EL 115 To Be Printed Ayoso, Pamela

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AYOSO Course: BSED Year&Section: 3-A

EL 115
English-American Literature

Module 1
Old English Literature

 Application
Make your own creative and artistic interpretation of the major symbols in the
poem Beowulf through a drawing,painting,poetry or song.

I decided to make a poetry as my own creative and artistic interpretation

of the major symbols in the poem of Beowulf.

The cave is a dark place once you enter
Just like your life if you have many problems you’d encounter
And inside on cave you will see water and rock
That made you feel your living like always on the track.

Caving, sometimes known as spelunking, can be a fun, exciting

A valuable tool for scientific discovery.
But the hidden world of caves can be as dangerous as it is
And even the most experienced cavers can easily be injured or get
lost in a cave.

Eventhough cave used to define as dark

It is a kind of darkness that teaches us to fight back
A cave of strength that shred ourselves to win
In a life full of trials and sin.

People are like the figures in the cave,

They believe the things they see are how they truly are,
We believe the things we perceive to be the truth
The things we see only resemble their true forms.

This place serves as the nest of your sorrow

Where you can’t get through
Where you can’t feel your life is like a hell
Still is a safest place for you.
Someone’s says,cave is beautiful!
Even it was filled of darkness
Even if this darkness covers your all
Still it’s a beautiful place to go.

 Assessment
Choose two famous quotes from the poem Beowulf and make a reaction.
Give its application to the present society.

My first choice famous quotes is "And if death does take me, send
the hammered/ Mail of my armor to Higlac, return/ The inheritance I had
from Hrethel, and he/ From Wayland. Fate will unwind as it must!”. When
we say death it means a long life buried of a human. As about death takes
your life away still the memories you left to your love ones will always be
treasured and never forget. They don’t forget you about what good have you
done for them and you left a good model that stinks to your love ones mind. It
is a good inheritance that you left for them no matter how long have you
passed out still this important matters will still remains and can be
treasured,as the generations continue.

And my second choice is that "His father's warrior were wound

round his heart/ With golden rings, bound to their prince/ By his
treasure. So young men build/ The future, wisely open-handed in peace,/
Protected in war; so warriors earn/ Their fame, and wealth is shaped
with a sword." My reaction to this passage is that being a man entails many
and significant responsibilities. Man has always been a protector of his
people, family, society, and, most importantly, country. When a man becomes
a father, he becomes a great warrior for his family, regardless of how many
problems he faces and overcomes, and he continues to fight for it. He is
willing to give up his life for the sake of his family in order to provide a
prosperous and comfortable life for them. A man is a good builder, providing a
foundation of strength and bravery for each member of the family or society
as a whole. And a man, as the breadwinner, does everything he can to
provide a comfortable life for his family. In general, a man, as a member of the
family and society, plays an important role in making everyone's lives easier.

The implication for today's society is that your sacrifices in this society
or world as a man, rather than a human, will be remembered forever. A man
who fought to protect his family and those around him bears a heavy burden
that may lead to his death. For example, the world is currently dealing with a
pandemic that is endangering people's lives. They make an effort to protect
each other's families. They became a warrior without a weapon, fighting the
virus with their arms and bodies instead. To avoid or avoid this potentially fatal
virus, they must protect their family's health. And I also conclude that men are
taking a greater responsibilities that requires strength, perseverance, and
determination to conquer what ties on them to shoulder on.

 Enrichment Activity (To Do)

Choose a major theme from the poem Beowulf and make a reaction.

One of the major themes in Beowulf that I chose is loyalty. Because

Beowulf's loyalty to his King and fellow warrior is a great prize in and of itself.
When it comes to fame and wealth, he is not greedy. One of the most
important attitudes in a person's life is loyalty. Loyalty is a positive perception
a person in all aspects because he chooses to be true to himself. Every word
you speak, every word that comes out of your mouth, is considered your
truest self.

