of the teacher in module. After coding the cycles in the

implementing Genre Based Approach module the researcher found two facts,

in writing teaching module based on they are; the teachers did not

Merdeka Curriculum. The researcher implement all the cycles in the

took one of the teacher’s modules at module. First, the researcher only

grade ten phase E of Senior High found three cycles, they are BKOF,

School which focused on listening and MOT and ICOT. Meanwhile, JCOT

speaking skills and the material is does not find in the text. Second, there

about describing tourism places. The is incorrect position of the cycles in

researcher did four stages of data the module. Dealing with these facts,

analysis and it is started from the researcher briefly stated that the

organizing and preparing the data, teacher still not complete to apply the

reading the data, coding the data and cycles of Genre Based Approach in

interpreting the data. For the first stage the module. However, because the

that is organizing and preparing the purpose of this research wants to find

data, the researcher prepared the out the ways of the teacher in

module and chose the teacher’s implementing GBA, the researcher

module that used genre based focused on the explanation below to

approach. After getting the specific the ways of GBA proposed in the

module, the researcher read the data module for three cycles only; BKOF,

and identified parts of module that MOT, and ICOT. The following is the

consists of genre based approach detailed explanation.

cycles. Then, it was continued by 1. Building Knowledge of the

coding the module to highlight the Field (BKOF)

data that belong to each cycles which Dealing with the theories

started from building knowledge of the proposed by (Emilia, 2011) and

field (BKOF), modeling of the text (Astaman et al., 2009) explain that in

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

BKOF cycle, there are some activities, some activities, namely; giving
such as preparing students’ knowledge motivation, telling the scope of
related to the topic, such as giving material, integration of religion value
various kinds of texts for reading, and also the teaching activities.
listening or speaking. Then, the Dealing with the facts, it is assumed
teacher can do discussion with the that the teacher cannot differentiate
students about the texts related to the between apperception and Building
vocabulary or grammar and also asks knowledge of the field in Genre Based
the students to read, listen or practice Approach concept. The
the text. Therefore, the students’ implementation of GBA for BKOF
language skills can be improved. cycle from (Emilia, 2011) and
BKOF cycle is different from (Astaman et al., 2009) is the teacher
apperception activities in pre-teaching comes to the topic, but it still in
stage. (Knowles, 1999) in (Puteri & general. for example, if the material is
Borneo, 2018) proposes that about narrative text, the teacher can
apperception has a purpose to form an give various kinds of narrative story,
understanding. It is done when the such as myth, legend, fairy tale and so
teacher delivers then new material and forth. The stories can be read or
relates it with the objects or listened by the students. The purpose
information that the student has is to give general information about
mastered at or relates with the the topic and help the students to
previous student’s experience to improve their language skills. Then, it
support their comprehensive also time for the students to enrich
understanding. This concept their vocabulary or practice
emphasizes that apperception will be pronunciation. However, the teacher’s
useful when the material is an entirely module does not show the activities
new lesson and it can raise student that deal with the concept from the
motivation toward the material. experts above.
Meanwhile, the teacher’s module 2. Modelling of The Text (MOT)
shows that BKOF is written in pre- Modeling of the text (MOT) is
teaching activities and it has function the core activity in implementing
as the apperception. The teacher wrote GBA. This cycle focuses on giving a

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

model of the text dealing with the the text, the teacher can continue to
material. The text can be reading text, the next cycle which discusses about
recording, or video related to the the function or purpose of the text.
material. (Emilia, 2011) and (Astaman Finally, to know the understanding of
et al., 2009) propose several activities students, the teacher can give another
in MOT; first, the teacher discusses the model of and asks the students to
about the content of the text which analyze the grammar, finds the
involves the meaning of vocabulary meaning of vocabulary and grasps the
and also the grammar that tie up the idea of the text.
sentences. Dealing with the activities of
To understand grammar, the MOT above, the researcher can
teacher can use the text by underlining describe the implementation of MOT
some sentences and discusses the in the teacher’s module. First, the
structure. After that, the teacher can teacher uses video about a tourism
ask the students to find other examples spot in Indonesia as the model of the
in the text. Then, to discuss the text. The teacher asks some questions
vocabulary, the teacher can use about the video and discusses the
context clues or understand the answer by connecting with the text or
meaning of the words by using the video. Through this activity, the
context surround the words. Second, in teacher also explains the generic
MOT, the teacher also guides the structure and also the linguistic feature
students to understand the generic of the text. In addition, to improve the
structure of the text. (Emilia, 2010) vocabulary, the teacher uses mini quiz.
explains that the explanation about This activity gives interesting
grammar, vocabulary, and the generic experience by the students because
structure of the text can be done by they are active in the classroom. The
using a text and mapping or table end of MOT cycle, the teacher gives
which consists of organization other videos to explore students’
structure, model of the text and understanding. These activities show
linguistic feature. It will be easy for that the teacher understand well and
the students to comprehend the can implement MOT cycle in writing
material. After the students understand module because the teacher uses text

