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LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 1

Perception of TVL Students from Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School

(LYFJSHS) on Learning Management Systems (LMS)

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Practical Research 1

Submitted to:
Ms. Janica Rose V. Lim, LPT
Research Adviser

Submitted by:
Barloso, Xander
Bernardo, Karl Roy
Betito, Joseph Benedict
Del Mundo, Janrehv
Diaz, John Ivan
Evaldez, Kevin Nuez
Larroza, Erwin Mico
Marcos, Florence
Palompo, Chino
Policarpio, Edgardo
Santiaguel, Ralp Angelo
Sioson, Chris Jhenrick
Tagle, Kailamae
Valdez, Joselito
Villablanca, Reagan

May 2023
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 2


Background of the Study

As educational institutions increasingly implement Learning Management Systems

(LMS) for their curricula, including the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL)

track of K-12, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of these systems in

supporting the learning experiences of TVL students. This qualitative research study,

conducted by senior high school ICT students at Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High

School in the Philippines, aims to explore the perceptions of TVL students towards

the use of LMS and contribute to the development of effective strategies for

technology integration in TVL education. With LMS offering flexible delivery of

educational content and interactive learning experiences, understanding TVL

students' perceptions is crucial to improving the adoption and effectiveness of these


Ayub et al. (2010) described of LMS, such as Google Classroom, as a web-based

technology that assists in planning, distributing, monitoring, and evaluating the

learning process. Google Classroom was described by Shaharanee et al. (2016) as an

educational application that enables teachers to create and organize assignments

efficiently, provide feedback effectively, and communicate easily with their learners.

Previous research has identified several factors influencing the use of LMS

applications, such as Google Classroom. Muries and Masele (2017), Kumar et al.

(2020), and Aliazas and Panergayo (2021) found that usefulness and easiness were
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 3

the main factors influencing the use of Google Classroom from the perspectives of

students and instructors. However, students raised concerns about privacy issues,

peer interaction, and interface design, while instructors cited challenges in accessing

GC learning analytics and cloud storage. Alim et al. (2019) concluded in their study

that LMS, including Google Classroom, offers usefulness in facilitating online

discussions and providing learning activities with ease. Students have the

opportunity to engage with their teachers and classmates by raising questions and

seeking clarifications regarding their lessons.

Despite the effectiveness of Google Classroom, some limitations have been

identified. Nur Alim et al. (2019) and Santos (2021) highlighted that limited

smartphone access, internet connectivity issues, and inadequate mobile data plans

posed challenges for some students in using Google Classroom effectively.

By considering these previous studies, this research aims to contribute to the existing

knowledge by exploring the perceptions of TVL students towards the use of LMS,

specifically Google Classroom, in order to enhance the adoption and effectiveness of

these systems in TVL education

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 4

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to understand how Luisianos perceive Electric Learning
Management Systems.
This study aims to answer the following questions:
1. What are the perceived benefits of LMS to Luisianos in the TVL track.
2. What are the challenges that Luisianos in the TVL track encounter when
utilizing LMS?
3. How does the implementation of LMS affect the performance of Luisianos
in the TVL track?

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework employed in this study is the Technology Acceptance

Model (TAM), which was introduced by Davis et al. in 1986. TAM aims to elucidate
users' acceptance and adoption of information technology by examining their
attitudes and beliefs. The model centers around two key principles identified by
Davis et al. (1989): Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness. These
principles assess individuals' perceptions regarding the ease of using technology and
the extent to which they believe it will enhance their goals or performance.

Davis et al. (1989) defines perceived usefulness as "the degree to which an individual
believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance.”
Perceived ease of use is defined as "the degree to which an individual believes that
using a particular system would be free of physical and mental effort.” (Davis et al.

TAM suggests that students' perception of the usefulness and ease of use of LMS
influences their acceptance of the technology. This study examines TVL students'
perceptions of how LMS enhances their learning experience and vocational skills, as
well as their comfort with using the system, clarity of instructions, and ease of
accessing resources within LMS.
Conceptual Framework
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 5


1. What are the

perceived benefits of
LMS to Luisianos in Perception of
the TVL track. TVL Students
2. What are the
challenges did from Luis Y.
Reviewing related
Luisianos in the TVL literature, synthesizing Ferrer Jr. Senior
track encounter when information, interview High School
utilizing LMS? of select participants
3. How do the (LYFJSHS) on
from the TVL track
implementation of Electronic
LMS affect the Management
performance of
Luisianos in the TVL Systems (LMS)

Figure 1. presents the conceptual framework of this research using the Input-

Process-Output (IPO) model. The input indicates the problems or tasks that will be

solved in this study. The process shows how the problems or tasks will be solved. In

the output, this will indicate the solution or completed tasks of the research.