In today's world, where materialism has overpowered feelings and

substance, loyalty has become a luxury few can afford! The value of loyalty is
greatly underestimated, and it's no surprise that most relationships today are
superficial. Loyalty doesn't mean you need to sacrifice your life for another.
Rather, loyalty is your ability to show up for people, not only when it's
convenient for you, but when it's needed; in those times where others may
turn a blind eye or turn their back. In addition, loyalty is the most important
virtue a person can have. Loyalty is important because a loyal person is
someone you can rely on when times are tough or when you really need a

Therefore, loyalty is an important component in all relationships,

whether romantic, familial, social, or otherwise. It can aid in the formation of
stronger bonds and the development of social support.
Name: Pamela A. Ayoso Course: BSED Yr.&Sec: 3-A

EL 115



Make a Matrix of the major characters of The Canterbury Tales and list
down their strengths and weaknesses.

Name of Characters Strengths Weaknesses

1. Duke Theseus(The Within The Knight's His major weakness was

Knight's Tale) Tale, Theseus is the impulsiveness/recklessness.
duke, lord, and ruler of He dumped Ariadne and
Athens. His strengths acted rashly with his friend
are being wise and Pirithous. He had the
virtuous, having audacity to offend Hades, for
conquered many which he was punished.
kingdoms and won Later, he fell out of favor with
many battles. Theseus his subjects and died.
is significant in the
story for several
reasons. He is a
powerful man who
allows the story to
progress and develop.
2. Queen Hippolyta She possessed Hippolyta is an ambiguous
incredible strength, character. Hippolyta is
endurance, and injury vulnerable to projectiles and
resistance, as well as other piercing weapons.
an imposing physique.
She was also an
expert in various
3. Emilie (The Emily serves as the Emily's weaknesses are a
Knight's Tale story's role model. lack of individuality and
She is compassionate, mental depth.
chaste, obedient, and
4.Palamon (The Palamon is Arcite's Palamon immediately
Knight's Tale) cousin and close becomes irrational,
friend. He is a Theban obsessive, and all-
soldier and nobleman. consuming as he tries to
With his more prove his love for Emilia
emotional, intense which automatically affects
personality, he his goodness.
balances out Arcite's
wit and warrior ethos.
5. Alison Most of the feminist Her weakness is being an
ideals in the work are immature youth who is not
represented by Alison, adult enough to be involved
or Bath's wife. She is in any relationship. Shee
a strong, independent feels she is too young to be
woman who deserves married to an older man and
to be admired for her should be out having fun and
bravery. enjoying her life. This
causes her to be carefree
and to present herself to
other men in ways
inappropriate coming from a
married woman.


Research on any tale from the Canterbury Tales and discuss the elements of
the story:
1. Characters
2. Setting
3. Plot
4. Style
5. Point of View


by: Geoffrey Chaucer

1. Characters
The characters of the Miller's Tale are the following: a foolish old carpenter
named John, his beautiful young wife Alisoun (often modernized as "Alison"),
a student named Nicholas who rents a room in John's house, and a
handsome young man named Absalon are the characters in the story.
Absalon and Nicholas both love Alisoun, but she only reciprocates Nicholas'
feelings. Nicholas devises a complicated scheme to get John out of the way
so he can sleep with Alisoun. Absalon believes that because John has not
been seen all day, he has a chance to sleep with Alisoun as well. Before the
end of the story, all three male characters are severely humiliated.

•Characters of the story are the person who are involve and taking a big
part to make the story impactfut, interesting, and possible. The persons
mentioned above are the individuals give their best to make the story beautiful
and exceed the expectations of the readers as well.

2. Setting
The miller's tale takes place primarily in John's house in Oxford, England,
around 1380. Some of these locations include his bedroom and his roof.

•This is the setting of the story since most of the scenes was happened
there. In other words, setting is the location or place where the Miller's Tale
and setting can be also found in other stories.

