Planos Mansion y Taberna Craneo de Troll

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Here are the names of the numbered characters featured in the Yawning Portal illustration on pages 18- 19.
1. Victoro Cassalanter 23. Krydle 45. Reginald Roundshield 67. Fel'rekt Lafeen
2. Ammalia Cassalanter 24. Delina 46. Krebbyg Masq'il'yr 68. Soluun Xibrindas
3. Vajra Safahr 25. Vartan Hai Sylvar 47. Spider Parrafin 69.jarlaxle Baenre
4. Renaer everember 26. Priam Agrivar 48. Arkhan the Cruel 70. Danilo Thann
5. Laeral Silverhand 27. Ishi Barasume 49. Tyril Tallguy 71. Paultin Seppa
6. Mordenkainen 28. Minder 50. Dagny Halvor 72. Calliope
7. Qilue Veladorn 29. Foxilon Cardluck 51.Jamilah 73. Ziraj the Hunter
8. Alustriel Silverhand 30. Shandie 52. Hitch 74. Skeemo Weirdbottle
9. TheSimbul 31. Obaya Uday 53. Dragonbait 75. Davi! Starsong
10. Elminstcr 32. Manshoon 54. Brawlwin Chainminer 76. Tashlyn Yafeera
11. Harkle Harpel! 33. Yoshimo 55. Durnan (proprietor) 77. Istrid Horn
12. Storm Silverhand 34 . The Nameless One 56. Skip Brickard 78. Nihiloor
13. Sylune Silvcrhand 35. Valygar Corthala 57. Diath Woodrow 79. Noska Ur'gray
14. Dove Falcon hand 36. Abdel Adria n 58. Evelyn Marthain 80. Nar'l Xibrindas
15. Florin Fa lconhand 37. Hexxat 59. Strix 81. Ah maergo
16. Ill istyl Elvcntrcc 38. P ike! Boulders houlder 60. Alias 82. Thorvin Twinbeard
17.Jhessail Silventree 39. Ivan Bouldershoulder 61. Akabar Bel Akash 83. Ott Steeltoes
18. Merith Strongbow 40. Cadderly Bonaduce 62. Olive Rustkcttlc 84. Xanathar
19. Lanseril Snowmantle 41. Hrolf 63. Mirt 85. Matthew Mercer
20. Artus Cimber 42. Drizzt Do'Urden 64. The Black Viper
21. Volothamp Gcddarm 43. Guenhwyvar 65. Artemis Entrcri
22. Minsc and Boo 44. Ruqiah 66.joppa

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