(Cabrera, 2020)

In the context of this research, the tasks are the following:

1. Assess the perceived benefits of Learning Management Systems

(LMS) among students in the TVL track at Luis.

2. Identify the challenges faced by Luisianos in the TVL track when

utilizing LMS.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 6

3. Examine the influence of LMS implementation on the academic

performance of Luisianos in the TVL track.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus specifically on the perception of TVL students regarding the

use of LMS (Learning Management Systems). The research will employ qualitative

methods, including interviews, to gather insights from a sample of 10 selected TVL

students who are currently studying at Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School in

General Trias City, Province of Cavite. The research is planned to be conducted from

February 2023 to June 2023.

Significance of the Study

This research provides new perspectives on a category of teaching education in

which learning can be carried out in an efficient, high-quality, and satisfactory

manner either through methods we choose or through methods to which the context

forces us to adapt. We must choose a modality without affecting education. Future

investigations can validate the conclusions drawn from this study. In this study, we

described preferences of teaching and learning modalities and showed that, although

students value the possibilities of technology very positively, face-to-face

communication with the teacher, to a larger degree, is believed to be required for

success in their studies.

The purpose of this study is to assist students, teachers, and future researchers in

understanding and utilizing the LMS (Learning Management System) based on the
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 7

experiences of TVL students. By relying on the insights of experiences of TVL

students, this research can greatly benefit students by providing relevant information.

Additionally, it aims to identify the challenges students may face when using LMS

and propose solutions to address these challenges. The study will also examine the

advantages and disadvantages of LMS. It aims to help students adapt to this type of

learning and emphasize that it can be a mutually beneficial situation.

This research will be valuable to teachers as well, as it will help them become

familiar with this type of learning and aid in their adaptation to it. Teachers will be

better equipped to identify problems and assist students in resolving them more

efficiently and ethically. Moreover, the integration of technology in learning reduces

the effort required to motivate students since they can study from the comfort of their


Furthermore, this study will be beneficial to policymakers as well, as they would be

able to identify which problems to solve. Problems or areas of improvement such as

internet infrastructure improvements for cheaper and easier internet access,

allocating funds to sustain practices in laboratories, as well as the training of teachers

or instructors in the use of LMS.

Finally, future researchers can use this study as a foundation for their own research

and build upon it. Furthermore, this research will contribute to the existing

knowledge on students' perceptions of LMS.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 8

Definition of Terms

Learning Management Systems (LMS) - A software platform used to manage and

deliver online learning materials, track student progress, and facilitate
communication between teachers and students.

Luis - Luis Y. Ferrer Jr, Senior High School, a school located in Pasong Kawayan II,
General Trias City, Cavite, Philippines.

Luisianos - Students studying at Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School.

Perceived ease of use - The belief of how effortless a person perceives a certain

Perceived importance - The belief of how a person perceives the importance of a

certain idea or technology.

Perceived usefulness - The belief of an individual regarding the degree to which a

particular technology or product will enhance their performance or facilitate their

Perception - The subjective experience of interpreting and organizing sensory

information. In this study, perception refers to TVL students' attitudes, beliefs, and
opinions about electronic learning management systems.

TAM - Technology Acceptance Model, a theoretical framework developed by Davis

et al. in 1989.

TVL Program - Technical-Vocational-Livelihood program is an educational track in

senior high school that provides students with skills training and knowledge in
various technical-vocational fields, such as automotive technology, culinary arts, and
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 9


This chapter presents the literature and studies after thorough and in-depth

search done by the researchers and synthesis of the studies on the enrichment of the

preparation of construction of learning materials. The related literature provides the

necessary ideas and concepts that served as guide in conducting the present study.