3. Plot
The plot of The Miller's Tale is a hilarious love triangle between Alsion, her
boarder Nicholas, and a parish clerk named Absalom. The presence of
Alison's husband John complicates the plot even further. Nicholas and Alsin
hatch a crazy plan to convince John that there will be a flood and that they will
perish unless they follow his instructions to set up tubs to float away in. The
lovers have their tryst once John falls asleep in the tubs. Absalom comes to
call and begs Alison for a kiss, which she does but not in the way Absalom
expects. In the end, all three of the men appear ridiculous in their attempts to
obtain Alison.

• Well, this is the plot of the tale because in this paragraph it presents the
precedding events that happened in the story. Which tackles the flow of the
story, from the beginning to an end as well as the arising conflict. Since the
plot of the story is define as the sequence of events that shape a larger
narrative, with each event causing or affecting the next. In other words, plot is
a series of causes and effects that shape the overall story.

4. Theme
Deception is an overall theme in The Miller's Tale.Every character with the
exception of John attempts to deceive another character.Specifically, Alisoun
and Nicholas attempt todeceive John into believing that there will be a
flood.“In less time than an hour, shall all bedrowned, so terrible is this shower;
thus shall all mankind drown and lose all life” (332-334).Nicholas does this as
an attempt to persuade John to sleep in the rafters so that he can
haveAlisoun in his arms for a full night.

• The main or central idea in a literary work is referred to as the theme. It

is a story's unifying element. A theme is not merely a synopsis of characters
or events. Rather, it is the controlling concept or idea.
the story's central insigh. I think deciption is the major theme of the Miller's
Take simply because the story revolve on the lies and deceit because
somebody wants sex, raising the question of whether it's even possible to
come by sex honestly. The only character who doesn't deceive anyone is the
somewhat dense carpenter, John, who is also the character most lied to and
deceived. In this case, we could already figured out why deception is the
major theme of the story since in the story most of the the happenings is
portraying or conveying deception of the characters involve with each other.

5. Style
The Miller's Tale is written in a fabliau style. A fabliau is a short comic
story in verse that is usually scurrilous and often scatological or obscene. It
defined as a short narrative in (usually octosyllabic) verse, between 300 and
400 lines long, with content that is often comic or satiric.

6. Point of View

This tale uses the 'third person point of view". It was in the thrid person
point of you simply because in the stor the third-person narration, the narrator
exists outside the events of the story, and relates the actions of the characters
by referring to their names or by the third-person pronouns he, she, or they.


React on the tale you have chosen and write your answer in a long bond

The tale that I have chosen is the Miller's Tale. The second of Geoffrey
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, "The Miller's Tale," is told by the drunken miller
Robin to "quite" "The Knight's Tale." The Miller's Prologue contains the first
"quite" in the stories. The plot of "The Miller's Tale" revolves around a
carpenter, his lovely wife, and two clerks (students) who are eager to get her
into bed. John, the carpenter, lives in Oxford with his much younger wife,
Alisoun, who is a local beauty. To supplement his income, John rents out a
room in his home to a poor but bright scholar named Nicholas, who has
developed feelings for Alisoun. Absolon the parish clerk, another scholar in
town, is also interested in Alisoun.

In all story, there's always a lesson and realization to gained. So through

reading "The Miller's Tale" I had learned so much because in this tale there
are so much lessons a reader could gained. One thing I have realize in the
story is that people do not get what they deserve. John is a kind-hearted, if
rather stupid, man who cherishes his wife and is in awe of Nicholas' learning,
and he winds up a laughing-stock with a broken arm. Absalon is a bit silly in
putting Alisoun on a pedestal, but only an insensitive person could find the
way she lets him down funny. Alisoun does not feel any feeling of
unfaithfulness when cheating on her husband John. In this case, I had feel
sad for John because even how good he is, there are still people who are
abusive and advantagers of someone's goodness. Which in real life this thing
is happening, if a person is good, people are keep on taking them advantage
without considering the they are hurting someone just to satisfy theirselves.

