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MAED-I Educational Management

Case Study 1

A large manufacturing company is facing challenges with inefficiencies in its production processes,
which are affecting product quality and profitability. The leadership team believes that a restructuring
intervention is needed to address these issues.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the specific inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the current production processes?

I guess some of the specific inefficiencies could be inadequate training for workers,
communication breakdown, quality control issues, equipment downtime, and inventory management.

Inadequate training for workers

Insufficiently trained or unskilled workers may slow down production and increase the likelihood of

Communication Breakdown
Lack of communication between departments or shifts can lead to confusion and delays.

Quality Control Issues

Frequent rework or product defects can result in time-consuming quality control processes and lead to
production delays.

Equipment Downtime
Frequent breakdowns or maintenance requirements for machinery can cause significant downtime and
reduce overall productivity.

Inventory Management
Overstocking or understocking of materials can lead to delays and increased carrying costs.

2. How can you gather data on employee roles, responsibilities, and workflow to identify areas for

To gather data on employee roles, and responsibilities we can do it in several ways. One of which
is to review existing job descriptions to understand the roles and responsibilities of each employee. This
will help to identify overlaps or gaps. Time tracking is another way. This is about implementing time-
tracking systems to monitor how employees spend their workdays. This can reveal bottlenecks,
unnecessary tasks, or areas where employees are stretched too thin.

3. What factors, such as communication barriers or outdated technology, might be contributing to the

Other factors which might contribute to the problems are inadequate training and skills. A
workforce that lacks training in using new technology or tools may struggle to leverage them effectively.
The inability to understand data can hinder the use of data-driven insight for process improvement.
4. What organization development interventions can be designed to address the identified issues, and
what change management strategies would facilitate a smooth transition to the new structure?

To address the mentioned issues, an organization can implement various interventions. Some of
these are, training and development, new management plan, monitoring and evaluation.

Training and Development

Invest in training programs to ensure employees have the skills required for their roles.

New Management Plan

Develop a comprehensive change management plan that includes clear communication, employee
engagement, and support mechanisms for employees affected by the restructuring.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of the changes. Be prepared to make further adjustments as
needed to ensure long-term success.

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