Factors Influencing the Use of Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Both Aliazas and Panergayo (2021) and Tseng (2020) emphasize the importance of
LMS in education. Aliazas and Panergayo's (2021) study highlights that students'
continued use of LMS is influenced by perceiving it as beneficial and easy to use,
with factors such as online learning self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, and
perceived ease of use playing a role in shaping students' future purpose of using
LMS. Tseng's (2020) study further supports this by emphasizing that LMS,
specifically Blackboard, can enhance academic outcomes and create effective
learning environments. The practical implications suggested by Tseng's (2020) study
include utilizing Blackboard tools, incorporating multimedia resources, and fostering
student-to-student interaction to promote engagement and a sense of community
within the LMS. Overall, these studies highlight the significance of perceived
usefulness, ease of use, and interactive features in ensuring the successful adoption
and continued usage of LMS in educational settings.

Factors Influencing the Continued Use of Learning Management Systems

Muries and Masele (2017) found that the continued use of LMS is influenced by
perceived importance, ease of use, and organizational management support. They
concluded that perceived importance and ease of use significantly impact the
intention to continue using LMS, while top organization management plays a crucial
role in promoting continued usage intentions. To add, Ayub et al. (2010) highlighted
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 10

the influence of lecturers' role and the design of the learning portal on students' usage
of the POLCA learning portal. They emphasized the importance of computer skills,
lecturers' active involvement, and the ease of access and navigation in facilitating
student engagement. The research also revealed a positive relationship between
lecturers' role, access to POLCA, and students' attitudes toward using the portal.

Use of Google Classroom in Online Learning

Shaharanee et alia’s (2016) study found Google Classroom's features were
underutilized, although assignment submission was easier. Navigating the system
was perceived as challenging, indicating the need for additional materials and
training. The importance of lecturer feedback and the necessity for more interactive
platforms in online learning were also emphasized. Similarly, Santos’ (2021) study
highlighted that Google Classroom enables efficiency and effectiveness in work,
particularly for working professionals. The usage of Google Classroom's features
varied, and challenges related to feature adoption and internet connectivity were
identified. The study emphasized the need for teachers to embrace technological
advancements and adapt classroom management practices accordingly. Furthermore,
Alim et al. (2019) noted that Google Classroom offers effective, paperless online
collaboration and opportunities for virtual interaction. The benefits include online
discussions, learning activities, and easy communication between teachers and
students, although limitations such as smartphone and internet connectivity issues
affecting account creation and usage were identified. Finally, Kumar et al. (2020)
found that the key factors influencing the use of Google Classroom are perceived
usefulness and ease of use. Students expressed concerns about privacy, peer
interaction, and interface design. Instructors also faced challenges regarding access
to learning analytics and cloud storage within Google Classroom.

In conclusion, the reviewed studies highlight the importance of perceived usefulness,

ease of use, lecturer involvement, interactive platforms, and adaptability in the
successful use of learning management systems like LMS and Google Classroom.
Furthermore, challenges related to feature adoption, internet connectivity, and
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 11

interface design need to be addressed to enhance the effectiveness of these platforms

in online learning environments.


The studies analyzed in our research provide valuable insights into TVL students'
perception and usage of Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Google
Classroom. Ayub et al. (2010) emphasizes the role of lecturers and the design of the
LMS in encouraging students' engagement. Muries and Masele (2017) highlight the
importance of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and organizational support in
promoting consistent LMS usage. Shaharanee et al. (2017) and Santos’ (2021) study
focuses on students' varying levels of engagement, preference for specific features,
and the convenience and efficiency of online submission systems. Aliazas and
Panergayo (2021) emphasize the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and
online learning self-efficacy on students' acceptance of LMS. Tseng (2020) suggests
that effective implementation and the integration of interactive elements can enhance
students' perception and engagement with LMS.

These studies converge on the importance of factors such as perceived usefulness,

ease of use, lecturer support, and organizational management in influencing TVL
students' perception and usage of (Ayub et al., 2010; Muries and Masele, 2017;
Aliazas and Panergayo, 2021). They highlight the value of user-friendly interfaces,
efficient administrative tasks, and clear instructions to enhance engagement. The
studies also emphasize the convenience and time-saving aspects of digital
submissions and the need for interactive platforms to support hands-on vocational

However, there are also contrasting ideas among the studies. Shaharanee et al. (2017)
and Santos (2021) highlight that not all students utilize all the features of LMS,
indicating varying levels of engagement and preferences for specific functionalities.
Furthermore, Santos (2021) points out the hindrance of internet connectivity on
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 12

consistent LMS usage, which can impact TVL students' experience with online
learning platforms.