The second thing I had noticed on the flow of the story is that, woman in
this tale plays a big role. In fact, the story that is being told seems to revolve
around Allison and her relationship with Nicholas and her husband. What I
have noticed in many of these pieces of literature that we have read so far is
the way that women are almost seen as an object of desire. That's why, even
how faithful a man is, is a woman is the center of needs of a man there is still
a tendency of ruining a relationship since if a one person tried to intervene on
someone else's matters, the problem would be arise which leads to conflicts.

To make everything short, the tale that I had chosen depects betrayal,
bitterness, problems in relationships and women supremacy in the lives of
every man.
Name: Pamela A. Ayoso Course: BSED Yr.&Sec.: 3-A

EL 115


Choose one sonnet from the poem Astrophel and Stella and list the symbols,
rhymes, and figurative languages.

Sonnet Number: 1

List of Symbols List of Rhyming List of Figurative

Words Languages

Love Show Alliteration

Paint “pleasure of my pain” (line
Pain 2)
Leaves Obtain “I sought fit words to paint
the blackest face of woe”
Sun Woe (line 5)
Flow “Some fresh and fruitful
Pen showers upon my sun-
Entertain burn'd brain” (line 8)
Way “I sought fit words to
paint” (line 5)
Blows Comparison of words to
Throes painting instruments.

Spite “my sun-burn'd brain” (line

Write 8)
Comparison of Stella
(whose name is Latin for
star) to the sun.
Comparison of
Astrophel's brain to sun-
burned skin.


“Invention, Nature's child,

fled step-dame Study's
blows” (line 10)
Invention is a child whose
mother is nature and
study is its step-mother.


“And others' feet still

seem'd but strangers in
my way.” (lines 10-11)
“Others’ feet” makes
reference to other authors
(synecdoche) and it also
refers to the poetic feet
used by those authors.

Write your own interpretation of the sonnet that you have chosen.

This sonnet, in my opinion, is about a romance between two people.

Writing allows her to express how much she adores this person. He stated
that his love is truth and pure, and that he can no longer hide his inner
feelings. I know that loving someone is a wonderful feeling because it is the
source of his happiness. He is overjoyed because he has completely
confessed his feelings for his love. As far as I am aware, love is the center of
attraction between two people who may form a strong bond and connection in
a variety of ways.

Furthermore, according to what I've found online, Astrophil is expressing

his desired lover, Stella, and he is attempting to convey his love for her in
verse. "Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show," says it all.


Research on any tragedies by Wiliam Shakespare and make the following:

1. Brief Summary
2. Three major characters
3. Theme
4. Plot
5. Setting

by: William Shakespeare

1. Brief summary
On a dark winter night, a ghost walks the ramparts of Elsinore Castle in
Denmark. Discovered first by a pair of watchmen, then by the scholar Horatio,
the ghost resembles the recently deceased King Hamlet, whose brother
Claudius has inherited the throne and married the king’s widow, Queen
Gertrude. Prince Hamlet devotes himself to avenging his father’s death, but,
because he is contemplative and thoughtful by nature, he delays, entering into
a deep melancholy and even apparent madness. Claudius and Gertrude
worry about the prince’s erratic behavior and attempt to discover its cause.
They employ a pair of Hamlet’s friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to
watch him. A group of traveling actors comes to Elsinore, and Hamlet seizes
upon an idea to test his uncle’s guilt.