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

or video as the focus of classroom the text, the researcher found that the
activities and discussion. teacher implemented this cycle. The
3. Independent Construction of teacher shows a video related to a
the Text (JCOT) tourism spot in Indonesia and then, the
As explained previously, the teacher asks each student to describe
teacher jumps one cycle that is joint the place orally. These activities proof
construction of the text (JCOT). that the ways of the teacher
Therefore, the researcher just comes to implements ICOT activities are
describe the last cycle that is appropriate with the theories.
independent construction of the text or Dealing with the findings
ICOT. ICOT is the last cycle of in above, the researcher displays that, the
GBA and it is focused on producing teacher only implement three cycles of
the text individually. To begin this GBA, namely, building knowledge of
cycle, the teacher must be sure that the the field, modeling of the text and
students are ready to work independent construction of the text.
individually. Because of this reason, it The teacher jumps joint construction
is better for the teacher to come to of the text cycle. Afterwards, from the
JCOT cycle before coming to ICOT. three cycles, the researcher also found
(Emilia, 2011) and (Astaman et al., that in Building knowledge of the field
2009) explains the activities in ICOT. cycle, the teacher cannot implement
First, the teacher asks the students to the activities well. The proofs can be
produce the draft of text even in oral seen from the position of BKOF is in
or written. For listening and reading pre-teaching and it used it as
skills, the teacher can ask the students apperception activities. As explained
to make summary, retelling the story before, apperception is different from
or answer questions. In producing or building knowledge of the field.
answering the questions, the teacher Shortly, it is assumed that the ways of
must relate it with the linguistic the teacher implement GBA is not
features, generic structure and the aim properly related with the concept of
of the text. Second, the students GBA. It is probably caused by the
produce the text or answer the teacher does not get enough
questions correctly. After analyzing socialization about this approach and

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

also GBA in Merdeka Curriculum is activities. Therefore, the teacher still

still new even though GBA has been needs training and also self-learning to
introduced in Competence Based improve the competence and skill to
Curriculum (CBC) in 2004. However, face the education change, specifically
the teacher still needs to improve their related to writing module and adapt a
competence in preparing the teaching new approach in teaching. it is related
module in Merdeka curriculum. with the research conducted by (Jasrial
Actually, the problem about the et al., 2023) also propose that the
implementation of GBA also happens teachers expressed their necessities for
to other teachers. (Syafitri, 2018) training and workshops for effective
shows the result about the integrate of Merdeka Curriculum into
implementation of GBA. She found their teaching practices. This research
that the teacher could not implement strongly emphasizes that in
GBA in teaching writing because lack implementing Merdeka Curriculum
of knowledge about the basic including the method still needs
principles of GBA. Moreover, the direction and information through
research conducted by (Angraini & seminar or trainings. Hence, the
Rozimela, 2020) also proofs that government through the schools
implementing GBA is not as easy as should prepare the the trainers for
our imagination. The teacher should sharing information about the
improve their professional implementation of Merdeka
competence, skills and knowledge. curriculum and also the method.
In conclusion, dealing with the Then, specifically, the same idea also
findings above, the researcher comes from (Nurviani, 2012).
assumed that the teacher is still not Through her research about teachers’
success in implementing GBA in understanding about GBA, and she
writing teaching module. From the found that the teachers still need
four cycles, the teacher only improvement and guidance. These
implements three cycles. However, for facts enhances the researcher’s finding
the cycle number one that is building that writing the module by
knowledge of the field, the teacher is implementing GBA is not as easy as
still not perfect to generate the our imagination. Moreover, the

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2023 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

Merdeka curriculum is still new and the competence, skill and knowledge
many aspects of the curriculum that about how to implement teaching
must be include in writing module. approach or method like GBA in
Therefore, training and workshop are writing module and in teaching and
really crucial for helping teachers in learning process. In addition, the
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