In conclusion, these studies provide valuable insights into TVL students' perception
and usage of LMS, emphasizing the importance of factors such as perceived
usefulness, ease of use, lecturer support, and organizational management. They
suggest the need for user-friendly interfaces, efficient administrative tasks,
interactive platforms, and consideration of students' specific needs and preferences.
Addressing challenges related to feature adoption and internet connectivity is
essential for successful integration of LMS into TVL vocational training programs.


Research Design
This study uses the case study for this qualitative research that we utilize to initiate
our work. According to Yin et al. (2018), case study is a type of research design in
which defines an intensive study about a person or a unit, which is aimed to
generalize over several units. To clarify, case study focuses on qualitative data using
methods like interviews, observations, and analysis of sources. We use case study for
this qualitative research to investigate the perception of TVL students from Luis Y.
Ferrer Jr. Senior High School on Learning Management System (LMS).

Sampling Technique
In our study, the Convenience Sampling Method was employed to select participants
for the interviews. According to Nikopoulou (2022) and Stratton (2021),
convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling method where units are chosen
based on their accessibility to the researcher. Stratton (2021) highlights that
convenience sampling is influenced by participants' motivation to engage in the
research which could introduce motivation bias, as their motivation to engage in the
study varies based on their interest in the research topic, a desire to express a
particular viewpoint, or support for specific opinions. Convenience sampling is
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 13

popular due to its cost-effectiveness, time efficiency compared to other sampling

strategies, and its straightforward nature (Stratton 2021). Participants are selected
because they are easily reachable and available for interviews. In this case, we opted
to interview 10 Grade-11 TVL students using this sampling technique. The
conclusions will be drawn from our analysis of the response of the participants.

Data Gathering Procedure

In this study, the researcher used open-ended questions in collecting data validated
by their practical research advisor. The research was conducted in Luis Y. Ferrer Jr.
Senior High School, City of General Trias through interview.
1. The researchers properly introduced themselves to the participants, and
asked them permission for the interview process.
2. The researchers explained to the participants the context of the interview
and the importance of their participation in the study
3. The Researchers asked participants what language they preferred between
Tagalog and English to understand what they were asked. Another reason the
researcher asked them to speak their language is so that they could answer more
comfortably and help them understand some terms they could not understand.
4. The participants was asked if the interview process can be voice recorded.

Instruments in Data Gathering

The researchers used the following open-ended questions for their interview
1. How do you perceive the benefits of Electronic Learning Management
Systems like Google Classroom in your studies?
2. What are your thoughts on the ease of use of Google Classroom?
3. In your opinion, how important or useful is Google Classroom as a study
4. Could you share any challenges or issues you encountered while using
Google Classroom? -If the respondent has not provided enough information,
you may ask the following sub-questions to inquire about specific issues they
faced with using LMS/Google Classroom:
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 14

A. Did you experience any connectivity issues?

B. Were there any gadget-related issues, such as a lack of access to
C. Did you encounter any difficulties understanding the learning
materials provided by your teachers?
D. Were there any challenges with using or navigating the LMS
application, such as Google Classroom?
5. How did the use of LMS/Google Classroom impact your overall
performance at school?
A. How did it affect your performance in applied subjects or your
main strand?

Ethical Consideration
The researchers ensure the privacy of every participant that participates in the
interview will be kept hidden in the eye of the public, in accordance to Republic Act
No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012. The citated parts in this research got
citated properly to avoid plagiarism. We properly give credit to the author for their

Data Analysis Technique (include the theoretical foundation of the thematic

In this study, we employed the content analysis method. According to Hassan
(2022), Content analysis is a research method used to analyze and interpret the
characteristics of various forms of communication, such as text, images, or audio. It
involves systematically analyzing the content of these materials, identifying patterns,
themes, and other relevant features, and drawing inferences or conclusions based on
the findings. Content analysis in the qualitative context means giving systematic
analysis on contents to identify themes, patterns, and other relevant features.
Qualitative content analysis is useful when studying interview responses (Hassan,
Results Gathered
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 15

4.1 Benefits of LMS or Google Classroom to TVL students

Most participants stated the benefits of Google Classroom including organizing

learning materials and activities and for making the education system more efficient.