He'll have the actors act out a scene that closely resembles the sequence
in which Hamlet imagines his uncle murdering his father, so that if Claudius is
guilty, he'll undoubtedly react. Claudius leaps up and exits the theater as the
murder occurs. Claudius, terrified of Hamlet's insanity and concerned for his
own safety, orders that Hamlet be sent to England immediately. Hamlet goes
to confront his mother, whom Polonius has hidden behind a tapestry in her
bedchamber. He is immediately deported to England with Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern for this crime. Claudius' plan for Hamlet, however, includes more
than banishment, as he has given Rosencrantz and Guildenstern sealed
orders for the King of England demanding that Hamlet be executed. In the
aftermath of her father's death, Ophelia goes insane with grief and drowns in
the river. Polonius' son, Laertes, who has been in France, returns to Denmark
in a rage. Claudius persuades him that Hamlet is to blame for his father and
sister's deaths. He tells Horatio at the castle that he believes one must be
prepared to die because death can come at any time. On Claudius' orders, a
foolish courtier named Osric arrives to arrange Hamlet and Laertes' fencing
match. Laertes is successful in wounding Hamlet, though the poison does not
kill him immediately. After that, Hamlet stabs Claudius through the heart with
the poisoned sword and forces him to drink the remainder of the poisoned
wine. Claudius dies, and Hamlet dies soon after exacting his vengeance.

At this point, a Norwegian prince named Fortinbras enters with

ambassadors from England, who report that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
have died. Fortinbras is taken aback by the gruesome sight of the entire royal
family dead on the floor. He moves to seize control of the kingdom. Horatio
fulfills Hamlet's final request by telling him the tragic story of Hamlet.
Fortinbras orders Hamlet to be carried away in the manner of a fallen soldier.

2. Three major characters and their characteristics

 Hamlet - is the Prince of Denmark and the protagonist. Hamlet is the

son of Queen Gertrude and the late King Hamlet, and the nephew of
the present king, Claudius.

 Claudius - is the King of Denmark, Hamlet's uncle, and the antagonist

in the play. Claudius is a calculating, ambitious politician driven by his
sexual appetites and lust for power, but he occasionally displays signs
of guilt and human emotion—his love for Gertrude, for example,
appears genuine.

 Gertrude - Hamlet's mother, Queen of Denmark, recently married

Claudius. Gertrude adores Hamlet, but she is a shallow, weak woman
who values affection and status over moral rectitude or truth.

3. Theme

The story has a themes of friendship, madness, and revenge. In the

story,the most caught my attention is the revenge,where happens Hamlet’s
father was killed and no one knows who’s deed this action. So he decide to
find that man behind that murder to take avenge of his father’s life, but at
certain in the end he did not make it because he dies.

But the most major theme of the story "Hamlet" is death. It is the death of
the King Hamlet that triggers the events in the play one after another. When
the Prince Hamlet hears about the news of his father's death, he comes back
to Denmark. He is shocked at the early remarriage of his mother with his
uncle. He is visited by the ghost of the king and informs him that the king is
murdered by his uncle, Claudius.

4. Plot

The King of Denmark has died, and his wife, Gertrude, has married
Claudius, his brother. Hamlet, the king's son, has returned to Elsinore for his
father's funeral. Hamlet sees his father's ghost, who tells him that his brother
Claudius, the new king, murdered him and orders Hamlet to exact revenge.
Claudius asks Hamlet's childhood friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to
investigate his strange behavior.

When a troupe of traveling actors arrives at the castle, Hamlet instructs

them to stage a play about a man who murders a sleeping king in order to
gauge Claudius' reaction. Hamlet tells Ophelia that he has never loved her
and then asks Gertrude how she can be happy when her husband has only
recently died.Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, and Hamlet argue about his
behavior. During their argument, Hamlet inadvertently kills Polonius (Ophelia's
father), and then decides not to reveal the location of Polonius' body.

Laertes, Ophelia's brother, returns home and discovers Ophelia has gone
insane from grief. Claudius and Laertes plot to murder Hamlet, and she
commits suicide. On the latter, Hamlet agrees to go toe-to-toe with Laertes.
Gertrude drinks poison during the duel, and Hamlet and Laertes are both
killed. Before Claudius dies, Hamlet murders him.
5. Setting

Shakespeare set Hamlet in Elsinore, a remote royal castle in Denmark, with the
action taking place in a variety of locations throughout the castle. There's also a
scene set on "a plain in Denmark" away from the castle.
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Estancia, Iloilo

EL 115

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