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Selly Veronica, S.T., M.T.

Monday⼁January 8, 2024

• Class Rules and Ethique

• Course General Information

• Course Grading Proportion

Class Rules and Ethique
Class Aggrement
• Manual attendance will be done before the class starts (Max. 15 minutes)
• Students who missed the attendance period will be counted as absent
though permitted to enter the class.
• Students cannot sit or submit for the final exam if Absent more than 70%
(4 times).
• Students need to seek approval before leaving the class (i.e. toilet, urgent
phone calls)
• No slippers and inappropriate clothing are allowed in the class.
• Late assignment submissions will receive a penalty score as a score
• Any attempts at cheating and plagiarism will result in an IMMEDIATE and

Class Aggrement
• Active and Participate in Class Discussions
• Respect and listen to your Lecturer and classmates
• Raise your hand to speak and introduce yourself
• Be professional and respectful while giving questions or criticism to
other speakers.
• Be prepared and on time for class (Max. 5 minutes)
• Be creative, honest, and cooperative
• Use positive language and have a good attitude

Ethics of Contacting Lecturers
• Only contact your lecturer during the working time (07.30-18.00)
• Text and ask your lecturer's permission before calling
• Starts with a greeting
• Introduce yourself (Name and the class that you take)
• Explain your reason for contacting
• Use positive and polite words
• Close with thank you
• Wait for your lecturer to respond (follow up after 24 hours)

Course General Information
Course Description
This course aims to give the
students an understanding of
house and settlement. Through
this subject, the student will
introduce students to housing and
settlement theories and
development. Students are also
trained to analyze the case study
and observe the real project's
housing and settlement
development potential.
Course Outline
1. Introduction of Housing and 9. Types of Housing and Settlement
Settlement Procurement System
2. Housing and Settlement History 10. Indonesian Standard of Housing
and Settlement
3. Housing and the City 11. Indonesian Regulation of Housing
4. Housing needs and site and Settlement Procurement
availability System
5. Housing and Settlement Facility 12. Industrialization of Housing
6. Supporting Infrastructure of 13. Healthy and Sustainable Housing
Housing and Settlement 14. Case Study Analysis of Housing
and Settlement
7. Housing and Settlement Spatial
Structure and Pattern 15. Case Study Analysis of Housing
and Settlement
8. Mid Exam 16. Final Exam.
Course Outline (Project)
Project 1
1. Introduction of Housing and
Settlement Concept of The Human and
2. Housing and Settlement History Dwelling
3. Housing and the City
4. Housing needs and site Project 2
Observation and analysis of
5. Housing and Settlement Facility
various types of Housing and
6. Supporting Infrastructure of Settlement and its facility and
Housing and Settlement
7. Housing and Settlement Spatial
Structure and Pattern
8. Mid Exam Presentation of Project 2
Course Outline (Project)
9. Types of Housing and Settlement Project 3
Procurement System
10. Indonesian Standard of Housing and Analysis of Residential
Settlement Potention in the Jababeka
11. Indonesian Regulation of Housing and Agro Estate Project
Settlement Procurement System
12. Industrialization of Housing
13. Healthy and Sustainable Housing
14. Case Study Analysis of Housing and
15. Case Study Analysis of Housing and
Settlement Project 3 Final Report
16. Final Exam. Submission
Course Reference
Abrams, Charles, (1964). Housing in the Modern World, Man’s struggle for shelter in
an Urbanizing World. Faber and Faber, 24 Russel Square, London.
Caincross, L., Clapham, D., & Goodlad, R. (2013). Housing management, consumers
and citizens. Routledge.
Newmark, N., & Thompson, P. J. (1977). Self, space, and shelter: An introduction to
housing. Canfield Press.
Peraturan Menteri Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 12 tahun 2014 tentang Pedoman
Penyusunan Rencana Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Perumahan di Kawasan
Permukiman Daerah Provinsi dan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota
Rapoport, A. (2000). Theory, Culture and Housing. Housing, Theory & Society, 17(4).
Towers, G. (2005). An Introduction to urban housing design: at home in the city.
Architectural Press. Oxford
Turner, J.F.C, 1976, Housing By People, Pantheon Books, New York.
Wakely, P. I., Schmetzer, H., & Mumtaz, B. K. (1976). Urban housing strategies:
education and realization. Pitman Publishing, London.
Williams, D. E. (2007). Sustainable design: ecology, architecture, and planning. John
Wiley & Sons.
Course Grading Proportion
Course Grading

Grade A Grade A- Grade B+ Grade Grade Grade C+ Grade C Grade D Grade E

B B-

>=85 >=80 >=75 >=70 >=67 >=64 >=60 >= 55 < 55

Meet Meet Meet required criteria at Meet some of criteria: (level: Fails to meet the
required required a very good level. unacceptable). assignment criteria.
criteria at criteria at
a highly a
proficient proficient
level. level.

Assessment Components
• Attendance 10%
• Class Participation 10%
• Project 1 5%
• Project 2 20%
• Project 3 30%
• Mid Exam 10%
• Final Exam 15%


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