“Ang nakikita kong benepisyo ng LMS o Google Classroom ay ang pagiging

organized ng mga learning materials at activities, ang pagkakaroon ng easy access
sa mga ito, at ang pagkarakoon ng digital na platform para sa at collaboration
communication ng mga guro at mag-aaral.”

(Participant 4)

“Benefits ng google classroom or any educational apps ano.. I think mas napapadali
yung sistema ng edukasyon natin especially na, na, nasa generation na tayo na
technology is ano na abundant na or ano, naka focus na tayo sa technology or naka
base na, and yun nga since dahil sa pandemic last year, uh, yung mga elms or
google classroom is gamit na gamit na ng mga estudyante.’’

(Participant 5)

However, one participant stated that using Google Classroom is not easy for those
that have no internet access, making it harder for students to learn when they lack
internet connectivity.

“Ang pananaw ko sa google classroom o ELMS ay ano masyadong mahirap para sa

mga-mga kabataang walang internet tas ano- tas mahirap to kasi hindi-hindi gaano
natututo yung mga kabataan sa ngayon.”

(Participant 3)
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 16

This is supported by another participant who stated that Google Classroom is

advantageous only for those who have stable internet connection.

“Maganda siya kaso lang me- sa mga para saken maganda kasi may internet access
ako pero sa ibang studyante hindi kayang mag access sa ibang- sa internet
connection medyo mahihirpaan sila sa pag gamit ng google classroom.”

(Participant 1)

In conclusion, Google Classroom is beneficial in their academic studies because it

allows them to easily access their learning materials. However, lack of or slow
internet connection is a main problem when using Google Classroom.

4.2 Google Classroom’s Ease of Use

Most participants restated or supported their claim on the benefits of Google

Classroom, like having digital access to their lessons and learning materials and not
having to go to school to learn. Participants also praised how Google Classroom
organized their learning materials, which allows for an easy access.

“Opo, kasi ano… 'yung ano sa hindi mo na kailangan, hindi mo na kailangan

pumunta ng skwelahan para ano, para ah.. para makita 'yung mga lessons noh.”

(Participant 2)

A respondent who still uses Google Classroom in the current school year
stated that it was useful in the middle of the pandemic, which we view as the
decreasing importance of Google Classroom as we get over the pandemic.

“Maganda dahil mas napadali nito yung- kahit nasa kalagitnaan tayo ng pandemic
mas nakapagfocus parin tayo sa pag aaral naten”
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 17

(Participant 1)

One participant stated the ease of use of Google Classroom, stating that it is easy to
use, user friendly, and the participant highlighted the intuitiveness of its interface
allowing users to easily learn its basic functions.

“Para sa akin, sobrang kadali ng paggamit ng LMS o Google Classroom. User-

friendly at intuitive ang interface at madali ding matuto ng mga basic functions.”

(Participant 4)

Based on the participant’s response, we conclude that the user interface of an LMS
platform affects its ease of use which would allow users to quickly and easily learn
basic and important functions of an LMS platform.

4.3. Importance and Usefulness of Google Classroom in their studies.

When stating the importance and usefulness of Google Classroom in their studies,
participants simply restated its benefits of Google Classroom, allowing them quickly
and efficiently access their learning materials, as well organize their workloads.

A participant added that it allows you to efficiently submit assignments, as well

communicate with your peers and instructors.

"Sa aking pananaw, napakahalaga ng Google Classroom bilang isang gamit o

learning tool sa aking pag-aaral dahil ito ay nagbibigay ng mas mabilis at mas
efficient na paraan para mag-access ng learning materials, mag-submit ng
assignments, at mag-communicate sa mga guro at kapwa mag-aaral."

(Participant 3)
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 18

A participant stated the importance of Google Classroom to their study because aside
from organizing their workloads, Google Classroom also notifies them on their
pending, due, and missing activities, as well as notify them when their instructors
have upload a new learning material and/or activity. This gave the participants
awareness on their current tasks, as well as give him ideas about the progress of their

"Aaaaaaayyyy... Ano... Napapadali niya yung workloads ko, nao-organize niya

magisa yung workloads ko. Naka-seperate— lalo na sa isang features don na...
Ipapakita niya sayo kung ano yung... Missing, late, or mga kailangan mo nang i-
accomplish na task or activities. Se-seperate nya yon. Mag no-notif. din sayo kung
may gina— ano— may in-upload din bang activity yung mga teachers mo. At dahil
doon mas magiging aware ka sa mga dapat mong gawin."

