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Bambang saputra 2312035

Frenty nurul fauzi 2312.0

Vani reskia 2312.0

Hannifa 2312.0

Febriana silvia 2312.0

Delvia deliana 2312.0

Sri wahyuni 2312.0

Bambang : Nila, we will always be best friend forever right?

Nila : ya bambang our friendship is forever and no one can dined that

After that yuni come and sat beside bambang

Yuni : what are you doing here friend?

Bambang : nothing, we just try to make a promise to be a best friend forever

Yuni :really??? Ummmm don’t just be a good friend but be a lover maybe???? Hehehehe

Bambang :don’t make joke yuni we just friend ya nila?????

Nila : absolutely abamzz 

Suddenly they are feel something different in that place

Hani : pooookkk (try to hit nila)

Nila : yuni you hit me…???????

yuni :are you serious no no I don’t do that. And I don’t like to do that

Hani : try to pinch abamzz

Bambang : heyyy you are don’t fight,,, you both try to pinch me right??????

Yuni And Nila : haaaaaa, pleasssss

Yuni : ooo something weird in this place, you both feel it?????

Nila : ya I feel scare and I think the gosh try to bother us…. Hi hi hi hi hi

Bambang : nila don’t be joking

Nila : I’m serious abamzzzz and the gosh will eat us

Yuni : abam better we go and leave nila here and she can play with the ghost

Bambang : 1… 2 3 yuni runnnnnn

Nila : hei abamzz yuni wait me hoiiiii(while try to run)

After a few minutes ustadzah come to that lake with faster

Hani : hi sister (feminism )

Idel : hey who are you…????

Hani : ummmm I have this region… so what do you want??????? (coquettish)

Idel : hoam you should not here

Hani : and I have to say wowo like that

Idel : reading Al-Quran

Hani : haaa I’m sorry sis I have to go now because my friends waiting for me(scare face)

In other life in a house

Fia : mom, why frenty come to late mom?????(annoyed)

Vani : I don’t know honey just wait okey 

Fia : I can’t patient mom… I want angry to her you know mom???

Frenty : hy, I’m home 

Fia : where are you go??? I’m tired waiting for you here. And we need to talk about your future

Frenty : mommm….. a dislike when and fia still worried and managed about my life.

Fani : don’t like that I want you obedient to me and your sister for your life honey we just wanna
make you be a good person honey

Frenty : I was big mam fia I have to choose my own way

Fia : no no no you must follow our role!!!!!!!

Fernty : okey if you want me follow your role… but better I die and leave you all. I’ll jump to 1 st floor

Fani : no no honey don’t do that we love you honey(hold frenty hand)

Fia : let it do that mom if she dared…..

and frenty get a call from someone

frenty : wait mom,,, my phone rang and I need to talk before I go.. halo this is frenty who it is
yuni : hy fren this me yuni ….. I want say something to you

frenty : ya what happened yuni??????

Yuni : bambang and nila now be a lover!!!!

Frenty : whaaaattt?????????? Are you serious(suddenly frenty sliped and fall to down stair)

Fani : frentyyyyy noooooo oh my god no….. frenty

Fia : (shock) frenty my sisiter,,,,,,,,, (cry)

Fani : frenti wake up wake up wake up wake up darling (crying)

After a few day frenty be a ghost and

Frenty : don’t disturb me ( with rude )

Hany : shock) you can see me?????

Frenty : ya sure and I can see your ugly face….

Hany : whatttt????? Ugly face????? You know I’m a ghost… and I’ll kill you

Frenty : he he he than I ve to sy wow while run, fly, jump and sit up like that…????

Hany : hello????? I’ll eat you

Frenty : I’m afraid I wanna die hu hu hu hu > you know I’m same with you…

Hany : what same with me??????

Frenty : ya I am ghost like you stupid

Hany : hahahahahahaha you a bad ghost

Frenty : what so you thing you are a good ghost???

Hany : oh sure I’m beautiful, good and feminim ghost

Frenty : hahahahaha you are crazy hehehehehe can you see your cloth???? Bad and torn

Hany : hahahahahahahaha so you think you are good and beautifull???

Frenty : enough I don’t need to fight with you better we just be afreind because we just a ghost

Hany : okey 

Suddenly bambang and yuni come

Bambang : we sit over there okey yun……

Yuni : okey

Frenty : what yuni and bambang,,,, I’m I know now the fact is yuni lie to me and she also like
bambang ummm yuniiii I’ll kill you…..

Hany : what happen with you???????

Frenty : she is the girl that cused I dead

Hany : whattttttt…. (angry) let's revenge

Frenty : let’s go (angry)

Bambang : yuni what do you want to tell???

Yuni : bambang I I I actually I love you

Frenty : whatttttttt

Bambang : whatttttttt

Yuni : ya bambang I like you since 1st meet with you and I feel zing with you

Bambang : zing?????????

Yuni : like in hotel transilvania movie abamssss

Bambang : ooooooooo,,, but I can’t because I ever vroken heart with some1 before and I don wanna
make a relationship autil I finish my education yuni 

Yuni : ooooooo

Bambang : yuni do you feel something?????????

Yuni : ya I feel broken heart cuse of you……

Bambang : yuni come on I mean I feel like we in lake yesterday

Yuni : ya me to mix with my broken heart…..

Frenty : abamzzz yunnniiiiii we are here we are want your blood and need to eat your heart

Yuni : bambang who is that????/ I’m afraid……..

Bambang : yun yun oh yun in your back

Yuni : shock) haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Bambang : let’s go run

Hany : hahahahahahahahahaha we did it fren

Frenty : yes yes yes and now we are be power ghost hehehehehe

In frenty home

Yuni : aunty and frenty I wanna say something

Fani : what do you wanna say yuni

Yuni : actually the only person who is guilty of frenty death is me aunt

Fia : what ???? what do you say????

Yuni : I’m make fenty dead cause I call frenty and say saomething lie and she shoke and all from
the upstair

Fia : you you I’ll kill you

fani : be patient fia be patient calm don’t

yuni : I’m sorry I feel jeleous with frenty cause I think abamzz like her

bambang : no yun I just only consider you and frenty as my friend

fia : you must asking apologizes to fenty

fani : ya and I’ll call ustazah idel to acompany us

bambang : in there I and yuni saw frenty aunt ad ustajah

idel : astagfirullah I can see them, frenty you must comeback to your place don’t disturb us

frenty : no I want still here and make yuni and abam suffer

idel : no don’t do that anymore you have to go to our creator and forget all your revanges
hany : don’t listen to her frenty you must stay and make them suffer

idel : you the ghost from the lake right

hany : yes I’am 

idel : you also need to go now cause you problem in the earth is over and someone who killed
you 10 years ago has been received consequently and now he is in the jail

hany : what Really?????????????

Idel : ya hany

Hany : but I have a new friend now hehehehehehehehe

Yuni : frenty pleas forget me I I regret and feel guilty pleas let us run our life in the earth and
comeback to your place frenty(crying)

Frenty : shut up you killer I’ll never forgive you

Fia : frenty my young sister pleas forgive us and just go now

Frenty : no no no no I won’t

Vani : my dear pleas go and calm in peace we love you honey

Vani : mom but I can’t

Bambang : frenty pleas if you love me and us let us go and you will find your peace my friend

Frenty : okey I’ll go but don’forget to me okey(cry)

Vani “ ya honey we will always remember and love you 

Frenty : honey we must go now come on

Hany : okey friend  goodbye all

And in the last frenty finish her revenge

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