(Participant 4)

Another participant stated the importance of Google Classroom as it allows

students to learn even without attending classes.

"Importante to sa pag-aaral para- kung ano kung sakaling di/hinde makapasok yung
bata makaka attend parin siya sa kanilang klase."

(Participant 2)

Another participant emphasized its usefulness as a study tool during the

pandemic, as it allows students to study on an online learning environment.

"Sobrang halaga nito kasi kahit during pandemic nga nakakapag klase padin tayo
but online."

(Participant 1)
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 19

In conclusion, most participants restated the benefits of Google Classroom,

and they have added additional information about the benefits Google Classroom
provided to them such as allowing for quick and easy submission of tasks as well as
communication with peers and instructors. A participant highlighted the importance
of Google Classroom as it allows them to track their lessons and tasks by constantly
giving them updates and notification. Another participant also highlighted that
Google Classroom allows students to learn even without attending classes because
they can read and learn through their modules or learning material. However, a
participant stated its importance during the pandemic as it allows students to learn in
an online setting.

4.4 Challenges and Issues faced by students when using Google Classroom

Most participants stated that the main challenge or issue that they faced when using
Google Classroom is that it becomes inaccessible when there is no internet
connection. However, one respondent experienced technical difficulties in Google
Classroom that can he attributed to lack of or slow internet connectivity, like the late
arrival notifications about new posts by the instructors, new learning materials, and
new assignment. This could delay their schedule, or even get them to miss a certain
task, which could lead to a point deduction when it's submitted late.

"Isa sa mga isyu na naranasan ko habang ginagamit ang Google Classroom ay ang
pagkakaroon ng technical difficulties tulad ng pagka-late ng notification ng bagong
post o assignment."

(Participant 3)

Another participant faced an issue that could be attributed either to the lack of or
slow internet connectivity, or to the main server of Google Classroom. The
participant stated that there was a time where he was not able to submit his work no
matter how hard he tried. And as a result of this, a point was deducted in his
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 20

"Nagpapasa ako pero di nya nasusubmit— di nasusubmit yung task na na aano ko,
kahit anong submit ko, kahit anong mark done ko, hindi niya nasusubmit. So nag
cause yon dati sa akin ng ayon, isang grade, ayon. Ayon lang naman ang partikular
na isyu na masasabi ko."

(Participant 4)

In conclusion, the most common difficulty a student face are connectivity issues. A
participant was faced with delayed notifications, while another participant was faced
with an issue where they were not able to submit their tasks. We suggest students to
have proper communication with their instructors so that their instructors can
understand them when they're facing connectivity issues.

4.5. Impact of Google Classroom to their studies.

Participants stated that Google Classroom made their studies easier and more
convenient. They were able to study even when they're not at school and they were
able to turn back to their lessons.

"Nakakatulong po siya sakin sa pag-aaral po kasi like samin mga ICT-Computer IT

sa mga programming may mga times kasi na kulang kami sa mga oras na ano so dun
nalang kami bumabawi sa paggamit Google Classroom para mas madagdagan ang
mga kaalaman namin about sa programming."

(Participant 1)

The use of Google Classroom offered convenience as a participant stated that its
accessibility allowed them to manage their time more effectively.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 21

"Dahil sa mas mabilis at efficient na paraan ng pag-access sa mga learning

materials at activities, naging mas magaan para sa akin ang pag-manage ng aking
oras at mas naging focused ako sa aking mga main at applied subjects."

(Participant 2)

This is supported by Participant 4 who prefers to study their learning materials late in
the night. Google Classroom offered the participant convenience due to its
accessibility when internet access is present.

"Mas aano siya mas napapadali siya sa akin kasi ako kase sa gabi ako laging
gumagawa late super late na kaya yun oopen molang lang okay na maaccess mo

(Participant 4)

However a participant stated that it haven't affected their practical skills that much,
as Google Classroom is only beneficial to written tasks.

"Wala, kasi para sa akin ang tvl practical talaga e, you have to improve practical."

(Participant 3)

However, in terms of creating documents, the same participant stated that most
document types are available on Google Classroom.

"Para sa akin sa written task. Kasi may mga option doon kasi kung anong document
ang gagawin mo, microsoft word, google docs, andon na yung mga gagawin mo."

(Participant 3)
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 22

In conclusion, Google Classroom have impacted their studies by making it more

convenient. Through the use of Google Classroom, tasks and lessons were more
accessible. Students can also create documents of different file types like document,
presentation, and pdf. We find that students having easy access to their modules or
learning tasks allows them to quickly memorize important processes, procedures, and
technicalities on their specific strand. Its ease of use also allows students to return
back to their old lessons to refresh their learning, as well as to recall any information
they may have missed. However, in terms of actual skills, students should practice
what they have read in their laboratories, or at home when they have the tools and


The findings in this research highlights the benefits and convenience of using Google
Classroom for academic studies. It allows easy access to learning materials, quick
submission of tasks, and effective communication with peers and instructors (Alim et
al. 2019). However, just as Alim et al. (2019) and Santos (2021) emphasized in their
own respective studies, connectivity issues, primarily due to slow or unreliable
internet connections, pose a major problem. The user interface of an LMS platform,
like Google Classroom, affects ease of use (Ayub et al. 2010), and participants
generally agree that it is user-friendly, especially for those with basic technology
knowledge (Shaharanee et al., 2016; Aliazas and Penergayo, 2021; Santos, 2021).
Students are recommended to maintain proper communication with instructors when
facing connectivity issues. The importance of Google Classroom is reiterated, with
participants emphasizing its role in tracking lessons, enabling remote learning, and
providing constant updates and notifications. The platform enhances convenience
and accessibility, allowing students to quickly memorize and review important
content. However, practical skills development may require additional practice in
laboratories or at home with the necessary tools and equipment.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 23



In conclusion, perceived ease of use has a strong effect on the perception of TVL
students towards Google Classroom. Learning materials and activities being easy to
access is seen the most beneficial aspect of Google Classroom, and it can be
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 24

contributed to its convenient user interface and specific design features. However,
connectivity issues are a major problem concerning the difficulties experienced by
TVL students from Luis.


Students - It is highly recommended that students read their learning materials on

Google Classroom or any other Learning Management System (LMS) to mentally
prepare themselves before engaging in practical exams or hands-on activities in their
respective laboratories. Whenever possible and when time permits, students should
practice in their laboratories or at home if they have the necessary tools and
equipment. Constant communication and feedback with their instructors are crucial
for their success.

Teachers - Our dedicated teachers are strongly encouraged to provide support and
mentorship to their students, especially during hands-on activities and laboratory
practices. Furthermore, it is essential to place greater emphasis on the
implementation of Standard Operating Procedures to foster disciplined learning and
set high standards for TVL students.

Parents - Parents play a vital role in their children's education. It is recommended

that parents maintain constant communication and provide support to their children
regarding their progress in their studies. Additionally, parents can guide their
children by offering insights and advice related to their chosen strand.

Policy makers - Policy makers have a crucial role to play in ensuring effective
online learning experiences for TVL students. To address connectivity issues, it is
essential for policy makers to invest in improving internet infrastructure and ensuring
reliable and affordable internet access for all students. Allocating sufficient funds
and resources to provide necessary tools and equipment for practical learning in
laboratories is also important. Furthermore, policy makers should establish
guidelines and standards for user-friendly Learning Management Systems (LMS)
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 25

such as Google Classroom, with a focus on ease of use and accessibility for all
students. Additionally, providing training and support to teachers and students will
maximize the benefits of these platforms.

Proposed Projects

1. Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. SHS Online Study Archive - We propose a project that
focuses on enhancing the accessibility of learning materials for TVL students,
and to all strands and track as a whole. It could involve creating a centralized
digital application/website where teachers can upload and organize
educational resources like modules in various formats, as well as video
lessons. This ensures an easy access for students, as well as give them
insights on what other strands are studying, which would add to their
knowledge. The application or website may also inclkailude specifically
training teachers on effective content creation and organization, as well as
providing guidelines for creating accessible materials to cater to diverse
learning needs.
2. Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. SHS Learning Management Systems Promotion
Project - A creation of a Facebook page that promotes the use of the school's
Learning Management System or Online Study Archives. It would contain
information such as the website or application link, tutorials on its use, and
the covered topics.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 26

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LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Qualitative Research 28


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